Ask for Magic

Chapter 1361 Return to the Divine Source

It's over. The boatmen of the two years sent away familiar figures one by one. They were willing to lower their heads and silently watched them leave here. This was Su Ming's choice for them, the first and the last time.

The 120 years of those two Jiazi are very long and short for Su Ming. The short is the road to send them away from the river, and the long is the eternal waiting and the feeling of the passage of time when we meet one day in the future.

Su Ming is not sure, so the hope is long, but there is still a time to end. Like the fireworks in the sky, it will disappear in a short moment, but it will become beautiful in people's minds.

Su Ming's eyes gradually appeared in the light and darkness, the ninth front... It was quiet, the departure of 100,000 barbarians, the departure of 100,000 disciples, and even the disappearance of many people, so that the rest of the Ninth front now seemed to be at a loss.

"The ninth peak famine, you wait... If you want to stay, you can continue to stay. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time." Su Ming slowly opened his mouth, and his voice echoed the whole Ninth Peak Sect at this moment, falling into the ears of every disciple in it, and waking these people up from confusion.

After the words, Su Ming closed his eyes, and the bald crane was beside him. Looking at the familiarity around him, he didn't have too much sadness. He didn't know where he went in a flash, but Su Ming, who knew it, didn't need to think about it, so he could know the bald crane's idea at

"Send, send, haha, Grandpa He is really lucky this time. He sent so many people away. These people must not be able to take away a lot of crystals, crystals, especially other people's crystals!" The bald crane looked excited. Thinking about it, it trembled uncontrollably and became faster.

He ignored the behavior of the bald crane. Su Ming closed his eyes for 20 years... He felt the shock of the whole three wildernesses and realized the coming of the meaning of destruction. At this moment, the mulberry wings should have overlapped with the naked eye, but in fact, it was just a little bit.

This silk is the last hundred years. Even in this morning real world, Su Ming felt the existence of the real world of Xianzong. In other worlds of Sanhuang, he also felt the breath of mulberry.

The two worlds are about to overlap.

At the same time, in the past 20 years since Su Ming returned to the Ninth Peak, the monks in this sect have left nine times out of ten, and most of the rest are some old people with low cultivation. These people no longer have the ambition to follow a big sect again, and they hope for peace.

As for other people, those direct lines belonging to the ninth peak have been selected by Huzi, and the rest of them are the ones who once added icing on the cake. At this moment, the jin is no longer there, and the flowers naturally continue to bloom elsewhere.

Twenty years later, in the final hundred years from the catastrophe, the strong men of the preephemo began to awaken one after another. The first awakening was the pre-ki people who had fought with Su Ming on the Pluto star. Then, there were many places in the Three Wastes. At the moment of the arrival of a hundred

The true world of the underworld, the true world of the yin saint, the fourth true world and the divine source star sea. Such a breath has spread a lot, but more, in the world where the fourth wing of the mulberry is located, gradually, these strong people begin to walk in the starry sky. Gradually, bloody killings and the Send.

This is actually a catastrophe, just a short release before the destruction of all sentient beings.

At the same time, in the whirlpool of death, the three emperors and five emperors, led by the emperor with a certain purpose, also opened their eyes one after another at the moment of the arrival of this hundred years.

"The time has come, and the time of this hundred years has finally come..." The whispers echoed in the world of this swirlpool, and there were more [exhilarious] laughter and roars.

Everyone's blood before the three wilderness disasters...

Su Ming sighed and withdrew his eyes to look at the Sanhuang world. He did not pay attention to everything in the outside world. Whether it was Di Tian or Su Xuanyi, Su Ming did not want to pay attention to it at this moment. Even if those pre-Jiqiang people cholera the whole sky, this was also part of the rule, and it was

But... This ninth peak is the forbidden area. If anyone dares to step in here, then even if this person is known as the immortal former era strongman, he will still know how brilliant the catastrophe of life is in Su Ming.

Kill people, Su Ming killed too much, so what about the pre-Jian strong...

The only thing he still remembers is the 100,000 monks trapped in the sea of divine source stars, in the former world of Eocang.

He promised these 100,000 monks that he would bring them out one day. Su Ming was going to fulfill this promise.

"Do you want to go back to the divine source again?" Su Ming looked aside and was counting the bald crane of the crystal.

"The crystals there have been searched away by Grandpa He, and they are already clean." The bald crane raised his head, thought about it carefully, and said seriously.

Su Ming smiled.

"Okay, then you stay here." Su Ming closed his eyes when he shook his head. At the moment when his eyes closed, in the ruins of the divine source, where the aura of heaven and earth was extremely lacking, a figure appeared in the starry sky. This figure was Su Ming.

