Ask for Magic

Chapter 1181 Hall of Spirits 3

Shenyang Fu, one of the three mysteries of the Taoist real world, is in line with the Tianxiang array and the place of yin death in the degree of mystery. No one knows its origin. It seems that like the Tianxiang array, it already existed when the Taoist real world was born.

For countless years, I don't know how many monks have come here to try to study the sun charm, and even have a fluke to take this rune for their own use and make them recognize the Lord.

But this matter has never been successful. A wave of monks has arrived, and another wave of * has left, and this rune still exists in the starry sky. Like eternity, there is no end. It has witnessed the peak of the Taoist real world, and also seen the world slowly returning to the current nothingness at the peak.

And it has always been floating silently, as if even millions of years have passed, it is still the same.

Compared with the vortex of the place of yin and death, the living are not allowed to enter. This sinking sun charm opens the door and can allow the monks to come. Compared with the strange power of the heavenly fragrance array, it can make the split independent, and the coming monks can indulge in the false breakthrough of cultivation, thus hurting their own There may be nothing to get out of, and this Shenyang charm is too gentle.

The monks can come or leave at will. There will be no harm to them here, only... stepping into this dark world, his cultivation will be suppressed, and the divine consciousness will be limited to the body and unable to spread. Let the monks be here, become mortals, let the people who can open their eyes and see the world here, become blind, as This is the only function of the sun sinking charm.

Therefore, in the countless years of this morning real world, compared with the Tianxiang array and the place of yin death, the people who come to this sun are the most and the safest, but this premise is that... there is no killing between them.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the dark world of the sun charm for countless years, the number of deaths is not very small, but it is certain that all the dead people are not wiped by the strange power of the sun charm, but are caused by the people who came in with the strangeness of this place with some other purposes.

At this moment, Su Ming's empty split is obviously like this.

Su Ming stood on the body of Resentment Wei. As Resentment Wei rushed into the dark world, at the moment he stepped here, Su Ming immediately felt that his consciousness was squeezed by a powerful pressure, and was instantly bounced back into his body. He could only spread on the skin and could not leave his body.

The loss of divine consciousness is equivalent to breaking one eye for the monk, and there is no light here, and it is dark. This kind of black is the darkness that can't be seen clearly even if the cultivation condenses the eyes. This is to break the other eye. Here, it makes people blind.

At the same time, Su Ming's cultivation was even more in this dark world. At the moment of stepping in, he felt a strong suppression. This suppression of the hurricane was weak, but extremely strong. He actually suppressed Su Ming's cultivation from the fate to the palm of his hand. It seemed that if Su Ming was closer to the center of the world, then The stronger the pressure of cultivation will be.

Su Ming showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, without any hesitation. On the body of Resentment Wei, he galloped away with the progress of Resentment Wei. He did not need to look for the empty split. He believed that the other party would take the initiative to come.

And even if the other party did not take the initiative to come, Su Ming also had a way to find the empty split.

Because the world where the sun charm is located is exactly what Su Ming wants to eat the empty split. In fact, in the previous chase, the empty split is like a prey for Su Ming. Under his clever psychological hint and pursuit, the other party's come here is the only choice.

In this, Su Ming's expression is as usual. Although he can't see it around him, the resentment under him seems to be very familiar with the darkness. In the roaring forward, it is not at all unsuitable. Su Ming had expected this before. After all, the resentment of Wei is the transmission from the divine source of the But in fact, more places are dark all year round.

The grievance of Wei, who lives there, is naturally more familiar with the darkness than ordinary people. This is also one of the reasons why Su Ming chose here, especially through the connection with the grievances Wei. When Su Ming closed his eyes and his mind merged with the resentment of Wei, he saw a scene in this dark world through the A world that too many monks can't see.

It is a gray world, a world with no other colors except gray. It is empty, only in front of it. There is a huge gray light curtain that keeps shaking, as if it were a candlelight.

With the eyes of Wei, Su Ming didn't see the figure of the empty split, but this dark world is too big, so it is not surprising that he can't see it in this small range.

But Su Ming's closed eyes moved slightly. Although he didn't open it, he raised his right hand and clenched his fist up.

