Ask for Magic

Chapter 943 The Change of the Morning

This is a woman Su Ming has never met in terms of character.

Usually, he was very elegant, with a trace of indifference, as if he was noble as lonely as self-appreciating. After learning that he had changed his clothes, his expression only changed for a moment, but he soon fully recovered. To that degree of care, even Su Ming had to think carefully to see whether it was true or false.

This is nothing. Now that she has drunk, Su Ming is a little stunned by the great changes.

Xu Hui's voice was very loud. It echoed around in the morning. After being heard by most of the people of the ninth part, she looked up one by one. The ninth was lonely and took a breath. He was glad that he had just left quickly. He didn't expect that the woman would be so tough after drinking.

"Xu Daoyou, good job!!" A woman's voice from the Ninth Tribe came out this morning with joy. After it came out, other voices echoed one after another.

"If you can drink the wine of our tribe in the three jars, Xu Daoyou can be said to be a female hero!"

"Son-in-law, your Taoist couple has drunk three altars. Why don't you drink it?"

"Yes, drink it, drink three jars!"

"If the three altars don't work, all the women have drunk the three altars. Lord, you have to drink the nine altars!"

"Yes, Engong, we can't let their women compare. Drink Jiutan and let them see it. Engong, drink it." Most of the people of the Ninth Tribe knew from the Ninth Moshi that Xu Hui was a monk from Xinghai. Su Ming did not hide this matter, and there was no need to deceive.

The gratitude of the Ninth tribe to Su Ming can be seen from the respect these days that they are even very concerned about Xu Hui here. Coupled with some deliberation and the ninth lonely words, they already know that Xu Hui and their benefactor should be a Taoist couple, otherwise why do they all live together...

Su Ming smiled bitterly.

Xu Hui looked proud. After putting the wine jar into Su Ming's arms, she turned to the people of the ninth tribe at the foot of the mountain. She looked beautiful. Now after getting drunk, the action of holding her fist has a heroic posture and has a temperament that she can't usually see.

"Thank you, friends of the ninth part. I drank too much today, but I can still drink, but I'm not happy, because a woman has drunk three altars, but your benefactor only drank half of the altar and didn't drink." Xu Hui said loudly.

"A jar and a half..." As soon as Su Ming was about to explain, the joy from the ninth part drowned his words.

Su Ming shook his head, looked at the heroic Xu Hui, and looked at his proud appearance. He gradually smiled. The sadness in his heart dissipated unconsciously, and the wound melted by the scene of Bai Ling seen by the evil eyes had also slowly healed.

"If life is just like the first sight..." Su Ming stood up with a smile, stood under the rock, picked up the wine jar in the cheers of the ninth tribe, and put it on his mouth and drank it.

The sound of coo-dong echoed. After a short time, after drinking the whole jar of wine, Su Ming wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves and raised the sky with a long roar.

The roar spread all over the world. At this moment, in the light and shadow of the morning, on the rock of the peak, Su Ming's figure was like a dragon looking at heaven and earth, roaring at the sky.

His figure was seen by Xu Hui, and he laughed when he was drunk. He accompanied them to laugh with all the people in the ninth part.

"One more altar!" Su Ming spoke loudly.

Immediately, the ninth part of the clan quickly took the wine and put it around Su Ming. Su Ming picked up one, patted the mud and went into the mouth.

The wine was spicy, like a fire in his abdomen, and some of them flowed down the corners of Su Ming's mouth and dyed his hair, making Su Ming more domineering.

"Come again!" Su Ming put down the wine jar and picked up another one.

The fourth altar, the fifth altar, the sixth altar... Until Su Ming drank the whole nine altars, his body shook, looked up to the sky and laughed, and fell down with a bang.

He is drunk.

Drunk together, and Xu Hui, who gradually closed her eyes.

Su Ming can be drunk at ease, because his arm has the totem of the Red Fire Marquis, because of his cultivation, he is intoxicated, but there is also the empty split into the body, there is also the E Cang split to guard everything, and the evil eye is staring around.

So, he can get drunk, and he also needs to get drunk. If there is any crisis, his split can be delayed in exchange for enough time.

The ninth lonely looked at the fallen Su Ming and Xu Hui, shook his head with a smile, hugged Su Ming's body in person, arranged the women in the clan to hold Xu Hui, sent them into the house, and put them in... a **.

Time passed slowly, and Su Ming and Xu Hui fell asleep in this house on the peak of the ninth part. Su Ming felt that he had another dream.

In the dream, he seemed to see his body again, see the emperor, and see the white spirit that was lifted up his robe.

He also saw the war between the immortals and Daochenzong in the real world of Daochen. In this war, he heard the sad roar and the roar of magic power, but these seemed to be far away from him.

