Ask for Magic

Chapter 841 100,000 Stones

Xinghe, among the 100,000 stars, at this moment, mountains appeared.

That mountain is the ninth peak in Su Ming's memory.

When 100,000 ninth peaks were born in 100,000 stars, Su Ming, whose eyes were closed, raised his hands at the same time. A wisp of golden filaments that appeared out of thin air surrounded his two doves. With Su Ming's two dorstying at will, he... began to play the grass knot and began to compile the people in his memory. .

Without the interference of the will of the place of yin and death, Su Ming, who has returned to love and has pain, is immersed in the establishment of the divine source as the grass rope, allowing the passage of time, and turning all the unforgettable people in his memory into the divine source in his hand.

This is the third heart change that Su Ming did not complete in the Fire Red Star. In fact, in the stone tablet world, when Su Ming returned to the ninth peak disaster, after he killed the enemy, he could complete the third heart change at any time.

But he has a knot in his heart. This knot is a mask of the will of the place of yin and death. If this knot does not disperse, his third heart will change, and it will be difficult to complete.

When the control of the will of the place of yin disappeared, Su Ming's heart knot was opened, so now in this closed eye, he began the end of this change of heart.

The starry sky was silent, and Su Ming's two split bodies had a smile on his face. The smile was the happiness found in the memory, immersed in the happiness, or in the loss. He used the grass knot to let himself recall the past.

This time, there is no earth-shaking, no roar, and some are just a wisp of soul in this silence. Two bodies, which seem to be happy, but if someone sees it, they will feel a sad smile.

The soul was sad, stained his hands, melted in the golden grass knot, and became a puppet.

A divine source appears. Until the passing of time, ten years have passed.

Ten years later, the moment Su Ming's two splits opened his eyes at the same time, his tears flowed down. The third change of heart is over.

This change of heart, for Su Ming. It is the end of his past and his... freshman.

He has compiled all the dolls of people in his memory, everyone has them, but not himself.

At the moment he opened his eyes, the sadness in Su Ming's eyes gradually became dim, the treasure in the depths of his soul, and the eternity in his heart.

At this moment, his cultivation broke through the peak of ground cultivation and became the queen of heavenly cultivation. It has reached... Tianxiu is perfect, but it doesn't matter anymore. Su Ming looked at all the dolls in front of him and looked at those with his own memory. His expression seemed to smile. But it's like crying again.

Thousands of years, interspersed with memories, each of which is part of the third heart change. They seem to be scattered with each other, but there is a line to connect them.

This line is like a straw rope. Those memories are like grass knots on the grass rope. At the beginning of the heart change of the fire red star, it is the first knot. The memories of thousands of years are the last knots. Until now that Su Ming opened his eyes, his heart turned into grass rope and finally made the last knot.

made this seemingly scattered third heart change. At the moment of completion, in Su Ming's heart, this invisible grass rope was compiled into a heart-changing couple. This couple is the missing one of all the couple he has compiled in ten years...

He, himself.

After a long time, Su Ming closed his eyes again. When he opened it again, the vicissitudes of life appeared in his eyes, and there was nothing else.

"It's time to leave." Su Ming whispered, and E Cang took a step forward. He did not leave the starry sky, but stepped into the 100,000 star Hanoi. He sat down cross-leggedly. At the moment when his eyes closed, Su Ming's empty split raised his head and looked at the river of 100,000 stars, and his eyes showed a touch of decisiveness.

He gave up his plan to let Ecang leave here.

In fact, whether to let E Cang leave or not has always been pondered in Su Ming's heart. It was not until now that he made a decision.

Purple Eocang is only one of the ten parts of the real Eocang. It is incomplete. Although it has the power to fight with the will of the land of yin and death, Su Ming has long realized that once he leaves the West Ring, although his split will become more and more powerful, it is incomparably the speed of practicing here.

Compared with the outside world, this is the safest place and the most suitable for the growth of Ecang's split. If Su Ming still wants his Ecang's split to finally devour the other nine parts to make it complete, then staying here is the best choice.

Once he goes out, he can now suppress his solt cultivation, and there are still some, but as long as Su Ming is given enough time, his solt will grow into an existence that can make the sky tremble.

Stay here. Although it is difficult to help Su Ming fight with Jieyang, it can make Su Ming's cultivation and empty split through the power of the divine source in the soul, which can use the divine source and be much more powerful.

As Ecang's split becomes more and more powerful, Su Ming in the outside world will become more and more powerful. In front of not finding his body, Ecang's split is its foundation.

Therefore, Su Ming used the power of the starry sky to make his empty split strong. Although this empty split did not reach the later stage of the position boundary, it merged with Su Ming's cultivation, and more importantly, the development of the power of the divine source. Su Ming was sure to fight with the later stage of the position.

And in this wasteland, if Su Ming encounters a crisis of life and death that he can't avoid, he can also arrive in a short time with the strength of the split.

