
Chapter 139 Blockbuster News

The little fat man has a full sense of justice, distinguishes black and white, has a deep relationship with the Black Dragon King, and now the Lingwu clan has almost completely destroyed the whole army. In this way, it is even more impossible to deal with Xue Hao with everyone.

"Look for death!"

The strong man sneered and was full of murder. He directly trapped the two beasts and attacked fiercely without any intention to show mercy.

Dozens of people, including the four masters, have the same goals. Whoever dares to stop them will bear the supreme murderous will of everyone.

"Okay, whoever will grab the dragon holy tree for Ben will let him go." Not far away, the devil appeared quietly, increasing his ** strength and a strange smile on his face.


Hearing this, everyone's blood suddenly boiled, and the madness in their eyes was unprecedented. Whether it was really seeking skin with a tiger or not, this was the only hope and it was impossible to give up.



The Blood Dragon King and the piglet are furious, and they are helpless. They are as strong as Xue Hao, and they are also in danger at this moment!


The two strong men fell. Finally, the power of Xue Haodou's victory was broken. Taking advantage of this opportunity, many people attacked him, which was extremely tragic.


Xue Hao's left shoulder was blown up and attacked on all sides. The little fat man was even more miserable. The strength in the early stage of building the foundation was really speechless in this war, unless there were many people like the other party.

He was willing but weak. He was injured all over and his blood filled his whole body, but he still tried his best to protect the Black Dragon King.

The three little beasts also received a lot of attacks. The two dragon kings shed many dragon scales, revealing their internal flesh and blood, constantly wailing. The scene was miserable, and the piglets were also depressed and greatly damaged their vitality.

They have talented magic, ancient art, and dragon sacred trees, but they can't resist the large number of opponents.

Now everyone is no longer silent. Since Xue Hao disagrees, it's better to take this opportunity to kill him directly. Maybe he can subdue the two dragon kings.

Xue Hao's expression set off and looked around many strong men, showing strong sarcasm at the corners of his mouth. Facing the supreme Buddhism of a real master, he did not retreat, and then punched the head of a strong man.

Master Yizhen on the opposite side was also stunned, with a heavy apprehention in his eyes.

From Xue Hao's body, everyone deeply felt a chill, which was a desperate rhythm and not afraid of death. Even if the real master just broke through his shoulder, he still wanted to kill a strong man.

"He's crazy!"

"How dare you choose this way of losing both sides!"

"Is it worth it for something outside?"

No one could figure it out, but the Blood Dragon King and the piglet were moved.


The two little beasts flew to Xue Hao, with tears in their eyes and kept roaring at Xue Hao. Then, they looked at each other and made a decision.

"It's okay. I'm sure I keep your food." Xue Hao smiled at them and was ready to use two secret methods again, regardless of his serious injuries. However, the moment he stepped forward, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked down at his waist and suddenly became furious.

His storage bag was taken away by the pig and the blood dragon king.

"Come back soon! Can't give it!" Xue Hao shouted at the Blood Dragon King and the pig that flew straight to the devil. How could he not know that the two little beasts gave the dragon holy tree to the demon master in order to save her. However, this was exactly the result he did not want to see. For the two little beasts, the dragon holy tree exceeded everything. It is hard to imagine that they would give people to bow their hands.

But the two little beasts ignored it at all. The pig took the storage bag, and the Blood Dragon King directly opened it aside, grabbed the dragon tree in one bite, swept the crowd, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This scene came so fast that even Xue Hao did not react, not to mention others. However, after a moment, everyone reacted and stopped attacking, because everyone knew that what the two little beasts took away should be the treasure that the devil needed.


Xue Hao had a gloomy face and endured the injury on his body and disappeared in place. He wanted to chase the Blood Dragon King and the piglet, but he knew that it was too late in time.

Even if he was angry, he couldn't help but cross a warm current. The real release time between himself and the two little beasts is not long. ordinary people can't understand, but he knows how profound the efforts of the two little beasts are in order to relieve the difficulties for himself.

Not only because the dragon holy tree is mysterious and has the ultimate essence of life, but also needs the existence of taboos like the devil, and can it be mortal?

This is likely to be directly related to the future growth of the Blood Dragon King and Piggy. Thinking of this, Xue Hao has decided in his heart that he can never give it to the devil, because it is equivalent to killing two little beasts.

He knew that he could not fight so many strong people alone. He even thought that the end of this war would not develop in the direction he expected in the end. It was very likely that he would eventually die, and even the dragon sacred tree would be robbed.

But he didn't want to, and he didn't want to send it out for nothing, even if he paid a big price.

