Ask for Magic

Chapter 1483 This obsession is just to meet

100,000 years...

Twenty thousand years...

300,000 years...

Until a million years have passed, Su Ming walked silently in the vastness of reincarnation that has become a whirlpool. He used all his cultivation to turn into a divine consciousness. He did not let go of the slightest area and carefully searched for their traces in reincarnation.

Gradually, in this loneliness and loneliness, Su Ming seemed to forget how to open his mouth, how the voice came out, and the thick fatigue permeated him. This fatigue is not the body, because he has become endless, it is difficult for him to show physical weakness. His tiredness... is his heart.

Keep looking for, constantly disappointed, but never give up at all, because he knows that once he let go... there will be no hope.

The only way is to find, even if the sky dies and the vastness is extinguished, he will continue to find it. This is his persistence, and this is his way.

In the first million years, Su Ming walked in the vast world like this, looking for, in the second million years, his figure was still... He walked past the side of mulberry phases and whirlpools of reincarnations, until in the fifth million years, Su Ming's inner fatigue became depressing, and the sad feeling was integrated into his In the depths of his soul, in this vast area, after looking for him for five million years, he suddenly stopped.

This was his first pause in the five million years. At the same time of this pause, Su Ming's head slowly turned and looked at the vastness beside him. In the rolling fog, Su Ming saw a fragment, which was very broken and floated in the fog, as if it had existed for many years.

Looking at the fragments, Su Ming's eyes suddenly showed a light. He raised his right hand to the fog and grabbed it. Under this grip, the rolling of the fog seemed to be shrouded by a will beyond the vastness. It was still in an instant, as if he did not dare to move at all. The fragments inside were in a flash and It floated on Su Ming's palm.

Looking at the fragments in the palm of his hand, Su Ming's face gradually showed a smile, which was very happy. This was the first smile on Su Ming's face in five million years of searching.

"Ma...Fly..." Su Ming's voice was hoarse. He had been silent for five million years. He seemed to have forgotten how to make a voice, which made his words at this moment hoarse and vague, like an old man muttering in the end of the year.

The vast majority of this fragment is stone, which is a kind of fragment formed by countless dust condensed together in this vastness, so it can always exist in this whirlpool, because it is itself part of the dust.

But... In the many dust of these fragments, there is a leaf of dust... It contains traces that are familiar to Su Ming. It is the traces of the girl named Ma Fei that Su Ming met in the Taochen Dynasty.

Although this woman is not the face Su Ming wants to look for most, but... the appearance of this fragment has given Su Ming's unimaginable confidence and more firm persistence, making him understand that his way of searching is right. No matter how long it takes, even if he looks for countless five million years, he will Search persistently.

This obsession is only for meeting each other.

Gently hold the fragments in the palm of his hand. When Su Ming's palm loosened, the fragments dissipated, and the dust in it became flying ash. Only the traces belonging to Ma Fei, such as a broken soul piece, floated in Su Ming's palm and was cherished by Su Ming.

After a long time, Su Ming raised his head, with a clear light in his eyes, which made his eyes look very clear, like a child. He took a step forward and walked down with his persistence.

The passage of time, millions of years have passed, year after year's search, again and again, do not hesitate to turn into a divine consciousness, in this vast reincarnation, circle through...

Su Ming didn't know when he was going to find it. Maybe it was his whole life, with a long life, constantly looking for it, just like the mysterious burial in his memory, meditated on the compass, and I don't know how many years he sat.

When the tenth five million years passed here, Su Ming's expression was almost numb, and some death began to appear on his body. This death was not because of his isolation of Shouyuan, but his loneliness and loneliness in this vastness, which made his heart dead silence under the constant fatigue and search.

But even if he is dead, he can't drown his search. Even if he no longer walks on his feet, even if he has sat cross-legged and moving forward a long time ago, he still can't bury his expectations for meeting in his heart.

Look, look, look.

When the sixteenth year of five million came, Su Ming found Ye Wang's traces. Like Ye Wang's people, the sharp light scattered from his traces was a little eye-catching. It was a fierce beast that existed in the vast world, the horn above his head.

This fierce beast lay in front of Su Ming at this moment, and his body trembled. Su Ming's breath only felt a trace, and he was almost directly shocked to death.

