Ask for Magic

Chapter 783 Fantasy

Su Ming was stunned. The voice was weak, but it penetrated his mind, especially when the other party claimed to be the Red Fire Marquis, which surprised Su Ming even more.

"Don't panic, don't panic. I can only hear my voice. We will talk about the fifth underworld appointment later. Now I will help you get through this difficulty first... The sealing power is still there, and I have no cultivation in my body, and I can't move at all. You... Come to me and come to me, only In this way, I can protect you. The faint voice echoed in Su Ming's ear. Su Ming's eyes flashed slightly and did not look back at the skeleton of the purple and black magma.

At this moment, Tian Lin wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, laughed sharply, and smiled. His voice revealed a stream of madness and sadness, as if this sadness had been suppressed for thousands of years, and now it broke out.

"What's the way to die? Let Tian choose, and I choose to die with you!!" Tian Lin raised his right hand and pressed it violently on his chest. With this press, Su Ming immediately saw Tian Lin's body in the Yuanshen, which became smashed in an instant, which means that he completely gave up the body, and now it is the body of the Yuanshen.

But the loneliness is not long. This pure body of the yuan god is not cultivated alone, but Tian Lin's skill of the yuan god's rebellion against the body. Although it is much more powerful, it can be the same as the ** potential to stimulate the light. It can't last long. It won't take much time. Because there is

He has chosen to die. This is his choice. Even if he dies, he will die in the burning himself. Even if he dies, he will die in the battle with his life-and-death enemy, Jing Nanzi.

"The ancestors of the Tian family, the unfilial descendant Tian Lin, take revenge with death today. Please protect the ancestors in the spirit of heaven, so that I can... kill this person!" An indomitable momentum suddenly burst out from Tian Lin's body, and the appearance of his moto god quickly became brown like bark, and his body was in a blink of an eye. It looks like a tree man.

In the fingertips of his index fingers, many more branches spread out, and his body was also full of the power of vegetation at this moment.

"The Yuanshen and its treasure tree are completely integrated..." Su Ming's eyes flashed. He saw Tian Lin's state and madness at this moment. He didn't care about death. This was the strongest power in his life after half a foot stepped into death.

Jing Nanzi was in mid-air, holding a red long gun, and his eyes shrank slightly, revealing a bloodthirsty fighting spirit in his eyes. There was a smile at the corners of the mouth under the helmet.

"The reason why I saved your life in those years was because I realized the bloodline in your body. It was the strongest in the bloodline of the surname Tian, and I almost returned to my ancestors..." Jing Nanzi rolled a long gun forward with his right hand.


The nothingness in front of Jingnanzi broke up, and the crushing spread to form an invisible storm in space, which twisted the nothingness and directly hit Tian Lin.

Tian Lin roared, and his cultivation was boiling like burning, and his whole speed increased several times. The power of pressure is even more resistant to Jingnanzi.

Bang, bang, bang.

The two fought several times in a row in mid-air, and each time Tian Lin's body shook and roared, and many places were torn apart. But it will soon be fully restored. After all, his motogami merges with this treasure tree, and the vitality of the tree is often extremely resilient and magnificent.

In this way, even if he is injured, Tian Lin can still reach the peak in an instant. With the power of perfection in the early stage of the position, after the integration, he showed a horror comparable to the middle stage of the position. In a battle with this Jingnanzi, he was evenly matched for a short time.

The violent vibration spread all around again. Jing Nanzi held a long gun and looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Well, the little boy of the Tian family, you really didn't let me down. The surname of Tian is in the real world of Yinsheng, but he is very famous... If your ancestors had not rebelled against your family and failed. He will not be imprisoned in the wasteland of the divine source. Jing Nanzi's eyes were shining. When Sen Sen opened his mouth, his whole body turned into a long rainbow and appeared in front of Tian Lin in an instant.


The void between the two was shattered, and the powerful impact force swept around, and the roar swept in all directions.

Tian Lin looked gloomy and didn't say a word. Obviously, what Jing Nanzi said was not secret to him. He rushed straight and fought again.

Su Ming stood on his manly image, and the upside-down impact blew his hair. Su Ming's eyes flashed while the sword in his hand tightened and slowly loosened. His body did not rush into the war, nor did he retreat to his side as the voice of the Red Fire Marquis said.

As a last resort, Su Ming will not choose the method of Red Fire Marquis. After all, people's hearts are sinister, and an unruthful consequence will be doomed.