Just at this moment, he was really moved by the two little beasts.


On the other side, the Black Dragon King was extremely excited. He also wanted to stop it, but was comforted by the little fat man. The two little beasts made a decision, but they had not discussed with it. The sacred tree of the dragon clan is a sacred object in the heart of the real dragon clan.

"Very good... Very good... Don't worry, I will only borrow it for a while. After using it, I will return it to you." The devil smiled as usual, but everyone could see that his original deep eyes flashed with unconcealed essence.


A small tree with the flourishing essence of life was held in the mouth of the Blood Dragon King, and the juice on it was still flowing and looked extremely extraordinary.

"Huhu..." The little pig stroked the dragon holy tree, showing grievance in his eyes and looked extremely lovely. He told the dragon holy tree alone, because this was the food that accompanied it for its endless years. Although it was dragon, it had not been so simple as food. The naive little guy became dependent on it. Love.

The dragon clan, including the Blood Dragon King, has a deep affection for this sacred tree of the dragon clan, and why not?

"Wow!" The Blood Dragon King showed vigilance in his eyes and roared at the devil, obviously conveying some meaning.

"Don't worry, little guy, this is your dragon clan. After it recovers, I will definitely return it to you. I will keep my word."

The devil did not rob, but looked at the little beasts that hated him to the bone with extreme patience and kindness.

At this time, Xue Hao, Xiao Pang and the Black Dragon King finally came closer.

"Have you really decided?" Xue Hao hung the storage bag around his waist again, looked at the two little beasts, with complexity in his eyes, and asked.

He is not stopping it, because the holy trees belong to them. If they really decide, Xue Hao will respect their choice.

The two little beasts' eyes were full of softness. When they looked at him, they nodded one after another, and then showed reluctance, especially the piglet, as if to enjoy the last warmth and purity, holding the holy tree tightly in their arms.

Looking at this scene, Xue Hao couldn't bear it, and the chill in his eyes became more and more abundant.

"There is really no need to do this. I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as you give it to me, everyone present can leave safely. In the past, it was also forced to absorb the essence of the Lingwu family and continue to recover." The devil is still light and made such a promise.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes are full of vision. Although the devil's words should not be believed, there is really nothing they can do.

"I hope you keep your promise!" Some strong men said that they secretly regretted not coming to this area at the beginning.

The two little beasts were quite psychic, as if they felt Xue Hao's extremely unstable mood. They looked at each other and showed decisiveness in their eyes. They cruelly threw the dragon tree out, and the next moment, they fell into the hands of the devil.

"Finally got it! Haha, the recovery is just around the corner!" The devil changed his face in an instant, but did not take action against everyone, but his eyes showed unprecedented light, staring at the dragon sacred tree in his hand.

It can be seen with their naked eyes that the moment the dragon tree fell into the devil's hand, its body immediately changed greatly. The originally dry palm slowly bulged up, which was amazing.

"Wow..." The little pig waved its hoofs and looked angry, and the reluctance in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Don't worry, I will keep my word and will definitely return it to you."

What is a little relieved is that the devil is still as gentle as before, which seems to confirm his previous promise that as long as he gets the sacred tree of the dragon clan, he will not care about the life and death of everyone present.

"In that case, can we... go?" Some strong people asked that the idea of leaving here was already very strong. Not to mention the two dragon kings here, even if ten gathered together, they did not want to stay for a moment and were not interested.

Because there is no life to subdue them.

The devil did not speak, as if he had never heard their words. He stared at the dragon holy tree and was absorbing the essence of life in it. It can be seen that a leaf in the holy tree was gradually turning yellow. This is a prelude to wither, which made the pig and the two dragon king feel distressed

For good, the holy tree is extremely mysterious, and its essence is beyond imagination. Even if the devil absorbs it fiercely, it is still crisp.

Half a sound, the devil still didn't move. Some strong people couldn't wait and directly crossed the void and flew to the distance.

The devil did not stop him, as if he was really intoxicated with the sacred tree of the dragon clan and didn't even look at it.

At this time, everyone's eyes showed joy and did not hesitate. Shangguan Jianmo flew out first and left here without looking back. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in place. After that, Fang Yang and Yizhen Master all rushed to the front and quickly disappeared.

In place, Xue Hao did not stop these people from leaving, because he was also seriously injured, and he may be able to kill one of them, but obviously, if he took action, others would definitely help, which was obviously unwise.

Thinking of this, Xue Hao looked at their departing backs and wrote down the hatred in his heart. He clearly remembered what horrible attacks he had received before, and these people showed no mercy.

