Ask for Magic

Chapter 1462 You still don't understand?

This wine was drunk from dawn to night, and from night to dawn, an altar, a mouthful, until dawn, the world was black, Lei Chen was drunk, he picked up his wine jar, drank a big sip again, and when he put it down, his eyes were closed.

Su Ming silently put down the wine jar, looked at the Wushan tribe around him, and looked at the lights, but there was a layer of hazy between him and here. Su Ming knew that if he tore the hazy, he could integrate here.

It's just... With a sigh, the moment Su Ming put down the wine jar in his hand, he closed his eyes.

"Lei Chen, you and my brother in the previous life, in this life... I will accompany you and finish this wine." Su Ming muttered. When he opened his eyes again, Lei Chen was still in front of him, as if he was drunk, but the tribe had disappeared. The wind and snow had accumulated a thick layer. The Wushan in the distance was faintly blurred. Haohao also appeared beside Su Ming, pulling the corner of Su Ming's clothes and looking at him nervously until he He seemed to be relieved.

Su Ming looked at Lei Chen. When he lowered his head, the wine jar was still empty for a long time... Su Ming stood up, did not speak, did not speak, picked up Hao Hao, faced the wind and snow, and walked into the distance.

This is Lei Chen's choice. He chose the same path as Di Tian. He chose to be lost. Di Tian wanted to resurrect the people around him. In order to let them believe that this is true, he was willing to get lost. Lei Chen here...

Although he said, he was tired and tired. He didn't want to continue, and he didn't want to continue, because he carried too much bitterness on him.

Su Ming's sigh echoed in the wind and snow, and the roar of the wind and snow seemed to turn into a gully and become a barrier, blocking him from Lei Chen behind him.

This barrier is not only two people, but also two worlds...

In that world, in order to satisfy the wine of his brothers in his previous life, Su Ming chose to be lost for a short time. After that drinking, Su Ming chose to leave, because he had his own way. On this road, the emperor did not finish, and Lei Chen did not continue, but Su Ming... still had to go.

With the distance of his figure, Lei Chen, who seemed to be drunk, slowly raised his head in the barrier of the wind and snow. He looked at Su Ming's figure in the distance, with a melancholy on his face.

"Brothers of the previous life, in exchange for a wine in this life, Su Ming... May you go all the way... be safe." When Lei Chen muttered, there was a laughter behind him.

"Lei Chen, didn't you have an appointment to drink today? Come here. I didn't drink you last time. I don't believe I can't drink you this time." When Lei Chen turned around, he saw Su Ming in his eyes. There was a woman standing beside Su Ming, who was Bai Ling.

Lei Chen smiled. When Yu Guang swept the figure of Su Ming's departure in the distance, he saw the sound, which had disappeared in the wind and snow and was not there.

"What are you looking at?" A woman's voice came from Lei Chen's side. When he looked sideways, he saw himself in his memory, the woman he liked who matched the strong body of the barbarians. The woman whose name he forgot was now seemed to be more beautiful.

"Haha, I didn't see anything. I just think there is a figure there, which is very similar to Su Ming. Come on, let's drink." When Lei Chen opened his mouth with a smile, Su Ming, who was with Bai Ling beside him, was stunned for a moment and looked out of the wind and snow along Lei Chen's eyes, but he saw nothing.

"You can't see it, because you are the one in my eyes, not the world in his eyes." Lei Chen shook his head, picked up the wine jar and took a big sip.

The wind and snow became bigger and worse, blurring the world, the Wushan tribe around Lei Chen and everyone around him.

It's just that, as he said, this is the world in his eyes... In the wind and snow, the little boy beside Su Ming, who went away, turned around at this moment, at the end of his eyes filled with wind and snow, he could faintly see that Lei Chen was alone, lonely there.

Time passed with Su Ming's footsteps again. Another hundred years later, Su Ming left this black land and went to the eighth continent.

Walking through the endless desert sea, in the seventh hundredth century, Su Ming was in the central ancient city of the eighth continent. He thought of an agreement, which was the agreement of the three nine Taoist gods of the ancient burial country. After thousands of years of retreat, they fought in the imperial capital.

"I can't see it..." Su Ming muttered softly and walked through the city. In the west of the earth, Su Ming saw a tower and a figure sitting cross-legged on the tower.

The strange face of the figure was a corpse that seemed to no longer rot. Almost at the moment Su Ming saw it, the corpse's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a trace of essence in it.

"I have calculated for 600 years, and finally figured out that you will pass by here today... Third prince, the old man you hurt has fallen so much, and the old man who caused him has been sealed in this world. I have been waiting for you here for a hundred years...

