Ask for Magic

Chapter 1345 Vast

It's vast.

Cang is the color of the sky, and Mang is the vast and boundless meaning. When these two words are combined, it is both heaven and endless.

And the sky, the starry sky is the sky, the sky is the sky, and nothingness can also be regarded as the sky, so there is a vastness outside the gap at this moment.

Su Ming doesn't know how big it is here. He believes that maybe even the black-robed young man on the compass doesn't know how far this vastness is.

This is different from the starry sky. At the moment he stepped out of the mulberry world, Su Ming felt that his body suddenly became heavier, as if there was a big mountain on his body. The mountain was heavy, which made people seem to be a little breathless and a little uncomfortable.

Even on his limbs, it is like an invisible chain, which makes it a little astringent when lifting.

There is also the thin fog around. In this fog, Su Ming felt a certain degree of danger, as if this fog can devour vitality and destroy all traces of life.

Su Ming raised his right hand in silence and touched the thin fog. At the moment he touched the fog, Su Ming's right hand immediately appeared rotten with the naked eye, and even the position of his fingertips appeared gray, as if to become gray, but soon with the operation of Su Ming's cultivation, his fingers reached a kind of contact with the outside world. The balance of corrosion.

"My cultivation is still like this, the middle term is unspeakable, but here for decades, as for the early stage is unspeakable... At most half a year, it will fall, and it is unspeakable... Step into the vastness, all traces will be erased in an instant.

And..." Su Ming frowned. He did not feel any trace of will and the power to restore his cultivation in this vastness. That is to say, here... cultivation cannot be recovered, and how much he spent is equivalent to losing.

This is unbearable for the vast majority of monks. On the contrary, Su Ming is not too uncomfortable with this. After all, whether it is the divine source Xinghai or the world where the spiritual hall is located, Su Ming has experienced similar things.

As for how to release the limited cultivation little by little, Su Ming has been extremely skilled and can achieve the degree of exquisiteness, but... In addition, although Su Ming has not spread his will in this vastness, he also noticed that his magnificent will is here, as if it is no longer passing all the time.

At such a passing speed, it is estimated that it will be a hundred years, Su Ming's will will be completely dispersed, as if swallowed up by this vastness.

With a sigh, the idea of avoiding the catastrophe in this vastness has been dispelled a lot in Su Ming's mind. This is not an area where monks can exist at all.

Moreover, these thin fogs around Su Ming are just the most common things in this vastness. In this vastness, there are many existences that even Su Ming is afraid of, such as the whirlpool, such as the strange life born here.

Maybe others don't know much about these, but Su Ming has experienced the scene of the young man in black in the past years. He has seen a lot of mystery and horror in this endless vastness.

Now that I have experienced the verification in person, this feeling is much deeper.

Su Ming meditated a little, and his eyes suddenly flashed, revealing a trace of decisiveness. His body suddenly turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the vast distance. He is not a person who is willing to give up his idea easily. Under the three roads of destruction, he must not cancel one at will because of simple judgment.

If he can live in this vast area and let people have a way to survive, it is equivalent to Su Ming finding a way to save his relatives and friends from catastrophe.

However, Su Ming is not sure whether Ru Canglan and others can leave the world of Sangxiang. After all, their cultivation is not high. Over the years, the difference in qualifications and opportunities has made the distance between people's cultivation become larger and larger and larger. Su Ming has no way to do about this matter. Forced improvement of cultivation can only be solved And Su Ming can't make everyone unspeakable.

But in any case, the vastness... is one of the three roads. Only when the feasibility of this road is determined can Su Ming think of other ways to solve other problems.

In this decisive look, Su Ming's speed was extremely fast. He went away in an instant and disappeared into the seemingly thin, but in fact it was a foggy vastness.

With Su Ming's departure, those thin fogs formed one gray mark after another on his body. At most, almost all the positions of Su Ming's body seemed to become gray marks in an instant, which could maintain this balanced cultivation, making Su Ming seem to fall, but in fact he could still do it without any problems.

If he was a shepherd boy, he would not dare to leave too far away, but swirled nearby. But even so, he had to make a lot of preparations every time he moved forward, and the fog did a lot of damage to him. Almost every hundred breaths, he had to swallow the elixir to operate strongly to adjust the interest.

It's not like Su Ming here. He galloped all the way without a pause, until Su Ming's eyes flashed in this vastness, and his right hand suddenly grabbed the fog on the right side. Under this grab, the fog in that area immediately contracted, and a face with three eyes suddenly appeared. The face was empty. Illusion, emitting faint light, at this moment, it flows out ferocious, but it gives people a sense of lack of mind.

made a sharp roar and went straight to Su Ming. Su Ming grabbed Su Ming's right hand without hesitation. With a bang, the face was directly torn apart, but did not disperse, but turned into more than ten parts and rushed to Su Ming.

