Ask for Magic

Chapter 775 Pick up the gourd

Su Ming was not in a hurry to go out. The power of the boundary in the depths of the seal was not particularly high for Su Ming. On the contrary, the reason why he chose to come here at the risk was mainly because of the rock that contained the power of the body.

For example, in the dark blue rock wall around it, it has the power to make Su Ming's heart beat.

For Su Ming, this is his best place to create. Therefore, at this moment, he did not think of leaving at all, but after spreading a divine idea to the bald crane, his eyes were closed in the rock wall, and his whole body quickly withered in an instant. In a blink of an eye, Su Ming was like a bone.

But almost at the same time that Su Ming's whole body withered, the magnificent suction power from Su Ming's body suddenly sucked out the flesh and blood power in the surrounding rock wall, and poured into Su Ming's body, making Su Ming's body suddenly recover from the state of skin and bone at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed A little bit strong.

But soon, Su Ming's body withered again. In this way, from withering, recovering, withering, and then recovering the cycle of this week, Su Ming's physical power is continuing to grow in a way that is visible to the naked eye, from being weak.

According to the magic power of the Mi's hobby, it can be said that there is no end to the cultivation of the body. As long as there is enough physical power to be absorbed, the practice will be carried out endlessly.

Su Ming can feel that his body is slowly getting stronger and stronger, and even if the physical strength at this moment is all working, he can fight with people in the early stage of cultivation.

But this is still too weak for Su Ming. His goal is to push the physical power to Tianxiu or even higher, and even if he can reach the realm of Jiezun simply with physical strength, it will be better for Su Ming.

When Su Ming practiced here to devour the power of the body, in the seal like a honeycomb in the depths of the ground, at this moment, Sun Kun's whole body looked distorted and translucent in the eyes of a bee, as if he was in different spaces, and there were more ripples echoing everywhere he passed He looked solemn all the way and was cautious step by step.

Although he did not encounter many dangers in this state, it was in this beehive-like seal. As if in a maze, it is not easy to find a real way to the inside.

Sun Kun has been shuttled back and forth for a long time, but he still hasn't found the right way.

At the same time, some hunchbacked old man, his whole body turned into countless shadows, and he could not see his body clearly. Only the black fog could be seen, surrounded by him galloping in the beehive-like seal.

His speed is much faster than Sun Kun's, and he doesn't seem to be confused, but quite purposeful, but not to the depths of the center, but to another position.

After a while, the black fog all over his body suddenly stopped moving forward, and he could vaguely see the eyes of the dragon flashing in the fog.

"It should be near here. If the record of the ancient book I got in those years is correct, this is the deputy core of the six seals.

The main core of the six seals is the sealed person, so there are several unequal secondary cores. The scroll says that each of the six-way seals' secondary core is at least a boundary stone that condenses the power of a complete world.

As long as I get this boundary stone and my stagnant cultivation, I can practice again. In the fog, the dragon's eyes showed a touch of excitement, and even his breathing became short. After all, he estimated that this kind of thing in his life, it was a good opportunity to meet such a time. For most people, this kind of change of cultivation star, coming to the seal, is simply like a dream.

When the dragon is looking around. Tian Lin's body floated in the passage. His consciousness was completely scattered, but it could not be fully covered. If his mind was lost, he lost the sense of road in this honeycomb seal. He frowned. The honeycomb area was too big. And there are hundreds of honeycomb forks every once in a distance, and it will be difficult to enter the real seal of the red fire.

Therefore, in the gloomy look, Tian Lin stepped on the ground with his feet outside a fork. After his eyes were suddenly closed, his body immediately appeared like bark. In a blink of an eye, his whole body turned into a big tree. The big tree was shaking and scattered hundreds of thousands of branches, which was quite strange and squirming. I drilled into all the honeycomb holes here.

Tian Lin suddenly wants to use this method to find the right direction of the place he wants to go. Although this method is extremely consuming and must take a long time, once he gets the direction, it must be extremely correct.

At the time when everyone showed his magical power, Su Ming was still absorbing it in the rock wall. Time slowly passed, and it was three months in a blink of an eye. In the past three months, Su Ming's body was no longer in its original position, but slowly moved towards the depths of the rock wall.

The bald crane simply no longer changes the rock wall. The body of the left and right Su Ming has been deeply inside the rock wall, and there is no need to hide anything from it.

In three months, most of the stone walls around Su Ming are no longer dark blue. It can be said that the flesh and blood power in the rock wall around this area has been absorbed by Su Ming. Whenever this happens, Su Ming will slowly move in the rock wall, towards the place where it contains more flesh and blood power. Go to the place.

