
Chapter 30 The prohibition of cheating

This sudden mountain wind made the situation turn a thousand times, and the thousandth changes. Before the mountain wind dissipated, Xue Hao fully realized it. At this moment, he was full of confidence!

After a while, the mountain wind finally dissipated. During the roar, it disappeared to the top of the black mountain in the direction of the black mountain. Xue Hao could not see it. In the skull eye socket at the top, the mountain wind turned into a black smoke and then appeared in a space.

It was the place where the coffin and the little man existed before. After the black smoke entered here, the little man sitting in the void opened his eyes and pointed his hand. The black smoke followed his fingers and disappeared into his body.

His eyes are deep, as if he can pass through the space and see the energetic teenager under the foot of the mountain through the skeleton.

"Well, what's the use of this inheritance when you are so selfish and fraudulent? It's better to give the boy directly..." The voice of contempt came from the bloody coffin below.

Half a sound, the little man did not make a sound, sighed and slowly closed his eyes.


At this moment, Xue Hao took a deep breath and was excited. He looked at the path in front of him without hesitation and took a step.

At the moment he stepped out, the flower prohibition on both sides of the path suddenly changed, and golden lines shot out, rushing straight to Xue Hao with a strong murderous intention.

This red light is sudden. If others can't react, they will encounter big trouble and change a lot. If there is no intention to dodge and retreat, because the prohibition has been triggered, all retreats have been blocked.

In the face of this scene, Xue Hao was not impatient. With a sneer, his palm was imprinted and rushed in the direction of the golden thread. In an eye, more and thick gold threads shot out from the stamens, like a vine, permeating his palm and was about to penetrate in.

This palm is not the substance, but the transformation of Xue Hao's divine mind. His palm here danced quickly, controlling the palm transformed by the divine thought, and making one strange movements after another.

These actions are the way to break the prohibition that he summed up after so many times, which is complex and profound and can be seen through by many people.

During the palm swing, those flowers sometimes swing left and right, sometimes twist and deform, and Xue Hao's palm also follows this rhythm and always maintains the same frequency.

In a long time, gradually, the gold line between the flowers gradually decreased, cut off by Xue Hao's palm, became a piece, plunged into the ground and disappeared, and even faintly, through the palm of the hand, Xue Hao felt a sense of obedience from those flowers.


This divine mind is intermittent, like those flowers condensing together to convey such a message to Xue Hao.

But Xue Hao was not relaxed at all. His eyes became colder and colder, and the printing method in his hand was more complicated. He ignored this obedient meaning, because he sensed the crisis.

This crisis comes from the murderous intention of these black flowers and the golden thread that is constantly destroyed by Xue Hao. On the surface, the ban will be broken soon, but Xue Hao seems to be able to see through the ground. Those broken gold threads have reorganized and turned into a huge gold thread, waiting for Xue Hao to relax. After that, let's fight back.

just saw through the crisis. Xue Hao sneered even more strongly, grabbed the black flowers and uprooted them. Under this grasp, the huge gold thread was suddenly exposed.

At that time, Xue Hao's original master changed rapidly and evolved to an extreme state. He could almost only see the remnants of his palm, and there was banned. The palm suddenly soared several times, and he roughly grabbed the golden thread.

This huge gold thread kept resisting in the palm of his hand. For a short time, the top of the gold thread changed, turned into a black flower shadow, hung down one after another, and knelt down to Xue Hao in a very humane manner.

But Xue Hao still sneered, and his palms continued to soar. He grabbed the golden thread and wanted to burst it.

At this time, Xue Hao always ignored how the golden thread showed weakness and how it changed. Maybe he was forced to turn into a huge black flower, and the top was like a ferocious mouth, turning his head and biting towards the palm of his hand.

Xue Hao was calm, and his palm suddenly changed. Five huge fingers turned into five sharp knives, which were extremely sharp. He directly cut off half of the ferocious head, immediately turned into a golden thread, and penetrated into the ground again. At this moment, when he looked at it, the black flowers there seemed to withered in half, and the other half, But he twisted his waist and trembled together, truly showing obedience.

