Ask for Magic

Chapter 1222 fangs!

Time passed. Three days later, Su Ming galloped in the hurricane under the gap of the Three Wildernesses, and there were ripples of the treasure ring, which made Su Ming's speed extremely fast. The old man was by his side, but the old man sometimes looked up and kept staring at the gap of the Three Wildernesses

"Within a year, the ministries of Wu and Shu will come from the gap between the three wildernesses. The war they are now unfolding outside the gap has shown signs of reconciliation..." After a long time, the old man slowly opened his mouth.

Su Ming was silent. Although he was not as careful as the old man, he could also figure it out. This battle could not be divided between you and the dark morning. The final result must be that the forces of the two sides came at the same time under some kind of agreement.

This war is not so much to compete for the gap between the three wildernesses as to compete for the initiative to modify and formulate mutual agreements.

At this moment, it is extremely appropriate to describe the three wilderness worlds in the four words that charcoal is dangerous. In fact, it is not Su Ming who is struggling to make himself strong. In other real worlds, there are people like Su Ming who are crazily looking for creation and improving their own cultivation.

Only making yourself strong is the foundation to survive in this catastrophe.

However, compared with them, in this broken Taoist real world, Su Ming has obtained more creations and can be used more comprehensively. Because the whole Daochen world can be used by Su Ming, and it is also because of the damage of the real world of Daochen and the death of all sentient beings, which gives Su Ming the possibility to give up the real world

Su Ming showed persistence in his eyes at this moment. When he galloped in this hurricane, the old man next to him looked at the three wilderness gaps above. With his cultivation, he could see a lot of things that Su Ming could not see. He could see the war in the outside world, the strong inside him and the starry sky of the anti-sacre

"What a gap..." When the old man muttered, there was a strange light in his eyes.

"The will of the three wilderness will not care about not becoming the spiritual predecessors, nor will it care about the cultivation of the people who do not surpass the destruction of the realm... So to create such a gap, first of all, it is impossible for the people in the outside world to do it, because even if they are united, they cannot resist the will of the

If you can make such a gap, only the cultivation of the real world of the three wildernesses can be done, and your own cultivation cannot surpass the realm of extinction, and the level of life cannot be spiritual first.

But in this way, it is almost impossible to make a gap... This gap is not accidental, but inevitable... It is not only the passage for the arrival of Wu and Shu, but also... I, the tribes in Wei, rushing out of the road of the Three Wastes!

Its appearance... Without the recognition of the will of the three wilderness itself, how can it appear!" The old man's muttering voice fell into Su Ming's ears, which made Su Ming move forward, but soon continued to gallop.

"The will of the three wilderness, the wilderness... The relationship between you will soon be found out by me to see if it is as I guessed. If it is really like that, then it should come again soon..." The old man's eyes flashed, and he didn't open his mouth again, and he also withdrew his eyes to look at the Sanhuang Light.

Another day passed. When Su Ming galloped in the hurricane for about four days, his figure rushed directly out of the hurricane and shuttled through the hurricane storm under the gap of the three wildernesses. At the moment of its appearance, Su Ming saw the real world of Daochen, the starry sky on this side.

The starry sky here exists in the place of gloomy death and the mountain gate of the South Alliance.

It was almost the moment when Su Ming appeared. He just glanced around and walked away in an instant. His direction swept across the South Alliance Mountain Gate in all directions.

It is a continent composed of floating land. The continent is extremely vast, surrounded by five stars. There is a protective array on each star. With their surroundings, a magnificent array is formed. After covering the continent inside it, it looks like a huge halo from afar.

On this continent, there are three cities, which are the core areas of the SAARC, which are respectively led by the three masters of the Extinction League, but now there is only one Lord of the SAARC in these three cities.

The remaining two people have died at Su Ming's hands on the other side of the hurricane.

As for the five stars outside the mainland, they are extremely well preserved. They belong to the five major forces of the SAARC in addition to the three major cities, which are the five more powerful ethnic groups.

At this moment, in the South Alliance, everyone is in danger. Now there are less than 300,000 monks still here, but they know the collapse of the expeditionary army in various ways, especially more than 30,000 monks who were selected to control the ancient gods a few days ago. They collapsed and died together, which shocked the cultivation of the Southern League. .

In addition, all the protective arrays on the five stars have been opened, which further confirms everyone's panic and makes the SAARC shrouded in panic.

But they absolutely couldn't guess that Su Ming's arrival was so fast that he shuttled through the hurricane in just four days and appeared directly outside the SAARC mountain gate.