His physical strength has made rapid progress in the past three months because he has enough flesh and blood power. At this moment, he is still a little short of reaching the peak of human cultivation.

The distance is the same as Su Ming's cultivation, and it is no longer far away!

Su Ming is sure that as long as the flesh and blood power here is enough, he can even cultivate his body to a terrible state with the magical power of Mi's hobbies.

However, he also obviously felt that with the strength of the body to a certain extent, it became extremely difficult to improve it again, and the absorption of the power of phagocytarded flesh and blood has also become a huge amount.

But Su Ming was not in a hurry. He did not deliberately look for direction in the rock wall, but slowly moved forward according to the areas with the most force of flesh and blood. Often after approaching, he still chose to sit and absorb, and his body continued to grow in withering and recovery.

Even Su Ming himself didn't notice it. His way of going forward was almost a straight line, shuttling through the beehive-like sealed rock wall, and... In Su Ming's distance of less than 300 feet, there was such an empty area, which was a hundred feet in size, and the ground stabbed these nine big flags, more There is a formation flashing strange light on the ground, and even in the center of that formation, there is a stone the size of a fist floating.

This stone is transparent, like a crystal. There seems to be nothing surprising, but if you look at it for a little longer, you will be immediately sucked out of your mind by this crystal. If you are in a strange world, you can even see life, old age, illness and death, and you can see that it can happen in Everything in the world.

This thing is a boundary stone that has the power of the world!

In the other direction of this boundary stone, it is also about 300 feet. Long Li's eyes flashed with faint light. In front of him were hundreds of honeycomb holes. He knew that there was only one place that could lead to the sealed secondary nuclear boundary stone he longed for, but he didn't know which one it was.

He has been trapped here for half a year and has tried nearly a hundred times, but none of them has succeeded. Even if he hadn't noticed it, he would have stepped back immediately. I'm afraid it's a way to walk, and I don't know where he will go.

"Damn it, according to the scroll, if it is the secondary core of the six seals, the metropolis is in this position, but why can't I find it...

And this honeycomb seal is extremely annoying. Even if a cave is on the right road, it is often circled around, which makes people feel that it is getting farther and farther and difficult to hold on.

Long Li raised his right hand and kept calculating, and even sometimes took out an ancient scroll made of some kind of leather. After opening it, he studied it carefully for a long time before carefully choosing a cave channel to rush in again, but often before long, he would retreat from the channel with a gloomy look.

Fortunately, he did not try alone. There was a gourd in front of him. The gourd was emitting black smoke and turning into ten dark shadows slowly going in and out of the honeycomb caves.

"In a few months, I can check all these channels, and then I can set a few most likely roads!" Long Li's eyes showed a strong desire, urging the gourd in front of him to constantly scatter dark shadows, and he often went to a beehive cave to explore it in person.

Su Ming's absorption and devouring are also slowly progressing. As the color of the rock wall around him weakens and the power of flesh and blood disappears, he will continue to move forward.

The bald crane turned back into its bald hair around Su Ming, looking lazy, sometimes looking here, sometimes looking there, and muttering constantly.

"He He***, I must have been here before, otherwise why do I feel so familiar... Could it be that Grandpa He, who has always been smart, really came out of this abandoned land?" The bald crane muttered and looked at Su Ming. He was really bored. He simply shook his body and got into the rock wall and explored quickly in the distance.

This bald crane is not far from where Long Li is located...

Almost in the rock wall behind Long Li, the moment the bald crane showed its head, its head immediately turned into a rock wall, and it could not be seen at all, until Long Li flew out in person again and rushed to a passage, leaving only one gourd on the ground.

From time to time, bursts of black gas dissipated from the gourd and turned into dark shadows and rushed into other honeycomb caves.

It was at this time that the bald crane's body quickly drilled out of the rock wall, coughing dryly and looking around, while talking to himself.

"Huh, how can there be a gourd here? No one must want to throw it here randomly..." The bald crane showed a rather surprised look, but he jumped over without stopping. After grabbing the gourd with his claws, his eyes showed excitement, and his whole body went straight to the rock wall beside him and quickly got in... Just now, he took his temperature again, and the whole day was in 3 About 8°, it was 39.5° last night. After taking antipyretics, the sweat kept flowing out. I woke up several times at night, and my whole body was wet.

I hope it will get better tomorrow, and I also hope everyone can give the recommendation ticket to Ergen. Thank you. ( To be continued) RQ