Ask for Magic

Chapter 807 Off-site

The illusory projection that appeared in front of Su Ming was extremely magnificent, clearly revealing the shape of half of the gourd. Even Su Ming only needed to put his eyes somewhere, and immediately the phantom of the people and things he saw would appear in his mind.

This feeling, if he controls this starry sky, all the existence of life in this starry sky has nowhere to hide, and it is extremely clear in his eyes.

Even with Su Ming's indifference, when he sensed the shock behind the scenes, he suddenly understood where the strength of Zhenwei came from. In addition to cultivation, the most important thing was that he could monitor the whole star domain.

With this projection, it can basically put people invincible.

He saw countless white dots, countless stars, the four areas in the sinful wasteland, and the four-way forces guarded by the four true worlds corresponding to these four areas.

At the same time, he also saw the empty array mentioned in the mouth of the bald crane. This array is like a long river, between the four areas of the abandoned land of sin and the four forces stationed in the real world.

Like a gully, it has made it difficult for those who have abandoned the land to cross half a step for countless years.

He also saw the black ink star, a star on the edge of the land of sin, whose color was marked as purple, which was very far away from here.

After sweeping his eyes on this illusory projection, Su Ming found several strange places. The color of these places on the projection is as bright red as blood. When people look at it, there will be a shocking feeling, and a strong crisis will rise in his heart.

And in these positions, the array can only be roughly covered, but he could not see the details inside. When Su Ming stared, the feeling of crisis turned into a roar in his heart, and there seemed to be a strong suction power to swallow all Su Ming's eyes.

There are four places like this, such as the sea of blood, which are located in the four star domains of the abandoned land of sin. The nearest one is not very far from Su Ming.

"There is such an area in each of the four star domains." Su Ming suppressed the strong crisis in his heart, and after withdrawing his eyes, the sense of crisis naturally disappeared.

"It's a different place." The Red Fire looked at the red areas everywhere. Speak softly.

Su Ming did not pay attention to it immediately, but closed his eyes to look for the memories of the strong men in the world that he had absorbed with the art of devouring the sky shadow. After a moment, Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened and his pupils contracted.

"Four different places! Those who step in will almost die, and every intruder in a different place over the years can come back alive. Extremely rare, even the true guards of the four real worlds have avoided these four areas, as if they were desperate...

Including the Shenyuan Xinghai, it is called the five forbidden areas of Shenyuan wasteland. Su Ming got the answer from the absorbed memory.

"What is a different place?" Su Ming looked at the Red Fire Marquis.

"Before the war between the four true worlds and my fifth true world, this starry sky was called Shenyuan. It does not belong to the four true worlds and my fifth true world. It is a boundary and a mysterious area.

There are countless legends here, and at that time. These places already exist in different places, and many people have explored them, but few have come back.

Every person who comes back does not want to talk about his experience in a different place. Over time, the danger and mystery here have become a mystery.

"until you shape the ancestor of the underworld, the emperor of the fifth real world, he came back alive after exploring a different place, although he didn't talk much about it. But from then on, the speed of his cultivation was horrible, and when he finally entered the realm of life and death, he said a word.

A different place, the beginning of the divine source.

"Few people know what is in those places and their existence. Even the five real wars can't be shaken. Even if the years have passed, they are still there. The red fire murmured, looking at several different places, and the voice contained the vicissitudes of life, like the ancient wind, blowing from the years.

Su Ming took a deep look at the place closest to him. After a long time, he withdrew his eyes and looked at the other position of the projection illusory.

Su Ming saw the base camp of the four real worlds. There, the most conspicuous thing he saw were nineteen blue stars, scattered in different positions of the four real world base camps.

There are a large number of cultivation stars, countless light spots representing Zhenwei, and a rotating whirlpool on the periphery of the four true worlds... There is the exit of the divine source wasteland, leading to the four true worlds, to the Taoist morning real world, to... the place of yin and death!

"Master, big brother, second brother, tiger son, barbarian... family." Su Ming looked at the whirlpool that represented the exit, and his heart suddenly stung again. Although he lost the pain, the power that sealed his pain could only dispel the pain of his body, but it could not erase Su Ming's inner pain, which was not physical.

After a long time, Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, his eyes returned to indifference again. His eyes passed within the scope of the four true worlds, and a trace of familiar ripples faintly conveyed his mind, which stunned Su Ming.

His eyes fell on one of the light spots that represented Zhenwei, and a picture immediately appeared in his mind.

In the picture, a man in a black robe with countless black lines on his exposed skin. The man was sitting cross-legged on a Xiuzhen star of black soil. When he closed his eyes and meditated, there was a trace of black gas from his seven orifices. The black gas was highly poisonous, which made the place where he was located not The wood is all withered.

