Ask for Magic

Chapter 1352 Just withered column in

It was the first time that the bald crane opened his mouth like this. Su Ming listened to it and felt a little uncomfortable. For him, the bald crane was not a pet, but a friend, even the kind of friend who could be in his heart with Lei Chen, the eldest brother, the second brother and the tiger.

That kind of friendship, such as old wine, gets stronger and stronger with the precipitation of the years, until you drink it, you can be drunk and laugh for a lifetime.

"She is..." Su Ming said softly.

"It should be a non-flower... It should be."

The bald crane muttered. It has been seen here for more than a hundred years. It doesn't know whether the other party has found it. All it knows is that it wants to look like this. It wants to, very much. It seems that there has been a period of time. It has also seen a woman like this. At that time, it Looking at myself.

At that time, it seemed that he was not a bald crane. For it that could change its body, although the bald crane was its most common appearance, it... also forgot whether it was really itself.

This is a kind of sadness, but also a kind of tingling. It forgets its earliest appearance and why it became a bald crane... It vaguely seems to remember that it used to be not what it is now, but a monk.

"I still have your body here. If you want to... you can integrate with the body, which will restore your memory a lot."

Su Ming was silent for a moment, looked at the bald crane, and said softly.

The bald crane was silent... In those years, it did not choose to integrate with the body, because it had a premonition that once integrated, it would awaken the memory, but... when one memory woke up, it was equivalent to dispersing another memory.

This choice makes it confused. At the same time, in its mind, in a corner that has been suppressed for countless years, there is a sad roar, which is getting louder and louder, as if to affect the mind of the bald crane.

"Fusion the body to find your memory, you are Kong Mo, you are this heaven and earth, this mulberry butterfly world in the sky, the lawless strong man, you are... Kong Mo!! Awakening Kong Mo is to awaken yourself. It is the old man who made you break your body. It is the old man who made you lose yourself after the war with you. Awakening... Looking for the old man to fight again!!" Go away and get out of here for Grandpa Crane!!" The bald crane's eyes showed blood, and the sudden low roar suppressed the stronger and stronger voice in his mind. When he looked up, he looked at Su Ming.

"I don't want to be Kongmo..." During the words, the bald crane's body trembled slightly. It looked back at the lake, the old woman under the wooden house. At this time, the old woman also raised her head, and their eyes seemed to look together.

Tears in the eyes of the bald crane can't drip, only dissipate... "Let's go, let's go, I haven't collected more crystals yet!!" The bald crane suddenly turned around and turned into a long rainbow. Su Ming looked at the bald crane silently. He could feel its sadness and complexity. When he turned around, he looked at the old woman. In the old woman's eyes, he saw the same tears.

With a soft sigh, Su Ming raised his right hand and pointed to the old woman in the distance. Under this finger, silently, a whirlpool immediately appeared on the eyebrows of the old woman sitting under the wooden house. After the whirlpool appeared, there was a ferocious shadow of the five-faced beast god, rushing out and turned into a After Su Ming's palm, Su Ming shook his head and turned away.

"Unlocked your curse and restored your cultivation..." Su Ming, who left, left this sentence, echoing at that moment, his face slowly changed and returned to the old woman's ear again.

But the girl who has regained her face is now staring at the other side of the lake, where the bald crane has been in the place for a hundred years. She doesn't care about the dissipation of the curse or the change of her face. For a hundred years... How can she not know that the person she is waiting for has been there She will not forget that feeling, nor will she forget her years of waiting. She does not expect the other party to come to her. After more than a hundred years of lake companionship, she has been satisfied... This is the warmest hundred years after she became unspeakable.

With a sigh, the girl lowered her head. When her right hand was raised, a volume of ancient painting opened in front of her. The drawing paper had withered yellow, with traces of time, but it could not cover the picture. A proud teenager stood beside the two women with a bright smile and a wisp of bad meaning.

"It's just the withered column..." The girl whispered, looked at the teenager in the picture, and gradually closed her eyes.

Su Ming left.

With the bald crane, he returned to the gap of the three wildernesses, stepped into the gap, and returned to the world of the three wildernesses.

Familiar starry sky, familiar breath, familiar Daochen... Everything here is familiar with Su Ming. This is his home, and the ninth peak is still brilliant. With more than 100 years of development, the existence of the ninth peak has become Qingtian.

