Ask for Magic

Chapter 847 Blue Feather

There was a moment of death around, Kong Huan's body trembled, and he looked at Su Ming with fear. The three hundred black armors on the bronze ancient sword were also afraid to lean forward at this moment.

They seem to be full of silence, but in fact, their minds are as usual, but they practice the same skill to have the same breath. This skill can make their hearts almost stop and make them ruthless.

But... At the moment when Su Ming's divine source rune covered the surroundings, a magnificent pressure suddenly fell on them, which shattered their coldness and made them breed fear.

Especially... One punch almost killed the middle-aged man, and one punch made the old man in white robe almost dead, which was obviously done by Su Ming's intention. Otherwise, the two of them would definitely die.

In the later stage of the world, you can crush all the monks under him. This kind of toughness has turned into the despair in the hearts of everyone here.

The void is blocked, and even the bronze ancient sword is covered with runes, making the sword useless and can no longer be controlled. There seems to be only one way to die in front of all of them.

"Either die, or step into a different place." Su Ming opened his mouth faintly and glanced at the three hundred black armor practitioners, but all the people who looked at him were shocked one by one and lowered their heads subconsciously.

Several of them gritted their teeth after hesitation and went straight to the crack in the other place. Some people looked up, and the rest of the people turned into long rainbows one after another in the threat of death. In an instant, all the three hundred black armored people stepped into the crack in the other place and disappeared.

So that only Su Ming and the hole ring are left here, and the eyebrows are integrated into a green silk hole ring. He looked ferocious, and the blue veins on his face bulged, but there was more fear in his eyes, but he couldn't help roaring.

With his low roar, a cyan mark gradually appeared on his eyebrows, which looked like an open peacock, and even behind him. At this moment, between the emptiness and distortion, a huge peacock shadow suddenly turned out.

The peacock is blurred. It seemed to be extremely weak, but at the moment of its illusion, the cultivation of the hole ring climbed rapidly. However, with his rise, his face changed from a teenager to a middle-aged man, and quickly became an old man. His hair also changed from black to gray, and finally turned white.

For example, his life was burned at this moment, which became a nutrient that made his cultivation soar, and became the source that allowed him to condense the peacock. At the same time, his eyes were full of blood. What's more, there is a touch of madness, which is crazy without intelligence.

At this moment, if his mind was replaced, he became a beast that lost his mind.

Su Ming quietly looked at the change of the hole ring, and he had doubts in his heart. The previous Qingjian should not have found him, but found... his storage bag.

Or, he found a creature or item in his storage bag.

"Is it..." An answer came to Su Ming's mind, but at the same time as the answer appeared, Su Ming's eyes showed sadness.

For the pursuit of the four true worlds in those years, Su Ming was not a generous person. In those years, the reward of the four real worlds guarding forces forced him to step into a different place. All this... Su Ming made a vow in those years, and it must be returned several times.

But... he has more important things, which is much more important than revenge on the four true worlds, so he was going to ignore Kong Huan before.

Su Ming gently touched the storage bag, where there was a sleeping bald crane.

It... is slowly dissipating, as if it is an irreversible change. This change is not very obvious in the off-site, but after getting out of the off-site, it is several times faster.

Su Ming doesn't know what the reason is, but he knows that if he hadn't helped himself, the bald crane would not have been like this. If it hadn't been for his success, the bald crane would not have burned his soul, and now he is almost dead.

Even Su Ming did not dare to take the bald crane out of the storage bag. He was worried... At the moment he took it out, it would dissipate in an instant. From then on, there was no bald crane in the sky, without the love of money as much as life, but he accompanied Su Ming to the abandoned land of Shenyuan,

"It seems that there are also different voices among the four true worlds guard forces, some for me, some... for it." The murder in Su Ming's eyes replaced sadness. He was originally a person who protected his weaknesses. At this moment, when he looked at Kong Huan, Su Ming snorted coldly.

At this moment, Kong Huan looked up to the sky and roared. He completely lost his mind. When he opened his mouth, a lot of saliva flowed down and roared at Su Ming. His arrival looked like a crazy peacock, rushing quickly.

"The cultivation has climbed to the approximate peak in the middle of the position, but... it still can't be done." Su Ming raised his right hand and waved forward. Under this swing, the 10,000 runes around him suddenly rushed straight from all directions to the hole ring. At the moment when the hole ring was dozens of feet away from Su Ming, it completely covered the hole ring, forming an existence like a tomb.

"Underground revision, this is...grave."


