Ask for Magic

Chapter 1381 The mountain is the outer building of Qingshan Building

The mountain is the outer building of Qingshan Building.

Water is white water.

The sky is blue, and white clouds dot the sky. When you look at it, the sky seems to have become a beautiful picture curtain. If the wind hadn't blown by, it seems that the clouds are also slowly drifting away in the wind, making the picture not static, but the world.

Su Ming looked at the sky in a stingle. He had been awake for a month. In the past month, although he had accepted the facts of the four weeks, he still couldn't figure out where he was.

His memory is still retained in the scene where he finally took away the mysterious burial. Because the level of life is not equal, the possibility of success of taking away is negligible, but the moment when Su Ming took away, it was the peak of burning his life and soul, so the moment of taking away was not without the possibility of success.

It's just that if you succeed, why don't you have a mysterious burial? If you fail, where are you now...

And... Su Ming looked down at his body and fell silent.

"Xuan'er, in a daze again." A serious voice came from Su Ming's side. It was an old man, an old man who looked not angry and had white hair. The old man was wearing a gray robe, with a hat on his head, a wooden stick in his hand, and looked back at Su Ming.

"Master..." Su Ming looked at the old man in front of him. Although he had been awake for a month, every time he saw this person, he would be shocked and didn't know whether everything in front of him was true or not.

The appearance of this old man is exactly... the evil son of heaven!

Extically the same, even the voice is like the ups and downs in Su Ming's memory, and there is no way to distinguish between the past and the present.

"This is the first month. You should remember that there are six thousand years in total, and there are ten Jiazi in sixty Jiazi. You have to walk through thousands of mountains, thousands of rivers, walk through plains, watch the sunrise and sunset again and again, understand the changes of the four seasons, know the truth of heaven and earth, seek a truth, /P>

After the fifty Jiazi, you have to travel alone. Only in this way can you be qualified to compete with your eldest brother and the second brother, and you will have the opportunity to become the future crown prince, and I... can also not pay your father's trust. The old man opened his mouth faintly, touched the wooden stick in his hand on the ground, turned his head and continued to walk forward.

"Keep up." His voice, with vicissitudes, echoed in this mountain mausoleum, seemed to merge with the mountain wind around him and turned into a canopy. At this moment, the clouds gradually darkened until they became snowflakes.

This is winter.

Su Ming followed the old man silently. As he walked through the mausoleum and passed a lake without ice, the sunset in the distance fell with afterglow, and Su Ming's figure was reflection in the lake.

It was a teenager, a young man in a gray gown, a bamboo hat and a handsome face, but the young man's face was always surrounded by a touch of confusion.

He is the third prince of the ancient Tibetan country. He has two brothers. There is a tradition in the ancient Tibetan country. Before each alternation of imperial power, all the princes will be taken away by the monks appointed by the emperor himself for 6,000 years.

After sixty years, the prince returned and launched a competition for imperial power. In this competition, only one prince is destined to live, and the blood of the death of others will be cast into his crown and become the master of the country.

And this country... called Guzang, is the master of the whole earth, the supreme of the whole world, above all monks and all sects!

This is Su Ming's current moment. In addition to his inherent memory, there is an extra ray... I don't know when it has been imprinted in the depths of his soul, as if it was originally his own... memory.

It's just that he can't remember the name of the eldest brother, and he can't remember the appearance of the second brother. The deepest thing in my memory is that the old man in front of the follower has to walk through ten armors.

"Drink water." By the lake, the old man stopped, looked back at Su Ming, and pointed to the lake.

"The lake does not reflect like the sky. Drinking this water is like swallowing a corner of the sky. This lake... is called Tianhu." The old man said, bent down and stretched out his hand, took out a palm of the lake, and took a sip on his mouth.

Su Ming was silent, and his eyes fell on the lake without bending over.

The old man looked up and looked at Su Ming.

"Why should I drink this lake? Even if it reflects back like the sky, thinking that drinking this water is like swallowing a corner of the sky, it is just a self-deception. Su Ming shook his head and said slowly.

"You look up and look at the sky in the distance." The old man spoke calmly.

Su Ming raised his head and looked at the sky. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank. He saw a small area in the sky in the distance, as if he had been swallowed up!

"I don't know what the original name of this lake was, but I passed by this lake. I said it was the sky, it was the sky, I drank the water of the lake, I said I swallowed a corner of the sky, then... it was the sky swallowed a corner.

You are obsessed with this, and you fall into cause and effect. The old man spoke lightly.

Su Ming was silent. After a long time, he suddenly laughed. Why do you care about the cause and effect? Why do you care about where you are, and why do you insist on an answer? As long as you walk on the road, everything will be enough.