Su Ming looked at the picture that came to his mind, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

"Ji Yunhai!" A moment later, Su Ming muttered that he recognized the identity of this person. This big man was Ji Yunhai, a puppet sacrificed by him in those years!

The appearance of Mrs. Ji in those years awakened the red Luo in Su Ming's body, which brought a series of troubles to Su Ming and also gave him great creation. Among them, Ji Yunhai's body was refined into a split by Su Ming.

Especially the black beetles outside his body, which made this split have a strong combat power. Unfortunately, he did not find the disappeared sopupon until Su Ming left.

Now that he saw it in this Shenyuan wasteland, Su Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ji Yunhai is just a split, and his life had already died and was killed by Mrs. Ji... But looking at his current appearance, he clearly has a sense of mind, and how can there be such a strong poison in him?" Su Ming looked at the picture in his mind, and the scenes of Jiuyin World flashed in front of his eyes.

The poisonous corpse was found by Su Ming that year. After being brought out of the Jiuyin Realm, it was finally left by Su Ming to the life clan, which became the use of the guardian life clan, which also ended Su Ming's mind.

"Ji Yunhai... I couldn't find him in the Jiuyin world. I thought he was taken away and brought out of the Jiuyin world in advance, but even if I became a barbarian god and the divine consciousness swept across the barbarian land, I didn't feel his breath.

Judging this way, he was not taken away in those years, but in the nine yin world, and left with the bronze ancient sword and went to... the yin holy true world!" The light flashed in Su Ming's eyes, and he analyzed it in his heart.

"It's much more powerful, and it has reached the realm of the Lord of the world, otherwise it can't become a real guard... Interesting." Su Ming's eyes swept on the projection and immediately shrank again.

He clearly saw that there were still two light spots on the Xiuzhen Star where Ji Yunhai was located.

"Zi Longshen... Li Huo, they are still alive?" Su Ming suddenly stood up, looking uncertain. After a long time, he simply looked at the four true worlds stationed in the star domain one by one.

After a few hours, Su Ming's eyes were condensed on a light spot, and his look was a little complicated.

"Ye Wang..."

Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened it for a moment, his eyes moved away from the four true worlds stationed in the star domain. After finding his position, he looked around.

Through this illusory projection, Su Ming clearly saw that there were dozens of light spots flying around him in a daze. It seemed that he could not find his position and was searching around.

In addition to these, there are also nine bronze ancient swords in the distance, roaring and galloping, as if they had lost Su Ming's position.

"You can't lock me from a long distance through the formation, so it's difficult to let everyone know my position through the blood beads. In this way, the seven-day twisting time and space of the Red Fire Marquis can continue to take effect, so that others can't know my position accurately.

Now, I can borrow the power of the formation to know your exact location. Since I'm here to chase and kill Su, I'll pay some price first. Su Ming's murderous spirit dispersed. When his right hand was raised, the red coffin under his feet melted into a long gun. After he held it in his hand, the bald crane roared, and immediately the ripples spread all over Su Ming's body. A small bloody array appeared under his feet, and Su Ming's figure suddenly disappeared in

In the Western Ring Star Domain, dozens of Changhongs searched around. These people were stimulated by the rewards of the four real worlds to kill Su Ming in exchange for the reward of desperate cultivation.

They don't care about life and death. Anyway, there is no hope in this divine wasteland. It is the only idea in their lives to make themselves strong and improve their cultivation.

Therefore, in the face of this kind of reward, they are staring at it.

It's just that although the blood beads on their bodies flash now, they can guide them to a place quite far away from here, but not long ago, the guidance of blood beads was in this area.

"What's the problem? Is it that Mo Su used his magic weapon to move away?" An old man in the starry sky looked gloomy. He was dressed in a blue robe. At this moment, when he turned into a long rainbow and walked forward, he was puzzled.

When he was flying, he was suddenly shocked. When he suddenly turned around, he immediately saw a red formation in the starry sky not far behind him. There was a blurred figure in the array covered with ripples on the surface of the water. When he stepped out, the ripples disappeared, revealing a gray-haired Su Ming.

After the old man was stunned, his pupils shrank, revealing the murderous intention and more frightened at the same time. The breath of the whole body spread without thinking.


A blue sea of fog centered on him and spread directly around, covering tens of thousands of feet.

But at the moment when the sea of fog dispersed, Su Ming raised his right hand and pointed to the old man.

"The power of the formation, suppress this person." Su Ming said in a cold voice.


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