Ask for Magic

Chapter 1232 The Vortex of Death

The swirlpool of yin and death exists in the real world of Daochen, but it is completely separated from the real world of Daochen. Even when the will of the real world of Daochen is strongest, it cannot interfere too much with the vortex of yin and death.

This can be said to be a completely different world from the outside world. Monks can step into it, but most of the monks who enter it will be suppressed by their cultivation. In addition, there are some other inexplicable dangers.

However, it is not that the life in the vortex of death wants to go out, but it has been rare for countless years, which can be seen from Su Ming's difficulties.

What's more, because this swirlpool of yin and death has been within the scope of the immortals in the past years, so it is also the sects of the immortals who know most about this place. In addition, a generation of barbarians who came out of the land of yin and death many years ago dominate the wind and clouds

What kind of cultivation and method did the barbarian gods of that generation do it? This matter has become history...

Su Ming looked at the swirl of death in front of him in the starry sky. In silence, he didn't care about the excited cry of the bald crane. His expression was a little complicated and some memories.

The swirlpool of the yin and death, the land of the barbarians, there are also some familiar people in Su Ming's memory, Fang Canglan, the witch clan, Lei Chen, who has never found a trace, and some familiar people in those years, etc. Now that they have been away for thousands of years, I don'

In the silence, Su Ming shook his head. He had been away from the vortex of death for too long, until his memory had been blurred, but this ambiguity slowly emerged in his mind as he stared at the swirl of death at this moment.

Outside the swirlpool of yin death, there is still a trace of the formation, which is obviously a yin array that was built by the cultivation of the immortals in those years.

Huzi is the spirit of this array, and it has been completely separated, just like reincarnation and rebirth. Therefore, the hurricane that is vented by the gap of the three wildernesses at this moment, although only the wreckage has been destroyed by the array, Huzi has no impact at all.

With a sigh, Su Ming took a step forward and turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the vortex of death.

After thousands of years of departure, now... it's time to return.

Su Ming's figure was integrated into the whirlpool of death in an instant, followed by the bald crane. As for the old man of the spirit, this man had his own way to follow Su Ming's side, and Su Ming did not need to pay more attention.

At the moment when his body stepped into the swirlpool of death, a magnificent death surged directly from the whirlpool. Because the death gas was too thick, it had become foggy and swam around Su Ming quickly. The intensity of death was enough to make all the living rot in an instant and become the people of death.

But for Su Ming, this death not only did not make him feel uncomfortable, but also had a familiar sense of belonging, because... In those years, he had completely integrated into this strong deadness, into a kind of way that he was in the place of death, and he could not notice the existence of death at all, such as a piece of ice, falling into The water melts and is inseparable from the water.

It was a kind of corrosion in the face of the bright sun, a kind of severe pain that he was seriously eroded when he tried to leave, because at that time he was already part of the smell of death.

"The swirl of yin and death is like using a mirror. Outside the mirror is Daochen, it is Sanhuang, and inside the mirror... is the place of yin and death." Su Ming muttered, and his body kept going forward in the whirlpool, and gradually became more and more dead. In the end, he had covered all of Su Ming, which made Su Ming's breath quickly transformed.

This kind of transformation was condoned by Su Ming. As a spiritual first, he had a true world split, and even came out of the yin and death whirlpool. Therefore, there was no rejection of this transformation. After the body and even the breath were gradually completely integrated with the dead, a feeling of light body suddenly emerged.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, which makes Su Ming seem to have found the feeling when he was in the place of death. The whirlpool keeps spinning, and the depth is getting longer and longer. It seems that he has fallen like this for countless years, and it is difficult to fall into the depths of this swirlpool.

Silently roaring in this whirlpool, as if there is also the power of absorption and withdrawal in it, so that Su Ming can gallop by himself without spending any effort, and move forward rapidly towards the world where the barbarians in the many spaces of the whirlpool in his memory.

Around him, under the roar of the whirlpool, there are cracks in the space. The cracks in each whirlpool are a world. With the rotation of the whirlpool, these represent more and more cracks in the entrance of the space. If others are changed, it may be difficult to accurate from these tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 spaces I really found the barbarian land.

But Su Ming's experience of leaving Yin and death twice in that year and rushing out of the whirlpool, so he clearly remembers where the barbarian land is. At this moment, he goes straight to the direction of memory in silence, getting closer and closer.

