Ask for Magic

Chapter 812 Revenge

"The ancestor of the Zhao family!"

"It is Zhao Tianang, the ancestor of the Zhao family, one of the three families in the Western Ring Star Domain. It is rumored that this person has reached the peak of the middle of the throne 2,000 years ago, only one step away from the later stage of the throne."

"Hey, the difference of one step is as much as ten thousand miles. At the beginning, there is not much difference between each other. The initial combat power of the throne is similar, and even some powerful heavenly cultivation. If there are some special means and magic weapons, it is not impossible to fight with the early stage of the throne.

But once the cultivation reaches the middle of the throne, the combat power will soar countless. A strong man in the middle of the throne can easily destroy the early stage of the throne. Even if the person of the heavenly cultivation is a magic weapon against the sky, even if he can kill the early stage of the throne, he is not an opponent at all in front of the

"Yes, we all understand this truth, and there are differences in the middle of the throne. Among them, the peak of the middle of the throne can easily suppress the middle of other thrones. Otherwise, how can the Zhao family make their family be great with only one Zhao Tianqi?"

The whistling sound, mixed with whistling, came quickly from all directions, turning into dozens of figures and fell around the area where Su Ming and the ancestors of the Zhao family were fighting.

These people were all chasing and killing Mo Su, so the fluctuation of the ground. After rushing here, they saw the ancestors of the Zhao family looking at the distance in silence, but they didn't see Mo Su.

"Unfortunately, he was the first to be the ancestor of the Zhao family. I'm afraid that Mo Su has been killed or captured by the ancestor of the Zhao family."

"A true star with a complete source of the world, the Zhao family will be more powerful in the future, and even the ancestors of the Zhao family are likely to take that step and become an old monster in the later stage of the world."

"But after all, he is still at the peak of the middle of the world. If you encounter the later stage of the position, even if you are an old monster who has just entered the later stage, you can completely suppress it. Unless there is a way to escape, you will die.

Unfortunately, in my western ring star domain, there are only three old monsters in the later stage of the world, except for the ancestors of the Li family who have been closed for a long time. The remaining two don't know where they are, and they haven't seen each other for a long time.

More and more people came around, and a moment later it was nearly a hundred. These people's eyes flashed around, and after sweeping Zhao Tianang from time to time, they talked to each other.

After a while. A fluctuation came from the starry sky in the distance, and gradually nine huge bronze ancient swords emerged from the starry sky. A huge pressure dispersed, making the people around them retreat one after another, and the nine swords slowly stood still.

"Ancestor of the Zhao family, how are the results?" From the front of the sword, a man walked out. This man, wearing armor, was the old man who had escaped after the battle between Tianbaoxing and Su Ming.

This old man's cultivation is also in the middle of the realm, which can be heard from his words. He is more polite to the old man of the Zhao family, not as tall as he was to other sins.

After all, although the environment and status are important, the foundation of the monk is still cultivation, and the respect of the weak to the strong is in any era. Any world must be the foundation of the whole system of heaven and earth.

Other than that, if you don't unfold the power of the nine Qingtong ancient swords, once the ancestor of the Zhao family goes crazy, he can kill most of the real guards on the nine swords, this kind of strength. It is the source of respect.

"He ran away." Zhao Tianang sighed secretly. He is the highest-cultivation among the people who chased Su Ming this time. In his identity and his cultivation, he has a deep hatred for the four true worlds, but with the passage of time and the reproduction of the family, it can only be hidden in his heart.

For the sake of the family, he suppressed his hostility to the four real worlds, and temporarily obeyed orders to hunt down Su Ming.

As soon as his words appeared, he immediately caused an uproar in the people around him. Almost everyone was shocked by Zhao Tiangang's words and could escape from the hands of the ancestors of the Zhao family. What does this represent? They are clear in their hearts.

Zhao Tianangang didn't want to say more. As soon as he shook his big sleeve, an illusion immediately appeared in front of him. Countless pictures flashed in the illusion, which was exactly the scene of his battle with Su Ming.

From the beginning to the end, the whole process was revealed in front of everyone. The ancestor of the Zhao family did not say a word and turned around and left. The reason why he just waited here was just to give an explanation to the four true worlds. At this moment, the explanation was over, and he did not want to stay longer.

When people in this area couldn't take their eyes off the illusory picture, there was a starry sky far away from here, with ripples appearing out of thin air. Under the spread, Su Ming's body stepped out of nothingness.

At the moment he walked out, he spewed blood.

"Is it worth it? A move that knows that you will lose and have to take action in exchange for a serious injury. Is it worth it? The Marquis of Red Fire transformed beside Su Ming. He looked at Su Ming with a complicated look.

"Value!" Su Ming wiped off the blood and his eyes were bright.

"In my opinion, cultivation is a big mountain, and there are many mountains in front of you. Stepping over one is equivalent to improving a level of cultivation.