"Whether you want to stay here or not, now that you have arrived, don't want to leave." Su Ming showed a touch of arrogance, which was the self-confidence that everything was in his hands.

While Su Ming held his right fist, on the other side, he roared and rushed out of the dark world. After leaving the black world, his eyes lit up and saw the starry sky. When he turned back, the corners of his mouth showed a ferocious smile and pride.

"You are the ontology, and my personality and consciousness will be influenced by you more or less, so since it is possible for you to figure out my thoughts in this way, I can also calculate for you.

After being chased by you, my subconscious thought was to find a place that could limit you and devour you, so I chose this place.

But this is not my false move. Humph, I will lead you here, and then I am leaving. In the dark world, you, Su Ming, you continue to believe in your own ideas, and continue to believe that I will take the initiative here. When you notice something is wrong, I have already left the real world of Daochen!" The empty split sneered and shook his body and went straight to the distance. It was about to stay away from here, but at this moment, there was a sudden buzz swirling around the sky. At the moment when the buzzing came out, the speeding air-eating split suddenly changed its look and suddenly stopped.

He looked extremely gloomy, and his body no longer went forward but retreated rapidly, because in front of him, he saw a white ripple like a wavy board, which was roaring. It seemed that this place was only a small part of the ripple, and the extent of its spread was the area where the whole sun talisman

This ripple is exactly Su Ming's ring treasure. At the moment he stepped into this place, he had already sent the treasure out, so that it floated above and kept zooming in, until it covered the whole range of the sun, turned into ripples, became the seal of the cage, and began to contract.

In this way, it is equivalent to turning this place into a real prison. If the empty split wants to rush, under the pressure of the treasure, I'm afraid it will be sealed immediately, which forces him to go back and have to retreat back to the dark world of the sun charm.

"Damn it!!" The empty split's expression showed panic for the first time. He thought that he had calculated to the extreme, but in the end, he found that Su Ming's calculation was always one step ahead of him, making him be contained here.

"Since you want to die, I have done it for you!" There is no other way to eat the empty split. He gritted his teeth and looked crazy. In that dark world, even if his cultivation is suppressed, even if the divine consciousness cannot be dispersed, whether it is cultivation or divine consciousness, it is an external thing for the empty split. He is really powerful, or the body.

The body, roaring, wandering in this dark world, sweeping away with the murder and madness from the empty split.

Su Ming looked calm. In this dark world, he saw a gray starry sky through the eyes of complaining Wei. He let complain about Wei run forward. Time passed little by little. Su Ming's cultivation was also approaching the core, and he was gradually suppressed, and he was about to be pressed from the palm to the realm of disaster.

At this moment, suddenly, in Su Ming's eyes, a figure suddenly appeared in this gray world. This figure was outlined by countless lines, emitting bursts of breaths that were incompatible with the world. As soon as those breaths appeared, they were immediately swallowed up by the gray around.

The figure, even if it was just the outline, Su Ming could see at a glance that it was his empty split. He could not see the expression of the empty split, but when he looked at the silk threads that formed the other party's outline in the gray world in his eyes, he felt a strong anger from these silk threads.

He saw that the empty split was originally galloping in the other direction, but suddenly his figure paused and looked at him. This scene made Su Ming's heart move.

"Spirituality, this should be the spirit of his body and awakening of the red python in his independent consciousness, so he can faintly feel my existence in this darkness." Su Ming had a clear understanding. At this time, the empty split in his eyes, silently, came to him quickly, and his right hand had been raised, as if there was a rapid condensation of the inevitable blow.

"Even if it is mainly physical, it still needs to be suppressed here. Looking at the time of its momentum, it should be suppressed and fall into the palm of the hand." Su Ming sneered at the corners of his mouth. Looking at the empty split coming rapidly, his eyes flashed, and his right foot was raised and he instantly walked out of the resentful Wei. In an instant, he appeared in front of the empty split. His expression of the empty split suddenly changed. Obviously, he was aware that he wanted to retreat, but it was Grab, the empty split roared, raised his right hand, condensed his whole body and punched the right hand grabbed by Su Ming.

When the roar exploded in this dark world, Su Ming snorted, and his body did not retreat, while the empty split changed his face greatly. When he spewed out blood, his body rolled up in a hurry. RS