Ask for Magic

Chapter 1021 Open your eyes for the first time!

Mountain, there are three points.

At this moment, in this collapsed space, Su Ming's cultivation is the first point. The gray moon where this point is located represents death and the middle of winter.

Su Ming's empty split is the second point. The red moon, with the intersection of vitality and death, with bright autumn red, is the artistic conception of autumn in Su Ming's life.

On top of the cultivation split and the empty split, Su Ming's appearance of the Ercang split is the third point of the mountain seal. With the appearance of the Ercang split, a round of moon immediately appeared behind him.

That's... a dazzling yellow man!

This yellow light is like the color of the moon itself in the eyes of the world, but here, it represents endless flames and heat, that is summer heat, which is a wildness full of vitality.

Three splits, three months of disaster. At this moment, with the formation of the mountain seal, it has turned into an unmovable wilderness. In this violent cultivation force sweeps, and the roar of the sound of space collapse, its existence is like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the eternal destruction and dependence of the sky.

The dozens of fierce spirits around, at this moment, their bodies are quickly withering, and a lot of vitality is emerging. They are immediately quickly swallowed and absorbed by the mountain seals formed by Su Ming's three doppels, and quickly dispersed and melted by the three months of the three sockprongs.

Gradually, the gray moon breath of death became more, and the scattered gray light represented the shadow of death, which made Su Ming's cultivation split, and his whole body revealed a gray feeling, like a dead man, like coming out of the yellow spring!

However, in the eyes of this split, there is a cold and ruthless indifference. The eyes are enough to make all familiar people feel strange, and the appearance is like the god in charge of the dark of heaven and earth.

Su Ming's empty split, this strong body that does not cultivate the magic power, but only cultivates the body. At this moment, under the rapid influx of vitality and cultivation around it, it is constantly powerful. At the time of collapse and reorganization, his body becomes stronger and stronger. Every trace of bone, every inch of flesh and blood is like

The condensed disaster moon, the red color is like the blood of his hands in his life, the smile at the corners of his mouth, with a frightening feeling, the body dyed red by the moonlight, gives people a kind of... If you see the crazy fairy in the sky between life and death!

On these two big splits, it seems to be held up by the god of the dark and the crazy immortals of the war, which is the split of Ecang. At this moment, the split of Ecang is no longer completely humanoid. There are countless twisted branches spreading from its body. When it is swirling around, it seems that E

With his silent roar from the sky, the branches around him immediately surrounded him rapidly, and the yellow disaster moon appeared behind the sky immediately burst into a strong and indescribable magnificent vitality!

This vitality is the heat of summer, and this vitality comes from the life of Eocang. Only the powerful life of Eocang, which can be written in the ballad by the old man, can be worthy of Su Ming's representative of the realm of summer and support. This represents the huge vitality of the existence in the summer moon!

Su Ming in this scene came from the momentum of the three major points, which made his cultivation suddenly absorb and swallow again under this violent chaos, and formed a mountain seal in March. This is...

"This is Su's self-created, Sanshan Yingyue!!" Su Ming's three splits roared at the same time. Under the rapid absorption of the three months, the dozens of fierce spirits around Su Ming immediately roared continuously.

That is the self-explosion of the fierce spirits after sending out all their vitality and cultivation. In the roar, after about ten breaths, the fierce spirits that still exist have changed from dozens to only four!

The bodies of the four fierce spirits trembled, like skin and bones, and they were still at a loss, sending out their souls.

But after holding on to a few breaths, they immediately burst out. When all the fierce spirits self-exploded, a large amount of cultivation power swept around with a more fierce momentum, and rushed to Su Ming, as if to burst Su Ming. That was a kind of domineering meaning. You have to suck it, and if you don't suck it Meaning.

With a bang in Su Ming's mind, the mountain seal formed by his three splits suddenly shook under the impact. Then, the cultivation of those fierce self-explosion was forcibly integrated into Su Ming's three splits to nourish the moon.

It's just this kind of forced rushing, which can no longer be called nourishment, but raw expansion.

"I still lack a split!" Su Ming's eyes flashed.

"What I lack is my body, which will be my real body, and will also carry me... From death to life, from winter to spring... Everything is revived!!"

Su Ming's eyes showed a bright light. At this moment, he has never been so eager for his original appearance. He is eager to complete the last step of his life after integrating with his body!

From death to life!

Close your eyes and open your eyes!

