Ask for Magic

Chapter 1383 I don't know I'm old in my dream

"When you know you, you are not you, when you don't know that you are you... you are you." The muttering voice echoed in Su Ming's ear and hovered in his mind until this sentence became a thunderous sound. It rolled and roared through his mind, and Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened.

I don't know when there was sweat on his forehead. The sky outside was silver, which was the falling of snowflakes, and the silver-covered earth reflected the night sky that did not belong to black.

Su Ming sat cross-legged in a naturally formed cave of a crack in the mountain. This was the third month after he galloped towards the July Sect. In this seemingly boundless land, Su Ming meditated cross-legged here and adjusted his breath.

It is very far away from the July Sect. This long journey, even if Su Ming's cultivation is a Taoist god, it still takes nearly several years to get there.

Therefore, on the way, he did not gallop without stopping, but rested from time to time and kept his cultivation at the peak. At this moment, he opened his eyes from meditation.

Looking silently at the night sky outside, Su Ming thought of his previous dream. He seldom dreamed, especially when he meditated on his knees, the dream would not appear, but it appeared just now.

There was only one familiar sentence of Su Ming in the dream. The echo of this word, even if Su Ming opened his eyes at this moment, it was still surrounded by his ears for a long time.

In silence, Su Ming stood up and walked out of the cave. In the wind and snow, he left footprints all the way, walked to the distance, walked through the mountains, and walked through the river, until the sunrise. At dusk that day, he saw a city in front of Su Ming.

In the dusk in the city, there were a little light, and there was a bustling sound, which was lively... Looking at the city, Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened it for a moment, he walked towards the city.

Walking in the dusk and into the city, the big red lanterns hanging high in every family, the sound of silver bells laughing and playing with many children, and the smiling face that overflows almost everyone in the whole city reminds Su Ming of... In the past ten years, every year today, his master will take him to a strange place. The city, there, to feel a... New Year's atmosphere.

This is the New Year, the last day of the year. When the dusk comes, until the sun appears again, it will be the beginning of another year.

Every year, this day is a day of national celebration for the ancient Tibetan state. All the cities in the country are full of such an atmosphere. The lanterns hung by each family are shining in the wind and snow, which seems to drive the cold away from every home and make this day... not cold at night.

Su Ming walked in the city and looked around. He gradually lowered his head until he came to a corner alley, where... there was a noodle stall. In the cold wind, the boiling water rose a lot of white gas, covering the old man who was cooking noodles a little.

The noodle stall is not big, with only four or five tables. There is a tent-like curtain covering the snow, but it can't cover too much wind. There are three or two men sitting there, eating hot noodles and drinking noodle soup, which seems to dispel the cold.

"Wu Lao, for the Spring Festival, why don't you take out a few pots of your treasured old wine and let us taste it." A man who ate noodles opened his mouth loudly with a smile, and the white breath he exhaled when he spoke was very obvious in the wind and snow.

"You guys... that's all." The old man who was cooking noodles seemed to smile, turned around and took out a wine pot and put it on the table.

"That's right. It's not a matter of us to continue to come here today and spend the New Year with you." The big man immediately picked up the wine pot, took a sip, and said with a smile.

It was at this time that Su Ming walked into this stall, sat by the tables and chairs in the corner, and looked at the wind and snow outside.

"Shopkeeper, a bowl of noodles."

The old man who cooked noodles looked back at Su Ming, took out a bowl, filled a large bowl of noodles, put some more meat in it, and brought it to Su Ming.

Su Ming looked at the noodles on the table and ate it silently. The noodles tasted very good. The noodle soup was very hot. After eating it, it was warm. It seemed that it was no longer particularly cold in the wind and snow.

Time gradually passes. When night falls, there are not many people on the street. This is a festival and a day for family reunion. At this time, the family will often be together, watching the children's laughter and the candlelight. On this night, in the warmth of the home, experience the relatives. The warmth between.

Compared with the wind and snow outside, this warmth is available to almost everyone, but Su Ming is here... no.

Until the big men at the stall also left, the sobbing wind made the tent make a hula sound, and Su Ming sighed.

"Why don't you go home?" The old man who cooked noodles sat aside, picked up a pot of old wine that had been warmed for a while, took a sip, and looked at Su Ming.