You still don't die!" The corpse slowly opened its mouth, and its voice contained an indescribable resentment. As the words came out, the sky and earth around immediately changed color. The earth was filled with a lot of fog in an instant ups and downs. These fogs rose to the sky in twists, and suddenly formed a huge fog mark above the figure!

That's not a mark, but a big seal!

The runes on it shine, and a strong light is emitted from the concave and convex. This light curtain instantly enveloped all directions, as if to cover the sky here. With the echo of his voice, it rumbled all over the sky like thunder.

Lin Dongdong!

A sect, a strong man who adheres to the way of luck, in this once glorious world, as Lei Chen said, the consciousness in the eldest prince's body dispersed and became Lei Chen, Lin Dongdong, of course, there must be another person... extinction!

The strangeness of the world makes them disperse. Lei Chen chose to be lost. He has not yet met Su Ming, and Lin Dongdong's choice is obviously here to kill Su Ming!

"Kill you and take away your luck. Maybe I can take another step in my cultivation. If I can become a nine-fold Taoist god, I have a way to leave this damn place!" There was a strong murder in Lin Dongdong's eyes. When he raised his right hand, he suddenly pointed to Su Ming, and immediately the sky roared. The huge fog mark suddenly rotated and appeared above Su Ming in an instant, and roared at Su Ming.

Under this pressure, the earth under Su Ming's feet shook strongly, and when cracks appeared in an instant, there were signs of collapse like the depression of the earth.

Su Ming looked as usual. For seven hundred years, he did not pay attention to his cultivation, but at this moment, looking at the fog marks falling from the sky, Su Ming did not feel too much pressure, as if... he could dissipate by waving his hand.

Even in Lin Dongdong, Su Ming did not feel too strong a threat in this person. Su Ming also saw the clue after condensing.

Lin Dongdong is already weak. This weakening has put his cultivation on the edge of the Taoist master, as if in this world, his existence itself is an intolerance.

While he was weak, Su Ming gradually became stronger here. Su Ming did not open his mouth in silence, but raised his right hand and pointed to the sky.

Under this finger, the huge fog mark immediately came and made a shocking roar. It suddenly stopped a hundred feet above Su Ming, as if there was an invisible barrier under the fog mark, which made the fog mark difficult to break.

"All truth and falsehood, all glory and destruction, only the words of future generations, only in the years... Do you understand?" Su Ming opened his mouth softly, waved his right hand, and immediately the huge fog mark shook violently at this moment. With the vibration, it gradually blurred, that is, a few breaths, and the clouds disappeared...

Su Ming's calmness in this scene immediately changed Lin Dongdong's face on the tower. Under the contraction of his eyes, he suddenly stared at Su Ming, but he was surprised to find that he could not see through the other party's cultivation!

"It's impossible. With my cultivation, it's impossible not to see the depth of this person!" When Lin Dongdong's eyes contracted, he suddenly stood up on the tower and stepped forward and fell towards Su Ming. His figure left a shadow. When he appeared in front of Su Ming, his right hand suddenly grabbed the nihil.

Under this grasp, immediately the sky roared, and a red sun appeared in this color change. Between the roar of the earth, with Su Ming as the center, the broken marks on the ground were directly connected, forming a pattern of the moon.

"The sun and the moon are shining, the aurora of heaven and earth!" Lin Dongdong's voice echoed. When it roared like thunder, the red sun in the sky suddenly burst into an indescribable heat wave, like the whole sun falling from the sky, and it went straight to Su Ming.

At the same time, the traces of the moon under Su Ming's feet also rotated suddenly at this moment. Under this rapid rotation, it was like the earth moving, and bursts of silver light rose into the sky in an instant, covering Su Ming's figure.

"The silk of luck in the sky, the power of all sentient beings, the luck will die, Lin Daolin!" Lin Dongdong's eyes were red, and the last word of the words came out. At the moment of the word, the sun in the sky came down, and the silver light of the earth directly turned into countless silver regular silk threads, which went straight to Su Ming in an instant.

Each of those silver silk threads contains Lin Dongdong's fortune. With his own luck, he turns into the meaning of killing heaven and earth, condensing his fate as one of all sentient beings, like the arrival of a way of fortune.

"You, you're not dead!" Lin Dongdong was extremely confident in this blow. Although he was much weaker, this blow was his strongest killing move. He was confident that unless the other party had the cultivation of Daizun, he would definitely fall!

Su Ming, who was under the silver sun, sighed at this moment.

"You still don't understand?" RS