Ask for Magic

Chapter 1371 3

Emperor Tian's eyes were full of blood, and there were more blood and tears as if they were going to sacrifice. The whole body was windless and automatic, and even the hair under the emperor's crown floated. The whole person was unprecedentedly dignified, and he almost exhausted all his strength to maintain the fate floating above it at this moment... Unbreakable!

The fate shines brightly, and the black is dark that the night sky cannot be stained, which makes the world seem to suddenly become dark, like turning into a black ocean that floods the world.

Di Tian, in the first half of Su Ming's life, this fateful enemy is insisting on maintaining Su Ming's fate at this moment. This matter is ironic, but Di Tian's attentive look and efforts make this sarcasm look ridiculous, but it is a little sad.

He is unable to survive the destruction, and in the face of his relatives and friends, he is willing to die to complete himself. He can't fail, and he doesn't want to fail, let alone be willing to fail.

There is no absolute right or wrong in the world. Whether it is Su Ming, Di Tian, Su Xuanyi, or even the old man, they are all like this. Maybe some of their practices have harmed the interests of others and caused harm to others, but from their own point of view, they think they are right. They They all have their own persistence!

For example, Sanhuang, no one can say that it is cruel and "wrong, except for Sangxiang! But for Sanhuang, he wants to survive, he wants to exist, he wants to become stronger, he is unwilling to become a life born in the wing world, he wants to enter the Lord, this is his way, he is right!

Like the mulberry phase, there is no dispute with the world, but in the end it ends up like this. It believes that everything in the world is wrong, only you are right, but... Its existence itself belongs to all sentient beings, and it is also a destroyer. It wants to complete itself, no longer die, but goes home, but for others The price of going home is the demise of yourself and all the people around you. How can you be willing to do this?

And this emperor, why not it's not like this!

After the cultivation has reached a certain level and the wisdom has reached the extreme, people can see through themselves, and they can also see through others, and understand everything. In fact, all creations and all steps surround the way!

Different paths, their own paths!

It is not so much to say that this is the moment when the disaster of Sangxiang comes and the destruction appears, but it is better to say that these proud people in the world of Sangxiang at this moment. They are witnessing each other's way. After all... Who is the one who can really succeed, then whose way... is the road!

Su Ming had already understood this, so he could clearly find the emperor, but he never looked for it, because he had seen through the emperor, just as the emperor had seen through Su Ming.

Su Ming knew that what Di Tian did in the first half of his life was not random, but contained some kind of plan. Su Ming could not guess what the plan was, but he could more or less guess some from the countless clues...

That's a copy!

If you want to copy, you must observe, even ordinary observation does not work. It requires a strong substitution to achieve a perfect copy, and can overlap with the real picture, regardless of each other!

Therefore, when Su Ming was fighting against Sanhuang, he had already understood that Di Tian was not the most urgent enemy today, but more than this person, and he did not want to fail.

Because if you fail, it is equivalent to the copy of the emperor, and it has no effect at all!

And Su Xuanyi... Although this person is scheming, although he is extremely gloomy and scheming, after Su Ming broke up with him, he has already realized that no matter how gloomy this person is, his final calculation is not himself.

For him, he is only an object of use in the early stage, not permanent, and his rise is an accident for Su Xuanyi, an accident that will not change his plan.

Su Xuanyi's goal... is to destroy the old man!

Therefore, when Su Ming left the fourth wing world, he had muttered that when he met the old man who died again, the other party... was still dead... Because of his understanding, when Su Ming killed the Qianji strong man before, he did not step into the fourth true world, because he knew that Su Xuanyi was there.

Su Xuanyi's enemy is to die. In this case, Su Ming will not interfere. This situation seems to be chaotic and complicated, but in fact, Su Ming has already smoothed it in his mind.

His enemy is Sanhuang, the old man who exterminated, and... Su Ming just found it before, Sang Xiang!

Although Sanhuang once said that he was a monk, Su Ming was also a monk, and Sang Xiang... That was just a life. When he questioned why Su Ming did not help him, he also questioned why Su Ming helped Sang Xiang.

If Su Ming was indeed helping Sang Xiang at that time, then after experiencing everything, after seeing the young man in black and the old man who died, he was no longer helping either side, himself... or the camp!

This is the situation in today's catastrophe, a picture that seems to be very complicated and chaotic, but actually very clear!

