Ask for Magic

Chapter 1347 A realization of the sky!

After a while of meditation, Su Ming's eyes swept around, and finally when he withdrew, his expression turned into a ghost in his hand and walked to the gap of the fourth wing of the mulberry phase.

The gap was getting closer and closer, until Su Ming stepped in, and no strange life appeared behind him, as if this battle made Su Ming become the master of this area in the mind of these strange lives here.

Only when he stepped into the gap, the ghost in his hand struggled weakly again. After Yu Su Ming entered the world of mulberry phase, the ghost immediately trembled, and the distortion of his body seemed to be erased. Su Ming's eyes flashed, his right hand pushed out, and immediately the ghost was sent out of the vast gap and appeared

Fortunately, the ghost who did not die was stunned in the vastness outside the gap. Although it did not have much intelligence, it could know that it was almost dead. At this moment, it looked at Su Ming in the gap.

Looking at it, there was a touch of respect in the eyes of this ghost, and then turned around and disappeared.

Su Ming watched the ghost disappear, and his eyes showed something thoughtful. The life in the vastness did not have much intelligence, but the most basic instinct was still there, and Su Ming could see the respect, but he was a little hesitant. According to the spirit of life, hatred is easier than gratitude.

These only know instinctive life, they can hate, but if you want to learn to be grateful, what you need is spirituality. When Su Ming was meditating, his heart suddenly moved. He thought of the seemingly dead distortion of his body when the ghost was brought into the world of mulberry.

"Is it possible that this is why they condensed around the dead mulberry phase, where... can they give birth to more or less spirituality?" And the huge ghost, there is a world in his body! Although there is no life in the world, it can be imagined that if its cultivation reaches the later stage, maybe life can appear? Or even in the later stage, it is impossible to achieve great perfection! No matter what kind of cultivation you need to make life appear in your own world, in short... the life born in this vast world is the same as Sangxiang, which can contain its own world! If all this is true, then whether there is a world in his body in the young man in black, and it seems that the world is obviously more magnificent than the mulberry!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and this bold guess was born in his mind.

"The world... countless mortals look at the blue sky and white clouds, look at the alternation of the sun and the moon, and spend a short life. They don't know at all. Maybe the world they are in is just the body of a strange life in this vast world.

How many intrigues, how many love and hate entanglement, compared with the whole world, the whole vast original intention, is really insignificant..." Su Ming sighed softly, these are his guesses, but this guess Su Ming himself also understands that it should be infinitely close to the truth.

"What is the end of practice, for the sake of immortality... That's narrow."

Su Ming turned around and looked at the starry sky in this world, and no longer paid attention to the hidden old man and his ancient boat. With his doubts and understanding, he walked towards the starry sky.

"If you practice for long life, in fact, a few people know what is long life... Even if it is Sanhuang, you can't live long life. Even the young man in black, does he dare to say that he can live long life?

Everything in this world has a beginning and an end, immortality... It's just relative. The real goal of practice is to seek truth!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his footsteps were more determined.

"In order to seek a truth, in order to seek a solution to the puzzle, this... is the ultimate place for our generation of monks to practice. The strength in the middle and the long-term longevity of Shouyuan are just subordinates on the road to truth.

Seeking the truth, the cultivation is also true! Qiu Ming, the practice is also Ming. I, Su Ming, practice. What I want is to understand, and what I want is to solve the puzzle. If I hear the Tao, I will live and die in the evening... It's also funny.

Su Ming's body, with his enlightenment, gradually has an unpredictable breath. This breath is not much now, just a trace, but the appearance of this breath makes Su Ming's body faintly seem to be transparent in the starry sky, as if at this moment, there is something beyond Sang on his body. The transcendence of the phase! " Whether it's true or not, it's all to understand the confusion, and the solution in the two words can be solved. This word alone is doomed... monasticism... boundless.

Because you never know where the end is, because... on the road of practice, there is only a distinction between far and near, but there will never be an end.

Su Ming smiled, and his smile was free and easy, with understanding. Gradually, his laughter became louder and louder, and he went away from the starry sky.

"I live in the wings of the mulberry phase, but the mulberry phase lives between the fingers of whose fingers... If the life of the flick of the finger, if you look up, can you see the blink of another life in which he is in, and the blink of an eye of life. While laughing at his world, you can ever realize that Within a heavenly hook.