Looking at the ruins of Shenyuan, Su Ming is familiar with everything here. He has been here for many years. In retrospect, whether it is chasing or weak, everything is full of traces of being portrayed. Obviously, at that time, he was in the palm of Su Xuanyi, and all roads were arranged in order to destroy the seeds of life. Keep yourself to complete everything he secretly arranged.

Just looking back at this moment, the resentment and hatred of those years have faded away. Su Ming looked calm and walked through the starry sky. While approaching the place where E Cang used to be, Su Ming stepped forward and seemed to feel something. He looked into the distance. In the starry sky, which was not too far away from here, there There was a young man sitting cross-legged on the top of a mountain, mediting.

During this person's breathing, there was a ferocious virtual shadow of a big tree behind him, which was... Ecang.

The wisp of soul that escaped from Su Ming's hand condensed out. Su Ming looked at him, and he didn't know all this. He still meditated. Sometimes he opened his eyes and looked around cautiously. The indifference and gloom often flashed in his eyes made this person look gloomy.

This is in line with Ecang's habit. Obviously, over the years, it has also learned the caution and treachery of many monks in this recovery, so it can survive in the ruins of the abyss.

Perhaps he has been wary of the arrival of Su Ming. After all, for him, Su Ming's existence is a shadow that he will fear all his life. He is afraid of Su Ming, but he is eager to devour Su Ming and make himself complete.

If it had been in the past, since Su Ming had seen this person, he would not let him go, but now he just withdrew his eyes after a glance. Different levels and different worlds make mutual hostility become children's fights.

Without noticing the re-condensation of Ecang, Su Ming came to the nihil and stepped in and appeared in the once 100,000 Ecang world.

Almost at the moment Su Ming stepped in, all the stone tablets in the world of 100,000 were shocked. With the vibration of the stone tablets, in this world, all the people who meditated on their knees raised their heads together and looked shocked. Even the monks in the world, who were immersed in the stone tablets at this moment and outlined by memory, they were When they were forcibly driven out one by one and looked up in awe, the 100,000 people here... saw Su Ming coming above them.

Some people still remember Su Ming, some people have forgotten, and some people have not experienced the shock of Su Ming's appearance. At this moment, they look blank.

"This place has existed for too long. I once promised you that there would be a day to untie this place. Today I came to unseal the seal of this place, open your confinement, and give back your own souls. From then on... You... [from]!" Su Ming's eyes swept over the crowd, stopped at those familiar faces, and finally fell on the middle-aged man who had helped him.

At first glance, the other party's appearance is middle-aged, but if you look carefully, it has become an old man. The death of his wife may have become the eternal pain in his heart. In those years, he could have left, but he was reluctant to give up, but immersed himself in this memory to accompany his wife.

With Su Ming's words, the whole world of 100,000 stele came out a loud roar. The steles were broken one by one, and the void layers of the surrounding edges were broken, that is, a few breaths. In the world of 100,000 steles, there was only one stone tablet, erected in front of the

"Only you are qualified to break this stone tablet. How to choose... Su will not interfere." Su Ming took a deep look at the middle-aged man. When he turned around, he glanced at the crowd. What he saw was not joy, but a deeper confusion. It seemed that for a moment, these people did not adapt to such a change.

But in the end, they will adapt. Su Ming took another look at the once 100,000 stone tablet world. He thought of Sui Chenzi and shook his head. When Su Ming turned around, he had stepped into nothingness.

He came to the ruins of the divine source. In addition to unlocking the confinement of the world of 100,000 stone tablets, he would go to Wangfu Mountain to take a look at the figure on the top of the mountain, and then return the sand and soil, a wish of the spirit of the sand and earth, and... go to the black ink star and... send the Shore.

If possible, Su Ming also wants to go to the Fifth Sea to see if there is really an entrance to the fifth true world. Go to the fifth true world and take a look... The place where Su Zhan died, the area where he was once condensed by Su Xuanyi.

"A hundred years is enough." Su Ming muttered softly and walked into the distance.

At this moment, in the Shenyuan Star Sea, a bloody storm that has swept many tribes is also continuing. It is a dry old man, an old man who obviously has a dead skeleton sticking to his body behind him. The old man looks numb, and wherever he passes, there is a killing.


The third update will break out. Since the sword is going to be sheathed in November, it will fight for a month. Ergen will continue to break out tomorrow. Do you have a monthly ticket? Give it to me!

Hold your fist and worship. ( To be continued