Most of his breath has turned into death, and the rest is also rapidly transformed. It seems that it will not take long before he can completely turn into a dead body.

But at the moment when Su Ming galloped in the whirlpool, suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared from the mouth of a space crack below it. The figure looked like a human figure, but it had two heads, one left and one right. At the moment of appearance, the two heads roared at the same time.

With his roar, the figure half squatted at the entrance, and his four eyes were red, staring at Su Ming.

At the moment when Su Ming flashed by his side, the heads let out a low roar, and his body rushed out, but at the moment he rushed out, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and was directly bounced back, with a sad scream.

Su Ming's sinking body suddenly stopped at this moment, floating in the rotating majestic whirlpool, and coldly looked at the two-headed weirdo who bounced back by the invisible barrier.

"The place of death, you can enter... and can't go out." Su Ming muttered, and when his eyes swept over the figure, he suddenly shrank faintly, because his eyes not only fell on the strange person, but also fell into the space where the person was, and vaguely saw the world there.

It was a yellow sky, a black earth. On that earth, there were about 100,000 double-headed people, who looked up to the sky and roared, and most of their bodies were wrapped in a large number of black chains, and the roar was extremely sad.

Looking past, Su Ming ignored everything in the world, but continued to gallop into the depths of it along the swirl of death. In his memory, the space where the barbarians were located was not far away.

After ten breaths, Su Ming's roar was far away from the space where the previous two-headed man was located, but it was also the ten breaths after he left. Outside the space where the two-headed man was, the fog rolled in the swirlpool, a huge ferocious dragon head suddenly drilled out Strong breath, red eyes seem to be rotten and godless, staring at the direction of Su Ming's departure.

Most of the faucet has rotted, emitting a strong sense of death. At this moment, it moved like a black lightning, and went straight down in an instant.

When time passed again, in this seemingly endless swirlpool, Su Ming's figure suddenly stopped. When he stopped again, he looked to the right side, a crack in the whirlpool.

There was a faint breath in the crack, but it was this faint breath that made Su Ming feel the existence of the barbarians, where... was the entrance and exit of the barbarian world that existed in his memory.

If the formation outside the swirlpool is still there before the hurricane, it is not necessary to look for it to enter the barbarian land. Through that formation, people can be directly descended to the barbarians.

Because the array has been connected with the barbarians in a sense, but now the array has already turned into a wreckage, so Su Ming needs to look for it like this.

Su Ming looked at the entrance crack of the barbarian world, and the dead spirit above him squirmed silently. At this moment, Su Ming, who looked calm, suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to the swirl of death above.

Under this finger, it immediately roared and swirled, like a muffled thunder, rolling upside down, directly revealing the rotten dragon head that was quietly approaching.

The dragon's head is only a hundred feet away from Su Ming at this moment. With the death, and with the appearance of the dragon's dragon's appearance, it also reveals the small half of its white-boned body.

Although the dragon's eyes were godless, there was a fierce flash, and he immediately let out a low roar at Su Ming. As soon as his body was about to rush away, Su Ming looked up indifferently, his eyes were like electricity, and swept on the faucet.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the dragon's body trembled violently, and its rushing head stopped more than 30 feet away from Su Ming. A touch of the extremely rare fear in the dragon's eyes appeared in an instant. Su Ming's word, in this dragon's feeling, its soul seemed to have experienced a storm, and the strength of Kill it, only in one thought.

Even its body was trembling, from the majesty of Su Ming's words, from the light of indifference in Su Ming's eyes, which made the dragon tremble and fear, and there was an irresistible feeling.

It seems that Su Ming, whose body seems to be weaker than it at this moment, is actually an ancient forefather who can easily pinch him to death. The will, that majesty, inviolable, make it think many times that he has reached the top of the whirlpool, the edge closest to the outside world, looking at the outside The feeling of the same ant.

Under the trembling, the dragon howled and slowly retreated. The fear in his eyes became stronger and stronger until his body was hidden in death again. After Su Ming's figure in his eyes was covered by the fog, it flashed quickly and left here in a hurry.

As a strange life in this swirl of death, it has seen too many strong people in its life, but... The Su Ming it sees today is the most frightening of all the strong people it meets in its life, and even makes it feel dead again. Death is approaching. RS