As for the sky that Moke saw, whose eyes... There is no end, just like... no way! "Ya!" I, Su Ming, don't ask for too much. I just hope that's my eyes!" Su Ming paused. When he raised his head, his eyes showed a persistent light, slowly, slowly, muttering.

With Su Ming's words, his body was more blurred, and the trace on his body was obviously stronger than the breath of mulberry phase in the realm. Until after this sentence was finished, at the moment when Su Ming raised his head, the breath suddenly spread out and enveloped Su Ming's body, making Su Ming At this moment, there was no mind in his eyes, but became empty... His body was still moving forward, but he did not know the end and direction, because his soul, his consciousness, and his will were all at this moment. With the invisible roar of Su Ming's breath, they were all immersed in a kind of blooming on Su Ming. In the epiphany.

I don't know how long this epiphany will last, maybe a few days, maybe a few years, maybe dozens of hundreds or even more... Even Su Ming himself doesn't know the time, and he doesn't know what this epiphany represents for him.

He doesn't know that this is from ancient times to the present. This is the world of mulberry butterflies. In countless eras, from the beginning of the first era to now, there has never been an epiphany of the endless realm of Taoism! This epiphany, not to mention others, has never appeared in the three wilderness, and even the once complete mulberry phase is extremely eager, but... All this, at this moment, appeared on Su Ming's body! This is the first time, perhaps... and the last time in the world! Almost in Su Ming's unprecedented epiphany, his whole body lost consciousness and walked in the moment of the empty starry sky. In the world where Sangxiang's will avoided, in the world connected at the end of the swirlpool channel, Sangxiang's will trembled violently.

Its will turned into a butterfly. Looking at the distant starry sky, its body trembled, and it felt such an extra breath on its body that shocked it.

This breath is the breath of the boundless Tao. In this state, someone is feeling the boundless Tao! For it, it is unbelievable. In this trembling, Sang Xiang's will was lax. Although it soon re-condensed, we can also see its shock at this moment.

"Is it him... The person in this perception, is it him..." Sang Xiang's expression is complex. This kind of feeling is that it was once extremely longing but never appeared, and now it has appeared in its world.

At the same time, in the world of the Three Wilderness, on the Pluto, under the seemingly prosperous, actually dead tree, the young man standing there silently, looking at the tree, I don't know what he was thinking.

But suddenly, at the moment Su Ming stepped into an epiphany, the young man's face suddenly changed. He suddenly turned around and looked up in an instant, staring at the staring at the starry sky, and his expression gradually showed an unbelievable look. This expression was extremely rare in him. He was about to explore.

"The breath of the boundless Tao... This is the breath of the boundless Tao. This is that someone is feeling the boundless Tao. This is impossible. No life has reached great perfection, and if you can't reach that state, it is impossible to realize the boundless Tao!! This is... This is Su Ming!" Sanhuang's footsteps were stopped, and his expression was still unbelievable, but he did not take that step.

At this moment, in the lack of heaven of the fourth wing where Su Ming was, at the moment when Su Ming felt the boundless Tao, the ancient boat was hidden next to the gap, sat cross-legged on it, looking at the old man who was in Su Ming's palm in the wooden tablet in front of him, with a sneer at A complete change that has never been seen before.

"Perception is boundless, this... This..." The eyes of the old man who died quickly contracted rapidly, and the incredible meaning in his look was even stronger than that of Sanhuang and Sangxiang. He didn't even think too much. He shook his body suddenly and looked like he was still cross-legged, but there was a virtual shadow overlapping on him, The body flew out quickly and appeared in this world in an instant like a shadow. Su Ming, who was moving forward at a loss, raised his right hand and pressed it.

But the moment he touched Su Ming in the palm of his hand, silently, a trace of amazing breath emanated from Su Ming. This breath... belongs to the endless road!! At the moment when the breath appeared, the virtual shadow let out a sad scream and dissipated in an instant, but Su Ming seemed to know all this and still moved forward in a daze. He really didn't know this. At this moment, Su Ming, who was caught in epiphany, had forgotten everything and his mind was blank.

But the old man on the ancient boat, at the same time as the shadow dissipated, his meditating on his knees immediately trembled and spit out a mouthful of blood.

This is the second time he has seen his own blood for many years, except for stepping into the wing gap of this mulberry phase and spewing out a mouthful of blood due to injury.

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