"I can't find the way." Su Ming was silent and said slowly.

"It's not that I can't find the way, it's that I don't have a home." The old man smiled, picked up another pot of wine, came to Su Ming, sat down and put it in front of Su Ming.

With the light of fire, Su Ming looked up and looked at the old man. This is a mortal, an old man who has reached the end of his life and has a wrinkled face.

"What about you?" Su Ming picked up the wine pot, took a sip, looked at the wind and snow outside, and opened his mouth gently.

"I have a family, but I'm the only old man. There's no difference between going back and not going back. It's better to be here." The old man smiled. In that smile, it seemed that there were more wrinkles on his face, making the smile seem to be bitter.

Su Ming didn't say anything and drank wine. In the cold wind, in the snowflakes falling, a bright moon appeared in the night sky. Compared with the lights around, there were also lights in this stall, but under the lights, it was not warm, but a kind of bleakness.

A kind of... The change of thoughts, as if the missing at this moment, the beauty of the past in the memory, thought that it had been buried in the bottom of the heart and became the pain without the heart, but now, in the shadow under the light, it contains the pain that the wind can't blow away and the snow can't be buried.

In the pain and coldness, Su Ming thought of Grandpa, the brother of the Ninth Peak, Yuxuan, Canglan, Xu Hui... and the bald crane, and the faces in his memory.

Thinking, thinking, drinking a pot of wine.

I drank wine. Because there were no tears, I only regarded the wine as tears. After swallowing it, it became a bitterness and astringency that can never be resolved in my heart. Let the bitterness always be there, and let this astringency last forever, because only in this way... Su Ming knew that he was still

Only then did he know that he hadn't died yet, so he could have more determination to change all this, even if it was almost impossible, but... Su Ming also wanted to make it possible!

"Where's your family?" The old man looked at Su Ming, and when he said hoarse words, he took out another pot of wine and put it in front of Su Ming.

"It's far, far away, how about you?" Su Ming shook his head.

"The old man's family, hehe, there used to be a lot of them. I have a grandchild, and he also has a group of friends, all of which are my family... He also found several daughters-in-law, and the family was originally lively." The old man drank wine, showing his memory in his eyes.

"But one day, when I woke up, he disappeared, and we couldn't find him. The originally lively home was no longer lively, until everyone went out to look for him. They all left and went to many places, and I don't know if they had found it.

Here, I'm the only one left, and the house is empty. I don't know where he went, and I didn't go out to look for it. I want to stay here, light the lights at home, and wait for him. If one day he comes back, I don't want him... I can't find a home, I The old man muttered, his voice was hoarse, and there seemed to be a trace of vicissitudes in the wind and snow.

"In fact, the old man is not lonely... Compared with me, our emperor is lonely..." The old man sighed, picked up the wine pot and took a sip.

"We all know that the emperor has three princes. Whenever the three princes are adults, they will be taken away and go out to travel... As soon as they leave... 6,000 years...

In six thousand years, he is alone. He will always light the lights in the imperial city to guide the direction of his prince home, because it is said that in our country, every prince may lose himself when traveling and do not know the way home. The old man said, lowered his head and seemed to be drunk.

Su Ming was silent. After drinking the last sip of wine in the wine jug, he stood up and walked to the old man's side. With a wave of his right hand, the wind and snow around him avoided, which made it warm here. Then he walked out of the stall, walked in the wind and snow, in the direction of the July S

Until Su Ming went away, until his figure disappeared far away in the night sky outside the city, the drunken old man slowly raised his head, stood up, and looked at the night sky. His face slowly changed, like the years changed on him until he became middle-aged.

He sighed softly.

"When you know that you are you, you... not you, when you don't know that you are you... you are you." With his sigh, the whole city turned into illusory in an instant, leaving him alone, standing alone in the wind and snow. In this sigh, he turned around and walked silently in the direction of the ancient Tibetan capital.

"What is true, what is false, Xuan'er... It has been three thousand years, when can you... understand... what is the truth you are looking for, what is true, what is the fake you think is false..." The middle-aged man muttered, as if with a tingling heart, gradually disappeared in the wind and snow, and gradually dis

Only the wind and snow are left, and it seems that there is an extra sigh in it. In this world, it is difficult to break up for a long time... RS