"Disciples are taught." Su Ming held his fist and bowed to the old man. He bent down and squatted down. He raised his right hand and put it into the lake, but he did not fish out of the lake. Instead, his eyes flashed, and his right hand patted gently on the lake.

In the moment of this beat, the lake immediately roared and rolled, the waves echoed, and the ripples were endless, making the originally reflected sky fragmented and dissipated in an instant.

"Why is that?" The old man frowned.

"The master said that it was the sky, so after drinking it, he swallowed the sky. I said it was not the sky, so I didn't need to drink it." Su Ming stood up and looked at the old man.

"I'm ambitious." There was a flash of admiration in the old man's eyes, but soon, there was a sharp meaning in his eyes, and the words were also an instant twist.

"It doesn't make sense, and I'm a little arrogant. I said that this lake is the sky, and I feel like watching the lake reflect the sky, so I said this in accordance with God's will, so I really swallowed the sky, because all this is God's will, and I just take the opportunity.

But you... messed up the lake, like messed up the number of lives, but in the end, it won't take long for the lake to be calm and reflect the sky. For it, you are just a passer-by.

For you, you are complaent, laughing at the lake is messy, but for the lake, it is also laughing at you, believe it... Look at whether the lake is calm, you laugh at the calm lake, and whether you can see the reflection, it is laughing at you. The old man spoke calmly, and the words were slow, but it seemed to contain the road.

"I don't believe in fate." Su Ming did not look back, but the lake behind him immediately appeared at the moment of calming down again after rolling. The water vapor instantly became fog, covering the whole lake, that is, for more than ten breaths. Su Ming shook his back to the big sleeves of the lake.

Immediately, the wind blew. After dissipating the fog, the lake had completely dried up and completely dissipated, leaving only the ugly mud in the deep depression, as well as the countless fish and shrimps in the mud.

"Now, it can be completely gone." Su Ming spoke lightly.

The old man was silent. After taking a deep look at Su Ming, he shook his head.

"The royal bloodline of the ancient Tibetan kingdom is the only strongest in this world. This rumor is really true. Let's go. We still have a long way to go." The old man turned around, stopped looking at the lake, and walked forward.

Su Ming bowed his head and did not look at the lake. He followed the old man all the way forward. In Su Ming's opinion, whether the goal or the end of this road is no longer important. This is a way to find a way, a way to make himself stronger.

I have walked through a mountain, a river, four seasons, and ten years.

The old man is in the front, Su Ming is in the back, and Su Ming ten years ago, the reflection in the lake is a teenager. Now he has become a young man, and his steps have taken is a little bigger. His face has no confusion, but he has returned to the calmness as in the mulberry world.

The stars lit up in the night sky, and the earth's bonfire was burning. Su Ming sat cross-legged beside the bonfire. Opposite him was the old man who was like the evil son of heaven. On another snowy day ten years later, the two sat here cross-legged, feeling the cold behind them and the heat wave

The old man closed his eyes, as if he was immersed in his practice and didn't care about all the changes in the outside world. Su Ming raised his head and looked at the blurred moon hanging in the sky behind the countless dust-like snowflakes in the sky.

This month is always there, but people are not there... Su Ming silently thought about the past and silently counted his memories, where... in his own world, to find the sighing ferryman.

"How many famous sects are there in ancient burials in China?" The sound of vicissitudes slowly came from the mouth of the old man with his eyes closed, mixed in the wind and snow, integrated into the crackling sound of the bonfire, and reached Su Ming's ear.

"Seven sects and twelve sects." Su Ming still looked at the blurred moon and said calmly.

"What's the difference between sect and door?" The old man asked slowly.

"In order to continue the endless emptiness, from the ancient collection, the door comes from the vast emptiness, and is not subject to education."

"What will happen every time the imperial power changes." The old man continued to speak.

"Seven sects of movement, twelve sects of chaos, the struggle for imperial power, the world changes." Su Ming withdrew his eyes looking at the blurred moon in the sky, looked at the burning of the bonfire, and said calmly.

"In this boundless world, the limit of cultivation, I have told you in the past ten years, do you still remember?" The old man spoke lightly.

"Indescribable perfection, the understanding of the Tao is boundless, and the Tao is coming. If there are nine enlightenments, such as the nine Taoist gods, the nine is the extreme, the full can be broken, and the road is boundless!

Those who have become boundless have never appeared in ancient times, so the world can understand the way, but they can't understand the boundless point. Su Ming said calmly that these things have been known to Su Ming bit by bit in the past ten years.


Volume 7, Chapter 1! The monthly ticket has reached the second place. Thank you. Thank you, Taoist friends. Thank you. Let Ergen's seven-day outbreak take it to the next level. Please wait for me. After three days of my normal update, I will come back with another crazy outbreak!! RS