Ask for Magic

Chapter 1350 People's Heart Insufficient

This scene was seen by tens of thousands of monks around him, turning into silence and a chill from the bottom of his heart, especially those who were angry before, who were shocked at this moment and did not dare to say a word.

In their view, strength in practice is everything, and Su Ming shows his strength, which is a powerful performance of mastering the divine tree in the palm of his hand that no one has been able to refine for many years.

The person who can do this kind of thing, how strong he is, is known to tens of thousands of strong people in the past four weeks. This kind of strength has surpassed them too much.

In the silence, I don't know who was the first to bow with their fists, and then the others bowed to Su Ming one by one, showing their respect from the bottom of their hearts.

This is strength. In their opinion, it determines all the strength.

Before there was no epiphany, Su Ming also thought so, but now, he understands that strength is only an attachment to the road of truth-seeking, an auxiliary derived from the road of truth-seeking in order to make the road of truth more smoother. That is only the end, never the original, and once the end is put down, then Misguided.

Su Ming looked down at the divine wood in the palm of his hand. This wood is not as others thought. For countless years, no one has been able to refine it. That's because... This thing belongs to the old man who died.

Therefore, unless he has the same strength as the extermination old man, it is impossible for outsiders to obtain it at all. As for why this thing was put here by the extermination old man and not taken away, Su Ming does not want to speculate too much about this. He just thinks that this thing is good and can be used if one day he steps

So, take it away.

Even when looking at the divine wood, Su Ming could imagine that the gap of the fourth wing of the butterfly, perhaps... was caused by the bombardment of the giant wood from the outside world.

After holding the palm of his hand and taking away the divine wood, Su Ming took a look at the monks around him holding his fists and sighed. These people are happy, because they don't know that the catastrophe in more than 300 years will be their inevitable destruction.

The ignorant also represents happiness in some times.

Su Ming shook his head and turned away. He would leave here if he wanted to deal with the last thing in the sky of the fourth wing.

During the step, Su Ming walked in the starry sky. His pace was not fast, but the starry sky seemed to be smaller under his feet. When he took two steps, he saw the fantasy star where the shepherd boy was.

Seeing the star, Su Ming saw the shepherd boy, the old man in purple, the young man in white, and four strangers he had never seen before.

After condensing the inheritance, these seven people have been staying in this star world, which represents a beautiful thing, and have never left. It seems that they are going to spend the last hundreds of years here and take a look at the last blasplendent of the world.

is also waiting for Su Ming, waiting for their only hope now.

On the stars, outside the prosperous city, under a maple tree with red leaves, Su Ming stood there. Behind him was the falling sunset, and the color was also red, which was in line with the maple leaf. I couldn't see the competition. I only saw a touch of sadness that fell from nowhere.

When the autumn wind rises, when the autumn leaves fall, when you turn around... Maybe you can't see the figure under the maple tree, and you can't see the sunset behind the figure.

He looked at the afterglow and sporadic lights in the city at dusk, as if he saw the ups and downs of the whole world, until Su Ming's side, the shepherd boy came from a distance, until the figure of the old man in purple and the young man in white also appeared beside Su Ming, they did not disturb Su Ming' Respectful, standing silently on the side.

And the four of their friends are also on the side at this moment. When they look at Su Ming, they wait respectfully.

Su Ming is their hope. For them, it doesn't matter if they will die tomorrow, as long as their way, as long as their feelings can be passed on.

As long as their pulse...constantly!

This is a spirit that low-level monks don't understand, and it is also a realm that some high-level monks can't feel. In the real world of cultivation, it is precisely because of such a spirit that such a person can leave countless legends and hopes for future generations, so that this starry sky, in this vast area, practitioners are That's great!

The sunset is gradually falling, as if it has become the world of mulberry butterflies. When it falls, it may not appear tomorrow. Just like this red maple leaf, once it falls, it can't continue to return to the maple tree that dyed it red. The wind is too fast, the season changes too fast, and it complains more

Su Ming sighed, looking at the lights of thousands of families gradually lighting up in the distance, and watching the sky gradually become night. Although he likes night, at this moment, he would rather live forever.

"You guys are here." Su Ming spoke softly.

The seven people around him immediately looked up at Su Ming and bowed one after another.

No one speaks. At this time, no one wants to speak. Everything is in this worship, unspeakable and needless.

Su Ming withdrew his eyes to the city in the distance and looked at the shepherd boy. The shepherd boy also looked at Su Ming. Their eyes condensed together. Su Ming saw the sadness in the shepherd boy's face and a touch of hope.

