Ask for Magic

Chapter 1117 My name is Wild Dog

Although this evil spirit can't be compared with the evil spirit of all people condensed from the five million monks in the war hall, at the moment of dissipating, it is still the extreme of the war hall, and the arrogance of five million people is fiercely pressed!

Strong cultivation, huge evil spirit, Su Ming's eyes are silent at this moment, and what is scattered in the whole body seems to have no flexibility, and what he has is only a dark and evil meaning.

He walked slowly forward, towards the road exposed by five million people in front of him, towards the stars in the distance.

Where he had passed, the war hall monks around him were shaken one by one, and they retreated together. Looking at Su Ming's eyes, with a sense of shock, they were all practitioners of a hundred battles. Their hands were stained with a large amount of blood. They killed ruthlessly, but the more so, the more clearly they could feel from Su The evil spirit and murder.

The intensity of this evil spirit surpasses any one of them, too much, and even they feel that it seems that it is not a monk who came to them at this moment, but a beast from ancient times. This beast seems to walk out of the sea of blood, step by step, as if it has hit the hearts of these five million people, making him Their hearts beat with Su Ming's footsteps, making them immediately feel a rare depression.

If it's just like this, but in addition to evil spirit and cultivation, Su Ming's body also contains an indescribable evil. This evil, like the source of all the gloomy things in the world, as if it can distort a person's character, so that a person who yearns for the light can release his heart under the invasion Desire becomes lawlessness.

For those monks who are proud of integrity, this is the deepest source of evil in the sky and an unacceptable source of extreme desire to destroy. But for the five million monks in the polar war hall of this land, this is a kind of atmosphere that makes them gradually have a sense of fanaticism and respect for their thoughts. This breath makes them tremble at the same There is a desire to get close.

In this extreme battle hall dominated by killing, everyone respects the strong, the strong who kills more crazily, so... at the moment when they feel Su Ming's evil spirit and cultivation, at the moment of their subconscious retreat, their eyes gradually changed from appalling to respectable.

Su Ming did not say a word like this, but just walked slowly. He walked the road exposed by five million monks. In front of him, the monks were retreating, and behind him, the monks bowed their heads one after another.

This is respect for the strong, the stronger killing, and the people who exude the extreme evil. This respect may not be understandable, but in the battlefield, this is everyone's first recognition!

Until Su Ming walked through the long road formed by five million people, all the monks behind him were worshipping. Su Ming crossed the warships in the sky, crossed many platforms, and walked through countless beasts. Finally... He stepped on the star, and on the star filled with colorful light, he saw a A towering platform!

This platform is in the shape of five corners, which is extremely large. Even in a glance, there are countless such platforms on this star. They surround the largest platform in the middle, permeating the whole star.

On the largest platform, there are four people there.

One front, two back, one middle!

In front of him was a man wearing armor all over his body, and he could not see the appearance. He could only see a white hair swaying Xiu. He stood there silently, and a shocking evil spirit permeated his body. Countless ghosts existed in this evil spirit, which was earth-shaking.

But this evil spirit still can't be compared with Su Ming.

The two people in the rear, wearing the same armor, held a big sword in their hands. The tip of the sword pierced the earth. They stood silently, but the eyes exposed under the mask of their heads were with a touch of ruthlessness. It was indifference to the living, and it was the arrogance that one person could destroy a star.

Surrounded by these three people, there is a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a simple desk in front of him. There is a pot of wine on the desk, and he is drinking by himself.

The man's face is as white as jade, and his appearance is quite handsome, but... there is a long scar on his face, and there is a ferocious red flesh, which makes the man's handsomeness disappear, and it is replaced by a strange ferocious.

His eyebrows are very long, but if you look carefully, the eyebrows are painted, and his face is pale, but if you look carefully, the pale skin color is also painted.

His eyes were slender, like a phoenix. After taking a sip of wine, he looked at Su Ming coming from the emptiness of the sky.

"The rumor of Dao Chenzong finally came true once, but I didn't expect such a evil star to come out." The man smiled, and his voice was as soft as ever. He raised his right hand and waved it to the case, and immediately opposite it. A second wine glass appeared on the case.

"With such a fierce spirit, you have won the recognition of the war hall. I'll buy you a drink." The man smiled, sat there, and pointed forward.

Su Ming looked indifferently at the man with a little powder in front of him, and his eyes suddenly shrank. There was no evil spirit on the man's body, but when Su Ming saw this person, he saw a feeling of a wild dog standing on the countless bones, devouring flesh and blood, and biting the soul.

