Ask for Magic

Chapter 1162 Swap the Sky for a Day

Time goes by slowly, the starry sky outside the white ripples, the hurricane roars all year round, like the roar of a fierce ghost is constantly spinning, it will always be heard for a long time, and there will be a feeling of being in the Huangquan ghost.

Su Ming has already liked loneliness and is used to meditating alone. In this meditation, he adjusts the power of cultivation in his body and feels his winter, autumn, summer and spring, but because the body is not shaped, the meaning of spring is always a little worse and he can't finish it.

When Su Ming himself condensed the body that completely belonged to him, he would completely step into the meaning of spring. With the revival of spring, he made his body complete, and then opened his eyes and saw a different world.

Just like his ideal when he was in the barbarian land, he opened his eyes and looked at the world that others could not see. On this day, Su Ming once thought it was very close, just close, but now when he looks at it, he knows that although this distance is also very close, he does not know it, but he needs to walk step by

Nine reincarnations have ended the past relationship with Bai Ling. Although there is some melancholy in my heart, the past is the past, and more forcing is not Su Ming's character.

From the moment Bai Feng chose to stand on his opposite side, the ending has been doomed. If it ends like this, it will be a success.

In nine reincarnations, Su Ming ended the story with Bai Ling and formed a relationship with the white ring treasure again and again. At the same time, he felt the existence of the power of fate in the realm of life and death in this ordinary reincarnation.

This is a kind of feeling, because of the white spirit, because of the ring, this feeling is related to himself, but more to others, if it is changed to fate.

This fate is the fate of the outside world, but it is vaguely related to oneself.

"Fate, wonderful, this is true... This situation may be somewhat similar to the unspeakable state, or there are some common places.

Now I can feel the existence of the outside world, which exists in my heart.

in my hand..." Su Ming muttered, looked down at his hands, raised his right hand in silence, grabbed the nihil, and immediately a glimmer of black light appeared.

condensed in his hands.

These black lights are extreme light. Their appearance, like grass ropes, is slowly compiled into one knot after another in Su Ming's hand. These knots condensed with each other and finally appeared in Su Ming's hand.

is a doll made up of the aurora.

Looking at the doll in his hand, Su Ming couldn't recognize who the doll was. It looked like himself, but it was more strange.

It contains all sentient beings and the appearance of everyone Su Ming has seen in his life.

After a throw, the doll's knot was loosened and became two polar lights again.

He compiled it in Su Ming's hands again. This time he wants to compile it himself.

But with the passage of time, Su Ming found that he could not successfully compile himself, as if he was always a little worse and could not be perfect.

Until Su Ming sighed and gave up the move to continue the preparation.

"The fate of the outside world, the couple in my hand, this is the outer fate... If I can compile my own couple one day, I will master my own fate, and the fate will be great... Similarly, I am compiled with the polar light. If I can use the line of rules in the starry sky to make a couple, the power of fate will The point!" As soon as Su Ming let go, the doll dissipated.

"The former is a feeling, and the latter is a magic power. Together, it is the complete predestined cultivation, but... This kind of predestined is the predestined predes of the three wilderness world. Compared with the strong in the anti-sage camp, it is still very inferior.

But if you can make dolls with rules, go further and replace the line of rules in the starry sky with my aurora, which is equivalent to the rules created and changed by me. In this way, you can definitely go beyond the ordinary fate too much and fight with the strong in the anti-holy camp.

Su Ming pondered for a moment, and his eyes flashed.

"Moving mountains and seas is my strongest magic power except for shaping the underworld talent, so next, there may be another one... to sweep the sky and change the sun! Skiing the sky is the great success of fate. The self is the heaven, and the self is the fate. In other words, it is to replace the original rules with the eternal fate of one's own fate. It is not a short change, but a complete permanent change! And the strongest of this realm, what I can imagine now is to replace all the rules of the whole Daochen real world, all of which are re-condensed by my will. In this way... I will replace the will of the Daochen real world, and I will become... Daochen real world!" Su Ming's eyes flashed brightly.