This desire is strongly scattered from Su Ming's three detches, forming a call that can penetrate nothingness and space. Under this spread, this call shuttles through the fifth oven, shuttles the divine source star sea, shuttles through the guard of the four real worlds, and directly transmitted to... Daochen real world!!

In the morning real world, at the core of the magnificent formation composed of countless fragmented continents, a corpse lying on the altar that has been motionless for ages, at this moment... he trembled violently.

This trembling was like waking up. With its trembling, the altar under the body suddenly had a bright and extreme light. While the light appeared, it spread rapidly and instantly covered all the debris continent here. At the same time, the roar echoed, which existed in the starry sky. The huge array runs directly.

With the operation of the formation, a powerful pressure came, suppressing the corpse on the altar, so that no matter how trembling it was, it could not stand up or open its eyes!

At the same time, with the unfolding of the position here, the roaring sound echoed in all directions. With the strong pressure, many people in the real world of Daochen were instantly aware of it.

Outside this array, there are two rotating stars. On one of the stars, a woman in white sits cross-legged. The woman's face is extremely beautiful, but her expression is indifferent. She frowns, looks at the array in the distance, watches the light of the array flashes, and feels that the formation is being suppressed by itself.

"This is someone calling..." The woman whispered.

At the same time, on another star, there is a man in black robe standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the big array in the starry sky. The face covered by the black robe can't see the change of his expression, but from the posture of his gaze, we can faintly see the solemnity of this person now.

"The child has grown up and learned to summon... However, this body is about to be used, how can it be taken away by you like this..." The hoarse voice slowly came from the black robe, and there was an old voice.

But at the moment when the sound of his own words echoed, suddenly, the magnificent array composed of countless fragmented continents made an earth-shaking roar. In this roar, it seemed that the starry sky trembled. At the same time, there were actually seven or eight of the many fragmented continents that formed the formation. At this moment, here In the roar, the sudden collapse was torn apart.

During the roar, on the altar in the center of the formation, the corpse with its eyes closed trembled more and more intensely, and its body slowly showed signs of floating!!

This scene changed the face of the woman in white, and also made the man in black snorted coldly, and immediately thousands of long rainbows suddenly rose from the two stars.

The thousands of long rainbows were thousands of monks. They galloped around the magnificent formation. At the same time, they crossed their knees and sat down like suppression. In the roar, they immediately let the body that seemed to float down and sank violently and pressed on the altar again.

But at this moment, a roar that seemed to come from the void suddenly echoed in the minds of all the monks here. The roar revealed a madness, a struggle and determination, which was to recall his own body, from the fifth oven of the Divine Source Star Sea, Su Ming's roar.

In this roar, the loud noise was fierce and fierce. In the large number of collapses of the fragmented continent of the formation, the thousands of monks trembled together, and all of them spewed blood. At the moment, the corpses on the altar in the center of the array suddenly floated again.

At this moment, the man in black shook his body without hesitation and disappeared in an instant. In an instant, he appeared on the altar at the core of the formation. He looked down at the corpse, raised his right hand and pressed it fiercely.

With this press, the starry sky shook, and the body was pressed hard on the altar again. At this moment, the momentum of the whole starry sky condensed on the right hand of the black-robed man, as if he had borrowed the power of the Taoist real world to suppress this corpse!!

But at the moment when the black-robed man borrowed the power of the Taoist real world to suppress the body, suddenly, this force suddenly dissipated from the black-robed man's hand, which dissipated, as if the Taoist Chenzhen world wanted to take this power from the black-robed man by itself.

"Isn't luck allowed?" While the man in black suddenly looked up at the void, the corpse on the altar hung in the air again, and a three-month shadow appeared directly beside him, two feet, one above the head, forming a mountain. With the moon shadow, there were countless distortions around, as if... to shuttle through the void and disappear.

The man in black snorted coldly, raised his right hand again, and the five-finger nails were extended in an instant. With a shake, the five nails were broken as if they had become sharp needles, raised the sharp roar, and directly pierced the body of the body.

With a bang, the distortion around the body immediately broke and dissipated, but at the moment when the five nails pierced the body, the moment the nothingness around the body dissipated, his eyes... suddenly opened!!

This is the body, the first time I open my eyes, this is the body, the first time I open my eyes!!

The moment he opened his eyes, the deep sound that seemed to suppress the ages suddenly came from the mouth of the body, shocking the sky!

"Di Tian!!" RS