Wild dog, a kind of weak beast that exists on many stars, this kind of weak, even for some stronger mortals, can kill it.

However, wild dog, it is a kind of beast with a strong aggressiveness and full of brutality. In the memory of Daokong, the leader of the battlefield, no one knows its name. He only has one name... wild dog.

Su Ming didn't say anything. When he went to the table, he shook his knees and sat down. Immediately, a crane's head full of dirty meaning suddenly appeared behind him. His nose shrugged a few times, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly walked out, grabbed the wine pot with his claws, and drank it.

"The evil wine condensed with the wronged soul, his grandma He's, this is a good thing, which can nourish Grandpa He's soul." After drinking a pot, the bald crane immediately shook his body and turned into an old man beside Su Ming. He was about to say something with a dry cough. Suddenly, he felt that his current appearance was full of gloomy smell. Even the scattered colors were not in line with the more strange environment.

The gloomy surroundings, the evil spirit and ghosts from outside the stars, made the bald crane's eyes turn around, and his body shook again. This time he became a ferocious bald man.

The leader of the polar battle hall, this middle-aged man, was very interested in looking at the bald crane with a smile on his face, but the smile touched the scar on his face, making the smile look gloomy.

He clapped his hands, and suddenly there were illusions in the nothingness beside him. As he approached, these shadows put down seven or eight jars of wine in a row.

The bald crane's eyes lit up. After licking his lips, he picked up one and drank it with a big mouthful.

Su Ming looked as usual and did not change at all. After the middle-aged man looked at the bald crane, he looked at Su Ming again.

"My name is Wild Dog." The man picked up the glass and said to Su Ming with a smile.

"What is your task? I don't know. The seal I received is to enter the Immortal Alliance from the third war zone with the power of the polar battle hall of the earth.

On the way, we will meet more than 30 groups of the Immortal Alliance, and may also encounter some strange existences. In short, no matter what we encounter, my hall will take you to the end of the third war zone, the core starry sky of the Immortal Alliance.

This is the fate arranged for me. No matter what task you have, I wish you complete it. When the man opened his mouth, he drank the wine from the glass in one gulp.

Then he raised his right hand and waved it, and immediately in the nothingness beside him, an illusory picture appeared, which was a map that contained all the scope of the whole Taoist real world.

"Here is the core of the Immortal Alliance." With that, the man pointed with his right hand and immediately appeared on the map. Su Ming looked there and said nothing.

"It is also the sphere of influence of the immortals in those years. It can be said that this is their base camp. Now in addition to the immortals, Fengmen has also moved here."

Su Ming looked as usual. Looking at that point, a third eye suddenly appeared in the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, the map was infinitely enlarged in Su Ming's eyes. In an instant, he saw the area of the immortals, the place of death, and in its deepest, a dark area, where Su Ming was familiar with it. That was The place where the body is suppressed.

When the man saw one that appeared in the third eye of Su Ming's eyebrows, his eyes shrank slightly, raised his right hand, and immediately the map disappeared.

At this moment, suddenly, in the sky of the stars, a touch of golden light suddenly seemed to shuttle through the endless starry sky from the void, bursting, making the sky of the stars, so that the sky of the outside world, was dyed golden at this moment.

"Jin Chenling is coming, the extreme battle hall of the earth, galloping at full speed!" The man's eyes flashed and he immediately opened his mouth. His words were soft, but at this moment, it spread outside the stars and spread to the ears of all the monks. Immediately, the five million monks roared up to the sky, the warship galloped, the giant beast roared, and a dazzling light broke out on the platform, and the long rainbow A curtain covering the sky, roaring forward at full speed.

These colorful stars are even more roaring. They are dragged by those giant beasts and roar forward. The movement of a star is as fast as a meteor, which shows how fast the speed of external cultivation will be.

The man smiled, picked up the wine jar and drank it again. Su Ming's mind appeared in his eyes, and he stood up after a moment.

"In that case, when you get to the place, Dao will leave. Thank you very much for this trip." Su Ming nodded to the man, went straight to the distance, and disappeared here in an instant. When he appeared, he was on the other side of the star, on a mountain peak.

As for the bald crane, he rolled up all the wine jars and quickly chased Su Ming.

The man smiled and looked at the place where Su Ming had gone.

"He knows that I don't welcome him, but he is an interesting Highness." The man waved his right hand, and the wine jar appeared again on the table. RS