Ask for Magic

Chapter 876 Commitment

Wealth and wealth are in danger.

Su Ming came to the Yu family in order to have a place to stay when he first entered the black ink star, and to integrate into the black ink star faster to investigate things about the bald crane.

Even if he has a chance, he plans to go to the Divine Source Star Sea to see what kind of universe exists in this place called the Divine Source of the Star Sea, and how many alien races he has never seen before.

Then wait for the opportunity. After E Cang's split up, he will find a way to leave the Shenyuan wasteland, rush out of the guard forces of the four real worlds, return to the four true worlds, and return to his hometown. But this idea, outside the Yu family's transmission array, Su Ming felt the breath of the witch, and then changed faintly. He sensed the existence of the witch, which made him have a lot of associations, and also thought of Lie Shan Xiu.

Even in the depths of Su Ming's heart, there is still an expectation. He is looking forward to being here..." Seeing the barbarians.

After all, the witch is there, so there is no reason for the barbarians, no more!

Therefore, Su Ming chose to help Yuchenhai to break through the three-month road.

It was a high-profile breakthrough, and Su Ming did not intend to act in a high-profile manner, but after the first door, he felt a force that moved him. As long as he believed it, it existed.

Therefore, there was a second door. Su Ming did not hesitate to step in, but in this second door, Su Ming got a huge creation with the split of E Cang. Even so, he has not obtained the power that made him move before, but it is enough!

If it hadn't been for the appearance of the woman, if it hadn't been for Su Ming's third door, Taiping had noticed the breath of the magic weapon on the elephant, he would not have broken into the third door, but the magic weapon that could attract the divine source, and even only the divine source could stimulate it, but it made Su Ming

That's why he broke into the third door and went to fight!

Even if he suspected that the Yu family had a conspiracy, Su Ming asked himself about his behavior of devouring the two gods of the sun and the moon. Outsiders could not see through it. He had an evil body, all of which made him very confident this time.

At this moment, with Su Ming's approach, the elephant roar in the sea of clouds was extremely clear. Su Ming's eyes flashed, his body shook forward, and instantly penetrated the sea of clouds. At the approaching moment, he saw the elephant in the sea of clouds.

This is a head"... The elephant is purple and black, full of mane. The elephant's body is thousands of feet high, its limbs are tied by clouds, its nose is constantly echoing in pain, and its roar spreads all directions, making the sea of clouds rolling.

Its eyes are turbid, and it has a huge ivory, emitting a ferocious meaning. With its roar, the ivory seems to have the power to destroy the world, which is daunting.

Under its body, there was a huge round basin, which also had a range of thousands of feet. The elephant was completely contained in it. Looking along the plate, Su Ming immediately saw that there were four chains spreading around the basin, until Su Ming saw a black pole!

Over... It turned out to be a scale!

The plate is a scale plate, and the black one is the scale rod, which spread endlessly. Obviously, there should be a scale on the scale pole in the distance, so that the weight of the elephant can be weighed.

This scene shocked Su Ming's mind. He couldn't tell which one between the elephant and the scale was the magic weapon, or..." Both of them!

"The magic weapon of the two gods of the sun and moon, this must be their most precious treasure in the Quanwei period. In this way, two treasures are correct!" Su Ming's eyes were condensed, and he did not act rashly immediately. Instead, he jumped and galloped along the scale pole. But until he saw the end of the scale rod, he did not find the place of the scale camel. This is a pole... There is no scale!

"No promise..." At the moment when Su Ming realized that there was no scale camel, suddenly, a roar that seemed to be painful roared out of the world.

"No promise... Where is the promise... Where is your promise!!"

"I swallowed the scale camel, because... I swallowed the promise!"

"Don't believe in promise. Promise is the root of my strength. Believe me, I exist!"

"I..." Taiping is like, I"... No promise!"

"I'm going to weigh the weight of the promise, I want to know... How heavy the promise is, I want to know "What exactly is a promise!!"

The sound contained endless pain, echoing like a roar. When it shook Su Ming's mind, the voice suddenly turned soft.


"It carries the divine source of the god of the sun and the moon, you..." Come with a promise..."

"Give me a promise..." I will follow you"... Look for the weight of the promise!"

"Give me... promise..."

"What kind of promise do you want!" Su Ming took a deep breath. When he opened his mouth, he had found that it was the elephant in the distance that was talking and roaring.

However, its eyes are still turbid, like a deep sleep, as if echoing the words are its soul.

"I promise... you will take me away!"

"Give me this promise, and I will become you... the most powerful treasure. I will use my body to trample on all the sky for you... Give me... promise!"

The roared, this time it was no longer painful, but a stream of madness.

Under this madness, the sea of clouds roared and rolled in all directions to make the endless sea of clouds rotate rapidly, forming a huge vortex. The loud noise spread. With the rolling of the sea of clouds around, as they continue to spread, there was no more clouds in the center, so that Su Ming could see the peace at a glance. All of the elephants.

Su Ming didn't say anything. He looked at the elephant and the elephant's eyes, and his eyes gradually showed a cold light.

"As long as you believe, it exists..." Su Ming slowly showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. His talent for shaping the underworld was to give up, and he himself took up twice. At this moment, looking at the turbid eyes of the elephant's eyes, it was clearly asleep, so the sound of her "It seems that The words of promise are like believing the words of the other party. If you believe, the other party will exist.

It seems to be illusory, but in fact, this is the root of this power.

"Are you going to take me away... Then I'll have a good time with you!" Su Ming sneered, and his eyes flashed coldly. He slowly opened his mouth and said a word.

"I promise to take you away!" At the moment Su Ming said this sentence, a loud laugh broke the voice of the elephant before. The laughter carried the vicissitudes of life, ecstasy, and a madness that seemed to have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years and finally got out of trouble.

"I... satisfy you!" At the earth-shaking moment of laughter, a huge will suddenly burst out from the peace elephant. The strong will, earth-shaking, went straight to Su Ming in an instant and came to give up!

The fourth update, ask for a monthly ticket!! ( To be continued