Ask for Magic

Chapter 1238 There was another autumn in the dream

"The Barbarian Concubine..."

"See the Barbarian Concubine..."

"The lord of the barbarian concubine, the lord of the barbarian clan..." With the rapid spread of Su Ming's divine consciousness around with the center of this holy island, it covered the whole barbarian world in a blink of an eye. From the whole barbarian cultivation being shrouded in Su Ming's will, he obtained almost .

It's just that the memory is incomplete, just some bits and pieces. Unless Su Ming increases the power of divine consciousness, then he will definitely get all the answers he wants, but the price... It will be almost half of the barbarian cultivation, and the divine consciousness will collapse and die.

For a long time, when the sound of Guzheng rotated again, Su Ming's consciousness was withdrawn. He saw the memories of many people, most of whom almost all the barbarians respected the barbarian concubine.

It is a symbol of the barbarian spirit. From Su Ming's respect for the barbarian concubine in the heart of the barbarian cultivation, it can be seen that for more than a thousand years, for a plate of barbarians, if it hadn't been for the existence of Fang Canglan, it would have been consumed in their

Su Ming was silent. He didn't get the real answer, but he also got some answers. With a touch of guilt, Su Ming looked at Fang Canglan beside the guzheng beside him, playing the zheng and telling the silent loneliness. He raised his right hand and waved around.

Under this swing, the years suddenly turned around here in Su Ming's will.

Ten years ago... Fang Canglan stood by the window and looked at the sunset in the distance. Her figure was bleak with a trace of loss. Behind her was the cultivation of the life clan and whispering about the barbarians.

Twenty years ago... Fang Canglan played the guzheng, and her beautiful face was like a statue, or she was indeed a living statue.

Thirty years ago... All the barbarian islands sent messengers to sacrifice to the barbarians. On the islands of this holy land, nearly tens of thousands of people pervaded and worshipped Fang Canglan. The voice of the barbarian concubine echoed and shuttled through the years and fell into Su Ming's ears.

Forty years ago...

Fifty years ago... Until a hundred years ago, except for every few years in front of the barbarian cultivation, Fang Canglan's life was mostly in this palace, quietly playing the guzheng and quietly looking at the sky outside by the window.

Two hundred years ago, the rain in the night sky condensed the moonlight. When it fell on the sea, it turned into crystal drops like the moonlight. Fang Canglan by the window was thin, allowing the wind outside the window to blow the rain and drenched on the body.

One night of rain...

Three hundred years ago, Fang Canglan was no longer as calm as ever. She often saw the struggle on her face, the hesitation, and a touch of helplessness. Only the company of Guzheng seemed to calm her down. No matter the snow or the rain, she spent silently in the cage that was not a cage.

Four hundred years ago...

Five hundred years ago... Su Ming saw all the time of Fang Canglan in this palace. She watched Fang Canglan go from struggling to quiet, from quiet to habit, and gradually dark from habit.

That's not a retreat. If it's a retreat, thousands of years may not be painful and fleeting, but this is in a palace, living for thousands of years, which is enough to crush people, especially she is just a woman.

Six hundred years ago...

Seven hundred years ago... Until more than a thousand years in this reversal, Yu Su Ming saw one by one in his eyes that he saw the construction of the palace, saw the worship of barbarians for more than a thousand years, and saw that the whole barbarians changed from a plate of scattered sand to today's essence under the The soul of God.

He also understood why there was such a strong power of fate in this barbarian world, all because of Fang Canglan.

It was not until Su Ming's eyes that the palace of the peak of the Holy Land had not been built yet. When this was just an island of the life clan, he saw Yaman, Xuesha, Apocalypse, Wushuang and others. These were once strong people who were canonized by Su Ming and given the land of tribal reproduction. On the peak, look at the ups and downs of the sea in the distance.

Next to them, there was a gentle man, who also stood there silently, which was... the second brother.

"I'm leaving the barbarian land, going to the outside world... to find my little brother, your barbarian gods."

"In accordance with the imprint of my will, I don't know if my memory will be complete and I will lose some after I leave, but I have a feeling that I will forget something when I leave this time...

The memory of the barbarians will be blurred a lot. This is the price, the acquisition of cultivation, and the price of being branded by the will of this place..."

"Now, when I am still sober about my memory... I think the barbarians need a symbol. Although I am not a barbarian, my little brother is a barbarian god. You... need a symbol to condense the soul of the clan."

"She will be a barbarian concubine. As a four-generation barbarian concubine, she is above everything and condenses the scattered souls of the barbarians. This is my suggestion."


