Ask for Magic

Chapter 1216 Great Dedication

"You..." The red-faced old man was pale and seemed to have lost his blood. He stared at Su Ming, as if he didn't care about the palm that Su Ming had pressed on his chest.

He stared at Su Ming's right hand, stared at the whip held in Su Ming's right hand, and clearly saw that the magic power contained in the whip collapsed under the constant collision in Su Ming's palm. It seemed that these magic power did not care at all for Su Ming at all. The old man saw that Su Ming's right hand was The crunchy sound that can bear.

It seems that if Su Ming is willing, he can crush the whip directly in an instant. This is the power of the human body, which is stronger than the old man's understanding.

His words only said one word. His eyes were filled with blood in an instant. When the blood spread quickly, they cracked in the old man's eyes. It was the old man's eyes that broke together. From his eyes, two bloody branches came out in an instant, squirming strangely, which looked extremely amazing. .

If you trace the root of these two bloody branches, if someone can clearly penetrate the old man's body and see his body at this moment, then you will clearly see that there are a large number of spreading branches in the old man's body at this moment, and the root of these branches is the old man's chest, Su Ming's left hand.

The old man's body withered in an instant, until he became a mummified corpse and died out of breath. His soul, his motogami, and everything about him became the nutrients of the evil world. Su Ming nourished his evil world's split, so that the injury of his split was instantly recovered and more refined.

The so-called immortal strong man is not the real immortality, but because there is too little power in the world to destroy it, so it is called immortal.

But obviously, Su Ming is not included in this list. Whether it is his barbaric body or the body of the sky, it is beyond the level of life beyond the ordinary power. How can it not be destroyed! Slowly raise your left hand and contract with the rapid contraction of the branches.

When Su Ming raised his hand.

There was no trace of the body, and the old man turned into a mummified corpse and fell into the starry sky.

Looking at the old man's body, at this moment, Su Ming really felt his growth and strength, which was the strong power he had never had when he had just returned from the divine source star sea.

At that time, he had no power to fight back in the face of extinction, but now... it is not difficult for him to erase a extinction.

He hasn't used the barbarian god change yet, and he hasn't used his ring treasure! Until this moment, Su Ming knew.

He is no longer a puppet who once controlled his fate. He has grown into a strong man in the sky. Anyone who tries to disrupt his fate again needs to pay the price of his life.

Su Ming's eyes showed a sharp light, and the aurora was instantly dissipated. He looked at the thin old man. The old man's face was pale at this moment. There was a huge ice man behind him roaring against the fierce ghost.

At the foot of the iceman.

An ice turtle roared and hit the elephant.

In front of this old man.

A large number of black centipedes are wandering, entangled with locusts. Next to them, there is a frozen boy. He opened his eyes in the ice, revealing a strange light. His eyes seemed to have turned into substance, covering the two little people, covering Su Ming's treasure gourd, making the two little people unable to move forward, But I can't hold on for too long.

As for the skinny old man, he gave up the trick at this moment, as if he had forgotten Su Ming's magic weapon around him, but looked at the body that fell into the starry sky. His eyes were unbelievable and sad. After a long time, he withdrew his eyes and stared at Su Ming.

"Do you want to continue to fight?" Su Ming looked at the dry and thin old man. He had already shown his strength. At this moment, he slowly opened his mouth and waited for the old man's answer.

In the old man's silence, all the monks were silent on the circle of huge trees that formed the seven yin array, but their hearts set off a storm, and there was a kind of despair. Su Ming's strength had defeated most of their confidence. It seemed to be a barrier that no matter how many monks could shake. It seems that as long as Su Ming stands there, even if the monks here are ten times more, they can't cross half a step.

Xu Hui stared at Su Ming. While there was a cold light in her eyes, she frowned. She didn't know Su Ming. Even if Su Ming turned into an empty appearance, she still didn't know her now.

But her intuition told herself that it seemed that the person in front of her was not the enemy. This contradictory feeling made Xu Hui a little irritable. Deshun next to her trembled at this moment. On the one hand, she was aware of Xu Hui's irritability and worried that she would be bullied again. On the other hand, she was .

In the hurricane in the distance, the woman from the soul clan of the dark morning holy clan showed unprecedented solemnity in her eyes. When she found that Su Ming was the first, she was shocked, but it was just a shock. But now her face has changed, all because of Su Ming's aurora!! Is it the dragon extermination... The soul clan has only appeared once in countless years, and it was that time that the soul clan became the dark morning saint and won the ninth world... Could it appear on him for the second time... But he clearly only has part of his sister's bloodline... But if it's not the dragon extermination, why can he turn into Source, I'm afraid even he doesn't know that the reason why he can condense the aurora is that his soul belongs to the cold of the soul clan! This source is about to take shape, and it is only one step away to come out. Unfortunately, it takes a long time. Unless someone sacrifices a strong and extremely cold, in that case, you will soon see whether this person's illusion is the dragon extermination!" The woman's face showed a rare and extremely complicated look, as if she was hesitating whether to take action to solve the puzzle.

