Ask for Magic

Chapter 1114 Family and Family


Su Ming was silent, and Su Xuanyi's voice echoed in his ear for a long time.

He had guessed before that Su Xuanyi's seizure of Daochen was not smooth, but he did not expect that Su Xuanyi would fight with Xuanzun in the real world of Daochen in this secret room after taking away Daochen.

It was also this battle that caused Su Xuanyi to be unable to move her body all year round, so she could only continue to heal her wounds here.

"In that battle, I didn't lose... Xuan Zun in the true world of Daochen was not defeated. With the power of shaping the talent of the underworld, I integrated the irreversible skill of the body, and at the cost of the stiff body and serious injury to the extreme, I wiped out Xuan Zun's body, but his soul

The only thing I can do is to let my other body, which exists in the fifth oven, find your mother, take your mother's body back to the fifth oven, nourish it with vitality, and wait for the day when I can recover my injury and resurrect it.

My split body is in the fifth oven, but he... can't get out. With his back to Su Ming's figure, he opened his mouth bitterly, and his voice echoed in this secret room. After Su Ming heard it, he couldn't say a word and could only be silent.

"When I found your mother, it was in a dilapidated space in the land of Yin and death. In an ancient sword in the realm of Yin Shengzhen, there was also you... a dead baby.

I didn't take you away, because at that time, you had been cursed to erode everything, because I found that in that strange place of death, you... seemed to have a trace of life in death, which was gradually contained. Su Xuanyi said here and sighed.

"I won't say these things. You can also guess that I'm your father. I... won't hurt you. Everything I do is for..."

"It's not for me." Su Ming raised his head and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Su Xuanyi, my father, what you have done is not for me and there is no need for me." Su Ming shook his head. He is not the little baby who has just walked out of Wushan. He is the barbarian god of the barbarian clan. He is Su Ming in the rise of Shenyuan. He even shocked the Taoist sky of Daochenzong. He has grown up and he is an adult. Some things look the same, but if you think about it

"In the land of yin and death, a generation of barbarian gods challenged Daochen. Despite the failure, it already existed. I have been guessing before that a generation of barbarian gods is your pawn.

The chess pieces you use to plunge into the land of death!

The function of this chess piece is to fight against the immortals, but also to understand the place of yin and death.

The second generation of barbarian gods are also your pawns. Even I always feel that the reason why the barbarian gods of the barbarian land appear is also related to your remote control.

In the picture I saw, the second generation of barbarian gods took me out of the nine yin world, who was still a baby, but in the end, the invasion of the fairy clan took me, who was still a baby, and the daughter of the second generation of barbarian gods.

Brought into the immortals, I became a spiritual stone of the immortals that can be cultivated, until my body and soul were forcibly separated by the immortals, the body was sealed, and the soul was beaten into the place of death.

All this, you know, or it's part of your plan.

The reincarnation of more than 30 generations in Wushan, companions around you again and again... Grandpa, it's your pawn.

Di Tian's peeping, he always wanted to find something in me. Before that, I never understood why Di Tian's cultivation was so different. In those years, once, now, it seemed that he was always getting stronger and stronger, but now I think... I know. Su Ming looked at Su Xuanyi, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes.

"He... is the soul that Xuan Zun of Daochen's true world escaped after losing his body. This soul finally chose the disciple of Emperor Xuan of the immortal clan, the emperor at that time!" Su Ming smiled, and his smile was bitter and strange.

"Di Tian has always wanted to get something from me, and he is even calculating my body. I think... He is looking for the flaws of the Shaping Ming clan, because he is only a soul. He has been injured and severely damaged. If he wants to kill you, he must find out the defects of the Shaping clan.

So, he reincarnate my soul, he keeps my body, and even I think he has considered taking it away, my father, am I right? Su Ming looked at Su Xuanyi and opened his mouth astringently.

"The reason why he has to do all this is that he finally wants to deal with it. It's you. Although I don't know what Di Tian's final plan is, I can think that you know all this. The reason why you didn't take me, who was still a dead baby, may also have the reason you said before, but the ... You realized that Xuan Zun was integrated into the emperor, and you realized that the emperor's attention to me, so you also regarded me as a pawn. My role is to confuse the emperor, let him take the wrong route, and let him finally... no threat to you.

