Ask for Magic

Chapter 1270 It's coming!

"Su Ming, it... is coming, it... is moving... My guess is correct, but it is also wrong. I died in the right place, because even if I fall, I also know the three wildernesses, the ultimate secret of this mulberry phase... So it's like this, it's like this." In the crazy size of the old man of the Heavenly Spirit, his face collapsed and broke with a bang, and the meaning of his spirit was like the blood sprinkled. A drop of blood that the spirit first turned went straight to the dark and death whirlpool below. After that blood, there was a red lightning chase and disappeared into the whirlpool together.

The end of the disaster!

Su Ming can't see this scene, and he can't know what the old man of heaven saw in the last disaster, why he was confused, why he was crazy, and why he said that his guess was right, but it was also wrong.

Su Ming didn't know that if the blood that was transformed by the spirit of the old man of heaven had not been erased by the red lightning in the end, maybe... If Su Ming could get it, he could understand it.

It is almost the moment when the spirit in the swirlpool of death disappeared. In the three wilderness world, the whole world, which was originally imprisoned by eternity, recovered as usual in an instant. For everyone, the silence during this period seemed to be just a moment of closing and opening eyes, unconscious and unable to detect.

They didn't know at all. At the moment when they closed their eyes and opened their eyes, how many moments were contained and how many years were contained. During this period of time, it seemed to have been silently erased, which was difficult to know, difficult to know.

Everything has recovered as usual. Perhaps the only thing that appears except for Su Ming is the gap in the three wilderness world at this moment. The anti-sage and dark morning cultivation that stopped entering because of this spiritual pre-threck. Now, after the three wilderness disasters are restored as usual, the monks from the anti-sage and the dark morning have turned Ming, from the gap of the three wilderness, a large influx.

Three wilderness disasters... The second time is coming!

The first time was Su Ming's spiritual pre-robbery, and the second time was the invasion from the anti-saint and the dark morning. On this day, the practice of the dark morning and the anti-saint camp has been waiting for a long time. This day, for them, is a dream return!

Once upon a time, Gu Wu and Gu Shu, after leaving for tens of thousands of years, finally... a large-scale arrival.

The monks from the dark morning, the monks from the anti-saint, all came here and triggered the roar of the whole Sanhuang. The ninth peak monks guarding the hurricane collapsed in an instant, but before they died, they still passed on this information.

Facing this group of adventers will be the monks from the three real worlds stationed outside this gap. Their mission... is to delay as long as possible even if they die.

The fierce battle, almost at the moment of the arrival of the anti-sage and the dark morning, will unfold immediately...

The calm of the three wilderness was immediately broken, and a catastrophe that would sweep the whole three wilderness, so... showed ferociousness.

Compared with the Yinsheng and the fourth true world, the ninth peak of the Daochen real world obviously has to be much more prepared. Whether the whole real world exists according to Su Ming's will, or the original Daochenzong Mountain Gate is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it makes the ninth peak occupy a certain advantage.

The array has been opened. Huzi's preparations over the years have made the protection of the array after opening more than several times the original. More than 100 transmission arrays were closed in an instant. The whole measure, the ninth peak did not show any panic. All this... Under the leadership of the second brother, it has been practiced several times.

Maybe when they go out, they are not opponents of the anti-sage and the dark morning, but when they are closed and self-protective, they are surrounded by the will of the whole real world, which is by no means the anti-sage and dark morning that can be broken in a short time.

Unless... there are unspeakable strong men to take action in person, but at the beginning of this war, this may not be great.

In this three wilderness, with Daochen Zhenjie as the battlefield, there is the first large-scale battle with the outside world. At the same time, I don't know if it is the positive and negative relationship of the mirror. In the mulberry realm, in your Heavenly Realm, there is also a fight, which is being staged.

Su Ming sat cross-legged in nothingness, watching the golden light ripples in the distance, blocked the surroundings, and was pushing towards him in a large range. There were four hills-like figures, roaring in step.

There were 500,000 monks in these four weeks. Those monks were dressed in armor one by one. Su Ming knew that they were the jade palace soldiers that Qian Chen had mentioned.

"Do you want to pile up with human life?" Su Ming looked indifferent. When he raised his right hand, he waved forward, and immediately the sky shook. Before the 100,000 heavenly soldiers who came rapidly in front of Su Ming were approaching, immediately the nothingness in front of them turned into an invisible wave, and directly involved the 100,000 heavenly soldiers into it. After wrapping them together, with Su Ming clenched his fist in his right hand and slammed. The hundred thousand soldiers who were swept into nothingness shook their bodies together and smashed in an instant in the roar.

The gap in cultivation and the perception of the realm of life. For these heavenly soldiers, Su Ming's existence is like the sky, and they are just ants under the sky.

Almost at the moment when the roar came out, above Su Ming, the sky seemed to be torn open. From it, there was a wide range of golden light, and three golden dragons appeared. After these three golden dragons appeared, they went straight to Su Ming and roared. Around them, there were 300,000 golden armored monks approaching solemnly, in At the moment when they all appeared, with the roar of the three golden dragons, the space around Su Ming immediately solidified in an instant, and then even the time showed signs of solidification.

It seems that this small area where Su Ming is located has been stripped out of the naive world, and the time of this area is also completely different from that of the outside world, falling into a kind of almost static eternity.

At this moment, a sharp roar suddenly came from a distance. In the light of wind and fire, a boy in red, holding a three-foot-long gun, rotated under his feet, and set off a sea of fire. The speed was so fast that he approached Su Ming in an instant, and a shot went straight to Su Ming's eyebrows in an instant

This child's cultivation has been destroyed. At this moment, it is earth-shaking.

At this moment, when the three golden dragons roared above Su Ming, there was a young man in a blue shirt. His robe turned into armor in an instant, holding a square sky painting halberd. There were red clouds under his feet, and the third eye of his eyebrows was completely opened, revealing the strange light. At the same time, his whole Come in mind.

It was also at this moment that there was a shady bang in front of Su Ming. A huge golden ancient sculpture the size of a thousand feet suddenly appeared. The statue was golden. After appearing, it immediately shrouded the starry sky into gold. There was a sound of a spell in his mouth. The right hand of the statue was raised, like a vast Su Ming slapped here.

As soon as the statue came out, the sky seemed to collapse, as if it was difficult to bear the pressure of this statue, and its cultivation was beyond the realm of extinction. In Su Ming's feeling, it was comparable to a rise or two!

"A vein of the Jade Palace, a vein of immortals, the elimination of demons and the way, the three worlds of golden light!" RS