Ask for Magic

Chapter 963 Your master is called Yuxuan

The chaos of the Hengtian clan lasted for nearly half a month, and the herd slowly dispersed. For these more than one million herds, without the Hengtian ancestor, the Hengtian clan cannot be resisted. Any resistance will be smashed in an instant, and the whole clan can only be moved in the ferocity of the herd.

Just like when the evil son of heaven was chased and killed by the four noble clans, he sought vitality in this continuous escape.

However, there is also a difference, that is, the people who migrated from the Hengtian clan are between despair and hope. What they despair is the fate of today, and what they hope is that their ancestors can appear.

In half a month, more than 40% of the people of the Hengtian clan died in the herd. The deaths of tens of thousands of people turned into thick blood and permeated the starry sky where they migrated.

This is a very heavy blow for the whole Hengtian clan, and even they may not be able to return to the starry sky that originally belonged to them, because there, while being occupied by the herd, it has also turned into their own fields.

It seems that countless years ago, an ancestor of their Hengtian clan snatched the starry sky from the herd that originally occupied here, but now it has also been taken away by the herd.

Moreover, they did not dare to return to their original home, because the death of the Hengtian clan and the fall of many strong people made Hengtian unbalanced with the other three noble clans.

And this kind of beast tide event that caused a sensation in the inner ring of the Star Sea may not be transmitted to those tribes around the star, but the other three noble clans in the inner ring of the star sea must be known after a period of time.

These are four ethnic groups that are united with each other and have a feud for generations. Therefore, once they are unbalanced and waiting for the Hengtian clan, it will be a more miserable end.

Therefore, their migration also means that in a period of time, the Hengtian clan will disappear. They will look for a remote place to cultivate and recuperate, and will not make a comeback until the strength of the rise is re-condensing.

As for their original home, although there are many fierce beasts in it, which are occupied by them, the ability of bald cranes and their dedication to crystals, but in this half month, like the wind and clouds, they have swept the more than 100 Xiuzhen stars as if they were scratching the ground three feet, and took all the crystals that can be found .

Until it returned to Su Ming with Pluto, it was still almost dancing there, [Xing] constantly shivering.

"I sent it, Grandma He, I'm big, three crystals, and the whole Hengtian clan actually has three crystals!" The bald crane opened his mouth excitedly and glanced at Su Ming.

The underworld dragon was also very excited, but after hearing the words of the bald crane, he was stunned for a moment. It clearly remembered that there should be tens of millions of crystals, but then it saw the look from the bald crane.

Su Ming didn't pay attention to the bald crane. He knew that this guy was worried about his request for crystals, so there were only three. This number would be speechless in the eyes of others, and he felt that the bald crane had reached the point of being outrageous.

But Su Ming, who knows the bald crane, knows that he can say that there are three crystals. For the bald crane who doesn't pick up the crystals when he goes out, he doesn't know how long he has been struggling. It has been done with great perseverance.

Su Ming looked at the starry sky of the Hengtian clan in the past and looked calm. He did not have the heart of compassion. There was only so much softness in his heart that he could not disperse these to all living beings.

"Let's go." Su Ming stood up and looked at the old man sitting on his knees. The old man also looked up at Su Ming. At the moment when they stared at each other, the old man's body dissipated and turned into nothingness, but from the nothingness, the sound echoed in Su Ming's mind.

"You still have two opportunities for me to take action. Don't forget our agreement. There is my name in the ballad."

Su Ming nodded and shook his big sleeve. Immediately, the branded array that had long existed on his body suddenly opened. With the opening of the array, a layer of ripples scattered under Su Ming's feet. The ripples covered the bald crane and the underworld dragon. In a blink of an eye, in the dazzling flash of the array The ministry disappeared on the sand ball.

When Su Ming disappeared, about ten breaths passed. There was a violent roar from the sand ball. When the roar echoed, there was a click. Cracks appeared rapidly on the sand ball. In a blink of an eye, it was like a spider web, covering the surface of the sand ball.

When a loud bang came out, the huge sand ball suddenly broke apart, and the figure of the ancestor appeared in the collapsed sand ball.

He looked gloomy, with extreme anger in his eyes. He looked at the starry sky of the original Hengtian clan and saw that there are countless fierce beasts here now. He smelled the blood of the death of the clan here, and he was silent.

After a while, the ancestor of Hengtian sighed and did not pursue Su Ming's traces, because he knew that he could not kill the other party, but was likely to be trapped again. At that time, he believed that the other party was not a soft-hearted person, not the kind of person who would feel guilty after killing more people.

