Ask for Magic

Chapter 1401 Taoist Shadow Array 2

At the moment when the fifth compass appeared, the whole July sect directly set off an indescribable buzzing sound. Many of the outer disciples in the first layer of the sky all took a breath. Everyone looked straight at the sky with an expression of disbelief.

They can't believe that the fifth compass appeared before the seventh battle was broken! What's going on!" I have been in the outer door for many years. In addition to Ye Long, I have also seen several disciples of the Inner Sect break into this array, but now this scene... is the first time I have seen it!" In the uproar of the foreign disciples one by one, the suzerain of the foreign sect, the scribe in white, and the former guide of Ye Long, sighed at this moment. He knew that Ye Long's pride made it impossible to accept that people of his peers were better than him, so he had the challenge for eight years, and there was today... A big blow.

"Ye Long, lost... completely defeated, he chose the wrong opponent."

The scribe in white looked up at Su Ming in the five compasses, and his eyes showed a trace of awe! This awe is not because of Su Ming's identity, but because of Su Ming's behavior at this moment. He is the patriarch of the outer sect. He has been in July for many years, and he knows what this scene represents.

This is... A scene that will appear after the first nine formations, and only this scene appears. This scene is not the seventh formation, not the eighth formation, nor the ninth formation. This is... the tenth formation!" Jump directly from the seventh array to the tenth array, from ancient times to the present... It seems that few can be done.

Around the middle-aged scribes, the other outer deacons now look at Su Ming one by one with a sense of awe.

It is equivalent to the an uproar of the disciples of the outer gate of the sky on the first floor, and the same is true of the outer door of the sky on the second floor. The tumulence is not too small. At this moment, almost all the monks on the second floor are standing by their own peaks and looking at Su Ming with

They are disciples of the Inner Sect. They know what this scene represents, because they have seen this scene several times. They have seen successes and failures. But when this scene appears, all those who go to break into the battle are famous people in July.

That's why they know how amazing the appearance of these five compasses is!" The tenth battle!" This is the tenth array, this Wang Tao... He actually had an epiphany in the seventh array, which changed the formation, and the tenth array appeared!" In the uproar of the second layer of the sky, the buzzing sound of the third layer of the sky is still shocking. From the eyes of all the monks, there is no contempt, which is turned into excitement and expectation.

They expect Su Ming to succeed. They are excited to see Su Ming's appearance. If they succeed, it seems that... will not stop! Compared with the July disciples of the third layer of Tianwaitian, the core disciples of the fourth layer of Tianwaitian have completely changed their faces one by one. They are staring at Su Ming, because they understand that this is the tenth array, so their inner shock is stronger.

Especially the disciples who proposed that Su Ming was going to break into the tenth array before, now they look excited and look at Su Ming's sarcasm turned into expectation.

And those monks who have broken through the tenth array are now also looking at Su Ming, showing respect in their eyes. At this moment... It can be said that there is no more look, which is the contempt of the past! Su Ming has used his actions to defeat all the ridicule of him before! It is the third vein, and now there are more excited and cheers. There are many monks in it, as if they defected. Su Ming has accepted it here! It's just that this acceptance is just the same. It's not as respectful as the elders. Whether this acceptance can be turned into respect depends on Su Ming in the end... in which array! He can't succeed! How can this tenth battle be so easy? I will watch this person fail!" Indeed, if this tenth battle can be easily passed, I will never succeed after eight attempts!" There are also a lot of such sounds on the fourth floor. During this round of discussion, Ye Long looked at the five compasses in front of him, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. He staggered back a few steps. When he half knelt on the ground, he spewed out a big mouth of blood.

He raised his head in struggle, with a bitter look.

"I'm not reconciled!" When Ye Long murmured, Su Ming looked up at the more magnificent fifth compass that appeared above. As always, there was no change in his expression. When he looked calmly, the five compasses turned. With the rotation of the compass, the magnificent pressure came to Su Ming in an instant.

In this pressure, Su Ming felt for the first time that his body seemed to split up, but the feeling was very slight, but it made Su Ming very interested. Under this observation, he did not care about the coming of the pressure, but paid attention to the rotation law of the five compasses.

Until he saw the five compasses, a virtual shadow appeared one after another, like his shadow, which made Su Ming's eyes flash.

"This array is to help the disciples of the July Sect to split out the shadow body... Especially the five compasses formed by the first nine arrays. After all of them appear, this scattered sense of division is actually to let people feel it. If they can bear it, then they can split out their own first figure! That is, the second life in the seven-life operation except for your own life!" And I have split a figure by myself. I don't need this split, but I don't know if it can still appear under this split! Another figure..." Su Ming's eyes flashed and slowly closed his eyes to feel the split and verify his thoughts.