Gradually, these pictures were farther away, but there was a woman's figure, as if in his arms, very warm and delicate, which made him unconsciously hug the woman.

Su Ming forgot what happened after that.

When the sun fell on the house the next morning, Su Ming opened his eyes.

He was stunned at first, and then when he looked sideways, ** was only himself, but his eyes saw beside him. There was a long hair, which was not his hair, but Xu Hui's.

Su Ming rubbed his eyebrows. Under the operation of his cultivation, when he woke up in an instant, he saw the rock outside the house. In the position where he sat before, Xu Hui turned his back to him and was sitting there looking at the distance.

I can't see Xu Hui's face. I can only see the breeze blowing Xu Hui's hair, fluttering the hair in the bend, outlining a beautiful arc, and the wonderful curve of Xu Hui's back.

All of this, seen in the sunshine, is very beautiful.

Su Ming got up and walked out of the house. The calmness of the past few days is the little peace in his life. There is no danger, no fighting, no death, and no sad screams around his ears. All this made Su Ming seem to have found the life he wanted most.

He even had a wisp of desire to exist in this peace in his heart, but this will could not stop in the wind and was taken away by the mountain wind, whether he wanted to or not.

Involuntarily, there are still many things that have not been completed, there are still many regrets that have not been made up for, there are still many people, a lot of things... Concerned about Su Ming's heart, so that he can't... live in peace.

"Can you show me the real you?" Xu Hui did not look back. She turned her back to Su Ming and spoke softly.

Su Ming was silent for a moment, and his eyes closed. When he opened it again, his face suddenly changed. His cultivation was replaced by the empty split, turning into a completely different appearance from Daokong, which was... Su Ming's appearance.

Xu Hui seemed to be aware of it. She slowly turned her head and looked at Su Ming's face in a sangle. Gradually, the corners of her mouth smiled. The smile was very beautiful in the breeze.

"I know you, you are Su Ming and Mo Su. You were wanted by the four true worlds of guard forces thousands of years ago. Since then, you have made a scene again in the scope of the yin holy real world, which has attracted an ancestor who is in charge of life to pursue and kill him in person.

But in the end... I still can't kill you. Instead, it dissipates the wanted for you and acquiesces to your existence.

Su Ming, in the abandoned land of the divine source, is famous. He is the most eye-catching person in the past thousand years, and he is also the only one who is higher than Ye Wang in the mind of subduing.

I didn't expect..." Xu Hui shook her head and smiled.

"I didn't expect that you also have such a power on the Black Ink Star, which can turn decay into magic, reverse the universe and take away the Tao... I think the main controller behind the Black Ink Auction is you!

You are the master of the black ink star, controlling everything about the black ink star, and even controlling the auction to send out the star sacred robe, so as to lead the way into the sky!

I'm curious about how you can't notice it after taking the house. Not only can't you notice it, but the dead people who control the Taokong's soul haven't changed at all.

Even the soul drawn by the ancestor of Daochen between me and Daokong has not changed at all. If it hadn't been for the fact that you are too different from Daokong, if it hadn't been for our solitude this time, I can only doubt, but there is no evidence that you are not Daokong. Xu Hui looked at Su Ming and spoke calmly.

"And I also know that there is a mark on Daochenzong's direct line to prevent people from being taken away, which can attract the attention of the strong of Daochenzong to ensure that no people will be taken away.

But how did you... avoid it, even this mark... is still there, how did you... do it?" Xu Hui looked incredible, which was the root of her heart that she had never been able to figure out.

"You don't want to know." Su Ming sat on the rock and opened his mouth faintly.

"Are you afraid that I will expose your identity after I know it?" Xu Hui suddenly said.

"It doesn't matter." Su Ming smiled slightly.

Xu Hui was silent. She knew that the other party did not matter, because whether it was blood or soul, everything in the other party was revealed. There was no doubt that he was empty. In this case, no matter what she said, she would not be able to work in the end, and it was not good for her.

"What happened last night?" Su Ming was silent for a moment and spoke calmly.

"You don't want to know!" Xu Hui stared at Su Ming and turned his head.

Su Ming frowned, and suddenly his expression suddenly changed. He bowed his head suddenly. The coarse linen clothes on his body changed instantly. After restoring the appearance of the star sacred robe, a magnificent fluctuation suddenly spread from the star sacred robe.

Xu Hui quickly turned around with surprise and solemnity.

"This is the transmission of the direct descendants of Daochenzong!"

As soon as Xu Hui's words fell, Su Ming immediately roared, and a huge strong light burst out. The strong light spread from the star's holy robe, permeating all directions, and a sound of vicissitudes came from Su Ming's star holy robe.

"Daokong... The rebellion of the immortals, broke with our Daochen Sect... You quickly return from the abandoned land of the divine source!"