Ask for Magic

Chapter 1335 Road, Endless

It doesn't matter how many times Su Ming has experienced the number of heart changes.

The important thing is that the heart changes again and again, and what changes is the metamorphosis. In this baptism, Su Ming's enlightenment is gradually close to a mysterious degree.

Su Ming did not know that this degree of metamorphosis, in a prosperous era of the mulberry world, some people have calculated that if they reach the peak and take another step, they can reach a higher level, but it is only calculation, not their own achievement or enlightenment.

In that prosperous era, there were capable people to deduce and call this mysterious degree... Tao!

In fact, in many eras of the mulberry world, although it is not particularly prosperous, there are also some powerful people who have also calculated a similar realm, but they are not as clear and mysterious as the calculation of the prosperous era.

Even in the era where Su Ming is located, there have been rumors of a strange realm after the unspeakable. The name of this realm is called... Dao Wuya!

This realm is the realm of cultivation, but the focus is also the realm of the heart.

It is unspeakable, and so is the same. Unspeakable is a realm, a mysterious place of the heart, and a transformation of life level. Its specific embodiment... In fact, it is divided into two parts. The first part is only the unspeakable achievement of cultivation. For example, the three morning emperors in the dark morning, such It is an unspeakable example.

But as long as it is cultivation, it will eventually have its limit. Therefore, in terms of performance, whether it is against the saint or the morning emperor, although they have reached the peak in the eyes of other monks, they themselves understand that their unspeakable and only get is their form, not their god.

This has also caused their strength, which is not worth mentioning in Su Ming's front, and in fact it is the same. Although they can be called unspeakable, if they turn the unspeakable into the beginning, middle, back and great perfection, the six of them... are just the initial stage.

It can only be said that it is the early stage of a lifetime, unless... they can reach the mystery of the heart to an unspeakable level, and then they can break through. The reason why the three slaves of the three morning emperors are strong is because of the remnants of the mulberry wings, and the reason why Xuanjiu in the three The only one groped for some edges in the practice of the heart. Therefore, although he was still unspeakable in the early stage, he was obviously stronger than others. The reason is here.

The second part is those spiritual firsts. Whether in this era or in other eras, anyone who succeeds in ascending the first can be called unspeakable beyond three times, but they are not achieved by cultivation, but relying on the complementarity of life defects, so as to achieve the improvement of the level of life.

This kind of unspeakable is not powerful, and it is not as good as simple cultivation and even in some aspects. Unless it can be promoted six times before it can become a powerful sweep and unspeakable strong man.

Those who have been promoted six times are rare, and there are very few, which is also the reason for the name of the spiritual predecessor, such as the dark morning rebellion.

These are either relying on cultivation or on the improvement of the level of life to achieve unspeakable. Their life expectancy is with Ji. It sounds infinite, but in fact it is only a period.

The typical representative in this realm is the heavenly spirit old man.

Eight times of promotion made him the strongest in the unspeakable early stage, sweeping the dark morning against the saint and surpassing the top of the sky.

But after all, these are still unspeakable in the early stage.

And if you want to be unspeakable in the middle, the first thing you need is to be immortal in the catastrophe.

Among those unspeakable in the early days, there are those who have great creatures who can step into the mulberry world to find another self-integration, and then they have the qualification to survive multiple eras. But more of them are not qualified for this. When the catastrophe comes, they can only look up to the sky and laugh, and the ashes will disappear.

Only with this qualification can we have the unspeakable qualification to climb to the mid-term.

This is a foundation. With this foundation, you still need to have a deep understanding of the realm of the heart, and what you need is to step into the unspeakable level of cultivation. It can be said that this is to enter the unspeakable realm regardless of mind or cultivation. It even involves a deeper transformation of the life level, so that... it can become a powerful existence in the unspeakable medium term.

The typical representative of this level is the immortal old monsters in the countless sleeping eras, and not many of them have reached this level.

But... in the unspeakable middle stage, it is already the limit. For many people, this limit has reached its peak. They don't know how to cross it. Whether it is cultivation or life level, it has reached this limit. In fact... there is indeed no further step.

