
Chapter 124 Save!

This human figure turned into a blood atomization is just a virtual shadow, and it can only be vaguely recognized. This is the appearance of a head, which can't be seen clearly, but just a silhouette.

But obviously, it is not the same as the human race. The most conspicuous place is the top of the virtual shadow, with strange horns, like horns, but when you look closely, it is not very similar. It is not connected to the head, like a... helmet!

If you use a helmet to describe it, it is more appropriate, but what kind of race will wear a helmet?

Obviously, it is not the dragon clan, or even in the world, no such a race can be found.

If Xue Hao is here, he will definitely be shocked, because just this head makes him think of the scene where he saw the fall of the real dragon family in the sea of knowledge before.


Only the supreme commanders of the heavenly world, those heavenly soldiers and generals who are powerful are qualified to wear armor, and their armor, such as helmets, is exactly the same as the shadow of blood fog at this moment.

However, it is obvious that the seven people of the Lingwu clan know this. In their impression, this is a devil who devours their family. Even if this is really a heavenly general, he is also a heavenly general who has become a demon.

"Damity! Disaster! Unexpectedly, the disaster will come so quickly!" The clan grew up crying. In addition to the little fat man, several other people also looked desperate. The last hundred years have only passed for more than ten years!


Suddenly, a creature crawled out of the fog, which was exactly the one Xue Hao had met before. Now with the collapse of the red rope, they seem to have broken some kind of shackles and can climb out of the hole.

In this situation, the patriarch and others were stunned, but the next moment, several people trembled as if they recognized their identities and knelt down to these dull and mechanical creatures.

"Ancestors! This is the ancestor of the Lingwu family!"

"They are all mutilated by the devil! A big disaster... a big disaster!" The patriarch couldn't help trembling and shouted at those creatures. How could they not recognize that these creatures were all members of the Lingwu clan in the past!

After several people, the little fat man looked at this scene with a dull face. Especially when he saw that there was a creature faintly similar to himself, his eyes slid down tears.

"Dad!" The little fat man shouted that this creature was his father who was killed by the devil in the last hundred years of disaster. He would not admit his mistake. Although he was young at that time, the blood was thicker than water could not be cut off by any form or change.

Hearing the little fat man's shout, the creature trembled obviously, looked at him confusedly, turned his head again, and slowly climbed out of the hole.

"This is the will of their ancestors. Even if they become like this, they still care about their hometown. They want to climb out of the hole, and they... want to come back." The patriarch's voice became more and more sad.


The next moment, the virtual shadow of the head turned into a blood atom and opened its mouth and sucked it gently. A bloody wind blew through, blowing away the fog in the valley and revealing the appearance of those creatures. In an instant, it directly turned into pus, and the scene was extremely cruel.

Among them, the little fat man's father has not been affected, but it is not far from there.

"No, don't hurt my father!" The little fat man shouted and suddenly rushed into the valley. His whole body broke out. He raised his mace and swang to the shadow of the blood fog.

This scene was so sudden that the patriarch and several others were unexpected and did not react. At this moment, their faces changed greatly.

"No! Little fat, you will die!"

The water is difficult to recover, and it is irreparable.

Although he is sad to see his ancestors, the little fat man is the hope of the Lingwu clan to break the curse. If it falls, this clan will really be over.

The blood fog shadow suddenly closed the big mouth. In the fog, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the little fat man. Then, two blood lights shot out. The wolf tooth stick in the little fat man's hand was immediately broken. The next moment, the little fat man kept struggling in the void and was wrapped in the two blood light.


At this moment, a sad and sharp sound resounded through the valley, and then a creature jumped up and jumped directly on the blood light, which was completely different from the previous confusion and sluggishness.

"My...descendants...go quickly...go!" The voice came out of its mouth, dry and stiff, but it was completely said. It was the little fat man who felt that it was a creature of his father.

The creature jumped directly on the two blood clouds and burst into pieces in an instant!

"Dad!" The little fat man had tears in his eyes, but he couldn't say more words.

Then, creatures kept rushing to the blood light and bursting out one after another, looking at the little fat man's eyes, full of softness and hope.

"Ancestors..." The patriarch and others roared, but they were unable to return to heaven. They knew that this was such a trace of will left by their ancestors. At this moment, in order to save the little fat man, they were broken one after another!

When all the creatures jumped on the two blood lights, they turned into purulent blood. Gradually, as their self-explosion number increased, the two blood lights finally released the little fat man!

In the void, a black light flashed, and the Black Dragon King appeared, with the little fat man, disappeared in the same place in an instant and galloped towards the distance.

"Escape!" The patriarch also shouted. Several people did not hesitate and followed the Black Dragon King to fly back to the stockade.

In place, the blood fog rolled, and the virtual shadow shot out two blood lights and chased the escaped several people. In an instant, it stopped them, ignored the patriarchs and shot the little fat man!

"The devil is going to kill it all!" The clan grew up and used all its means to block the blood light, but obviously, this is useless!