And as long as Er Cang's split will stay here, the West Ring will become the safest place for Su Ming. This place can even be regarded as an immovable cave. Here, Su Ming, who has opened the rules of Suichenzi, does not worry about any threat.

But once you choose to let Ecang leave for a long time, all these advantages will be lost, and the opportunity to make Ecang complete will be lost.

After Su Ming's choice, he chose to let E Cang stay.

In addition to these thoughts, there is also a suspicion in Su Ming's heart, which is also one of the reasons why he chose to let E Cang stay. This suspicion has existed in Su Ming's heart for a long time.

"The West Ring is an extremely dangerous place, and few people who step in can go out. This... almost everyone in the abandoned land of the divine source knows this.

But...Since they know this, why a large number of people have come in these thousands of years. If there are not many dozens or even hundreds of people, it can also be regarded as a personal choice.

There must be a reason why tens of thousands of people can enter, and there is no need to guess. I can conclude that this is a reward put forward by the four true guard forces that almost everyone is moved, so there must be a brave man under the reward.

And the four true worlds guard forces. Knowing that this Xihuan is a different place, it must be more detailed than others. They offer a reward for people to come here. It seems understandable to come and kill me, but in fact..." Su Ming's eyes flashed coldly.

"Unless no one knows the secrets of the four real worlds, but this is obviously impossible. If I am them, even if I can't tell the secret, but if I really want to put me to death, I can directly enslave 100,000 monks into the other place and make a complete replacement.

Even if 100,000 people are not enough, it will be 200,000, 300,000 or even more. In this way, I will replace a few rounds, and I will definitely die!"

"But they didn't do that. I don't believe they didn't think of this. In this way..." Su Ming's eyes flashed and sneered at the corners of his mouth.

"They don't want me to die. On the contrary, he wanted to create some illusions. The purpose of doing so..." Su Ming looked up at the place where E Cang's split was, and his eyes narrowed.

"Or it's just for the separation of E Cang, but there are many clues about this matter. I'm not sure if it's this, and even I have succeeded in my life. They are unlikely to think of it, but they have to guard against it.

There is another thing... They want me to get the divine source. For example, after reaching 100,000 feet in a normal way, I can get a small divine source and be able to go out for thousands of years.

Does it mean that... in the outside world, it can be beneficial to kill people with divine sources? Su Ming's heart moved. After meditating for a moment, he pressed this question in the bottom of his heart. His eyes moved away from the split body of Ecang, and his body took a step towards nothingness. His figure gradually dissipated, but a red light flew out and went straight to 100,000 stars.

That's the little snake of Zhu Jiuyin. It was left here by Su Ming. This place has a strong power of the boundary, which can nourish the little snake.

At the moment Su Ming's empty split left, the 100,000-star Hanoi Su Ming's E Cang split opened his eyes from closing his eyes.

"Since I chose to stay here, there are still some things to do." When E Cang opened his mouth faintly, he immediately twisted behind him. A huge purple tree shadow suddenly turned out. With a slight shake, ten thousand purple lights suddenly dispersed. In an instant, the ten thousand purple lights went in all directions and disappeared into the starry sky.

After finishing these, E Cang closed his eyes again and began a long meditation.

In the world of 90,000 stone tablets, at this moment, it has maintained the state of only 90,000 stone tablets for more than 300 years. With the sudden appearance of thousands of purple lights, it immediately set off a buzz,

All the people in the world of 90,000 stele were forced out in an instant. Some of them were still experiencing this for the first time, but many of them were the second experience. In this shocking shock, they couldn't help but think of the almost unforgettable scene 300 years ago.

As everyone was forced out, thousands of purple lights integrated into the earth, and when the ground roared and shook, 10,000 stone tablets rose from the ground. The location of this 10,000 stone tablet was exactly where they disappeared 300 years ago.

With the appearance of this ten thousand stone tablet, the stone tablet here has been turned into one hundred thousand!

But the extra 10,000 does not belong to E Cang, does not belong to Sui Chenzi, but belongs to... Su Ming!

This is Su Ming's stone tablet, but anyone whose name is engraved by this ten thousand stone tablet will be controlled by Su Ming. He will be strong for Su Ming's evil body and devote all his years and practice.

This Xihuan off-site scam, since then, there has been one more person.

Nearly 90,000 people, all of them are silent at this moment. All kinds of thoughts are in their minds, turning into shock, shock and confusion, and even their breath seems to be frozen, staring at the 10,000 stone tablets that appeared.

There was only one person who looked excited. He did not look at the ten thousand stone tablet that appeared, but looked at the stone tablet belonging to Su Ming, which had been almost forgotten for 300 years. He looked at the stone tablet and waited for a person to appear.

Gradually, he saw a whirlpool on the stone tablet engraved with the word Mo Su, and a man came out of the whirlpool.

Long gray hair, straight figure, pale face, almost demonic overlapping rune shadow in the right eye, is exactly... Su Ming's empty split body containing the source of the god of the world... Please recommend. RS