Ask for Magic

Chapter 1260 The original meaning of the three wilderness!

"Why is there no seventh flash? Since ancient times, from the mouths of those ancestors in those years, they have said that there are six flashes, and this robbery has only flashed six times, and there will never be many!

But this...why?" The old man of heaven looked at the light and dark flashes gradually dissipating on the vortex of death, and such an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Su Ming, how much is left in your real life?" The old man of the heavenly spirit suddenly opened his mouth, with a hint of hidden excitement in his voice.

Su Ming, who was in mid-air, looked at the disappearance of the six flashes, and there was actually the same question in his mind. Although he did not know as much as the old man of the heavenly spirit, he felt it himself and clearly understood that if there was a seventh flash, then even if he had the split of the true world, he would be As a result, the real world withered and died, and from then on, there were only three worlds left!

Therefore, at this moment, after the words of the old man of the heavenly spirit came out, Su Ming's eyes flashed. When he looked at the old man of the heavenly spirit, Su Ming slowly opened his mouth.

"Ninety-nine!" For the spiritual old man, Su Ming did not hide much, and there was no need to hide it. If the spiritual old man wanted to know, there must be a way.

"Ninety-nth... Ninety-th, if there is the seventh flash memory, even the longevity of the true world will not be able to survive under this disaster, and the true world will be exhausted, so... it is not that there is no seventh flash, but that there can be a seventh flash!" The old man of heaven murmured, and a bright light appeared in his eyes.

"The will of the coming spirit, it can not care about the life and death of life, and it can not care about the change of the sky, but it cares so much about whether the real world is withered... This matter...

Sure enough, it's the same as my judgment. This spiritual preemptive comer is not someone else, it is... the will of this three wilderness world!! That's it, it's robbery!!

It is in deep sleep. Its will is the pre-robbed. It does not allow the pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre

And the reason why it wants to erase Lingxian is because..." The old man of the heavenly spirit looked excited. This was the first time he guessed and said it to Su Ming. At this moment, he said something, but Su Ming continued his words.

"Because it wants to prevent someone from taking over it, because only when you become a spiritual first can you have the qualification to take over the will of the three wilderness!!" Su Ming was shocked and slowly opened his mouth.

"That's right, that's it!" The old man of the heavenly spirit looked more and more excited, and his breathing was even a little short. This is not because he is not strong enough. With his cultivation, there are few things in the world that can make him so excited. If it is true, it is only a guess about the presolation of the spirit and the will of the three wilderness.

"When sleeping, it wants to erase the spirit first, but also needs to seal the spirit first... This shows that it needs some spirits to kill the danger, but also needs some spirits to help it first. So... What happens when it wakes up?" Su Ming suddenly opened his mouth.

"After waking up..." The old man was silent, but a trace of fear in his eyes made Su Ming immediately understand what the old man did not say.

He thought of the memory he got when he was promoted for the first time. Before their period, at the end of another period, the old man in white robe looked at the sky and said the four words.

"It's coming..."

Su Ming's eyes contracted. In addition to saying this sentence, he also said that if he was given some more time, he could reach a certain level. These have always existed in Su Ming's heart, which made him unable to figure out when guessing.

But now listening to the words of the old man, Su Ming suddenly had a guess in his mind.

"When the will of the three wildernesses is asleep, in order to prevent it from being taken away, it is necessary to erase the spirit first. When it wakes up, it wants to... destroy the whole three wildernesses, so that there is no life and civilization in the three wilderness world, and let the three wilderness world start a new beginning.

What did it do this for... According to the old man's words, can it be understood that after the will of the three wildernesses woke up, it turned into a wilderness to destroy everything, in order to find...

Looking for a life that can reach a certain realm in this period of time. In countless periods, it keeps searching and destroying, and may not have found it..." Su Ming's heart trembled and looked at the old man of heaven. He did not tell his guess, but gave birth to another doubt.

"Why is the will of Sanhuang weakened here?" Su Ming spoke slowly.

"Before I came here, I had been thinking that any kind of life in the world must have its natural enemies, and it can't last forever, even the barren disaster.

But I can't find the natural enemy of the three wilderness will... Until I came here, I obviously felt the difference here, especially in the depths of the swirlpool, and I could feel that there was also a will there.

