Ask for Magic

Chapter 1071 Seven Million Challenges--

The nothingness between the nine continents in the upper world. Looking up from the ninety-nine continents in the middle world, the scope of nothingness is not very large, but in fact, if you are immersed in it, you can see that this nothingness is already boundless.

Here, it is enough to accommodate tens of millions of people at the same time, and there are still many empty areas.

At this moment, in this nothingness, there are eleven huge lotus platforms, with the largest range of lotus platforms in the middle, nearly tens of thousands of feet. Surrounded by it, there are ten slightly smaller lotus platforms.

And on the periphery, there are circles of colorful light stones in circles. On each stone, there is now a monk of Daochen Sect. The dense colorful light stones reflect this place into colorful and brilliant, and there are tens of millions of monks on it.

At a glance, this scene was extremely shocking.

As for the periphery, there is a circle of drums, and the sound of passionate drums spread all over the sky, echoing in nothingness.

is a lotus platform. On the largest flower platform in the middle, there is an old man standing there at this moment. The old man is wearing a golden robe and his face is old, but there are bursts of light flashing in his eyes. Anyone who is stared at by him will immediately have a sense of vitality.

There is only one possibility that can make people feel this way... This person is a living power!!

And it is by no means an ordinary habitat. It should have been in this realm for a long time, and its cultivation is so profound that it is powerful enough to shock people's hearts.

Behind the old man, there are still three people. Su Ming has naturally seen them. It is the patriarch who has presided over everything in the past hundred years of Dao Chenzong. However, from their position, it can also be seen that they are obviously not as high as the status of the old man in the habitat.

The lotus platform where the old man is located is still surrounded by extremely exquisite and luxurious cases of carved auspicious beasts. There are thousands of cases, but now they are all empty. There are people who understand it. When they see it, they immediately wake up. These cases are left to congratulate the other three real worlds when they are really sealed.

With the spread of the vicissitudes of the old man's words, the nine highnesses with Su Ming suddenly shook their bodies and scattered on the ten flower platforms around him. Su Ming stepped forward and also fell on one of them. At the moment he stepped on the lotus platform, the lotus platform under his feet immediately emitted a bright light.

Not only the lotus platform under Su Ming's feet, but also the lotus platform where the other nine His Royal Highnesses are located. In this way, with the shining of the bright light, there are ten fragrant lotus flowers blooming in this nothingness, and even bursts of fragrance in all directions.

This scene made Su Ming and ten others attract everyone's attention in an instant, and become the most scorching existence in the Daochen Sect at this moment.

"I am Dao Chenzong..." On the huge lotus platform, the old man in the habitat slowly echoed with the same old age and majesty as ever.

"Foreternal disciples are the foundation, and the collaterals are the context, but... the direct lineal people are the soul of Daochen Sect. Therefore, although you and ten people are only Your Highnesses, in order to show the difference between you and others, you are given the qualification to stand on the Daochen Lotus Platform. I even replaced Daochen

Whether this robe can be owned by you all the time depends on whether you can stand to the end in this ceremony! I can clearly tell you ten people. If this robe has not been opened, but it is just worn on your body, you can let ten people borrow the power of Taoism and morning luck, so that the ten of you can be more than others in perception and practice!

With this robe, one year of practice is equal to a hundred years!

After it is really opened, its degree of protection can withstand the full blow of the palm, and even contains an idea of Daochen Laozu. This idea can only be used once, but even once, it can make a palm power fall!

When you become the real highness, you will go outside the place where the ancestor is closed, and this robe will be opened by the ancestor of Daochen in person!" With the old man's words going around, the tens of millions of people around him were immediately short of breath. At the same time, the lotus platform where Su Ming's ten people were located suddenly became more dazzling. At this dazzling time, the lotus flowers bloomed, and petals appeared out of thin air, surrounding Su Ming's ten people's bodies respectively. At The dazzling light seems to shine with those petals.

In an instant, those petals went straight to Su Ming's ten people. In an instant, they integrated into the holy robe of the stars one by one. In a blink of an eye, the ten people, including Su Ming, immediately changed their robes, and the stars in them moved, outlining a prosperous lotus flower composed of countless stars!!

Su Ming's eyes were condensed, and he immediately felt the strange breath from the robe, which was quickly nourishing his body and shocked people's spirits, as if if he was injured at this moment, he would recover at a faster speed.