Like the five-faced beast god, it is almost the strongest in this realm.

Even in most of the eras, at this stage, it is definitely the peak... Until, in an era, there was a monk called Sanhuang, who... took away the mulberry phase, achieved his own strength in one fell swoop, and broke through this unknown number of eras, an eternal barrier.

He succeeded. At the moment of success, he was beyond the unspeakable in the middle stage and became... unspeakable in the later stage!

So, after his success, many middle-term unspeakable began to try to take away and swallow, but failed one by one. Gradually, they began to start from an early age, such as... taking away the will of the real world.

But throughout the ages, no one has successfully given up the consciousness of any real world, only... Su Ming!!

Only Su Ming succeeded, and only he succeeded in the competition with Su Xuanyi to seize the will of the real world of Daochen. At the moment of success, it seemed to open a door to the sky in front of him.

Su Ming also thought about why he could succeed. There seemed to be no answer to this matter, but in fact, Su Ming knew that even if he did not succeed, Su Xuanyi would definitely succeed.

And there is a commonality between him and Su Xuanyi... They are all underworld people!

After seizing the will of Daochen's true world, after merging another himself, under the will of the four real worlds and many successful promotion, Su Ming realized the barbarian change, and borrowed 100 million barbarian souls to make his cultivation truly step into the unspeakable when the barbarian god changed... After all this, he stepped Today, only Sanhuang has stepped into the realm of cultivation.

The later stage is unspeakable!

Therefore, Sanhuang said that Su Ming was qualified to give up him, because they were a realm.

This realm is already the limit of the limit. Even Su Ming once believed that even if he was all promoted, even if the level of life was completely changed, even if he took away more real worlds, he would only become the strongest in this realm. This is already the end of monasticism, unless it was... successfully seize the three wildernesses.

Or, the three wildernesses will give up the mulberry phase. In short, what is involved in this is a kind of mutual devouring. Perhaps only in this way can we achieve a great perfection, just like the once complete mulberry butterfly.

Until Su Ming saw the young man in a black robe in the past years, until Su Ming noticed the old man through the fragments of butterflies and the murals in the ruins.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that even after the great perfection, there was still a higher level.

This realm, perhaps, is the legendary endless Tao, which is calculated by the mighty people in the prosperous era.

Su Mingwangchen erased this realm, but at the moment when he was unwilling and chose to take action against the young man in black robe in order to overcome his inner awe, he clearly realized a trace of traces in that realm...


A word, but for Su Ming, this word is like a seed in his mind. This seed already exists. This matter, whether it is Sanhuang, Sangxiang or the old man, is something they didn't think of at all.

These are the four realms that are unspeakably complete.

And now, Su Ming is in the flesh and blood channel, in the knee-to-heart meditation, in the pink fog around him, he is still cross-legged, but on his body, there is an extremely charming and beautiful body, enough to make all life beat.

This delicate body is like a snake, twisting and gasping on Su Ming's body, as if begging for pleasure... Those blurred eyes with thrilling ** can melt all consciousness in this softness.

It was almost this delicate body that appeared, sitting on Su Ming, gasping into his ears, and the moment when the fragrant wind hit his face, Su Ming... Although he did not open his eyes, the poison of desire in his body broke out in an instant, as if it could not be suppressed. His consciousness fell into an uncontrollable moment, and there seemed The quantity controlled his body.

But... Su Ming's cultivation, Su Ming's will, Su Ming's cultivation and his mind, even under such circumstances, there is still a trace of sobriety. This trace of sobriety makes his eyes open, revealing a beast-like light, and there is still a trace of light hidden in it.

He looked at the purple dragonfrey sitting on his body in front of him, and the beauty of the purple dragonfrey was released at this moment. Even Su Ming struggled with sobriety in his eyes.

The hot body, the seductive gasp, the charming pink, and the ups and downs of the unconscious demand movements on Su Ming's body. If all this can be drawn into a picture, it must be the most ** scroll between heaven and earth.

Despite the clothes, the indescribable desire from Ziyu's body has burned Su Ming's body in an instant, making Su Ming's body tremble faintly.

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