Ask for Magic

Chapter 1481 Open your eyes

Cang is a color, which represents the gray near the white, or a little inappropriate, because this color is often seen and has a heavy feeling of near desolation.

It is both color and desolation.

It is vast, representing ambiguity, representing infinity... When it is integrated with the sky, it turns into a... boundless vast world.

In this vastness, how many people are there, how many worlds there are, and how many joys and sorrows, and the passage of the long river of clear years is upside down.

No one knows.

It seems that there has been no change since ancient times. There is a figure sitting cross-legged on a huge compass. He is wearing a black robe, with long hair hanging down, his head down, and his whole body is full of death. He... is a mysterious burial!

He meditated on his knees, under the permeation of death, there are also ancient vicissitudes, as if he has forgotten how many years he has left and forgotten the way of his life...

Until now, a sigh echoed from the mouth of the mysterious burial, his head, at this moment... slowly raised, his eyes that had always been closed, as if they had never opened their eyes for a long time, at this moment... slowly, slowly, open!

At the moment when his eyes opened, the whole vast world suddenly roared endlessly. The roar rolled around, as if the whole vastness was shocked by Xuanmang's act of opening his eyes at this moment, and was sensationalized by the breath of Xuanmang when he opened his eyes!

The fog rolled and rotated rapidly around the mysterious burial. After becoming a whirlpool, it rolled up the whole vast, boundless whirlpool under this rumbling rotation, and the eyes of the mysterious burial were completely opened!

revealed a touch of shaking light in his eyes. The light only dissipated in an instant and turned into calm... That's not the eyes of mysterious burial, that's... Su Ming's eyes!

This seize, at the moment when Su Ming stepped out for 33 days, and at the moment when he stepped into the mysterious burial eyebrows, he... succeeded!

"I, I made it." Su Ming, who took away the body of Xuanbum, opened his eyes, looked at the familiar vastness, looked at the whirlpool in front of him, and whispered his mouth.

When his muttering voice echoed, Su Ming lowered his head and looked into the open palm. The black feather, the smell of the bald crane faintly scattered on the feather, permeated Su Ming's heart.

"I'm...Su Ming." Su Ming closed his eyes. He felt the body under his eyes and felt that there was an ancient world in this body.

Just like the world exists on the wings of the mulberry phase, Su Ming also sees a world in his successful body.

"There is no failure in the mysterious burial." Gaze at the world in his body, Su Ming's sighs echoed in the vast world with vicissitudes of life, and also in the world in his body.

It was a world that... I don't know how many years have died. In that world, Su Ming saw the ancient burial country and saw a clan, but it had turned into ruins and become a wreckage, and there was no living life.

It seems that all this has withered one by one with the closing of his eyes in the year of the mysterious burial and the permeation of death on his body.

"The three thousand years I experienced before is a snatch. The three-thousand-year world is... whether it's an ancient burial or a mysterious burial, it's all his... a memory before death.

In this memory, I became him. From this point of view, I succeeded... But from his point of view, his goal is to resurrect, resurrect at all costs, and at this moment... he is indeed resurrected, just by my will. Su Ming muttered softly, looking at the dead world in his body and talking to himself.

Su Ming slowly fell silent until he didn't have a muttering whisper, but time kept passing in this vastness, as if a change in his mind had passed for thousands of years...

Until Su Ming raised his head and put away the feathers in his palm, he slowly stood up from the compass!

At the moment he got up, the whole vast whirlpool roared in an instant. The rotation of the whirlpool made the vastness like an endless sea of anger, and Su Ming... standing on the compass, the figure at this moment was like the owner of this sea of anger.

"This is the boundless way." Su Ming whispered to himself, but the bleakness and loneliness contained in the voice was a kind of loneliness in the whole vastness, only he was alone.

"Like a human being, he became a god, and then from a god... to a self-respecting master." Su Ming stood on the compass. For a long time, for a long time, he sat down cross-legged again, and a man closed his eyes in the vastness.

"I have reached the extreme of my own way..." Su Ming, who closed his eyes, took a deep breath in his inner sigh. Almost at the moment he inhaled, the rotating whirlpool rolled around at this moment and went straight to Su Ming. In an instant, all the positions of Su Ming's body poured in. He went straight into Su Ming's body.

In Su Ming's body, this whirlpool is constantly hitting the dead world in Su Ming's body. Gradually, this endless whirlpool condensed into a point in the center of gravity of the world of death and in the capital belonging to the ancient burial.

