Ask for Magic

Chapter 1358 Home--It's not far away

Canglan has left. The eldest brother, the second brother, Xu Hui and Yuxuan have all sat in Su Ming's boat and gone to the other side of the Wangchuan River. Su Ming's coming and going on the Wangchuan River is like one circle after another of reincarnation.

As the years went by, unconsciously, how many spring and autumn left in my memory. Su Ming's face was no longer middle-aged, but white hair appeared and became an old man.

From a distance, perhaps the figure in the sunset has become a man in the lonely boat.

In the time when a person sat silently cross-legged outside the wooden house, the years passed like this. From beginning to end, Su Ming did not step into the wooden house for half a step, as if the threshold of the wooden house was a gully of heaven and earth. On the other side of the gully was the awakening of everything, Tens of thousands of lights when meditate and stare at the candlelight.

This winter came very early. Snowflakes fell and covered the earth. From afar, I can't forget the green. There is a cold that seems to freeze everything in the cold, but the never-ending Wangchuan River is the fireworks that can't stop freezing...

On the other side of the river, across the Wangchuan River, it seems that it is still full of spring, singing outsiders without moving, hazy to see the beauty and chandness of the flowers.

A river, across the reincarnation, across the world, across every you and me...

The cold wind roared, and the snow was flying all over the sky. In the afternoon when I looked up at the distant snowflakes, the sound of horses' hoofs roared. From the sound of horses' hoofs, it was not one person, but a team...

When I saw it, in the wind and snow in the distance, there were nearly 100,000 people wearing armor, riding horses, roaring forward. At present, one person was riding on a jujube red horse, wearing golden armor, the scarlet cloak was flying, and the fur shirt was outside. The horse's four hooves were also inlaid with nails The miscellaneous is not crisp, but a little stuffy.

100,000 people have no other sound except the sound of horses' hoofs. Everyone on the horse silently follows the current man in a scarlet cloak, as if they can follow him, walk through mountains, through a boundary, through this life and the afterlife.

This is an army, an army that exists in this world of all sentient beings, especially the tiger-like man in the front. His eyes are like copper bells, and he is not angry when staring, which is enough to make the timid people tremble and dare not look at each other after seeing it.

This is obviously a general in the army, full of evil spirit. He holds the horse rope in his left hand and a wine pot in his right hand. He keeps drinking wine as he moves forward, but the evaporation of the smell of wine not only does not make him drunk, but also makes the evil spirit stronger, and a faint heroic breath permeates. The white The breath spit out while running seemed to merge, making the 100,000 troops look like they were covered with a layer of white sand at first sight.

Especially the big man, when everyone looks at it, he can't help but leave the big man's appearance deeply in his mind.

The sound of horses' hoofs shoes was not messy. In front of Su Ming's wooden house, it gradually disappeared. Su Ming raised his head and looked at the endless look of the army. Looking at the faces of each of the 100,000 people, his eyes finally fell on the face of the big man in the front.

The tiger-like man, after taking a sip of wine, did not look too drunk, and his eyes showed a fierce light, staring at Su Ming.

Su Ming was also looking at him. When the two looked at each other, the tiger-like man picked up the wine pot and took a big sip again. The breath he exhaled turned into white gas and shouted loudly.

"Why do you look so familiar? Have you seen your grandpa Tiger before? Say, have you seen Grandpa Tiger!" The voice of the big man was like a flood, like thunder, echoing around, and the horses under him were also shaken a few times. It seemed that it was not a person, but a real tiger.

Su Ming smiled and smiled happily. He finally saw Huzi and saw the 100,000 disciples of the ninth front led by Huzi. These disciples once followed Huzi to fight in the starry sky, swept all directions with him, and decided to choose which disciples of the ninth front to go to the other side. Obviously, the eldest brother would not pay attention to it, and the A right was given to Huzi.

Although Su Ming had told Huzi the words of the evil son of heaven, and although Huzi also understood it, in this life, he still chose to accompany these disciples of the ninth front until they were forever, until they stepped on the other side together.

Now, he's here.

"Of course I know you. You are my younger brother." Su Ming spoke softly, stood up and got on the boat. When he turned around, he looked at Hu Zi and nodded with a smile.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. The eldest brother is there, and the second brother is also there. They are all waiting for you..."

Su Ming's voice echoed in this cold winter and fell into the tiger-like ears of the big man, which made the big man stunned and gradually showed confusion, as if the memories of his past and present life overlapped at this moment. He unconsciously loosened the right hand of the wine pot, and the wine pot fell to the ground... The porcelain pot broke /P>

The scattered wine seems to have turned into 100,000 drops, integrated into the ice and snow on the ground...

The big man suddenly shook his head and grabbed his right hand down. The broken wine pot seemed to have been distorted for years. The wine integrated into the ice and snow reappeared, and finally turned into a complete wine pot. When it fell back into the hands of the big man, the 100,000 soldiers behind him became nothingness and dissipated.