Time passed slowly, and it was soon a piece of incense. In July, they watched the people here at Su Ming. They were all waiting for Su Ming here. They were not in a hurry to succeed, because it took a lot of time to break through the tenth war, at most months, and at least a few days.

But just after a piece of incense time passed, Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened, showing a trace of regret.

"The first nine arrays... or the tenth array formed is a little lower-level. Because I have separated a figure, it can't work.

However, I'm more interested in the next formation than before.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. At the same time, he raised his right hand. This time, he did not wave it, but pressed the center of his eyebrows. Under this press, Su Ming's virtual shadow that immediately appeared on other compasses condensed in an instant. These five compasses roared at Zhou's July monks were all stunned.

In their unbelievable stunned, they saw the five compasses, which overlapped in an instant under this violent roar.

With the overlap of the five compasses, the illusory figure of Su Ming on it also overlapped. Until the huge roar shook everyone's heart, they saw... In the sky, there was only a huge compass left at this moment. On the compass, another Su Ming suddenly appeared opposite Su Ming. ! That was Su Ming's figure. When he stood there, he let the first to fourth floors of the July Sect appear for a moment of death, and then there was no less roar than before.

"This...this...he actually succeeded!" The time of a sage of incense, this is just the time of a sage of incense, which is impossible!" He actually broke through the tenth battle, and this matter... But this is too fast. Is it really so simple for him in the first ten times? Wang Tao, Wang Tao's proud man eight years ago, is it possible that after eight years of silence, he will shock the whole July Sect when he appears! " Look at his appearance. It's impossible to stop here. Is he going to challenge the big disciples who are in charge of the peaks and break through the thirteenth array!! If he can pass the fourteenth array, he can get two shadows, together with his own life, which is equivalent to the cultivation of three life skills!" Jokes, from the eleventh period, there will be the shadow of punishment. Those many figures are made up of the shadows of the cultivation of my July Sect for countless years. If Wang Tao is lucky, he can meet some weak ones. If he is not lucky... Hey hey..." "You can't say so, it's really like this at the beginning of the There is a limit, and it is impossible to appear beyond the current array.

The sound of an uproar. Compared with the understanding of this formation in the fourth level, the monks in the third level do not know much about it, but they can also see the clues here. In this uproar, this rainy night is destined to make them unforgettable for a lifetime.

There are also the second floor and the outer disciples on the first floor. The voices of these people echoed, making the July Sect of this night buzzing like never before.

Ye Long has lowered his head and stopped looking at Su Ming's place. He lowered his head, and even the unwillingness in his eyes seemed to have become gloomy and turned into a dead silence at this moment.

He was defeated, completely defeated.

It was also the moment when Su Ming crossed the tenth floor, his figure, for the first time... was noticed by the big disciples in charge of the thirteen peaks and those strong people who were second only to the big disciples in cultivation.

However, such attention, because the big disciples of each vein break into the array, the degree is also different. The big disciple of the first vein is not the wind. He always sits cross-legged in his cave. His expression has not changed at all, and he has not opened his eyes. It seems that Su Ming's move to break through the tenth array The extent to which you care.

Not only him, but also Chen in the second vein, this gloomy-looking man is now sitting cross-legged in his cave, and he doesn't care about the outside world.

In addition to... Yue Yan, the eldest sister who said before the third vein, her eyes were like clear water, and she was always paying attention to Su Ming. At this moment, her eyes gradually showed a sharpness.

"Where will your limit be?"

The woman spoke softly.

In this fourth level of cultivation, when more eyes condensed with Su Ming here, Su Ming stood on the compass, slowly raised his head and looked at the night above.

"I like the night... Then before dawn, let's see how many times you can break through."

In the murmur, Su Ming raised his right hand and waved to the sky.

"Ten years!" In the whirling of his voice, a thunder roared past, and the clouds rolled around, revealing a small piece of clear star night sky. Under the starlight shining, on the compass where Su Ming was, the starlight condensed and gradually formed a figure! Who... awakened the shadow of the old man... I was killed by the damned ninth-veinth elder of the July Sect 3,000 years ago... Starman!" The first update, today's fourth update! The monthly ticket can be crowded, how much more! 〖 Book Network ∷ Fast Update ∷ No Pop-up Window ∷ Pure Text ∷ www.〗 RT