This prohibition showed weakness repeatedly, and until the final resistance, Xue Hao's palm turned into five sharp knives. In fact, Xue Hao could not know in advance, but it was the thousandth change of prohibition here and the most powerful one.

As early as the mountain wind blew, Xue Hao evolved countless times in his mind and really understood them. Therefore, this is his confidence.

This ban was finally broken after he stayed here for half a year. At this moment, he wanted to roar and suppressed his mood for a long time and needed to be released.

For a moment, Xue Hao gave a soft look and looked strange. As soon as his mind moved, a picture immediately appeared in his mind.

In the picture, there is an ocean. This ocean can't be seen. At a glance, the sea water inside is a strange gray-white color, but in some places, it is still a little different from gray-white blue. This blue is gray, as if the proportion is seriously insufficient, but at this moment, it spreads slowly and erodes Some white.

This is Xue Hao's sea of knowledge, and also where his mind is located. Grey, indicating that his mind is damaged, and blue indicates that it is intact. Such signs make Xue Hao ecstatic.

His face was as usual, trying to suppress his excitement and unfold his cultivation, but under this unfolding, he was happy to find that he had reached the fourth level of practice!

Although he had expected that his mind would recover and his cultivation would also recover, at this moment, he still couldn't suppress his joy and roared and suppressed his cultivation for a long time. Although he has not fully recovered, this is really a good omen.

"In this way, I have found a way to improve my cultivation. As long as I keep cracking the prohibition, one day, my cultivation will inevitably recover again, and it is very likely to break through!" Xue Hao looked at the towering Black Mountain, and there was endless desire in his eyes!

In fact, his mind itself is strong. In the sea, ordinary people know that it is only a lake, but he is an ocean. Because of him, he does not know this matter. Only the body of a saint has such a powerful mind. Only the body of a saint can understand the true essence of prohibition and finally understand the way of the field and the same realm. Invincible!

At present, the prohibition was broken and rested in place for a moment. Xue Hao stepped out, and those flowers that did not wither immediately scattered on both sides to give way for him, as if they had passed down the divine thoughts before. Xue Hao is the king of prohibition!

The path is very narrow. Xue Hao did not observe it carefully before, but when he came out of this prohibition and looked back, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

And the feeling that something is wrong is getting stronger and stronger, and there is even a feeling of being cheated.

Then, he turned back to the original place and looked at the black flowers. Suddenly, he lowered his waist to the ground like a humane, as if he had done something wrong and did not dare to face Xue Hao.

"Damn..." Even with Xue Hao's mind, he couldn't help scolding, and the expression on his face was extremely wonderful. Then he looked at the path, unfolded his mind and swept it casually, and found something wrong.

The prohibition that Xue Hao broke before actually appeared after it was broken, and the prohibition kept the route he boarded, which made him preconceived that only by breaking the prohibition could he continue to move forward.

But at present, the path here appeared on its own as early as when he came here, and there was an extremely severe prohibition on both sides. However, when Xue Hao really saw it, the prohibition here had nothing to do with this path and did not block the road.

In other words, Xue Hao spent half a year to break the ban, and he could walk there directly without breaking it!

"I said why there are thousands of changes at the foot of this mountain. It turns out that this is obviously a trap!" Xue Hao's face became greener and greener, and only he knew the feeling of being cheated.

At this moment, he deeply realized how shrewd the person who arranged the prohibition was. All kinds of methods to confuse people emerged one after another, with false, half true and half false, false and true, which could not be prevented at all.

At this point, Xue Hao naturally did not care too much about his emotions, and through this matter, the benefits of his mind and cultivation recovery naturally needless to say. What he doesn't know is that this is actually a benefit specially left by Xiaoyaozi to those who broke through the barrier. If he finally understand all of it, his thoughts will be powerful to a terrible place. Step, even from the legend to create an invincible field in the same realm, there is great hope!