With a certain understanding in his expression, he got off the horse, stepped into Su Ming's boat with a wine pot, and sat in the bow.

The previous moment was still on the shore, and the next moment, it had passed through the Wangchuan River. On the other side, the people in the bow of the boat seemed to be immersed in reincarnation, still sitting there blankly, holding a wine bottle, and looking back at the ferryman at the stern of the ship.

"Little brother..." When the muttering voice came from the mouth of the big man, the sound of raindrops falling from the boat echoed. It was not raindrops, it was the tears of the tiger.

Su Ming raised his head with a hat and looked at Huzi with a smile on his face. The smile was full of blessings, which made the cold winter not cold, and the Wangchuan seemed to become Tianhe.

"There is a big brother, and there is a second brother, but there is no you there..." Huzi looked at Su Ming in a sway and seemed to hear a sentence from his ear. I don't know whether it was now or the past.

"Tiger, don't cry..."

The lonely boat finally left. The empty bow seemed to reflect the bleak of the stern of the ship, and on the other side, the figure of the tiger stared at the far away of the lonely boat, vaguely... It seemed that on the side of Su Ming, the figure of the second brother and the eldest brother also appeared, looking at Wangchuan Once the ninth front.

It has been another ten years.

A literary student, carrying a bookcase and walking in the spring, the scroll in his hand seemed to hide the eternal words of heaven and earth. In an afternoon sun, he walked to the wooden house and to Su Ming.

"The fortune teller said that I lost another soul in my life, let me go all the way down the east, walk through the mountains and rivers, through spring, summer, autumn and winter, I will see a river, see a wooden house, see a ferryman who can give me another soul in my life...

Is that you?"

Su Ming looked up, and the bamboo hat covered the sun, making his face blurred in the vicissitudes of life. He looked at the Wensheng in front of him and the scroll in Wensheng's hand, with a gentle smile on his face.

This is a long river. Su Ming promised him that he would resurrect his wife. Su Ming did not forget this promise. The promise of that year was a cause, and at this moment... What Changhe's words required was the result.

"It's me." Su Ming spoke softly.

"So where is the other soul in my life?" Wen Sheng looked at Su Ming and asked.

"It's in your hands." Su Ming closed his eyes and said gently when he opened it after a long time.

The literary student was stunned and looked down at his hand. There was only the scroll in his hand, as if he had some understanding. He opened the scroll and read it... The words on the scroll disappeared and turned into a picture.

In the picture, there is a woman who is lifelike, looking at him with a smile, as if she has been waiting to appear in the eyes of the long river for thousands of years.

"But this... is just a picture." Wen Sheng was silent for a moment and looked up at Su Ming.

"Look at the other side of the river." Su Ming got up with a smile and walked to the stern of the boat.

Wensheng's eyes passed along Su Ming and looked at the other side of the Wangchuan River. In a vague way, he seemed to see a woman there, staring here.

Looking at it, Wensheng's gaze turned into a smile on his face in his previous life. He got on the boat. As the boat progressed forward in the Wangchuan River, the figure became clearer and closer, until he reached the shore, until he got off the boat. Looking at the woman, the two looked at each other for a long time. When The lonely boat.

The second Jiazi's years, unconsciously, have passed halfway through, and it is another year's autumn. An old man came outside Su Ming's wooden house.

The old man was wearing a thick linen gown, his white hair fluttered in the autumn wind, and there were many wrinkles on his face, but every fold seemed to contain vicissitudes. He walked to the Wangchuan River, looked at the river, turned his head for a long time, and looked at Su Ming, who had got up at the moment.

"Many years ago, a literary student found me. I asked him all the way to the east, through the mountains, through the forests, and the plains. After walking through the plains, I could see a wooden house. There was a man under the wooden house, who he wanted to find." The old man looked at Su Ming with kindness on his face.

Su Ming looked at the old man, and his expression was rare in him, like the younger generation saw the elder.


"Let's go and take me across the river." The old man looked more and more kind. He looked at Su Ming with relief and reluctance in his eyes, but instead of saying this reluctance, he sat in the bow.

The sun went down, the night fell, there were stars in the sky, and the ship reached the other side.

"Remember this sky." Grandpa looked back at Su Ming and said in a meaningful and soft voice.

"Because that's the night sky that guides you home... Whenever you can't find the way home, you can raise your head. If you can see the stars in the night sky, you will know that home... is not far away, and your family... is waiting for you."


Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!! Taoist friends, we have been silent for more than a year. There has been no bloody impact for too long, so that Ergen is about to forget the feeling on the top of the mountain. This month... Demons, you are willing to work with Ergen... to kill the starting point!!

In November, the month of the outbreak, give the devil a perfection, and give the devil a peak! RS