Ask for Magic

Chapter 1186 Red Mist Comes


In the purple fog, Su Ming pinched a fierce beast with his right hand, which looked like a tiger, but had a one horn on his forehead. At this moment, Su Ming grabbed his neck and pressed it to the ground. The blue veins of Su Ming's right hand bulged, and the power of cultivation echoed between his five fingers. His face After sweeping around, his right hand pinched vigorously. With a click, he directly crushed the neck of the fierce tiger and beast. He suddenly lowered his head and bit the neck of the fierce beast. With a big mouth, a large amount of light golden blood was swallowed in Su Ming's mouth.

Even if the fierce tiger beast's neck was crushed, it still struggled, but under the holding of Su Ming's right hand, it had no effect no matter how much it struggled. With Su Ming's devouring, it gradually moved.

A moment later, when Su Ming raised his head, the corners of his mouth were full of blood. If he was seen by outsiders at this moment, he must be shocked and shocked, because Su Ming at this moment looked extremely horrible and ferocious. Even if E Cang was no longer divided, it was still evil.

Wiping away the blood from the corners of his mouth, Su Ming loosened the right hand holding down the fierce beast, stood up and shook it, and went straight to the distance. This time he no longer walked in the flesh, but unfolded the power of cultivation. If he was hunting on weekdays, Su Ming would not be like this, but now in the outside world Su Ming must gallop.

And this is also part of his plan. Only when this purple appears, what fierce beasts are used as a supplement can he have a little less scruples and use his cultivation.

Su Ming's speed was so fast that he went away in an instant. A moment later, a fierce beast like a python was buckled into the skull by Su Ming's left hand. He let the python wrap his body and strangle him to death. Su Ming's speed did not decrease. He bit the python's body in this gallop Luo, he galloped faster.

Time passed slowly. When the first day of the purple fog passed, Su Ming's body suddenly paused and let go of a wild dog that had been swallowed up by him, with dark red light in his eyes. This was another trace of blood color left by him in the past four years of devouring the blood of fierce beasts here.

After a moment, Su Ming's eyes flashed and he looked sideways at the fog on the right. His consciousness quickly showed and disappeared quickly at that moment. At that moment, he sensed that there was a hill in the fog on his right side, which was hollow and faintly weak array ripples.

After only a few breaths, Su Ming immediately changed his direction and went straight to the hill. His speed was so fast that his cultivation unfolded. It didn't take long to come to the hill. When he saw it, Su Ming's eyes shrank.

This is a white hill. Although it is purple in the purple fog, Su Ming can still see that it is white. It is indeed hollow in the peak, and there is indeed a formation fluctuation, but the fluctuation is broken. As Su Ming appeared on the top of the mountain, he saw a huge cave on the top of the mountain. There is a cave in this hole. There is a cave.

The cave was dilapidated, and there was more dust, and even some purple fog penetrated into it. Su Ming stepped into the cave and saw at a glance the two bones nailed there on the rock wall of the cave next to him.

One big and one small, the big skeleton can be seen as a man, and the small skeleton is obviously just a five- or six-year-old child. Their bodies are distorted, and they obviously suffered a lot before they died. Such a distortion made Su Ming think that he was about to be in the red fog. The shadow sucked away the pain of almost all the vitality.

They were all nailed to the rock wall. What nailed to their bodies were two red bone spears, which penetrated through their skulls. I don't know how many years they were nailed here.

There were still a lot of gravel on the ground around. Su Ming stood there, silently looking at the big and two small bones, and then at the two bone spears that were still scattered cold even at this moment. He silently raised his head and looked at the huge hole above in the cave.

A picture naturally appeared in his mind. In that picture, two people, a big and a small man who were not bones, lived here to avoid the dangers of the outside world, but one day, maybe when the fog of the outside world turned red, their cave was bombarded out...

The gravel fell, and two bone spears came together. They nailed the two people, who might be father and son, to the rock wall, allowing them to roar sadly, and let them be rushed by a group of figures in the red fog, and sucked away all their vitality.

Looking at the hole silently, Su Ming's vigilance was even stronger. His eyes showed a touch of fierceness. In this cave, he knew that in this world, in addition to the figure in the red fog, there was also a kind of existence that could wield a bone spear.