So what awaits their Hengtian clan will indeed be a real extermination.

If others threaten his ancestor, then he will not believe it and will not give up, but just a chase of his master in those years can let this person kill 30% of his clan in a thousand years. Such a cruel person makes the ancestor of Hengtian never despise Su Ming's threat.

"Even if the spirit of sand, according to my guess, should have some agreements with this person and will not take action many times, but... as long as I still take action next time, even if I can kill this person in the future, but... all my people will perish. Indeed, as he said, the Hengtian clan, I was the only one left

His heart is cruel, and he can do the extermination of the clan... He can bear the price, and I... can't afford it." Hengtian's ancestor was silent. With his cultivation and identity, he had almost never experienced the feeling of being threatened. Now the feeling is very complicated. He sighed for a long time, shook his body and walked in the direction of the migration of his people.

"He has no Taoist heart. I'm waiting for his rotten day!" The ancestor of Hengtian is far away.

In the inner ring of the divine source star sea, in a silent starry sky, there is a huge meteorite. The meteorite floats in the starry sky, which was originally the nest of some fierce beasts, but more than half a month ago, a woman came and killed all these fierce beasts with her cultivation of robbing the moon, she became the

Here, after arranging the formation according to Su Ming's requirements, Xu Hui sat there cross-legged and silently calculated the time.

It is very far away from the Hengtian clan. The storm of the sea of beasts* can't reach here, so the starry sky is calm.

Outside this meteorite, there is still a huge nihilistic beast hidden in the nihil. This beast looks like a crocodile and is motionless with its eyes closed. But if there is any dangerous breath, it will immediately open its eyes. It is a fierce beast that Xu Hui and Su Ming subdued with the help of Su Ming on the

Xu Hui has been waiting here for half a month. According to Su Ming's agreement with her, if Su Ming doesn't come back a month later, then ask her not to wait any longer and immediately go back to gather with Mingjiu Lao.

But Xu Hui has her own persistence. If Su Ming doesn't come a month later, she will not choose to go back, but to find Su Ming.

She looked at the transmission array in front of her and had been staring for half a month. On this day, in her pupil, the transmission array suddenly burst into light. At the moment when the light appeared, Xu Hui's eyes suddenly condensed. She looked calm, but she was a little nervous inside.

When he stood up, the light of the transmission array was already dazzling, and the nihilistic beasts next to the meteorite also stared at him. After the light reached its strongest, Su Ming's figure appeared in the transmission array. Next to him, the bald crane and the underworld dragon turned into two local dogs.

As for the Red Fire Marquis, it has been turned into a totem and branded on Su Ming's arm.

Xu Hui looked at Su Ming with a smile on her face.

Su Ming also saw Xu Hui and walked to her side.

"Is everything going well?"


"That's good." Xu Hui did not ask for details, but her eyes fell on the bald crane and the underworld dragon. She looked at the bald crane, and the bald crane also looked at her, looking very arrogant and provocative.

As for the underworld dragon, he was stunned for a moment after seeing Xu Hui, and his heart suddenly felt a strong indignation. He secretly said that Su Ming was really not a thing. How could there always be a beautiful woman around him? He couldn't help but be hostile.

No matter what, it has to monitor all the opposite sex around Su Ming for its little master.

Xu Hui smiled at the provocative look of the bald crane and didn't care. Instead, she was a little interested in the hostile look of Pluto.

"It's not yours, is it?" Xu Hui is a mature and charming woman. Her calmness and wisdom are none of the women Su Ming has.

Su Ming nodded.

"Let me guess that it is a girl's pet beast, and somehow came to you..." Xu Hui said, and the strange light flashed in her eyes. When she looked at the Pluto, she immediately made the Pluto feel that her changes seemed to be seen through.

"It turned out to be a underworld dragon... I remember. Thousands of years ago, I heard that the Pluto Real World sent a underworld dragon to the ruins of the divine source for exile and detention. Is it you?" Xu Hui's calm eyes immediately made Pluto subconsciously step back a few steps. It had a strong feeling that the woman in front of him was the enemy of the little master!

"The underworld dragon is a very special status in the true world of the underworld. If it hadn't committed a major crime, it would not have been possible to be sent here. I remember that there was a rumor in the true world of the underworld that the third prince of the underworld got married. The woman was the woman of the first ancient family in In the true world, you need to cross the underworld dragon.

It was exactly thousands of years ago that the woman was found back to the true world of Pluto, and it was at that time that you were sent here. Xu Hui looked at the underworld with a smile.

"Your master's name is Yuxuan, right?"