Su Ming frowned. Although he did not have the full strength of his palm, it was unspeakable in the early stage of killing, but here, he could not erase this strange life.

He snorted coldly. Facing the roaring more than a dozen faces, Su Ming shook his sleeves. This time, he used his will to sweep with the sleeves, and the roaring sound rolled in the vastness. The more than a dozen faces screamed in an instant, and the smoke disappeared in an instant.

But Su Ming's face was a little ugly. Although he had noticed that the will would dissipate here, Su Ming did not expect that at the moment of using the will, the speed of dissipation was as much as when it was not used.

According to this situation, it only takes a year... Su Ming's huge will wither here.

And the strange life that just appeared, the will used by Su Ming to kill it, is equivalent to the unspeakable ultimate force in the early stage, which erased it. Obviously, such a strange life is by no means rare here...

Su Ming was silent for a moment and sighed. There is no need to verify anything here. This place... is not suitable for monks at all, because even if it is himself, he can only be here for a while, and it can't last long. The final result is only death.

In silence, Su Ming did not continue to go away, but turned to the mulberry butterfly. From a distance, he could only see a wing above the oblique wing that was completely different from this vastness.

The wings are so big that Su Ming can't see the end.

The different perspective makes the size of the object also different. As Su Ming saw in the past years, the butterfly did not seem to be very big, as when he saw the ancient memory under the guidance of the mulberry phase, as if every butterfly was the size of a baby's palm.

But now here, what he sees is magnificent and indescribable.

Standing there in amazedness, Su Ming looked at the magnificent butterfly in front of him. He could not see the appearance of the butterfly. He could only see its fourth wing, and even the fourth wing could not see all of it.

It is difficult for him to describe this feeling. It is very complicated, and there is also an inexplicable emotion. He saw the death on this butterfly. The death is so strong that he is afraid that it can be felt at a long distance.

I don't know if this strong dead spirit attracts the strange life that exists in the vast world around, so that on the left side of Su Ming, the fog condenses and shrinks again, and a wisp of distorted shadow like a soul appears.

In silence, Su Ming's eyes suddenly showed his persistence again. He was still unwilling to give up this vast road, even if his efforts were fruitless in the end, and even had to pay some price, but he still had to... take a thorough look at how big this vastness was. Go and see how many strange lives there were in it. Life, you have to see this... Sangxiang's appearance in an all-round way from another perspective!

With this kind of Su Ming's innate persistence, just like when he was a teenager, he would rather swallow a lot of herbs to rush out of the door of the room sealed by the grandfather for the Wushan Department. His persistence is like that even if he sealed the seven emotions and six desires in the sea of Shenyuan Xinghai, he still uses grass rope doll It was he who knew that Su Xuanyi was not his relative, but that he had to know that he was dead, and he rose in depression.

These are all persistence. Without persistence, he can't have come to this point. Without persistence, Su Ming... will no longer be Su Ming. He will not have the current cultivation, but will only become an ordinary member of all living beings.

Under such persistence, Su Ming suddenly chose what he should not do in this vastness... He scattered his will, completely, and completely dispersed his huge will.

As he said, he wants to see it!

As the barbarian man said all over the world in those years, the world he saw could not be seen by others!

Just like when Su Ming was in the barbarian land, when he looked up at the starry sky, his inner desire, he wanted to take a look at the world that not everyone could see!

At this moment, Su Ming, with the spread of his will, countless sad roars came out of this vast area in an instant. At the same time, the fog here rolled rapidly, as if the will was the light in the night in this vastness. While it was bright, it was also an impossible thing!

Su Ming... I saw it!

He saw that there were thousands of strange lives in this vast expanse, and saw that there was no end beyond his will, and he also saw... In this vast expanse, the whole body of Sang Xiang!

That's a beautiful butterfly. Its four wings are all raised. At this moment... It's only a trace of overlap. Even at first glance, it is difficult to see the gap between the wings!


It's finally finished! It was also announced that the reader of the last IPAD was Wang Cheng, who signed that he was Wang Lin and was a good classmate who spoke almost every day.

In a few days, there will be a laptop for everyone, and I have heard some suggestions. In the end, the right to choose this laptop is no longer determined by the ear root, but the Taoist friends decide who to give it to. As long as you say the name of the other party in my public prestige in the reply, I will count the most spoken name Take this laptop.

The time can start now and end on Monday night. To be continued.