And the invaders of the dark morning and the anti-sage also returned to their world as many years ago in the killing of Su Ming, who came from the incarnation of three black-robed men in the dark morning anti-sage camp, and this time... they never returned.

The three wilderness and the four real worlds, which have been full of war, have also gained a rare calm. The remaining monks began to recover separately, and the four real worlds seem to have returned again! Once! It's just that too many people don't know that the catastrophe is coming, and too many people don't understand that hundreds of years later... they will be there.

Outside the Tianxiang array, next to the disappearing Tianxiang array, Su Ming stood there and looked at this place silently for a long time... He turned around and came to the gate of the ninth peak with a bald crane, which was still a calm starry sky.

It is calm and quiet here, as if the starry sky has become a turbulent lake. You can't see any ripples on the lake, but Su Ming stood here for a long time.

"I'm going to meet two old friends."

Su Ming looked at the bald crane.

The bald crane nodded and looked at the ninth peak.

"I miss Pluto... See you at the ninth peak."

The bald crane turned around and left.

With the disappearance of the bald crane, Su Ming looked at this calm starry sky and sighed softly. He found that after waking up from the sense of the endless Tao, he seemed to sigh for more than a hundred years together in recent days. His expression was a little complicated and he took a step forward.

This step fell, and suddenly the starry sky was distorted. When it returned as usual, Su Mingru stepped into another starry sky, a starry sky distorted and isolated by his morning will.

At the moment Su Ming stepped in here, there were three black-robed men meditating cross-legged in the starry sky and suddenly raised their heads.

These three people in black were exactly the third of the four messengers. Under the order of the old man, in fact, they had already come to Sanhuang. That was when Su Ming exerted his magic power on the shepherd boy's star and under the maple tree. At that time, he closed his eyes. It seemed to be Ke·He appeared here without any amazing spells, but twisted the starry sky and trapped the three men in black.

Now, as he stepped in, the moment the three people in black robes looked in the direction of Su Ming, they stood up from cross-legged, and Su Ming... also appeared in front of them.

It was prepared to appear in front of every man in black.

Because in the starry sky distorted by Su Ming's will, the three people in black robes seem to be together, but in fact they can't see each other, just like the world is divided into three layers, each layer... trapped one person.

And the arrival of Su Ming also turned into three figures, one on each floor.

In the first layer of the starry sky, the burly and tall man in black robe looked at Su Ming who appeared in front of him and snorted coldly. There was a sense of domineering in the voice, which made the starry sky tremble when it came out.

"Four generations of barbarian god Su Ming, pay homage to a generation of barbarian gods... Lieshan Xiu's predecessor."

Su Ming looked at the tall and burly figure, hugged his fist and said softly.

While he opened his mouth, the tall and burly man in black robe was silent for a moment. He took off the black robe on his head and showed a heroic and extraordinary face. The face carried the vicissitudes of life and contained roughness. It was... Lie Shanxiu! When he looked at Su Ming, there was also some complexity in his expression, but it was clear that his mind was sober, just like Shaming Laozu, and there was no sense of being manipulated at all.

"You shouldn't have refused to be the fifth envoy back then."

The two looked at each other. For a long time, Lieshan opened his mouth hoarsely, with unquestionable majesty in his voice, and the hegemony in his character. This former barbarian generation of barbarian god led the barbarian people to rise, created a barbarian country, and even fought with the immortals at Standing in front of Su Ming at this moment, a simple sentence seems to change the rules of the starry sky around him.

"You should not be the enemy of the Lord. His way... You don't understand, but if you admit that I am a barbarian god, follow me to see the Lord. You will understand that his way is the way for all sentient beings to pursue!" Lie Shanxiu turned his head and looked at the void. Although he could not see the ninth peak, he seemed to feel the many barbarian bloodlines there.

"We are not enemies. Let's go and see the Lord with me..." "What is his way?" Su Ming looked at Lie Shanxiu and opened his mouth slowly.

"It is the sky that is about to be destroyed, and it is the mulberry phase that is destined to perish. Before its extinction, it is necessary to leave a glimmer of vitality for all sentient beings and others. This vitality is only a glimmer. If it can be captured, whether it is a barbarian or other ethnic group, Lie Shanxiu looked at Su Ming and opened his mouth without hesitation.

"Including... In my appearance, in my name, I set off a bloody storm in the dark morning, which is also for that glimmer of vitality?" Su Ming looked at the mountain and said softly.

Lie Shanxiu was silent, but this silence was only three breaths, and his eyes showed firmness.

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