Ask for Magic

Chapter 1240 Bai from all directions

Whether it is the old friend of that year or the new strength that has risen for more than a thousand years, the cultivation of the whole barbarian clan, the Changhong turned into at this moment, spread out in the sky, which is extremely spectacular from a distance.

The long rainbow ran through the sky, the roaring sounded, earth-shaking, and went straight to the barbarian palace where Su Ming was located.

With the boiling of the whole barbarian bloodline, when their figures galloped through the sky one by one, the infinite sea beasts existed in the Dead Sea, at this moment, also under the spread of Su Ming's breath of the barbarian god, there were waves of restlessness and uneasiness.

Most of the sea beasts in the Dead Sea are huge and numerous. Whether it is sea dragons or those sea giants, under the multi-thousand years of reproduction, although they often clash with the barbarians, there are many deaths and injuries, there are still many.

And with the tide of beasts over and over thousands of years, the strength of the sea beasts here has exceeded that of thousands of years ago, but even so, all of them are still trembling at this moment. Being deterred by Su Ming's breath, the whole sea beasts of the Dead Sea have hidden at the bottom of the sea and

They can detect Su Ming's horror from Su Ming's breath, which is the power of despair that can destroy them. Therefore, even if most of the barbarians leave their respective islands at this moment, no sea beast dares to take the opportunity to make trouble.

During the roar of the sky, Su Ming stood in the barbarian palace and looked at Fang Canglan. His breath dispersed, conveying the meaning of summoning and feeling the boiling of the whole barbarian blood. In a few days, a large number of barbarian people will come to visit him one after another.

"It's decided?" Fang Canglan raised her head, looked at Su Ming, and whispered.

"When I return from this trip, I want to leave here with the whole barbarian and let the barbarians rise in the outside world." Su Ming nodded and said slowly.

Fang Canglan smiled slightly and did not continue to inquire. Instead, she closed her eyes and continued to play the sound of the guzheng. The music swirled for a long time.

The first to see Su Ming was the cultivation of the fateful family on this holy land. Almost at the moment of the music, outside the barbarian palace, there was immediately the voice of nearly ten thousand monks, with respect, fanaticism, with excitement, turned into a sound wave roar.

"Holy Destiny, the guard of the barbarian god palace, see you... order to cultivate the ancestor, see you... barbarian god!"

The sound roared, swirling in all directions, shaking the world, and setting off the waves. At the time of the swirling, Su Ming stood by the window. His clothes were blown by the wind, and the light of the dusk fell. He saw the excited worship of nearly ten thousand people outside.

He didn't say anything. Those people knelt down together. After the sound wave, they were neatly silent, as if as long as Su Ming didn't open his mouth, they would always kneel down like this.

With their kneeling, a trace of pure power of fate is like the fire of their faith. When they can't see it, but only Su Ming can see it, they suddenly went straight to Su Ming. After integrating into Su Ming's body, it immediately added a trace of Su Ming's cultivation.

In fact, there are still a lot of such predestined power in this world. Although the quantity is similar to what Su Ming once absorbed, but in purity, it is equivalent to more than 160 million yuan from the outside world.

That's all. Su Ming will not absorb it now. These forces of fate that permeate between heaven and earth are an important help for Su Ming to move the barbarian world out of the whirlpool of death.

Guzheng music is spinning, and time passes slowly. About an hour later, there is a long rainbow roaring in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it has turned into hundreds of barbarian cultivation. The leader of these people is Bai Chang. Behind him are smoke, car, toothwood, and there are looking at the Su Ming's figure in the palace... Wanqiu.

"The cultivation of the barbarians of Nanze Island, see the barbarian god and welcome the return of the lord!" Bai Chang took a deep breath. Although Su Ming was still his junior, as the years went by, Su Ming was a barbarian god. In his opinion, it was the supreme existence of the whole barbarian clan. Whether it was his heart or his expression, Bai Chang was extremely respectful and vaguely excited.

With his voice, hundreds of monks from Nanze Island responded together. Like those Ming clans, after meeting, they chose not to worship, waiting for Su Ming's instructions, and also waiting for all the barbarians who came one after another in the next few days.

Similarly, in these hundreds of people, there is also a strong power of fate. After integrating into Su Ming's body, it is perfectly absorbed by Su Ming, becoming a part of his cultivation and nourishing his soul.

Su Ming looked at Bai Changzai and the familiar people behind him. There was a smile on his face. In addition to the music in his ear, he still did not speak, but continued to wait.

Because dusk remains unchanged, even if it should have been late at night, the outside world is still sprinkled with the light of dusk. Between heaven and earth, long rainbows appear. These are all barbarians who exist on islands very close to here. Looking around, there are tens of thousands of people. At this moment, after approaching the Holy Land Barbar He knelt down in the barbarian shrine.