At the same time as the tomb of the rune, the burial hole ring was turned into a stone tablet and scattered, a green silk suddenly flew out, but before it flew out too far, it was caught by Su Ming. There was also a green silk that also appeared in Su Ming's palm. This green silk was just about to escape, and was stopped by Su

These two green silks struggled in Su Ming's hands and seemed to fly out, but they could not escape the suppression of the divine source runes around him. Su Ming looked at the two green silks, and his eyes flashed. After holding them, there was a bang in the palm of his hand.

When Su Ming stretched out his palm, the green silk disappeared, only a cyan feather, emitting a faint light, and there was a trace of dry blood on the feather, emitting the smell of ancient vicissitudes.

The moment Su Ming noticed the breath, Su Ming was shocked.

"This is... the smell of a bald crane!" Su Ming gradually frowned, showing contemplation.

"What is the purpose of this arrangement for the person with this feather in this place? One of the two green silks is obviously to escape to send out the information. Under my obstruction, this person should not know what's going on here for a short time.

But what's this person's idea? If it's not good for the bald crane, why did he send this feather? If it's for return, why did he take action against me? Su Ming was silent.

After a moment, his right eye flashed, and immediately those runes around him that contained the power of the divine source suddenly covered Su Ming's body, and instantly integrated into Su Ming's body.

Su Ming's eyes closed. At this moment, there was no light around him, and even his breath disappeared, as if he was not in the starry sky.

But his body is now like turning the river upside down. All the runes are like a big net, shrinking rapidly, as if at this moment, Su Ming's body has become a piece of sea water, and the divine source rune culture has become a net that can cover the whole sea.

The contraction in its body is like an ordinary fisherman fishing. It's just that Su Ming is not fishing for fish, but... memory.

This memory is a scene of Su Ming in the fire red star.

"The divine source rune is the seal, sealed... the root of my fire red star memory!" Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened, and the runes in his body immediately turned into seals, sealing the memory of Su Ming's fire red star layer by layer.

At the moment when the memory was sealed, the faint light flashed in Su Ming's eyes. He faintly felt an invisible silk thread, which was broken at the moment when the memory was sealed.

"The reason why the four true worlds can be pursued by me in those years is essentially to borrow the memory of someone from the fire and red star to unfold the strange magic power and turn it into blood beads.

In those years, I couldn't understand and couldn't figure it out, but now under my divine source... This kind of blood bead art will temporarily lose its function. If you really want to make it invalid, you need to erase the memory of someone in the fire red star.

In this way, the four real worlds can't know my whereabouts, nor can they know me... out of the West Ring. When Su Ming walked out of the place of 100,000 stone tablets, he had already launched this sealing technique and erased his own traces. Now after going out, he unfolded again, which made the matter completely and made Su Ming completely relieved.

After doing this, Su Ming lowered his head and looked at his storage bag. After a moment, he looked decisive. His right hand was raised, revealing the totem transformed by the Red Fire Marquis on his arm, and his internal cultivation was on the first rush.

Immediately, his right arm totem radiated light. While the light flashed, the totem slowly disappeared in Su Ming's arm, but at the moment of his disappearance, in front of Su Ming, the figure of the Red Fire Marquis appeared out of thin air, as if he had opened his eyes from a thousand years of sleep. When he looked at Su Ming

But after a few breaths, he immediately became shocked. Chihuo Hou looked at Su Ming in a daze, and he immediately realized that the disaster of devouring the shadow in Su Ming's body had reached the fifth disaster!

Cultivation has become the approximate peak in the middle of the world. This is still the second. Most importantly, he felt a strong danger in Su Ming's body. This danger is a kind of breath that is above all sentient beings. This breath is still weak now, but even if it is weak, it makes the Marquis of Red Fire. If you grow up, I'm afraid that an idea can make the Red Fire Marquis's ashes fly away. This feeling makes the Red Fire Marquis's mind shake violently.

But he is still wrong. If the divine source breath in Su Ming's body really grows up, then it is not only the Red Fire Marquis that disappears, but also the whole sky.

This is the death of the sky.

"How many years have passed for you?" After all, Chihuohou is an old monster who has survived for countless years. Although he was shocked, the first sentence he asked was the point.

If Su Ming tells him that 100,000 or more time has passed, then everything will have an answer. On the contrary, if the time is only hundreds of thousands, then Su Ming must have gained some unimaginable nature during this period.

"I will tell the senior Red Fire about this matter later, and please answer me first, bald crane, what is its origin... Don't forget to recommend the ticket RS