This point, like a seed, is deeply buried in this world at this moment.

Years have passed, thousands of years in a blink of an eye... Thousands of years later, in this dead world, a tree appeared, that is... Zhengdao tree!

The roots of this tree spread to the earth, taking this vastness as a nutrient and slowly grow up. Just like Haohao changed a world in those years, Su Ming is now also changing the world in his body in the same way.

He has endless time, and he has unimaginable patience to complete it step by step.

A thousand years later, when the Taoist tree had towered to the sky and covered the whole world, the world in Su Ming's body could no longer see the ruins or debris. Everything seemed to have returned to the origin. You can see the mountains, rivers, and Su Ming's memory, the 3,000 years of ancient burial, everything in the country.

Perhaps, there is a kind of power in the underworld, which makes Su Ming go through 3,000 years in this house, which makes him slowly become what he remembers when changing the world.

Perhaps, this mysterious power belongs to the mysterious burial.

But no matter what, all this is no longer important. When the proof tree in Su Ming's body was towering and the crown replaced the sky, Su Ming opened his eyes in his knees.

"My life has a winter, so there is winter in this world, like the autumn sun, like summer rain, like spring. This is life and my world." When Su Ming muttered softly, there was spring, summer, autumn and winter in the world of his body.

The compass under Su Ming has been moving forward for thousands of years, making Su Ming's body constantly absorb the power from the vastness to nourish the world in his body and change the once death. Even now the world has taken shape and has four seasons, but Su Ming's progress has not stopped.

With the passage of time, there are also years in the world of Su Ming's body, as if the world has become a whole, but what is missing... is life.

"In reincarnation, in the vastness, look for their traces until I find all the traces, it is me... When I open the underworld door, it will be the first time I open the underworld door in my life, and it will also be the last time in my life." Su Ming, sitting cross-legged on the compass, stared at the vastness in the distance, felt thousands of years of loneliness, and felt the loneliness of only one person in all directions. He knew that such loneliness would be eternal, and such loneliness would have no end.

"This is the boundless way." Su Ming opened his mouth softly and took off the beads on his wrist. After staring for a moment, he waved his left hand to the vastness. Immediately, in the vast rolling, the infinite power suddenly condensed. After integrating into this string of beads, Su Ming left the seventh one. In the remaining wave, six of these beads seemed to have life and turned into a , flew into the distance until it dissipated in front of him one by one.

Only the seventh one was held in the palm of Su Ming's hand.

"The only eight butterflies in the vast world are my hope to find traces..." Su Ming muttered. The mulberry in the vast world was born on the ancient tree of Zhengdao. They have the same name and the same vitality. It can even be said that they are one.

With the collapse of the Taoist tree in the past years, they can only dance in the vast world and become wanderers who can't find a home... Because their origin is the same, Su Ming firmly believes that the eldest brother, the second brother, Huzi and Yuxuan Canglan and others can be born on the wings of the seventh mulberry phase, There must be traces of these people.

Collect all these traces together, and it can become a must to open the underworld door.

However, these are all Su Ming's speculations. Maybe he can succeed, or maybe... It's just his wishful thinking, but in any case, Su Ming has to try. Even if he can't succeed, he will never give up and will continue to look for other ways. This is his way.

Holding the seventh bead, Su Ming slowly closed his eyes. The bead in the palm of his hand could not turn into a butterfly, because inside... there was no reverse spirit belonging to the bald crane.

With the passage of time, the compass where Su Ming is located is constantly moving forward in this vastness. Su Ming has been used to the taste of loneliness and loneliness, and can only get used to it. He has been lonely for a thousand years and lonely for ten thousand years... Until 30,000 years have passed...

In front of Su Ming, a huge butterfly appeared in the vast expanse. It was a mulberry. It was not a butterfly that was not given life by Su Ming 30,000 years ago, but had not been destroyed by the mysterious burial.

There is not much death on this butterfly. There are countless lives on its four wings. Some people may know that the world is the wings of mulberry, and some people may try to struggle like three wildernesses, but there is no doubt... They are still happy.

Because what they encounter now is not the former mysterious burial, but Su Ming.

Su Ming sat cross-legged on the compass and silently looked at the mulberry butterfly in the distance. Almost at the moment Su Ming approached, the butterfly was obviously shocked, showing a sense of fear.

"I won't erase you. I just want to take some... traces." RS