
Chapter 27 Mountain Climbing

An ancestor, the power of the former godhood, disappeared into the world forever!

"Hmm! If you don't die, you won't die! I don't accept all kinds of autocraticism!" The green light flashed, and the jade pendant returned to its original appearance and fell on Xue Hao's palm.

"Kid, are you satisfied?"

"Have you... known for a long time that there is a trace of the spirit of sealing the cliff in this bloody jade?" Xue Hao's eyes flashed and remembered that in the fierce land, this jade pendant would help him inherit at the third level. It was not until this moment that he suddenly realized that all this seemed to have been expected!

I was moved by the jade pendant to save his life before, but in retrospect, it was not accidental that the jade pendant was powerful when my life was almost on the line. Whether it was in the fierce land before, Zhang Zhan used the skill of displacement, the reminder of the jade pendant at the critical moment, and the situation at this moment all proved this.

"Hmm! Do you think I'm nosy? If it hadn't been for the old bastard Xue Wuya..." saying this, the jade pendant seemed to know what had been missing, and then said, "Kid, first of all, this mountain demon, I will definitely get it. As for this inheritance, it's yours!"

The next moment, the jade pendant flashed and went directly into Xue Hao's neck: "The third level, I won't help you. Take care of yourself!"

"But how can I crack this mountain of prohibition?"

"Now you should know what your physique is. Even if several other people help you, as long as you are patient enough, the final inheritance must be yours. There is no need for me to take action. Moreover, I have not lied to you. Your mind and cultivation will recover in this process. You can do it yourself. I am asleep!"

Hearing this, Xue Hao's eyes flashed and he thought to himself, "This jade pendant obviously has something to say, but if I go to the bottom, it will never tell me. As for this matter of repairing the mind, it is urgent, and I am determined to get it!"

The next moment, Xue Hao looked at the black mountain standing in the sky and unfolded his mind. From the bottom up, he carefully explored it. Gradually, his face became heavier and heavier. The whole mountain peak was almost prohibited, and there were crises everywhere. It's not as simple as it looks.

Even Xue Hao wanted to climb to the peak before. This matter is simple. If he inadvertently triggers the ban, he will definitely fall to the point of death!

Xue Hao was not in a hurry to climb the mountain, but slapped the storage bag in the palm of his hand and immediately flew out a flying sword. Xue Hao had tested this flying sword before. Although it was forbidden here, the flying sword could be used. Only the next moment, his face changed again, and the flying sword cut into the weeds that he felt was extraordinary before, but Immediately, these grass were sensed in advance, and they surrounded the flying sword and turned into a steel knife in an instant!


The next moment, Xue Hao's mind controlled the flying sword. After sweeping, these weeds broke in response. At the moment of breaking, the landform there suddenly changed. It was no longer the original appearance, but a path appeared. The path stretched no more than a foot up and spread on both sides. The ever-changing prohibition.

Seeing this scene, Xue Hao's heart moved: "It seems that my prediction is correct. Only by breaking a ban will there be a way. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is roughly estimated that there must be tens of thousands of prohibitions, and the higher it is, the more difficult it will be to crack. In this way, I'm afraid that this Montenegro will not be able to climb for three or five years!"

Xue Hao looked helplessly, looked up, and suddenly remembered what Yupei said before. Patience is extremely important to climb this mountain.

After looking around and carefully checking the prohibition that had just been broken and confirming that there was no danger, he stepped forward without hesitation and stepped on the path!

There is no other scenery in this space except this strange Montenegro. From afar, the mountain is tall and majestic. Inside the bloody curtain, it is dark, as if there is a heavy stone, which is hard to breathe, and the depressing atmosphere is evident. In several corners of the foot of this Montenegro Mountain, several teenagers Heart wings, step by step, working hard to climb this mountain!

This picture is extremely shocking. The peaks are towering, but those people are too small, like ants, like a boat in the ocean, which is extremely discordant.

Three days have passed, and Xue Hao has gone out of five feet. Compared with the height of this mountain, it is really a piece of cattle. Because every step he takes, he must be careful to prevent mutations, and his spirit must be raised to an extreme height.

At this moment, Xue Hao repeatedly patted the storage bag and immediately flew out more than a dozen flying swords and swirled around him. His feet were extremely cautious and did not move rashly. Even every time he manipulated the flying sword to break the ban, he was extremely careful. If he could not damage the flying sword, he would not damage it and minimize the loss. Because in his storage bag, it was only There are about 20 or 30 flying swords left.

As a magic weapon commonly used by low-level disciples in the practice world, the flying sword will be given unlimitedly to disciples. Like Xue Hao, he can get two or three hundred ordinary flying swords every year, but after experiencing this series of events, it has almost been consumed!

