Ask for Magic

Chapter 1266 Is there anything else?

"Three mulberry... One of them is another me in this world, which also explains why I can step in when I shuttle through the whirlpool, but the old man of heaven can't.

Because here, the other me, who can communicate with Sangxiang's will, is the supreme mulberry here except for Sangxiang's will. Su Ming's eyes closed slightly, covering his meditation.

"As for the other two mulberries... who will it be?" Su Ming's covered eyes flashed, and then he thought of another question.

"If the other one here I can communicate with Sangxiang, then I... is it okay? There is also the emperor, hidden in the whirlpool of death, whether it has anything to do with this mulberry world.

And Su Xuanyi, this man is talented and has a great plan. Although I should surpass this person in cultivation now, I have never been able to explore the context of his plan. I always feel that there are some crucial clues in it...

Now it seems that he... also knows the existence of this mulberry real world!!" Su Ming thought of this, and his mind changed a hundred times, and he didn't see the forces in the three real worlds. What he was most concerned about was the magic power that the three mulberry could use the will of the mulberry phase.

"If... I can take you there..." vaguely, when Su Ming was thinking, Qian Chen seemed to say something. Su Ming paused from thinking and looked up at Qian Chen.

"I mean, if you want to see Bai Su, I... can take you to the star where she is, but it has been more than a thousand years. As a mortal, she should have returned to the ruins long ago." Qian Chen didn't know what Su Ming had experienced, and his memory still stayed in that year, so he said this.

Su Ming was silent for a moment and seemed to think of something. After touching the storage bag, he nodded.

Qian Chen looked a little complicated. Obviously, he misunderstood Su Ming's feelings for Bai Su and sighed. After a moment, the two turned into two long rainbows, roaring on the stars and leaving in an instant.

The naive world is full of bright nebulae. It looks extremely beautiful from afar, and the dazzling meaning fills the mind of everyone who sees it. The long rainbow runs through the sky, and Su Ming takes Qian Chen and keeps approaching.

With Qian Chen's cultivation, it will take a long time for him to step into the sky with his own strength, but under Su Ming's roll, that speed exceeds the movement.

That's an hour, Su Ming and Qian Chen left the real world of Xianzong and stepped into the starry sky.

The starry sky is endless, silent, and not too many monks can be seen, and even if there are monks, they can't detect Su Ming's figure. Under the guidance of Qian Chen, after two pillars of incense, in this world of innocence, a blue cultivation star appeared in front of Su Ming.

The Xiuzhen star is very beautiful. The reason why it is blue is that it occupies more than half of the sea water in the star. There are two continents on it. According to Qian Chen's guidance, Su Ming fell under the change of the sky, and he came to the top of a high mountain on the right continent.

The mountain wind is roaring, with a chill. It is covered with snow here. Looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky and the earth, it seems to be boundless.

"It's this continent. I remember it was in that direction, the capital of the mortal world." Qian Chen thought for a little and raised his finger to the distance.

Su Ming looked as usual and shook his head after a long time.

"In a thousand years, the country will always change, and there is nothing there..." Su Ming closed his eyes and his consciousness dispersed. When he opened it a long time later, his expression showed a touch of complexity. He turned around and disappeared to the top of the mountain in the wind and snow with Qian Chen.

When it appeared, it was already outside a mountain village, which seemed to be isolated from the world. In the early morning, the smoke curled up, and sometimes dogs barked, mixed with the sound of some children playing.

This mountain village is not big, with only about 60 families. In this snowy morning, several children were making snowmen in laughter. Su Ming looked at these silently and walked over calmly. He walked out, and mortals could not see him.

Until he walked to the outside of a house in the mountain village, Su Ming stopped. Some people were walking in and out, and they kept sending hot water into a house.

Sometimes there was a woman's voice, which came from the inside of the house. Outside, a man was walking anxiously there. His wife was about to give birth, but she could not give birth. It seemed that... the hour had not arrived, and it seemed that... the person waiting had not come yet.

Su Ming looked at these, silently approached the yard and stepped into another house next to him. It was an ancestral hall with many plaques in it, which were inherited and worshipped by the ancestors of the family.

Qian Chen followed Su Ming, silently looked at Su Ming in the ancestral hall, looked at the plaque on it, and finally fell above.

The voice of a pregnant woman in another house could come to his ear from time to time. After a long time, Su Ming sighed. After touching the storage bag, he turned around and stepped forward. When he appeared, he was already in the mother's room.

Looking at the woman who was struggling to give birth, and looking at the faint white pigment on her face, Su Ming patted the storage bag in silence, a wisp of wandering soul-like illusion, flew out of Su Ming's storage bag and floated around him. That was... the old girl.