"At that day, even if the people of the anti-holy camp come, they will be afraid of me. Even if their cultivation is higher than me, as long as they are not too much, they can only be with me. After all, I have turned the real world of Daochen into myself. I... am the real world of Daochen, and the And there is a running-in identity of the palm pole in it, so this morning real world can be said to belong to me completely.

It's like this. Before this hurricane dissipates, I must do this. Only in this way can I have the qualification to participate deeply in the next catastrophe and obtain creation!" The light in Su Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he found his current direction.

"The first step is to consolidate the fate of the outside world. The second step is to explore your own fate and condense it until you achieve great success in the perception. The third step is to replace the rules with the aurora in a small area. The fourth step, that is, the last step, replace the will of the Taoist real world, turn the Tao It all turns into my will."

"The first step is simple, and now I can do it, but it only takes some time, but this second step... How can I master my own fate at the fastest speed, this matter..." Su Ming frowned slightly and fell into meditation.

Time went by. A few days later, Su Ming's eyes flashed, revealing a touch of essence. At the same time, he raised his right hand and drew a circle in the nothingness in front of him.

The circle slowly became bigger, until it was dozens of feet, and Su Ming's expression showed understanding.

"The fate of the outside world can form this circle, and its own fate can make this circle constantly enlarged. With its magnification, when it reaches a certain degree, it condenses too many external fates, and it will naturally grow up until it perfectly masters itself.

This kind of control is a kind of slow control from small to large. As the circle gets bigger and bigger, then within its scope, everything is under control, and there will gradually be a feeling of mastering one's own fate. As this feeling becomes stronger and stronger, until it becomes an idea, it will be considered a great success! And I can't take this road here, because it takes too much time. It's okay if it's at ordinary times, but now that the catastrophe is imminent, what I lack most is time.

Well, maybe I have another way to step into the realm of mastering my own fate. This method should be that no one has gone through, but it can also be successful!" Su Ming's eyes showed self-confidence. This method was not what he came up with out of thin air, but that he realized it through the reincarnation of ordinary refining.

"The reincarnation of all refining is actually a reincarnation, countless points. I can say that I have experienced nine different lives in the same period of time. They are intertwined and connected to each other, like a big net.

These are all external fates, but if I can experience more and have more lives, then this network will become bigger and bigger, and with every intersection is my will, then when it reaches a certain level, I can fully achieve the purpose of mastering my own fate through the fate of the outside world.

Just like my will as the center, it reproduces countless lives. Through these lives, it spreads again until the network is achieved, until I can master myself through other lives.

This is a theory, and it should not go wrong, but if it is applied, it needs to be slightly changed. After all, I can't really reincarnate countless lives, but... I can feel it through the lives of others, provided that they have me in their hearts, and their hearts should worship and respect me.

Then the meaning they generate can be connected to each other and become the reincarnation network I need!" Su Ming pondered. This truth is complicated. If you understand it simply, you can master your own fate, which can be compared to a kind of self-confidence, mastering the fate of the outside world, and how many people know you.

There are ten people who know you, it's nothing, even hundreds of people, but if tens of thousands or even millions of people know you, then you have mastered the fate of the outside world.

There are more and more of this kind of fate. When an extremely terrible number is reached, it will make yourself full of self-confidence. This kind of self-confidence is a kind of predestined power that can control one's own destiny.

The so-called He He's fame, in fact, is the truth. Those who become famous must be He He He He, and this is the power of fate.

"For example, those who were saved by me in the Jiuyin world, they became their own family, worshipped me, remembered my appearance in their hearts, and the power of will sent out can naturally become my fate... In this way, if I can make more people worship and respect me, then their will can be turned into a network of reincarnation. And when I am in the net, I can become stronger and stronger, and I can... get my own fate through them.

Even through them, I can make it easier for me to sweep the sky and change the day with my will!" Su Ming's eyes showed decisiveness and meditated carefully. After confirming that the idea was indeed feasible, he closed his eyes and was immersed in meditation. He was more certain about the idea of integrating the real world of Daochen.

(To be continued) RT