"Your path is very special, which makes me feel deeply, just like your Taoist name, half tonic... Maybe in your path, when you open your eyes, existence is to make up for you, and when you close your eyes, you make up for existence.

Half supplement, half a step..."

The shepherd boy's body shook, and his eyes showed a bright light in an instant. He was stunned there for a long time, clenched his fist to Su Ming, and bowed deeply.

"Disciples are taught." This is the first time that he has become the strongest in his era. After watching the catastrophe of the era come and he still exists, he... holds the courtesy of a disciple and is known as an oral disciple.

This disciple is not a disciple between master and apprentice, nor is it a name of generation, but... There is no practice before and after, and the master is a kind of gratitude for the teacher. For example, on the road of truth, Su Ming undoubtedly walked farther than them. After turning back, he got the respect.

"Your way is scattered and messy, and only by condensing the power of a lifetime can it be integrated. Like the return of thousands of people to the sect, it has achieved the vast heart of the great and become the sea, but after all, it can't drown its own thoughts." Su Ming looked at the old man in purple robe and slowly opened his mouth.

The old man in purple robe was silent. After a long time, he smiled and didn't say anything or worship.

"As for you... The sword is extremely cultivated, and the meaning of killing people with the sword is not soft. I'll give you a sentence... The sky is unbreakable, the earth is unbreakable, and the sword is not broken!" Su Ming's words came out. After hearing this, the young man in white stepped back a few steps in silence, looked up at Su Ming, and bowed with his fist.

"Disciples are taught."

"The four of you, I have never seen it before, but since there is a decision, Su will not erase your hope, but I don't know whether the world exists or not." Su Ming looked at the remaining four people. These four people were very characteristic. One of them was extremely burly, and the nothingness around him was faintly twisted. Su Ming saw at a glance that this person's body was under pressure. If all his cultivation was released, his body would be extremely huge.

Even in the middle of this person's eyebrows, there are vague stars. Obviously, this person has the same bloodline as an ancient god. In fact, the ethnic group of each era can find similarities, and this big man is the ancient god in a certain era.

Next to him was a woman with a dignified look, but Su Ming saw the hidden shadow behind him, which was a single-horned, and his whole body was cyan like a monster.

The other person did not hide the body. He stood there and scattered black gas all over his body. The black gas was thick with strong corrosion and could not be seen. He could only see a pair of red eyes in the fog, but the body could not escape Su Ming's eyes. This is a huge thing with two horns.

The last person is a middle-aged man, wearing a blue shirt. He looks like a fairy and Taoist bone, full of dust. This breath is not strange to Su Ming, which belongs to the fairyland he once saw.

For these people, Su Ming just glanced over and did not open his mouth, but at the moment when the night fell, his right hand was raised, and when he was about to wave, Su Ming's eyes suddenly flashed.

"It arrived so fast." Su Ming muttered and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, he recovered as usual. With a wave of his raised right hand, the whole sky roared in an instant and became a huge whirlpool. During the rapid rotation of the whirlpool, Su Ming's third eye opened in an instant, and his inner god also opened his eyes.

This is Su Ming, who guides his will to open a gap in the world that may or may not exist!

"Send your inheritance into it." When Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, the shepherd boy opened his mouth decisively, and immediately there was a black sculpture, which flew out of his mouth in an instant and went straight to the whirlpool of the sky.

The eyes of the young man in white flashed. What he sent was the sword he had been carrying all year round. As soon as the sword came out, even the whirlpool of the sky was shocked, as if it was about to stop, which showed the strength of the sword.

At the old man in purple robe, with a big sleeve swing, a gap opened under the wriggling of the eyebrows, and a fist-sized crystal flew directly out of it, emitting black light and going straight to the sky.

As for the other four people, they each had their own inheritance. A total of seven items were sucked into the whirlpool in an instant. But at this moment, suddenly, the crystals sent by the old man in the purple robe seemed to be unbearable, and there were broken. There were more and more cracks, but the old man in the purple There is no change at all. Take a closer look, this person... There is only one empty shell left!

At the moment when other people's faces changed, the black crystal that was about to disappear in the whirlpool broke, and a small man flew out in an instant. The little man looked similar to the old man in the purple robe and let out an unwilling scream to rush into the whirlpool, but in the end... it was Under the rotation of the whirlpool, the gods are all destroyed and shattered.

The body of the old man in purple robe also became flying ash at this moment and dissipated in the world.


Weixin's laptop, as of 8:30 p.m., it is estimated that the results cannot be announced today. I will fight for it tomorrow, because there are many people and the gap is not big, it needs to be accurately counted.

The next chapter will be released at about 8 o'clock, and the word is being coded. Please recommend the ticket RS