And the body of saints with extremely advantageous innate conditions is the primary beneficiary, and even rudely speaking, this is the best place for the body of saints to grind.

Naturally, Xue Hao did not think of these secrets, but the ideas in his heart coincided with Xiaoyaozi's purpose.

"If Xue Hao masteres all the forbidden methods and learns these false and real means, then it will be a powerful means when facing the enemy!"

He saw the potential of prohibition, and even thought at this moment that if he made some changes on the basis of these original prohibitions, such as turning confusing fake prohibitions into reality, turning simple into complexity, and obstructing Xuanyuanlong and others, then this inheritance must belong to him.

"I don't know where Xuanyuanlong and others have been in Montenegro now. If I don't expect it, with the law of increasing difficulty of prohibition, combined with their cards and strength, they should not exceed the mountainside! I still have a chance!"

The idea sounded in his heart. Xue Hao's confidence doubled at this moment, and his feet no longer stopped. In the blink of an eye, he reached fifty battles. Here, the path disappeared.

And in front of the disappearance, there is a dry vine, crisscrossed, and there is a faint golden thread. Obviously, this is a forbidden place.

"Hmm!" Xue Hao snorted coldly. At present, he was not familiar with the way of prohibition. At least, he initially mastered some rules. He paid no attention to such an ordinary and simple prohibition. He stepped under his feet and made a seal on his palm. Immediately, these withered vines burst one after another and plunged directly into the soil without breaking.

And the path also appears immediately after the prohibition is broken and extends upward.

After breaking the previous prohibition comparable to the difficulty of the mountainside, Xue Hao is dealing with these simple prohibitions almost without pressure. The speed of climbing the mountain has reached an appalling level!

Even with the passage of time, gradually, as long as there was a petrochemical prohibition where Xue Hao passed, he immediately opened a path for him, as if he had the power.

Although there is no pressure on the speed of mountain climbing now, Xue Hao does not dare to relax for a moment for fear of encountering the prohibition of cheating people as before. Therefore, he can be faster. He also deliberately lowered the speed, constantly learning and thinking in the process to enrich his understanding of prohibition.

If it must be divided according to the strength of the way of prohibition, Xue Hao should be able to break the prohibition of difficulty at the mountainside at this moment. Even if it is him, it is difficult to crack in a short time. In fact, Xuanyuanlong and Difeng are stuck on the mountainside at this moment, in their own understanding of prohibition. In terms of strength, it is almost the same as Xue Hao.

Considering this, Xue Hao knew that he did not have much advantage, so he followed his previous idea and stopped all the way. Before reaching the mountainside, he tried to make some changes to the prohibition to enrich his understanding of the prohibition.

At the beginning, the effect was not obvious, but after continuously breaking more than a dozen large and small prohibitions, Xue Hao had already explored certain rules and even made some simple prohibitions slightly complicated.

With the passage of time, his prohibition methods have become richer and more obvious, and his progress is extremely obvious. He is no longer simply changing the prohibition, but turning the fake into reality in a real sense. Even these methods can be more complicated in Xue Hao's view. For example, turning the prohibition into a maze, so that inadvertently triggers people enter it. It is indistinguishable. For example, an extremely powerful prohibition can be set up to transmit people directly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. However, such a powerful prohibition is just thinking about it now, and it is impossible to complete it.

However, the benefits he gained are undoubtedly huge. He is no longer satisfied with simply cracking and changing prohibitions, but relying on his own means to create such an achievement. In Xue Hao's own opinion, it may be nothing.

But if someone sees it, they will definitely be shocked. Isn't it scary to be able to make the fire created by the art of prohibition in such a short time?

In such days, Xue Hao was completely immersed in the study of the art of prohibition, and his methods were gradually enriched, which was not just at the entry level.

Although it was boring, he completely forgot the passage of time and devoted himself to such a process of understanding and becoming stronger.