I even have a role to go to those ancient existences in the place of yin and death, and let me leave the place of yin and death in your way and go to the divine source. You sent Daokong to let me take away. In order to complete this plan..., I guess my father, you have been paying attention to me. If I have After any life-and-death crisis, you will take action, and even... maybe you have already taken action.

Every time you take action, you think that you are my father, but all you need is that I don't die, and I just need to follow your plan... go on.

From the time I was born, when I was a baby, you arranged my life until I grew up, and you arranged it again. In your eyes, is there anyone else in the world besides chess pieces? Su Ming smiled miserably and looked at Su Xuanyi with his back to him. His voice did not roar, but calm.

"From knowing Bai Ling, as a subordinate sect of Daochenzong, when he appeared in Wushan, I looked at the moon in the sky at that moment. I drank wine. My heart was complicated with her and you, because I understand that you are also involved in everything in Wushan.

Looking at the pain of your children, won't you have too much touch? Su Ming sighed.

"You calculated Xuan Zun, calculated the place of death, and even calculated the 180-world of the anti-sage behind the fairy alliance. These are all your calculations. Xiaohong is what you brought into my world, including the fragments of the extermination of the old man. You also brought it. You let me merge the fragments and let me become the Born to an old man.

Let me go to the Divine Source Star Sea, let me destroy the Divine Source Star Sea under your control, the fifth sea" This dark morning 180th is obviously a transmission point.

I don't know why you are like this, but I can think that you want the two camps of Reverse Holy and Dark Morning to launch an unprecedented war inside or outside the Three Wastes.

You are taking revenge, you are going to rise, you... can you say that this is for me? Su Ming smiled, with a deep bitterness, as if laughing, he was not at Su Xuanyi, but himself.

"From death to life, this is the only way you can finally open the curse." After a long time, Su Xuanyi opened his mouth softly.

"Did you give me this road?" Su Ming looked at Su Xuanyi's back, and his words gradually became indifferent.

"You are still young, you don't understand..." After a long time, Su Xuanyi sighed, and his voice was also bitter.

"When you understand the truth that there is no family, there is no family, you will understand me, and you will really understand me."

"If you don't have a home, how can you have a clan?" Su Ming was silent for a moment and asked a question.

"If you insist on hating me, you can hate me. What I have done is really not for you, I am for our whole underworld!" Su Xuanyi's body trembled and muttered.

"What do I hate about you?" Su Ming shook his head.

"I hate you when I need you, when I see that other people have parents, aren't you by my side? My resentment is really deep, but I'm not the child of those years. I'm just a temporary emotional change, but in fact... What do I hate you?

I hate you for messing with my life? You gave me my life. What can I do to hate you?

I hate that you are not by my side? I'm used to loneliness and confusion. What else can I hate?

I hate you... Did you sacrifice your wife in order to rise and shape the underworld? When Su Ming said this, tears flowed in his eyes, which crossed his cheeks and reflected Su Ming's sadness.

"I'm not young. I've been lonely. I learned to analyze a thing through clues very early, but I don't want to think deeply, I don't want to.

I know why I want to take away the fifth oven, and why I won't leave him to you, not because you make it belong to me, but because you don't want to face it, and you don't want to see the fifth oven.

My mother, even if she dies, she has to hold the baby in her arms. There seems to be nothing surprising about this matter, but... She holds me and floats alone in the starry sky. She wants to protect me. Who does she guard against this subconscious protection?

A heavy breath came from Su Xuanyi, and his body trembled more and more violently. Obviously, his heart was extremely restless at this moment, and there were countless illusory fragments around him.

"She is guarded against you. Even if she dies, she will take me away from you. My father, do you really think I don't know anything?

"That was an accident!!" For the first time, Su Xuanyi heard a low roar at Su Ming. When the roar echoed, Su Ming's body suddenly rolled back and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Accident... Just think of it as an accident. What can I hate you? She is your wife, and you put her into the fifth oven to resurrect her.

So, I don't hate, I only complain. Because she is your wife, because you are my father, what do I hate? I can only take away the fifth oven and not let you approach..." Su Ming wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and spoke faintly.