"Battle!!" In the face of Su Ming's words, the thin old man suddenly looked up to the sky and roared at the moment when his look was ferocious. His right hand patted the little tripod fiercely. Under this slap, the tripod swelled directly, and finally it was directly separated from the old man's hands and floated in the air.

At the same time, the old man bit the tip of his tongue and spit out blood, pointing to the little tripod again.

"Explosion!!" In an extremely neat word, we can see the determination and firmness of the old man's heart. Even with such a magic weapon, he can suppress the heartache and burst it. With the ten-tenth of the power that broke out when the tripod collapses, he does not want to kill Su Ming, but as long as he can hit Su Ming hard and cooperate with Seal.

At the moment the old man's words came out, the little tripod buzzed, and its inner breath was instantly violent to the extreme. With an earth-shaking roar, the little tripod directly collapsed and burst, and the magnificent cold air swept around in an instant. Those locusts and black centipedes were instantly frozen It turned into ice cubes, and even the two little people of the treasure gourd were frozen in an instant, and the ice man, the ice turtle and the fierce ghost scale elephant behind the old man were frozen at this moment.

This violent ice power faintly surpassed the realm of extinction and dispersed the will of the sky. When it exploded, it did not spread too far, but almost all of them condensed with Su Ming. When he left, Su Ming's right hand suddenly raised and was about to unfold the treasure ring. Suddenly, his soul seemed to be somewhere, in this It suddenly trembled in an instant.

In this tremor, Su Ming immediately felt once again that when the soul was split, the soul that made him feel a touch of familiarity. At this moment, with that tremor, after the strong emergence, there seemed to be an endless desire for the surging cold.

This feeling of desire made Su Ming hesitate a little, and immediately gave up the plan to use the ring, but let the cold after the collapse of the little tripod flood his body. The sound of clicked, and the ice appeared outside Su Ming's body in an instant.

The dry and thin old man's eyes showed dazzling spirit. At this moment, he didn't have time to think too much. He pointed to Su Ming with his hands and immediately flew out nine blue beads from his storage bag.

As soon as these nine beads appeared, they went straight to Su Ming, who was shrouded in cold air. At the near moment, they exploded in Qiqi and turned into a more magnificent cold air. After drowning Su Ming in an instant, the ice directly expanded and turned into a hundred feet of feet.

"Dead, die!!" The skinny old man looked almost crazy. The red-faced old man was his best friend. The friendship between the two for many years made the thin old man's only idea in his mind at this moment was to kill Su Ming, which was to slaughter all the monks of the ninth peak to avenge his friends.

In fact, even if the red-faced old man did not die, the two of them still planned to destroy the ninth peak! Die for me!!" As soon as the dry and thin old man patted the storage bag, six ice crystals flew out of it, each of which had a terrible cold air. Blood was spewed out by him. As his blood fell on the ice crystals, the six ice crystals rushed to Su Ming in an instant. After collapsing and bursting again, they turned into an indescribable Under the fusion, the ice that sealed Su Ming's body layer by layer in an instant swelled by more than 30% again, and the hundreds of feet of ice were extremely amazing in the sky.

"Dead!" The dry and thin old man suddenly opened his mouth and directly spit out a piece of black ice the size of a fingernail. As soon as the ice came out, the old man immediately looked a little depressed, but he did not hesitate. The black ice was close to the ice that sealed Su Ming in an instant. As soon as he touched it, it roared in the sky, and It turned into a boulder of thousands of feet!! After doing this, the skinny old man was out of breath and quickly retreated, roaring in his mouth.

"Seven extinct yin array, open the battle to seal this bureau!!!" Boom! The seven circles of giant trees, all the monks on it were refreshed after seeing this scene. At this moment, they began to rotate from the innermost layer, that is, a few breaths. Under the seven circles rotate layer by layer, it seemed that there were years condensing and sealed Su Ming rapidly.

All this was in the eyes of the woman in the hurricane in the distance. The woman looked strange. Looking at the thin old man with a little nervous and anticipation, she muttered to herself.

"Is this person known to him for a long time? This is not killing. This is obviously... When he needs it most, he can't spare no effort to sacrifice his longevity yuan, even if he sends out the treasure of ten thousand years to refine his life, which can give the greatest help..." In the last two days of this week, I always feel that it It's going to explode... Tomorrow, the third update! Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! RT