Su Ming stood there calmly, holding a sword in his hand. His left eye gradually showed the shape of Haoyang, and his right eye was bright and the moon was bent, making his eyes full of a hazy meaning. At the same time, stars appeared in Su Ming's heart.

Stars, sun and moon!

Su Ming actually performed this illusion to Jing Nanzi in the fierce battle between Jing Nanzi and Tian Lin at this moment. This illusion could not be resisted by outsiders at all. As long as there was a little bit of the god, he would immediately fall into the fantasy.

It was almost the moment when Su Ming unfolded the illusion of the stars and the moon. Jing Nanzi, who was fighting with Tian Lin, immediately had an extremely abrupt earthquake in his heart. If there was a warning that a strong danger was about to appear, it made his eyes flash, but he had not waited to check the source of the crisis, suddenly...

"Jingnanzi!!" Su Ming shouted loudly, and his body jumped from the barbarian statue. His voice rolled like thunder, and even contained the magic power of his barbarian god's roar, which made this low roar set off an endless echo in this limited cave.

"Jing Nanzi."


"Jingnanzi..." These echoes revolved in all directions and quickly merged with each other in a blink of an eye, forming a roar like Tianwei.

"Jing, Nan, Zi!" Tian Lin's ears roared, which shook Jing Nanzi's mind and even lost his mind for a moment. If he was called his soul, he subconsciously looked at Su Ming, who came out of the sound. What he saw was not Su Ming's face, but the light of the sun and moon. Seeing the moment of the sun and moon, Jing Nanzi He seemed to have become a sense of stars. At the moment this feeling appeared, there was a bang in his mind.

When everything was clear in front of him, he saw a bright smile, gentle eyes, and an outstretched hand. The palm print on the hand was very rough, but it made the hand look full of warmth and thick enough for people to rely on.

"Brother..." Jing Nanzi was stunned. He looked at a burly young man in front of him, who looked like he was in his twenties. The young man was carrying a big sword behind him. At this moment, he was stretching out his right hand and putting it in front of Jing Nanzi.

"Little brother, my brother is here, why are you crying... Practice hard, and we two brothers will travel through the starry sky together in the future."

Jing Nanzi saw himself. It was a teenager who was only twelve or thirteen years old. The teenager had short hair, was thin, and was crying. He remembered that this was himself many years ago. This was the most precious memory in his memory, about his brother.

But this is also the last memory he wants to think of, but now, it is so real in front of him.

"A man, you have to be open and aboveboard, and you have to be dignified. I don't like this, but with me, one day I will let you correct your mentality." Jing Nanzi's voice echoed in his brother's ear. The picture in front of him changed. He saw that he had grown up, but the gloom in his expression was extremely strong and difficult to dissipate. Only in the face of his brother, the gloom became a sunny smile.

"I'm his brother. He made a mistake. I'll pay for my life!!" Looking at the memory of that scene, the smile on Jingnanzi's face solidified and turned into sadness and anger. This was the turning point of his life, which changed his life, so that he could not forget even if he died.

In this memory, he lost his brother.

He saw himself kneeling on the ground and his body trembling. He saw his brother standing in front of him, holding a sword. He saw an old man in front of him. The old man looked indifferent and was looking at his brother. Behind the old man stood a more indifferent girl. The girl was looking at him with disgust.

"I, Chen Jing, is his brother. He is still young. I will die for him." Jing Nanzi saw his brother turn around and smiled gently at him. In that smile, he saw the sword in his brother's hand, which was in his neck. In the blood, Jing Nanzi roared crazily.

"If you think of your brother's death to make amends, forget it."

Jing Nanzi's body trembled, and he unknowingly let out a sad roar. This was the most painful scene in his memory. He didn't want to recall it. He wanted to bury it in his heart, but now it has emerged, making him see it again.

He even saw that after the old man and young man left, he knelt in front of his brother's body. After a few days of silence, his hair turned red, and a huge evil spirit permeated him. He saw that there was no emotion in his eyes, only bloodthirsty and madness.

He also saw himself holding his brother's body, one bite at a time... and devoured his brother's body, but bit the bones in his mouth. In his mouth full of blood, he ate his brother.

"Brother, I'm with you. I'm you. In the future, I won't call Chen Nan. My name is Jing Nan!" In Jing Nanzi's miserable smile, there was endless pain in his body. The pain and the pain in his body were also in his body. These severe pains shattered all the memories in front of him. When everything was clear, he was still in the cave. In front of him was Tian Lin who was trying his strength and constantly bombarding his body.

The blood in the mouth before, at this moment, it seems to be caused by Tian Lin's bombardment. ( To be continued) RQ