And the enemy is also this big mountain. I can be blocked by the peak. It doesn't matter if I meet a mountain that I can't cross in my life, but if I encounter such a high mountain, I don't even dare to try, but the mountain is too high, which makes me feel that I am a small ant, so even I can't even do it, so... what else can I do!" Su Ming looked at the Red Fire Marquis, and his calm words revealed a sense of persistence that shocked the Red Fire Marquis.

"What would you do if I'm not with you and can't move?" After a long time, the Red Fire Marquis suddenly opened his mouth.

"It's still the same." Su Ming did not hesitate and was resolute.

"Since I will die, I naturally choose the latter between closing my eyes and waiting for death without resistance and the vigorous death in battle." Su Ming showed his resolute look. Although his voice was not high, his words fell in the ears of the Red Fire Marquis, which made him silent.

"What do you want to do next? My two moves have been used up once, and the remaining one needs to stay when you are close to the Black Ink Star. I will take you directly into the Black Ink Star." After ten breaths, the Red Fire Marquis opened his mouth.

"They make me feel bad, and I will make them feel bad." After Su Ming took out some elixirs and swallowed them, there was a cold light in his eyes, and there was a trace of madness. He said coldly.

Three days later.

On the Xiuzhen star closest to the position Su Ming moved out, there was a shocking roar. Between the roar of the roar of fierce beasts, the fierce beasts roared up. The breath of these fierce beasts was strong, and several of them actually flew out of the Xiuzhen star and roared in the starry sky.

Even when these fierce beasts were opened the seal one by one and got out of trouble, there was a roar with excitement in the depths of the star, faintly roundabout. The roaring sounded with a sense of madness and hatred. It was an alien overhaul from this star to suppress the seal!

With the opening of the seal of the fierce beast, the scene like a fire red star unfolded on this cultivation star. The collapse of the seal array gave the alien overhaul a chance to break out of the seal. As for whether he can finally escape, it depends on his creation.

Seven days later, another Xiuzhen star near here sent out the same roar. While the roar shook the starry sky, many fierce beasts roared all over the world.

A few days later, the third Xiuzhen star changed dramatically...

Time passed, and it was two months in a blink of an eye. In these two months, more than ten Xiuzhen stars appeared and made the four real worlds guard forces angry. Countless fierce beasts appeared in the starry sky, and the seals of Xiuzhen stars were torn, and those sealed aliens showed signs of escaping.

According to this situation, in a few years, the alien power of subversing everything will burst out in this western ring star domain.

This is Su Ming's madness, and it is also a gift for him to guard the four real worlds. With such a move, he will take revenge on the pursuit of the four real worlds.

The excitement of the bald crane is stronger than that of Su Ming. It can be said to be resentful about the closure of the god array. It fully agrees with Su Ming's plan. Even if it is rare, it does not need Su Ming to pay any crystals, and it will take the initiative to help.


Another cultivation star roared, and a wide range of cracks appeared in the sealing array on it. A fierce beast flew out. In the roar of the starry sky, a red coffin flew rapidly from the star and went away to the starry sky.

Although the coffin was collapsed by the ancestor of the Zhao family, it was not completely injured, so it could be turned into a coffin and galloped in the starry sky.

"You crane ***, your grandfather bird, let you people in the real world provoke me. I and you have spent it. I break, I break, I break. I want to break all the seals. I will let you four real worlds know the consequences of provoking your Grandpa He!

Humph, your grandpa He is not so easy to bully! Thinking that in those years, I was forced to go crazy by Grandpa He. The four true ancestors were a bird, and they were regarded as birds by Grandpa He... Hey, am I so powerful?" The excited roar of the bald crane gradually dispersed with the distance of the coffin.


"Kill him, kill this man called Mosu. No matter how he came to the Shenyuan wasteland, he violated our bottom line, and he must die!" The voice of anger came from the place where the Yinsheng Zhenjie was stationed among the four guardian forces of the four real worlds.

"It would be fine if he was in other star domains. In the area under the surveillance of my yin holy realm, he actually opened the seals of thirteen Xiuzhen stars. He was provoking, and he was retaliating against our wanted by him."

"The camp is already unhappy, and there is a seal of life. If we can't solve this problem within a month, then the true guard of our yin and sage true world will pay for this matter."

"The robber gave an order to give a reward to the treasure. This time... I, the real guards of the yin holy real world, all attacked and allowed to use the power of the source to move. The two elders who robbed the moon will also take action. Within a month, this matter must be solved."

A huge bronze ancient sword shuttled out of the sealed array from the star domain stationed in the yin and true world, and appeared in the western ring star domain. The dialect is boundless. Each sword is ten thousand feet long and short, with hundreds of them.

The starry sky roars.

There is an additional reward, announcing the whole West Ring, which has aroused the attention and greed of the rest of the star domains, and even the Zhenwei of other real worlds.

"Those who kill Mosu, in addition to the original reward, I, the yin Holy Real World, give an extra reward with the breath of robbing the sun... robbing treasure!" RQ