Ask for Magic

Chapter 1328 Lost Eyes

"No!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and after his eyes swept over the cocoon, a trace of hesitation suddenly rose inside. If the monks in the cocoon in the passage here are all from the cultivation of the vortex of yin and death, then... What's the explanation?

When the woman was transmitted, she was also bound in the cocoon, and it seemed that she had been absorbed some vitality.

Su Ming looked sideways at Ziyu, but did not say his doubts. When he looked at Ziyu, the woman's face was pale, looking around, and she looked confused.

With Su Ming's experience, no matter how sophisticated a person is, he can still see some clues. However, in this purple body, Su Ming did not see any conspiracy. Although this woman showed a little calculating all the way, it was not too out of line.

The most important thing is that Su Ming did not perceive the crisis from this Ziyu. With Su Ming's cultivation and the strength of his will, he can perceive the crisis from others, which is similar to intuition, but here in Su Ming, it is beyond intuition.

Su Ming clearly felt that although Ziyu was a little calculating, he did not have any bad intentions for his life. It was for this reason that Su Ming frowned. After a moment of meditation, he pressed the matter in his heart, shook his body, and went straight to the depths of the channel. Where he passed, his will spread and integrated into it. In each cocoon, find out if there is a familiar figure in it.

Look for the master, go to the fourth real world through this place, take a look at the gap in the vast world, and look for the traces of the old man. This is what Su Ming is going to do now. As for other trivial things, compared with these things, Su Ming does not want to spend too much thought.

As for this purple calculation, in Su Ming's opinion, it is more for his clan, and there is no special place for himself. Otherwise, it is impossible for him not to notice the clue.

In addition, if this purple really has some excessive calculations, then Su Ming's character will also look at his performance indifferently and destroy it after his performance.

Ziqi behind Su Ming, at this moment, her heart is a little complicated because when she lost consciousness by being bound by the cocoon, she faintly seemed to have a dream, which was a dream full of her heart beat faster.

When the dream woke up, when she was pulled out of the cocoon by Su Ming, Ziqi clearly realized that part of her vitality had been sucked away, and... In addition to vitality, there were also some...talent power belonging to its Tianhu clan.

She can even feel that the means she arranged by the Tianhu clan when she had that dream had been perfectly implemented by her clan.

"The tomb of the old man in this place has been worshipped and observed by our Tianhu clan for many years. This passage here... In fact, it has been explored by the clan many years ago, but this matter has always been the highest secret of our clan. No outsider knows it, and even if there are not many people in the clan know about it... The I have rejected other breaths, but over the years, our clan has been arranged in this channel for many years, and even buried the bodies of many people in this channel. In this way, this channel is integrated to make this channel... It can be partially controlled by our Tianhu clan... Finally, the flesh and blood channel here can absorb our clan. The talent... Even if it is released here, it will be more powerful..." Ziqi looked at Su Ming in front of him, and most of them were women of the Tianhu clan with silver teeth, but it was more difficult to reproduce.

After being explored by their Tianhu ancestors, this flesh and blood channel came up with a way to absorb the power of vitality, so that it can absorb the talent of their Tianhu clan. As a large number of Tianhu people are sent here to integrate into this channel, there is a kind of To a certain extent, the Tianhu people have some connection with this flesh-and-blood channel.

After all, one of the talents of their Tianhu clan is to integrate everything by itself. This is similar to Su Ming's seizing the house, but it is much softer than the seizing house. Although the effect is not perfect, if it is used by the ethnic group, it can be invisibly integrated with the passage of time.

Even the old man did not expect this. After all, no matter how strong his cultivation is, it is impossible for him to pay attention to too many trivial things, and those people in black have never noticed the small actions of the Tianhu clan over the years.

Therefore, under the integration of the Tianhu people for many years, this channel can now open the layout of this place in the form of sacrifice in the outside world when it is needed, so that this place can release a sense of aphrodisiac.

This breath will become thicker and thicker due to the closure of the channel. When it reaches a certain extent, it will make the Tianhu men and women here to burst out of life ** unconsciously, so that they will be in the closure for months or even years. Under such circumstances, it will make it difficult for their clan to reproduce. It has been solved to a certain extent.

And this is the reason why Ziqi is bound by the cocoon and absorbs vitality like Su Ming's perception of those yin and death whirlpools here.