"What's going on in the world..." Su Ming shook his body in silence and left the cave. Although the purple fog outside will turn red immediately, the cave has been damaged. With that hole, it can't be used to avoid it at all, so before the fog has turned red. Su Ming should quickly find a place of refuge.

With the passage of time, the purple fog slowly rolled more and more violently. When Su Ming galloped inside, a trace of gloom appeared in his eyes. His four-year experience told himself that when the purple fog rolled to the strongest, there was often a relative calmness. In this calm, it was often the moment when the red came.

Although this is not absolute, there will be six times in ten times.

The next day and the third day, when the fourth day came, the purple fog around Su Ming was roaring like a wave of anger. This was the strongest moment, but Su Ming still did not find any other refuge in the past few days. In silence, Su Ming did not give up and still galloped.

Until the fifth day came, the fog was in a moment. After the sudden calm, Su Ming's speeding figure paused, sighed, and threw out the body of a fierce beast without blood in his hand.

"This is the only way to use this method. Although there are some dangers, since you choose to go out of the safe cave, you will inevitably have the awareness of facing a crisis." Su Ming shook his head. In the calm purple fog, he raised his right foot and stepped sharply to the earth. With a bang, cracks appeared on the ground. Su Ming raised his right hand and suddenly fell on the earth with a punch. Between the roaring roundabouts, a deep hole appeared on the ground. At the same time, Su Ming shook his right hand, and Until deep into the ground, Su Ming felt a strong repulsion sipating from the earth. If he continued to go down, his strength was not enough. He knew that this was the limit, so he sat there cross-legged, pressed his hands around, and immediately the soil above him quickly condensed, that is, a few breaths. The earth turned into a level and buried Su Ming.

Almost an hour after Su Ming hid in the earth, suddenly, the purple fog outside changed rapidly in color in the calm, and it became red in an instant. At the same time, the whole sky was suddenly filled with red, making the whole world red at this moment. The color is boundless.

At the same time, in this red, a sad and sharp sound swirling, one by one seemed to be born from the red fog, one after another, floating in the red fog, devouring all the vitality of life they saw.

The sound of muttering is also circling between heaven and earth at this moment.

"The first heaven and the earth were born, but the beast..."

"Heaven and earth can live for a long time, so they don't live by themselves, so they can live forever. I want to live, only take life..."

"The first spirit is in the front, and this is before the disaster of the universe, so the living will be destroyed..." This shrill voice seems to carry some strange power. Even if Su Ming is hidden in the depths of the earth, he can still hear it.

He let his breath disappear and let his body be full of death. In the depths of the earth, he avoided the red fog of the outside world. This method was taken when Su Ming was chased by the red fog, but he understood that this method could only be temporarily effective for a long time. In this time to maintain the red fog for seven days, he The most common one at the beginning was to be found by those figures in the red fog on the fourth day.

"Four days, if you can hold on for four days, you can hold on for one more day. When they escape, they will hunt for one less day..." Su Ming made himself calm down and silently calculated the time.

Time passed day by day, the next day, the next day, the fourth day... In Su Ming's silent waiting and vigilance, the fifth day passed, but just when the sixth day came, suddenly, Su Ming's body shook, and a sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He did not hesitate to raise his right hand and punch the earth above, In the sky, the earth shook, and Su Ming's body rushed out quickly.

At the moment he just rushed out, in the depths of the earth where he had been buried before, more than a dozen red figures rushed over with a sharp sound. If it hadn't been for Su Ming's rapid detection, he would have been sucked away by all his vitality in an instant.

"There are still two days..." Su Ming's eyes flashed. After rushing out of the earth, he immediately galloped in the red fog. He did not choose to hide in the depths of the earth. He had tried before and paid some price for the experience. It was a time of red fog, and he could only hide in the earth once. There will be a second time, so it won't work at all.

At this moment, when galloping in the fog, the sharp voice behind Su Ming became stronger and stronger, and figures appeared one after another and rushed straight to Su Ming.

It's okay if there are only these figures behind him, but Su Ming galloped in less than a sip of incense in the fog, and a large number of red figures appeared on his left and right sides, and even in front of him.

Su Ming gritted his teeth and jumped up. When he roared away with the power of flying, a large number of red figures were also exposed above him. After seeing Su Ming, he immediately screamed and chased him.


Second update, ask for a monthly ticket!! RS