"I'll wait...see the barbarian god!!"

With the appearance of tens of thousands of people, the power of fate appeared in Su Ming, which seemed to cover the world. At this moment, with their worship, they condensed Su Ming here. Su Ming's mind roared slightly. These fate methods were integrated in an instant, which not only increased Su Ming's cultivation, but also made his soul strong in an It's much tougher, and even Su Ming's will has great benefits.

"The power of the law of fate, the law of the outer edge and the law of the inner edge, these beliefs are like fire, which can strengthen my will a lot... This is the practice method that can only be possessed by being a spiritual first. It seems to be the same as fate, but it is obviously beyond its meaning of too much spiritual preemption

If one day I can become a sychic, then I'm afraid that the benefits of this absorption will be more. Su Ming listened to the Guzheng music in his ear, felt his cultivation and the continuous strength of the soul, and smiled on his face.

Tens of thousands of barbarians in the outside world worshipped one after another at this moment. When the next day came, the dusk of the outside world remained unchanged, but there were tens of thousands more people in the sky, and at this moment, more figures could be seen roaring around.

"Nang Gong Hen, see your kindness!!" A long rainbow approached in an instant at a speed beyond everyone, and the excited voice swirling, revealing the old face of Nangonghen. He looked at Su Ming in the Man God Palace, and his memory seemed to return to the Jiuyin world of that year, and Su Ming took them to rush out.

"Tianhen Island barbarians, see the barbarian god!"

"Flying Moon Island, see the barbarian god!"

"Yanshan Island, meet the fourth generation of barbarian gods!" The sound swirling around, and tens of thousands of barbarians around him were approaching, and the sound of greetings came one after another. A large amount of power of fate was bombarded into Su Ming's heart at this moment for a long time.

"Old man, meet the fourth generation of barbarian gods, congratulations on the return of the barbarian gods!" The old voice carried another batch of tens of thousands of barbarians. When the sky approached, it came out excitedly. It was Yaman, one of the strong men who bombarded the immortals out of the barbarians with Su Ming.

"Unparalleled, see the Barbarian God!"

"Apocalypse, I can finally see Lord Man God again in my lifetime. Congratulations on your return!"

"Red Thunder pays homage to the barbarian god!!"

"The front of the blood evil spirit is only open for the barbarian god. The barbarian god still remembers the blood evil spirit!"

With the appearance of the strong men who fought against the immortals with Su Ming one by one, the number of barbarian monks gathered around Su Ming has exceeded 300,000.

In the distance, there were more Changhong roaring. Su Ming looked at all this in front of him. His heart was full of excitement. His cultivation became stronger and stronger with the integration of fate. His soul fluctuation was much stronger than before, and his will existed in any corner of the barbarian land.

At the end of the third day, there were nearly 600,000 barbarian figures outside the barbarian palace of the Holy Land. These people can't afford to worship whether they come first or later. Looking around, the heaven and the earth are dense, and the power of their fate has covered the sea and the sky, making the dusk light impenetrable

The cultivation of 600,000 barbarians condensed together, and the barbarian atmosphere erected from them was earth-shaking, making the world seem to tremble. These monks can be said to be the elite power of the barbarians today.

Until this moment, Su Ming took a deep breath and turned around. The door of the palace of the barbarian god palace opened. With the opening of the door of the palace, the 600,000 barbarian monks who knelt around him immediately raised their heads one by one and stared at the door of the palace in an instant.

Gradually, they saw a figure coming out of the door of the palace. After that figure, it was Fang Canglan.

Su Ming stood outside the palace, and the dusk light could not fall on him. He looked at all the barbarians around him. After a short silence, he said the first sentence to face the whole barbarian.

"I, the fourth generation of barbarian gods, Su Ming, the ancestor of the life clan, are back!"

This sentence was not loud, but it set off the thunder of heaven and earth in this moment, the roar of the Dead Sea, shook the mind of every barbarian monk, and made all the blood boil to the extreme at this moment.

"Barbarian God!"

"Barbarian God!!"

"Barbarian God!!!" The roar from the cultivation of 600,000 barbarians filled the world at this moment, as if it had become a voice that could circle the whole barbarians.

"I'll come back and take you... to rise!" Su Ming's voice echoed, from the moment when the 600,000 barbarians roared, his big sleeves waved violently, and his right hand raised his hand to the sunset in the distance.

Under this finger, Su Ming's will suddenly burst out, covering the barbarian world and turning into an invisible force, rising from the sunset, if he wanted to turn it into a scorching sun.

"I will take you, with the whole barbarian world, out of this dark place, and take you to the real world outside, that is... my true world!"


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