In addition, in addition to the low-level monks use it to fight the decisive battle, the flying sword also has the role of walking. It only needs to be controlled by the mind, and you can fly at low altitude. For disciples during the practice period, this is indispensable. Because it can really fly out of thin air, only by breaking through to the next big realm and build a foundation can !

At this time, Xue Hao's flying sword is overstretched, which is obviously an extremely bad signal. Because he broke five prohibitions in the past three days and walked up about a miles, but the flying swords have also lost dozens of them. According to such a consumption speed, obviously, before they have not gone far, the flying swords have all been consumed!

"The way to forcibly break the prohibition is not good. I have to figure out these forbidden routines and skillfully resolve them!" Xue Hao stood still with a gloomy face and looked at a stone a foot away from his feet. The mountain stone was dark and ordinary, but if he really stepped out, it was very likely to touch the prohibition and the consequences would be unimaginable.

If you use a flying sword to crack, you will lose at least ten flying swords. This matter is unwise. He meditated for half a moment. As soon as Xue Hao patted the storage bag, there was a buzz in front of him, and a golden flying sword flew out and was held in Xue Hao's hand!

This thing is the lock soul flying sword that was picked up by Xue Hao under the care of the previous emperor's seal. Xue Hao's insight is very thorough. As long as he distinguishes a wisp of divine thoughts, locks the target, and cooperates with the spiritual power in the body, he will always follow the target!

At present, Xue Hao decided to use this object to test the prohibition. As soon as his mind moved, the golden flying sword immediately turned into a golden light and shot straight at the mountain stone. Xue Hao's eyes were burning and stared at the reaction of the mountain stone.

"It's not good!"

Suddenly, Xue Hao's scalp was numb, and his heart was even tight. When his face changed, he quickly jumped off the path under his feet and stood aside. At the same time, the mountain stone twisted. In his gaze, it quickly became several times bigger, and the mountain stone fell off a piece of debris. At first, it was very small, and in a blink of an eye, it was as big as a grinding disc. Forming pieces of elliptical rocks, countless, rolling down the path!

Half of the sound, the sound of 'bang' at the foot of the mountain echoed, which made Xue Hao breathe a sigh of relief. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been directly smashed into meat sauce. But at this moment, he found that several gray lines around the rock surrounded and rotated, controlling the rock to react.

In a long time, Xue Hao stood on the path again and was stunned. This was just a momentary discovery, and he had already scrutinted out that there were at least three changes in the prohibition of this mountain and stone, and he attacked with a golden flying sword as one. If he forced himself, there would be different crises!

This is far from the top of the mountain, and you can't see the end at all, that is to say, the real test has just begun!

During his meditation, Xue Hao completely gave up the idea of forcibly breaking through, but retreated a few steps, returned along the same road, and came to the weeds that had been forcibly cracked by himself!

He squatted down and unfolded his mind to study these weeds. The prohibition has something to figure out. As long as he has studied it thoroughly and followed the melons, it is even more time to break the prohibition of the mountain and stone.

In fact, prohibition itself is a partial way. Ordinary people don't understand it. Only people who are born with strong divine thoughts will study this technique, and Xue Hao is such a person. Even if their divine thoughts are seriously damaged, he still has a natural ** and understanding of prohibition. On the side, it shows that his divine thoughts are countless times stronger than ordinary people. He doesn't know that Only the saints have this advantage!

Even before, Yupei said that if he climbed this mountain, his mind and cultivation could be restored. Xue Hao did not know that his mind and prohibition depended on each other. If he could understand the prohibition, his mind would also grow.

Time passed slowly. Xue Hao carefully studied the fate and number of roads of each weed, remembered them one by one, suppressed the urgency and irritability in his heart, and constantly deliberated and evolved various changes, and had entered a strange state.

It is not impossible to really break the prohibition, but it is impossible for the cultivation to surpass the person who performed the spell. This matter is impossible for the few people who broke through this third level. Therefore, except Xue Hao, no one used this stupid method at the beginning to understand the arrangement and evolution of the prohibition and climb up step by step!

The four people, Difeng, Xuanyuanlong, Zhang Chen and Shen Xuan, are naturally the same. However, at the distance at the foot of the mountain, the four of them do not need to understand the prohibition of this distance at all. It can be said that they are unimpededed. Because in their blood and jade, a trace of the divine will of their ancestors is dissipated and used for them, there is him here. As long as they moved their minds, they knew the cracking method. Therefore, while Xue Hao was still working hard to study in place, these four people had already left him far behind.

The speed of the four people breaking the ban is almost the same, and the distance between them is also very advanced. If they are far away, they can't see it naturally. But at present, they can see each other and find that Xue Hao has not come up. The four people have different thoughts.