But this will is not a deep sleep, but broken. Even faintly in you, I also feel the remnant of the will... This will can put my heart in an unprecedented peace, but even so, I don't think much about it. Even the existence of the three ancient self-proclaimed mulberry servants makes me feel more Strong, but I still haven't thought too much.

until... The moment you left the swirlpool of death with the whole barbarian land, your spirit came first, and I suddenly realized that because your spirit's first disaster should actually be a little earlier, but because you were in this swirlpool of death, you did not appear.

At that time, I felt that there was some strange power in the broken will in the depths of this place, until... we returned to this whirlpool, the spirit came first, and the three wildernesses of the outside world fell into a silent eternity, but... everything was as usual in this swirlpool of death.

At that time, I suddenly understood that maybe... the natural enemy of the will of Sanhuang is here!!!" The old man of heaven showed excitement in his eyes, looked at Su Ming, and then looked at the depths of the dark vortex like an abyss.

"The secret that exists there is not something I can peep at. The resistance there is so strong that I have tried before, and it is difficult to enter. Only you!

Only you are different. The resistance you receive is obviously too little, so I conclude that there must be some connection with the broken will.

Only you... can enter this hidden vortex, the real depths, to unlock this answer!" The old man of the heavenly spirit was short of breath. When his words were spinning, Su Ming's heart trembled. At this moment, suddenly, a loud rumble came again above the swirlpool of death. With the echo of the loud noise, the fourth disaster of the spirit suddenly came.

"Sure enough, there is a fourth disaster. In this way, the spiritual pre-robbery you need to experience is by no means ordinary, but... the three-way robbery of heaven and earth! The first three disasters are human disasters, the middle three disasters are earth disasters, and the latter disasters are... heavenly disasters!

And according to my understanding, this land robbery is not revealed one by one like human robbery, but the instantaneous and consistent arrival of three disasters, so that it can be called a robbery that transcends human robbery!" During the words of the old man of heaven, when he looked up, he shook his big sleeves, and his eyes showed the essence.

"Do you know what the disasters are in this place?" Su Ming stared at the roar above the whirlpool and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"The fourth disaster, the ninth death disaster. The fifth disaster, the ground withered. And there is the sixth disaster... nothingness! These three disasters are no longer something you can fight against. It takes three to six times before you can deal with it!

You can feel it first. If something goes wrong, I will help you get through it immediately. The old man of the spirit of heaven slowly opened his mouth. If he changed before, he might take action directly, but in the face of Su Ming, who has become a climate, the old man of the spirit of heaven wants to help again and let Su Ming bear the ultimate. In this way, it will be of great benefit to his future development.

Because the old man of the spirit of heaven knows that this time... Maybe he himself will fall in this disaster. If he can't fall, it's best not to fall, but he should also be prepared for the fall, and Su Ming here... is his condensed hope. One day, he can fight against the three wildernesses.

Therefore, it can make it grow faster, and the old man will not be stingy.

"Su Ming, if you can survive a few disasters with your own strength, you can try to rise a few times without coming to the first disaster again. This opportunity is extremely rare. You have to break out all your cultivation to seize this time's... in the disaster!!" The old man of heaven looked at Su Ming, showing encouragement and expectation in his eyes, and looked very sincere.

This is the first time he has shown such a sincere look to Su Ming. Su Ming saw it and nodded. He knew that the old man did not lie. He had survived three disasters. It is indeed possible to bear the third promotion now. According to reason, if he can successfully overcome the fourth disaster, then he can go to the fourth ascension. First!

It was almost the moment when Su Ming looked at the top of the whirlpool. Suddenly, an indescribable huge will came from the vortex of death. The will came with a wave of domineering and supreme majesty. When it came, it was like a broken bamboo, dispelling all the fog of the privacy whirlpool

At the moment of arrival, the will did not turn into substance, but nihilistic, but at the moment full of the vortex of death, it permeated around Su Ming.

A muttering voice echoes in this will. This voice is like a murmur in a person's sleep, with some indescribable breath when swirling, like the words spoken in this voice, with some strange power, which can make everything... come true!


This is the first sentence from the voice. At the moment when this sentence echoed Su Ming's ear, his hands and feet directly turned cyan at this moment!


The second update will be sent, and there will be a third update in the evening!! Brothers and sisters who have recommended tickets, please have a few good RS