At this moment, the Black Dragon King roared, stared at the two blood light, opened the dragon's mouth, spewed out a few mouthfuls of golden dragon blood, and directly hit the blood light.


Like the sound of dry firewood meeting the fire, not only the blood light dissipated in an instant, but also the bloody head in the valley, but also emitted black smoke, gradually becoming distorted and finally dissipating.

"Can Little Black's blood restrain the devil?" The little fat man reacted, first stunned, and then asked excitedly.

"Wow!" The Black Dragon King shouted with a dragon to express his approval.

Several people finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their hanging hearts did not come down at all.

"That's just a virtual shadow of the devil. His real body is not like this!" The patriarch opened his mouth with a worried face. He had experienced a great disaster in the past, and the terrible degree of the devil was absolutely unimaginable.

"Little Black is too young. Although the blood inexplicably dissipates the head shadow, I don't know if he can deal with it when his real body appears!

"We are ready to take out the ancestral weapons of the clan. Anyway, we will fight until the last moment. At the same time, we should also be ready to quickly upgrade Xiaopang to the foundation period and let him escape with Xiaohei!" The patriarch gave orders. At this moment, there is no need to doubt that the devil was really born early!

Because Xue Hao inadvertently cut off the red rope, he was born early!


In the foggy forest, Xue Hao's face was hazy, and he quickly walked between the towering ancient trees and the thousand-year-old vines. Wherever he passed, the beasts were full of corpses and blood. He did not remember how many fierce beasts died under his two secrets!

But the anxiety in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger, so at this moment, he has not seen the traces of the two little beasts, and he has gone hundreds of miles into this strange forest.

If so, that's all. Most importantly, according to the clues in the forest, he also noticed the traces of the monk's activities. Some fierce beasts were not killed by himself, including fierce beasts above the foundation.

This is a very dangerous signal. Based on the time of death of these fierce beasts and the magic secrets used by the visitors, we can infer some things that happened at that time.

"The number of people chasing them is absolutely hundreds, and they are all above the foundation!" Xue Hao's eyes showed a cold light, and his heart was very anxious. Even if the two little beasts were amazingly talented and grew very fast, they were too young. They were definitely suffering a disaster against so many strong people.

However, what gratifies him a little is that the lives of the two little beasts are not in danger, and it seems that these strong men have not taken much advantage of, but this is only temporary. Although part of this is due to the extraordinary intelligence of the two little beasts and know how to avoid disasters, the most important reason for the terrible reason is this The forest is extremely strange, and even Xue Hao has to guard against all kinds of possible dangers, and these strong people are naturally no exception.

The speed of flying is non-stop, and at this moment, he is even more desperate. His whole body's cultivation breaks out and he rushes to the depths with all his strength!

Time passed slowly. Before long, he came to a swamp, where there was a giant python that had been cut in two, whose strength was equivalent to the early days of the foundation of the human monks. In this vast fog forest, such fierce beasts are very common, but the focus is not here.

Because on the half of the cut beast corpse, Xue Hao found some important information!

The blood has not dried up, indicating that they have not left for a long time. This is a message, and most importantly, the death of the python is extremely tragic and deadly, and there are still some fluctuations left on it!

A picture appeared in Xue Hao's mind. An iron sword was in the sky, and a man in black robe, with a cold face and no extra words, cut the python into two pieces.

"He... also came!" Xue Hao's two eyes were even more cold. Although the residual murderous fluctuation was difficult to prove anything, his intuition told him that that man was definitely a terrible strong man who had fought side by side with him in the past, Shangguan Sword Demon!

Without hesitation, Xue Hao disappeared in place again and rushed to the depths at a more powerful speed. Wherever he passed, all the beasts were shocked.

They have an inexplicable sense of the fluctuations of the strong, knowing that this person who travels through the forest and is full of murderous intent is not easy to mess with.

He didn't have much sigh in his heart, because in the final analysis, he met Shangguan Jianmo and stood in the same camp that day, but there was a common purpose. Now that he wants to get the Blood Dragon King, Xue Hao doesn't say much.

After all, the strong in the world are respected. Any short alliance is not enough to support them for a long time. They must be opponents, and they are the kind of a lifetime.

This made him feel a lot of pressure. Shangguan Sword Demon is definitely the top master of the young generation. He kills everything with an iron sword, and his strength is unfathomable. Xue Hao's fear of him even surpasses Fang Yang.

Not long, in a bush, he found a corpse that looked like a mountain pig that had been killed, which was also around the beginning of building the foundation, but obviously, the method of killing it was very different from the fierce knife just now.

This is the fluctuation of the spell, and there is still some breath left on it. If it is an ordinary person, with that little fluctuation that has not yet retreated, it is absolutely difficult to recognize who the person in his hand is.

Even if the person who took the action is replaced by any person, Xue Hao can't recognize it.

Because of this spell, he is too familiar with it, because this person is Nangong Xian'er! Because that spell is a colorful god!