The picture of the years was fragmented in front of Su Ming's eyes, like the break of a mirror, and those fragments disappeared into nothingness, as if nothing had existed.

Time, back to this moment, back to the distance of the sound of the guzheng in his ear when Su Ming stared at Fang Canglan.

He saw all the stories of Fang Canglan in these years, the tears in the corners of her eyes when she meditated at night, her waiting, and everything she gave for the barbarians.

This is a very resolute girl, a girl who can sacrifice everything for the barbarians, or... She is not all for the barbarians, but more for Su Ming.

Thousands of years may not be long, but what is really long is that you don't know how long all this will last. In this palace, in a cage that is not a cage, how long will you wait.

Maybe... it's the day when the Dead Sea is exhausted.

In a vague way, the woman in Su Ming's eyes, who was obviously older than before, gradually overlapped with the figure in his memory on the peak of Nanze Island, Yu Fengzhong silently watching his departure.

"I... came back." Su Ming looked soft, and his inner guilt was getting stronger and stronger. In the previous reversal of the millennium, the intensity of guilt had been deeply buried in his soul, which could not be erased or dissipated.

For Fang Canglan, Su Ming can't tell what the feeling is. Whether it was back then or now, after the precipitation of time, this feeling has now turned into a cup of wine for thousands of years.

After drinking this wine, only those who taste it in person will know its taste. It will turn into three words. When Su Ming said it, although his voice was soft, it was already hoarse.

The sound of Guzheng paused in an instant, and Fang Canglan's body trembled slightly. She raised her head, slowly turned around, and saw the figure that appeared around her at some point.

The appearance of the figure is strange, and the breath is also strange, but the eyes, the softness in those eyes, are the pupils that have appeared many times in Fang Canglan's dream.

She looked calm, but under this calm, there was silent excitement and complexity, turning into tears in the corners of her eyes and flowing for thousands of years...

"At the clock of Hanshan, you and I are bound..." Su Ming muttered, and raised his right hand to pass through Fang Canglan's hair.

"At the ninth peak, you and I meet..." Su Ming's voice whispered. Fang Canglan bit her lips and looked at Su Ming in a da astdown. She tried to calm herself and didn't want to let tears flow down, but she couldn't do it.

"Wu Man's war, goodbye is already a waste of people..." Su Ming stroked Fang Canglan's hair, gently pulled it into his arms, and buried Fang Canglan's head in Su Ming's chest. He felt Fang Canglan's heartbeat and felt the bitterness and waiting of thousands of years contained in her tears.

"Nanze Island, look at each other from afar. When I left, I looked at you from afar..." Su Ming looked at the woman in his chest, and his guilt in his heart made him unable to speak.

Love, I'm speechless.

Who twisted the lovesickness of this thousand years for a long time, from the wilderness of the mainland to the old ocean into an island... In a flash, where is the first sight...

Those former acquaintances are still there, but in the thousands of years of changes, like dust falling into the river, there is no trace.

Outside the window, the wind and raincoat sleeves are fluttering, and the moonlight can't bear to come gently. The years are sighing, causing sorrow... What's more worrying?

There was another autumn in the dream.

Low your eyebrows and look back, buried in your chest, the past is vague, you can't tell that this moment is a dream, it's a worry...

Yi Yi sighed softly, and the corners of her eyes flowed into tears. The tears seemed to reflect the figure that once danced with the wind on the peak. The figure stood in the years and waited for Fangfei, as if at this moment, with the sigh, she was speechless again.

Just sigh that if each other is a passer-by in life, then the heart will not hurt, and the sigh is only a moment, more than three breaths... Only sigh that if life can come back, then if you don't know each other, you may not know each other.

If you haven't seen each other, maybe you don't owe each other, and you can be like a valley of hidden orchids. Seeing that the sky and the earth are old, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the clouds are light and the wind is light, and the guzheng is with each other. Sitting under the moon at

Long hair is fragrant, plain and clean, regardless of the past, present and future, no desire, peace of mind... will not hurt.

Su Ming put Canglan into his arms. His weak body made Su Ming's heart hurt. The pain was very deep, but it was thousands of years late. Now the woman in his arms is no longer the breeze that blew from his side more than a thousand years ago, but moistened into his heart and became eternal.

Canglan's eyes, which can't be seen, looked at the window of the palace on Su Ming's chest, looking at the endless dusk and autumn outside. The autumn sunshine, like the lingering thoughts through the ages, muttered, buried in the bottom of the woman's heart, the unspeakable words in those years.

"I forgot the vicissitudes of life, forgot all sentient beings, forgot myself, but I still can't forget you..."


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