There is also the kind of one-year practice equal to the power of a hundred years. Su Ming also clearly feels that the time flow rate in this robe is obviously different from that of the outside world. The difference in the flow of the years makes the person in this robe feel like being in a blur when seen by outsiders, so that people can't see You can integrate into the sense of nothingness at any time.

This intersection of illusion and reality naturally forms a kind of mystery. This mysterious pressure is a powerful gap between identity and status.

It's not only Su Ming who feels this way here. At this moment, the other nine highness's also changed their looks one after another, and they looked down at their prosperity.

At the same time, the eyes of tens of millions of monks around him also condensed on Su Ming's ten people in an instant. There was greed, unwillingness, jealousy and envy in those eyes.

All kinds of expressions and thoughts, I have seen the appearance of all sentient beings among tens of millions of people.

"Presumably ten of you have also noticed the effect of this robe. I can tell you that the flourishing lotus on your body is the most precious treasure personally refined by the Taoist ancestor during the retreat. This most precious treasure also has a more terrible magic power. The name of this magic power, like this robe, is called the flourishing lotus

That is the magic power of Daochen's enlightenment when the ancestors closed the customs. This magic power is integrated into your robe, which can be opened by yourself, so that this robe remembers your strongest state, like freezing the time at that moment. Then, when you are hit hard and the crisis of life and death, you can stimulate this skill and reverse the In the period of time when you were remembered by this robe, you were in your strongest state. The old man in the habitat spoke lightly and said calmly. Outsiders could not see it at all. In fact, he was also extremely moved by these ten prosperous lotus flowers.

He was still like this, not to mention the three patriarchs behind him, and the tens of millions of monks around him. His heavy breath immediately swirled like thunder because of the existence of thousands of people, with eyes with a strong desire, as if igniting the will to fight, from the eyes of tens of millions Dissipate.

"Whoever is Your Highness can have it. Even if you are a foreign disciple, even if you can't become the master of Daochen in your life, you will always have this flourishing lotus!

So now, the first step of the canonization ceremony, challenge! Your divine consciousness has been integrated with this place. As soon as your eyes look and your inner will to fight, the strongest person can be transmitted to the lotus platform of Your Highness who wants to fight, and choose the quasi-Your Highness you want to challenge. All disciples who come here with colorful stone platforms are qualified to challenge.

But I also want to remind you for the last time that the challenger can't kill, but the ten His Royal Highnesses who are challenged have the right to kill!" The old man glanced at tens of millions of monks around him and turned his head to look at Su Ming and ten others.

"Every time you successfully defeat one person, the lotus platform under your feet and the clothes on your body will be scattered, so that you can recover all your injuries in an instant. This vitality is provided by me. Even if you are challenged continuously until the end of seven days, there will be no lack of vitality. You can rest assured to fight!" The old man in the habitat opened his mouth indifferently, and his expression was not arrogant, but the confidence in his words immediately spread all over the world with the shaking of his big sleeves.

"Challenge, start!" The roar, in the moment of echoing nihilhood, immediately among the tens of millions of monks around, someone suddenly exuded a strong sense of war. After merging with this nihillessness, until Su Ming and ten others came.

In a moment, there was a violent roar on the lotus platform where Su Ming was located. In this roar, there was a sudden cloud illusion above Su Ming, as if it was a strong impact. As for the lotus platform of other people, most of them are the same, but the degree of impact of clouds and fog is far less intense than Su Ming here.

In an instant, from these ten lotus platforms, an ancient rune immediately appeared in this impact, ten platforms, ten runes, but the appearance was different.

This rune is an ancient text. It represents a number. It represents how many people came to challenge these ten people at that moment. The runes on each person's lotus platform indicate the approximate number of people who challenge this person.

With the appearance of the runes of the ten lotus platforms, the sound of uproar immediately came out violently from thousands of people like thunder.

"Who is that? The number of people who challenged him actually... has reached seven million!!"

"This person is strange. He must be that empty. It seems that all of you are hesitant about this person, so most of them choose to challenge him!"

"Not to mention the rumor that this man killed Dao Feifeng, but also killed tens of thousands of monks of the Immortal Alliance?"

"So what? This person is a strong follower, so he can do this."

In the midst of the uproar, Su Ming looked up at the rune representing the number formed after the collision of clouds and fog above, looking a little gloomy. Compared with him, the most of the other highnesses were only one million monks to challenge.


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