It was almost that Su Ming was confused with the wind of the Three Wildernesses. Sang Xiang came in. At the same time, the old man who died in the fourth wing world suddenly opened his eyes from the ancient boat hidden by the gap.

At the moment when his eyes were opened, a breath of awakening suddenly swirled on him.

"The time... has finally arrived!" When the old man muttered, a bright light appeared in his eyes. When his right hand was raised, his eyes fell down, like staring at the palm print of his hand.

At this moment, in the palace floating in the fourth real world, Su Xuanyi's body suddenly shook and raised his head, with a meaningful smile on the corners of his mouth. What scattered in his eyes seemed to be the strongest expectation in his life that had been waiting for countless years.

"My son..., Lei Chen, for my father's life, my hands are bloody, killing countless people, maybe there are many sorry people... But everything I do for my father is for the rise of the underworld, for... you!

You will be the hope of Shaping the underworld, and you will be the leader of the future patriarch of the underworld and re-rising in the vast world!" Su Xuanyi slowly stood up. When he lowered his head, a rattle appeared in the palm of his hand.

Su Ming once owned this drum, but Su Ming, who was in Wushan at that time, did not know it. In Lei Chen, there was also one... But what Su Ming had was made by A Gong, and what Lei Chen had... belonged to Su Xuanyi.

"Lei Chen, my son, for my father will create an unprecedented opportunity for you, a... to let you seize the opportunity to give up the old man!!

This is me, Su Xuanyi, planning the biggest plan for a lifetime!" Su Xuanyi shook his big sleeves, and his expression showed madness. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. He saw with his own eyes his father, the ancestor of the underworld, Yu Zhongsheng, and his own eyes saw the destruction of the whole fifth real world. In fact, what really took action... It was his father!

He saw everything, saw everything, and saw the destruction of the ancestors who controlled Shaming after his father. He even knew many secret things that other clans did not know. For example, this Shaming clan was actually an ethnic group guided by the old man.

For example, the only value of the existence of this ethnic group is to let the old man die to study it. It seems that he wants to find something on this ethnic group, until Su Xuanyi watched the death of the ethnic group, watched his relatives become flying ash in the bleakness, and saw his hometown, the fifth real world in his memory now became ...

He hates the ancestor of Ming. He hates his own bloodline. He is very much about all the life in the sky. From that moment on, his character has completely changed, and there is a crazy but persistent idea in his heart.

"In order to shape the talent of the underworld, seize... destroy the old man! If I can't do it, then let my son do it!" Su Xuanyi looked up to the sky and laughed. This is his plan. Only in this way can he be regarded as revenge for the clan, revenge for the fifth real world, and revenge for them!

For revenge, he can sacrifice his wife. For revenge, he can sacrifice the son of his best friend. For revenge, he can lose his humanity. All this... Now it's time to end, Su Xuanyi's eyes fall on Lei Chen, who is sitting cross-legged in front of him.

His eyes gradually showed the comfort and kindness of his father. For a long time... When a whirlpool gradually appeared behind Su Xuanyi, Su Xuanyi did not hesitate at all and turned around and stepped into the whirlpool.

At the moment he stepped into the whirlpool, the sound of the vicissitudes of the old man echoed in his mind.

"The son of Shaming... According to the agreement between your clan and me, it turned into my palm, disturbing the death knell of time... set off... the resentment of sealing the will!

Only the only resentment of life in this world can we bury the top of life in this world, and the only resentment of the same origin in this world can we seal the strongest of the same origin in this world!"

As the words of the old man reverberated, Su Xuanyi's figure twisted rapidly in the whirlpool, and in a blink of an eye, the pavilion turned into a palm. The palm was white, as spotless. In a wave, it flashed out of the whirlpool, but it was no longer in the fourth true world, but in...

"You are my palm, turning into the palm pattern of my will!" In the fourth wing world, the eyes of the old man on the ancient boat suddenly flashed. On the boat in front of him, the palm seal left by Su Ming dissipated in an instant, but with the dissipation of the palm seal, it gradually appeared on the palm of Su Xuan's clothes... exactly the same palm pattern!

"Sacrifice...start!" The old man stood up for the first time in many years. His long hair was windless, and his big sleeves made a low sound. When the sound echoed, outside the world of mulberry, inside... the huge compass suddenly appeared!

The young man in black robe meditated on his knees on the compass, his fingers always pinched the seventh bead, his eyes were indifferent, looking at the front not far away, the mulberry butterfly full of deadness!

He is here!

The first update! ( To be continued.