Looking at the SAARC in the distance, Su Ming's eyes showed indifference. At this moment, in order to get enough fate, in order to seize the last preparation in front of the real world of Daochen, he almost as soon as he approached the SAARC, he did not hesitate to directly launch the strongest magic spell "Moving the Mountain!" The sky and the earth roared, and the starry sky shook. Outside the Nanmeng Mountain Gate, 100,000 mountains immediately roared, and went straight to the protection formed by the five stars. After the moment, there was a shocking noise after the collision.

The five stars shook together, and the continent around them trembled even more. The 300,000 monks here woke up one after another. When they flew up and looked up, their faces changed in an instant. What they could see were the 100,000 mountains outside the protective array, which were constantly falling with a shocking momentum.

If that's all right, but it's just a few breathing time. At the moment when the protection twisted and trembled formed by the five stars, a loud voice suddenly echoed from the starry sky outside the protection, and the sound revealed a cold feeling, and there was a more terrible evil spirit.

"Mountain!" There was only one word in the sound, but at the moment when the word fell into the ears of all the monks, all the peaks on the five stars, trembled together, actually rose up one after another. For example, these mountains had the wisdom at this moment and wanted to rush out to worship their kings.

On the continent surrounded by five stars, there are also countless peaks. These peaks rushed out at this moment. From a distance, thousands of mountains on the mainland roared up, like a sharp sword going straight to the sky, and countless peaks flew out of the five stars. These peaks roared harshly. Directly from the inside of the protection, impact the protective light curtain.

Under the arrival of 100,000 mountains with the outside Su Ming, the light curtain of the five stars directly collapsed and smashed in an earth-shaking roar. After disappearing in an instant, in the eyes of all monks, the world has become a mountain world.

"Inverted the sea... Su Ming opened his mouth faintly outside the starry sky. Under the black light flashed all over his body, the aurodesic light rolled away in an instant, making the starry sky completely black. The black light turned into a sea and fell to the five stars and the continent that had lost protection. The light was like the Almost all the monks were dark in front of their eyes. In an instant, they lost consciousness and were surrounded by a cold.

But at this time, five huge beams of light suddenly came out of the five stars, which were the magic weapon on the five stars. This magic weapon was the killer of the South Alliance. After they all came out, the five stars immediately withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is a powerful beam of light that absorbs the origin of the five stars, regardless of the death of the stars from then on. Any of these five pillars of light can force the strong to retreat, but the combination of the five stars blocks all directions around Su Ming, especially their speed, as if it also contains life. The feeling of life is a kind of madness that can't hit Su Ming even if it can't hit Su with one blow, but it will always exist.

Seeing the five pillars of light coming rapidly, Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his right hand was raised to the heavenly spirit. Immediately, a black dragon of more than 100 feet roared and roared. As soon as the dragon came out, it suddenly roared at the coming five pillars of light. Under this roar, it was as if the starry sky was Come on, it seems that this dragon is the lord of the cold air. It can summon the cold air of the starry sky to come in an instant.

During the sound of click, the five beams of light were frozen in an instant, and the ice was rapidly spreading. Five stars were filled in a blink of an eye along the beam of light, directly turning the five stars into ice.

With a bang, the ice collapsed. After even the five stars were smashed, the dragon was destroyed and returned to Su Ming's heavenly spirit. Su Ming looked indifferent and stepped directly to the SAARC continent.

As soon as the footsteps fell, the mainland was shocked, and the cracks spread in an instant, as if to split the continent.

"The ninth peak elder Mo Su, after today, the SAA will not be there, and you and other practitioners will not sacrifice their souls to surrender!" Su Ming's business revolved around with majesty. At this moment, in the South Africa, the sky is surrounded by mountains, and the earth is breaking and roaring. The ice that the stars are collapsing on Thursday and Friday is still exciting. The aurora is like the sea around, it seems that it can be directly vented with Su Ming's

This scene is not a delusion to describe the collapse of heaven and earth.

With the echo of Su Ming's voice, an indescribable momentum was immediately formed, which was enough to break the minds of all monks. Even if the realm was destroyed, it would still tremble under this momentum.

"We wait... willing to return to the team..." After a long time, when a complex voice came out of the collapsed continent, gradually, more and more voices said the same words.

With the emergence of a large number of sounds, and as the monks here sacrificed their souls one by one, the spiritual intention came and turned into the sound of heaven. After leaving a brand in the mind of 300,000 monks here, the magnificent fate directly increased in Su Ming's body.

This surge made Su Ming see the hope of seizing the real world of the morning!

"I want to take away... Daochen's real world!!" Su Ming suddenly looked up, like a wolf showing his fangs!

This week's outbreak is over, ask for a monthly ticket (to be continued