Ask for Magic

Chapter 1460 For What

Walking through mountains and rivers, walking through the ruins, looking at the dust, looking at the desert...

Like the flowers in the previous breath of the years, everything in this breath is withered, whose face is not old, whose sigh is still there, whose past... is not good.

Sitting in front of the ruins, watching the sunset, sitting by the mountains and rivers, looking at the dusk, the laughter seems to penetrate the years, vaguely echoing in the ear, making people often bow their heads, unable to distinguish... The beauty of the past and the destruction of the present, what kind of cause and effect exists between them, and what kind of What the same world, like the gap between opening your eyes and closing your eyes, everything has changed.

In the early sun, on the edge of the desert, there is the figure of Su Ming holding a little boy. In the early sun, in the country, there is also Su Ming's elongated shadow, which seems to follow forever, as if it has become a figure in the world, guiding the arrival of wind and snow.

Walk in the afternoon, walk in the four seasons...

Shuttle through the desert, walk through the mainland, towards the heart of the center, keep walking, no direction, do not want to fly, in this once beautiful world, walking, walking, like walking in the road of asking.

One year, two years, three years... to a hundred years.

For a hundred years, Su Ming is still the same, the little boy is still in his arms, and the two have not changed, just as the world has not changed.

In spring, everything revives, but in this world, you can't see green, flowers, and there is no time to break. In summer, the heat is pervasive, and the whole earth seems to be distorted by the heat wave in the eyes. Only at this time can we seem to see some figures in the past years or in the distortion of the ruins and mountains and rivers.

It's just that the figure has been distorted. Since it can't be straightened, what you see is just memory.

In autumn, because there is no green in spring, there is no red in this autumn. Only the rosy clouds that appear from time to time in the sky seem to be because of the monotony of the earth, which can't bear to be revealed, such as giving people hope.

In winter, the falling of snowflakes blows in the cold wind. Looking around, the world has become vast. You can't see the distance. All you can see is the countless snowflakes. In this falling, it seems to be trying to touch each other. It is not themselves, but the wind that can decide whether the two snowflakes can meet

But no matter what the will of the wind is, when the snowflakes fall to the ground, they... can still gradually meet each other, but they meet each other, maybe they are no longer the faces falling together.

In the wind and snow, Su Ming held the little boy in his arms, walked, walked, walked through the middle of winter, ushered in spring, and sent away the summer. After seeing the autumn red, it was still windy and snowy.

Two hundred years have passed, and they gradually saw one after another in this once glorious world, either crushed, or half turned into ashes, or still kept their dead bodies.

Most of those corpses have dried up, some of them exist in the ruins of the city, and some of them are scattered in the earth, mountains, rivers and deserts.

Countless corpses, some of them hugged each other before they died, and some of which were instinctively protected their children by mothers, outlining their bodies together and returning to the ruins silently.

That corpse, in the little boy's sadness, Su Ming buried with him, buried a city, buried one place...

Until the summer of this year, in the afternoon of a light rain, Su Ming held the sleeping little boy in his arms. In front of a vast city from afar, he stopped. He saw a headless figure sitting cross-legged on the city.

This is a huge city. This is the third magnificent city that Su Ming has seen on the third continent he has walked through. Here... is the core of this continent and the capital here.

It is like the imperial capital of the ancient burial country, but in fact, this once glorious world, a continent of it is comparable to the whole ancient burial country.

Looking at the figure sitting on his knees on the city, Su Ming's eyes showed a touch of complexity. He had already recognized that the figure following the second prince was the eldest brother in his memory.

However, in the ancient burial country, he was not the first familiar person Su Ming saw, but even so, the sigh from the bottom of his heart still echoed Su Ming's heart and could not dissipate for a long time.

The headless figure remained motionless, sitting cross-legged on the city, facing the direction of Su Ming. There was no vitality, and there was no death, as if the whole person was fixed there and became... a statue.

At the same time, the gate of the city suddenly opened by itself. With the opening of the gate, a team of soldiers in black armor slowly walked out of it with the neat sound of shaking the earth. Every figure here was filled with a strong sense of death. The strong breath of this breath instantly confused the sky, making this The afternoon sun also seems to have turned black.

These figures, they are the people of this land. After dying many years ago, they have now been refined into corpse puppets and black armor, making this city from the city of death to the world of corpse puppets.

"See you in a foreign country, I'm very happy, please!" At the moment when the gate was opened, a majestic voice suddenly echoed from the palace in the city, spread in all directions and fell into Su Ming's ears.

This voice is the second prince.

Su Ming was silent for a moment, hugged the little boy, walked past those black armored corpse puppets, and walked into the city. In this city, he saw countless figures. Those figures were all corpse puppets, as if the whole city was prosperous at first glance, but when he looked carefully, it was also illusory.

walked through the crowd until he walked to the outside of the palace in the city. Looking at the open door of the palace, Su Ming's eyes seemed to shuttle through a hall and saw the figure sitting on the imperial chair in the palace in the middle.