Even if Su Ming does not go to help, after absorbing it to a certain extent, Ziqi will wake up by himself. At this moment, in the many stars of the Tianhu clan, almost all the Tianhu clan are dancing around a huge statue of a nine-tailed white fox on each Xiuzhen star.

Their dancing postures have some kind of ** melody, echoing around the sound of delicate gasping. The sound is full of the ultimate beautiful sound of the world. At first glance, it is a gasp, but when you listen carefully, in the heartbeat, there will be the illusion that the sound has become some kind of spell.

! The whole sky fox clan, on seven hundred and thirty-nine stars, are all like this at this moment. The sky fox clan women on each star are dancing faster and faster. Gradually, with the appearance of sweat, there are also bursts of fragrance spreading, and pink light appears on the body of each clan girl, making the 379 stars Chen looked in the starry sky and slowly turned pink, which also made the pink starry sky in the sky fox world more and more dazzling.

A kind of aphrodisiac that makes people lose consciousness and go crazy, and it becomes thicker and thicker.

It seems that the whole world of the Tianhu clan is filled with a kind of emotion. This meaning is pervasive, affecting the tomb of the old man, affecting the purple dragonflies in the array channel, making the purple dragonflies's eyes gradually reveal the meaning of sobriety and confusion.

Under her clothes, pink dots gradually appeared on **. These pink dots are dense, a total of seven hundred and thirty-nine, corresponding to the seven hundred and thirty-nine nine-tailed statues on the seven hundred and thirty-nine stars surrounded by countless heavenly fox people.

These statues are constantly absorbing the breath from all the Tianhu people. They condensed on the purple dragonflies in a special way, so that their skin is gradually no longer pale, but with the expansion of the 739 pink spots, they gradually fused and made their skin pink.

At the same time, more and more aphrodisiacs belonging to the Tianhu clan are slowly breeding in this flesh and blood channel. This breath begins to be very light, making people unable to notice it. Once it is noticed, it means that the breath has been strong to the extreme.

Su Ming's speed was very fast. When he moved forward, his will spread. After sweeping through each cocoon, he roared to the depths of the channel. All the way, he did not find the figure of the evil son of heaven in those cocoons, but gradually, in this galloping, Su Ming slowly felt a feeling of short

At the moment when this feeling appeared, Su Ming's face appeared a touch of rosy, and a rare look of confusion appeared in his eyes. This confusion only disappeared in an instant, and the Qingming reappeared in Su Ming's eyes.

But his face looked a little difficult. It was not the first time he met the feeling of rapid heartbeat at this moment. In fact, many years ago, when Su Ming was still in the barbarian land, he had an unforgettable experience.

That time, he was in the face of Mrs. Ji... He was poisoned by Mrs. Ji. That kind of toxin is insignificant to Su Ming today, but for him in those years, it was strong that his will could be scattered in an instant.

Now Su Ming's feeling is like the evil poison in those years, and a large number of complicated pictures appear in his mind.

Su Ming's eyes flashed. When he suddenly turned around, he saw Ziyu. At this glance, Su Ming immediately saw the same confusion on Ziyu's body, as well as the appearance of the trembling body and sweat.

Even the skin exposed by the purple skin has become pink at this moment, and even more in her look, Su Ming saw panic.

Ziyu is frightened, because according to her plan, the smell here will not have much impact on her. After all, she is from the Tianhu clan. The most influential person here should be Su Ming.

But now, she finds that she can't control the breath here, and even she herself is eroded by this breath, and her mind is gradually confused.

"How could this happen!" No wonder she could feel the meaning of calculation in her, but she didn't notice the crisis..." Su Ming frowned. The strange atmosphere here was exactly the same as what he felt in the Tianhu world, but the intensity of this place was far beyond the outside world, and now it has reached the extreme.

Su Ming snorted coldly, shook his sleeves, and immediately a cold wind appeared out of thin air. Sweeping around, Su Ming's speed accelerated in an instant and went straight to the depths of the channel, but at the moment he flew out, the aphrodisiac that could make people lose their will was also stronger at this moment, The hazy cover of color.

At the same time, the life in the cocoons on the wall of the flesh and blood passage suddenly vibrated one by one. Under the sound of click, the mummified corpses were instantly sucked away from the last wisp of flesh and blood on the corpse, from the mummified corpse to the shreds.

"Huh?" In the fourth world, beside the vast gap, an old voice came from the void. There was a trace of surprise in the sound, as if an invisible figure in the nothingness raised his head and his eyes fell into the distance.

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