Looking at the hostess, Su Ming sighed and waved his right hand. Immediately, the soul of the hostess seemed to be with a trace of reluctance. After circling around Su Ming for a few times, he slowly integrated into the mother's belly.

"Maybe it is doomed that I will come here and break with you for the second time, one is Sanhuang, and the other is Sang Xiang..." Su Ming whispered and watched the soul of the old daughter disappear into the mother's belly. He turned around and left silently.

At the moment Su Ming left the room, he heard the baby crying, which seemed to be reluctant to give up, with a wisp of regret...

What can dissipate the sadness is the joy and laughter of this family.

Qian Chen looked at all this in a rant. He didn't understand why, because he didn't understand Su Ming's experience...

In the naive world, on this star continent, next to a lake, Su Ming sat there and watched the lake. The snowflakes fell, but he could not seal the lake. The heating rising faintly from the lake allows people to judge that there may be a warm spring under the lake.

"Say it, where is your enemy?" Su Ming looked at the lake and opened his mouth faintly. Qian Chen was stunned for a moment. When he was about to say something, Su Ming turned his head and looked at Qian Chen with a smile.

"I won't be here for a long time, and I have something important to do. If you don't say it, then I won't have a chance when I leave." Su Ming said with a smile. With his mind, how can he not see that Qian Chen deliberately said Bai Su before, in order to lead himself to the sky. If others do this, Su Ming will have the opportunity to kill, but Qian Chen's power must have something to be needed. It's better to hide it directly.

Qian Chen's face showed embarrassment, as if to explain something, but he gritted his teeth and bowed deeply to Su Ming.

"Gangtian Jade Palace, Dongshen Sect under the command of Li Tianwang. The current master disciple in this sect should have been me, but he was framed by the wicked, forcing me to leave. This man has deep roots in the Western God Sect and is the son of Li Shou, the four generals of the Heavenly King!

He abolished my cultivation and took away my Taoist couple, just to compete for the status of the palm seal disciple, forcing me to flee all year round, like a joke... This was the thing of the year, and so I had to escape into the Haoyang whirlpool, and then entered the barbarian world.

Then I returned. Although this man did not take action again, every time I returned to the sect to sacrifice to the master, he would find some trouble. My cultivation was not as good as him. The hatred of that year could not be revenged, so I could only bear it.

As before, Linzong's loss of treasures can also be counted on my head. If I hadn't had some friendship with the disciples of Han Dongzong, I would have been humiliated by this person again.

"West Shenzong, what are you going to do?" Su Ming looked at Qian Chen.

"It's okay to kill only him, if you can..." Qian Chen gritted his teeth and looked ferocious. Before he could open his mouth, Su Ming nodded.

"I'm unreasonable, I only talk about love. You open your mouth, Xishen Sect... should be destroyed." Su Ming said slowly. As soon as he said this, Qian Chen took a breath. What he wanted to say was that if he could, it would be better to secretly erase the elders of the other party, but considering the identity of the patriarch of the Western God, he hesitated.

"Is there anything else?" Su Ming asked.

"And... Beitaozong, also one of the four sects under the command of Li Tianwang, in those years..." Qian Chen was a little excited. He heard the casualness in Su Ming's words and vaguely guessed Su Ming's cultivation. At this moment, before the words were finished, Su Ming nodded again.

"Bei Taozong, is there anything else?"

"And Nan Yuzong, who is also Li Tianwang..."

"Okay, I'll erase the Li Tianwang you mentioned and erase all his sects, okay?"

"Uh... Han Dongzong is not bad for me... huh? Erase Li Tianwang, he... He is a strong man of the destruction of the world, and his cultivation is unimaginable. He..." Qian Chen said here, took a breath again, and looked at Su Ming in a daze, because Su Ming said those three words to him again.

"Is there anything else?"

"No... no more." Qian Chen trembled in his heart, and he suddenly felt a little scared. Su Ming's casualness, with his understanding of Su Ming, this was by no means deliberate, but... really understated.

Erasing several sects and erasing a strong man who destroyed the world, such an understatement is enough to show Su Ming's strong cultivation, which makes Qian Chen short of breath, but he still can't believe it.

"Li Tianwang is..."

"Okay, take me to Xishenzong first. You have to deal with your appearance. After all, I will leave afterwards, and you will be here." Su Ming turned around and waved his right hand on Qian Chen. Immediately, Qian Chen's appearance changed in an instant and turned into an old man. Even his breath changed. Unless he surpassed Su Ming in will, no one could see that the old man was Qian Chen.


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