It was a figure wearing an imperial robe and an imperial crown, but he was in the dark and didn't see it clearly.

In silence, Su Ming walked through the bluestone road and the steps until he walked into the palace in the middle and saw the man sitting on the royal chair.

The face is exactly the same as that of the second prince, but the feeling given to Su Ming has changed what he used to be familiar with.

"Di Tian." Su Ming spoke softly.

"It's me!" The man in the emperor's robe smiled and suddenly stood up. When he walked out of the darkness, although he was different from the emperor in Su Ming's memory, there was no one else but the emperor.

In the right eye of the emperor, there is still a whirlpool. The whirlpool is like a seal, but now what is sealed in this whirlpool is a struggling and roaring soul, and that soul is the second prince.

For two hundred years, Su Ming didn't know how Di Tian was an anti-guest, but he thought that with Di Tian's sophistication, with his once and Su Xuanyi, he could calculate ten thousand years of fantasies, so that after the destruction of the world of Sangxiang, he could connect with Su Ming's fate to escape Control, as long as he is given a chance, he can replace the second prince.

"In the seventh Sangxiang, countless eras have witnessed the destruction of Sang Xiang with their own eyes. In front of the mysterious burial, Su Ming still chose to take away. We... Long time no see." When Di Tian opened his mouth faintly, he took a step forward. His voice echoed in all directions, shaking the whole palace, as if the outside world was also more chaotic.

"Because of you, I was able to avoid death. Because of you, I stepped into the illusory world together. For many years, I have been suppressed by the ridiculous second prince, but I have always understood that I Am the emperor, and I is by no means the second prince, because he is only the prince, and I... the emperor of the immortals Di Tian took another step. After this step, he stood directly in front of Su Ming and looked at Su Ming.

"Didn't you find that the world we live in today... is different from the ancient burial country? The world of the ancient burial country is false, and here... it is real!" Di Tian's big sleeve was shaken, and it was immediately filled with black smoke. In an instant, it turned into a huge case between him and Su Ming.

There are countless drinks on it, and there are some corpse puppets around it, singing and dancing silently, but the stiff movements, the deadness, and the dim light here make all this full of strange atmosphere.

"See the old people in a foreign country, treat each other as a feast, Su Ming, do you dare to drink the wine here?" Di Tian smiled and looked at Su Ming proudly as ever.

Su Ming was silent. He held the little boy in his arms and looked at the emperor in front of him. His expression was gradually filled with sadness. He He Ditian, who was in the mulberry world, was lost in this world.

Or, he is willing to get lost, otherwise with the firmness of the emperor's heart and god, if he doesn't want to, it is difficult to get lost.

"What are you... for?" Su Ming sighed softly. For Su Ming, whether it is an enemy or an old friend, the fate of the two has been cut off when Su Ming had nine spiritual sounds at the beginning, but after all... This is what Su Ming met. In addition to the second person with his own consciousness in addition to the back of the dome, he can see the other party lost at present Rest.

He looked at Di Tian, and his eyes finally fell around the imperial chair behind Di Tian, where Su Ming seemed to see the answer.

"Su Ming, do you dare to drink it!" Di Tian did not answer Su Ming's question, but opened his mouth with a smile. With a flash of light in his eyes, Su Ming took a deep look at Di Tian and turned around and walked out of the palace.

behind him, Di Tian's laughter echoed, and the smile seemed to send Su Ming. It was not until Su Ming left the palace that the laughter gradually dissipated. In the palace, the song and dance were still the same, but Di Tian's face gradually showed sadness.

He turned around silently and walked to the imperial chair. There was a formation around the imperial chair. At this moment, in the dark light, you can faintly see several corpses, and the face of each corpse was engraved with runes in blood.

Di Tian stood there in a stingy, looking at the corpses. Gradually, his deep expression dissipated, and he was replaced by a firmness.

"I promised you that I would resurrect you in that new world... This is my promise!" Di Tian muttered and slowly sat on his imperial chair, slowly returning to the darkness... He couldn't see clearly, couldn't see.

"Only when I think this is true. After your resurrection, you will not doubt that this is false. In exchange for my loss alone, in exchange for your existence, this matter... even if it is wrong, I... admit it." Di Tian's face showed bitterness. When he looked at the silent corpse puppets singing and dancing from the darkness, he gradually heard the music. Gradually, the stiff corpse puppet appeared in his eyes, as if it had become life. However, in this eyes, his sigh could not break the song and dance, the palace could not be transmitted, and no one heard


Between destruction and glory, the edge of reality and loss, when Di Tian heard the sound of singing and dancing and saw the corpse as a real person, he was willing to get lost.

In this chapter, please ask for a recommendation ticket. RS