Looking at the corner above the beast's head, Su Ming raised his right hand in silence and pointed forward. When he withdrew, Ye Wang's soul film appeared in the palm of his hand.

Put away the cherished soul film, Su Ming closed his eyes and continued to search.

With the passage of time, in Su Ming's search, I don't know how many eras have passed, and I don't know how many times the wings of the eight butterflies in the vast sky have overlapped.

Until the more than fifty-five million years passed, Su Ming's figure trembled in this vastness. His eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes showed the brightest light in countless years. The intensity of the light instantly made the whole vast roar shake, making the wings of the eight butterflies tremble motionless.

Su Ming's face showed unprecedented excitement. His body slowly stood up from his knees, and his steps were even trembling. His eyes were staring deeply at the fog in front of him, a little white flower born in the fog.

The fog is like a rain curtain. In it, the little white flower seems to be a flower in the rain. It looks fragile, but it has her unique perseverance, as if she is also waiting for the arrival of the person she wants to wait for.

Waited...more than fifty or five million years, waiting for the ferryman who took her to take care of the wind and rain by the Wangchuan River and took her into the lonely boat.

There were tears in Su Ming's eyes, but there was a happy smile on his face. He slowly approached the little white flower in the fog and stared deeply. He was about to say something, but there was no sound coming out.

Because he has forgotten to speak.

But he didn't care about all this. He smiled happily. The smile was silent, but the appearance of the smile seemed to make the whole vastness appear ripples. In the echo of the ripples, Su Ming gently raised his hand and gently held the little white flowers from the fog in the palm of his hand.

Tears from the corners of his eyes scratched his cheeks, and a drop fell on the little white flower, like dew, which made the little white flower seem to stretch its branches and leaves and bloom... It made Su Ming smile in a trance.

The leaf touched Su Ming's palm, and the gentle feeling was just like the beauty in Su Ming's memory.

Looking at the little white flower in the palm of his hand, Su Ming's happy smile rendered the vast reincarnation. He... found Yuxuan.

He gently put the little white flower in the world in his body, turned it into a treasure, and accompanied himself, just like the lonely figure by the Wangchuan River in those years, and the silent company under the eaves of the rain house.

The little white flower in the rain, her name is Xuan, has no sad breath. For Su Ming, this is his persistence and care, as if it also brought sunshine to his life, so that in the following years, Su Ming found one trace after another in this vast reincarnation.

Those traces, although there is no more face that makes Su Ming persistent, the bits and pieces in my memory, those people who have gone far away, whether it is the former enemy or the stranger who passed by, Su Ming cherishes the traces away. At this moment, he has no hostility to any life.

He found Su Xuanyi, found the people of the barbarian land, found the remnants of Shenyuan Xinghai, found Deshun of Daochenzong, found the old friends of the Three Wilderness Great Realms, and the madness in the dark morning.

In the reincarnations in the vast, until Su Ming found the long river, what made him stare at was next to the traces of the long river, and he found the traces of a strange woman.

The woman, dependent on the traces of the long river, is his wife who has been dead for many years. While staring, Su Ming found that Changhe's wife had always been by Changhe's side, but he... didn't find it before he died.

Find a trace, walk in reincarnation, walk in the years, I don't know how many tens of millions of years later, Su Ming found the big brother...

The trace of the eldest brother is not dust, but a sense of war, which is illusory. It exists in the vast fog. Within the race of a group of fierce beasts, it has become the top of their fighting spirit.

The war lasts forever!

With traces found, with hope and persistence, Su Ming walked through a fog. When he passed by, the fog surrounded him, unwilling to disperse, and seemed unwilling to let Su Ming leave. There seemed to be a murmur in the fog, as if to say something.

Su Ming stopped and looked down at the fog beside him. For a long time, his eyes showed gaze and deep affection.

He found Fang Canglan, and she... is this fog. Or in other words, it was Fang Canglan who found him.

Taking away this fog and Fang Canglan, Su Ming's inner expectations have become stronger and stronger, but in this expectation, Su Ming has already understood... When the day the world opens, when all traces turn into the marks of life, the day when they reappear...

I will also watch silently from now on.

This is not the fate of fate, this is the price of Su Mingdao, this is the road he chose, which is different from the extinction... RS