Even Xue Hao had regretted letting go of Shangguan Jianmo at that time. This was originally the enemy. He left repeatedly, but was attacked by him repeatedly, and it became more and more difficult to kill him in the future.

It is impossible to avoid danger every time. It is possible that the other party does not understand gratitude at all. There are many people in the practice world.

But now, Xue Hao has enough heart.

For a moment, those who left had disappeared and flew in all directions. This time, the giants in the swamp did not appear, which reassured everyone.

There are fewer and fewer strong people in the same place. When one of the magnificent women left, she took a deep look at Xue Hao in the void and couldn't hide her murderous intention, but for a moment, she resisted and knew that this was not the best time to kill Xue Hao.

But ordinary people don't even know herself, but there is a complex, strong and strong intention in this murderous intention.

"Xue Hao, I, Nangong Xianer, swear that after leaving this time, I will never appear in front of you without your strength!" These are the words in Nangong Xianer's heart. She didn't say it. It was her determination. Originally, she gave up the Snow Dragon King in the Cold Valley and rushed to this fog forest to see Xue Hao and wanted to get some possibility.

However, Xue Hao disappointed her again and again, and the other party had no feeling for her at all, just like at this moment, his attention was not on her.

She completely lost confidence.

But she didn't know that after it gradually disappeared into the void, Xue Hao still took a look. His eyes were also very complicated and he didn't say anything more.

"Let's go!"

In situ, a few strong men gradually set out. No one expected that the heart that was originally stored to subdue the Dragon King, but many unimaginable and unmanageable changes occurred one after another, and many people fell.

In half of the eastern soil, there was a bloody battle, and the other eight dragon kings were being robbed, but compared with here, it was just a small witch and a large number of fallen, which was incalculable.

In addition to having a strong mind and cultivation, it is really lucky to be able to live until now. How many times have you escaped from death? Some strong people have to sigh that it's good to live.

In the end, everyone left one after another. Before leaving, they did not look at the two dragon kings at all. Now even if it is a good opportunity to compete for the dragon king, everyone is not in the mood.

After all, there are still eight heads in the outside world, so there is no need to hang them on a tree.

In a short time, there were only Xue Hao, the little fat man and three little beasts left here.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Xue Hao came in front of the little fat man. The young-looking savage monk had good fighting power, but was destroyed. In the end, he was the only one left.

Xue Hao has a good impression of him. After all, what happened just now is vivid. No matter what the reason is, he did help him.

"Let's go to the outside world. Now that my curse has been lifted and I can go out, but the patriarch and grandmother..." The little fat man said here, unable to hide his sadness and sobbing.

After all, it is young, and it is difficult for ordinary people to accept such a result. Xue Hao can see that although the little fat man tries his best not to see the devil, the hatred in his eyes can't be concealed, even more than his hatred for him and the two little pigs.

"In that case, good luck. We should be able to meet again in the near future. At that time, let's fight side by side!" Xue Hao left such a paragraph.

"You're talking about the Top Ten Dragon Palace... Maybe!" The little fat man smiled miserably and touched the head of the Black Dragon King, who was also a little sad in his eyes and arched affectionately with the dragon horn.

One person and one dragon, dependent on each other, full of loneliness.

"Fortunately, Xiaohei is still with me. No matter where he is, he is here!" The little fat man wiped his tears and looked at Xue Hao with a smile and said, "You are very strong, but the road ahead is not easy. I hope we can meet each other in the Ten Dragon Palace."

The two made a promise to meet each other in the Ten Dragon Palace, which is the ultimate destination of many strong people. It can be imagined that now there are wind and clouds in half of the eastern soil. Soon, the Dragon King should be subdued one after another. In the end, the Ten Dragon Palace will be fully opened.

"Good luck!" Xue Hao hugged his fist and smiled and watched a dragon disappear in place, but at this moment, the devil, who had never moved, suddenly opened his eyes.

"This kid is a disaster. He would have had a hunch that since the Lingwu clan has been destroyed, there is no reason to leave him alone." The devil's face became gloomy and was about to take action. Suddenly, two little beasts appeared and looked at him angrily, as if to blame him for not being trustworthy.

"Oh... Forget it, it's just a kid in the foundation period, and there can't be any storms." The devil suddenly said such a sentence, and finally let the little fat fish and the black dragon king turn into black spots and disappear in the void without taking action.

In place, Xue Hao is the only one left.

"One is the Dragon Queen, and the other is the son of the heavenly beast. Boy, there are many potential helpers around you!"

The devil suddenly said such a sentence and said to Xue Hao with a smile.

Hearing this, Xue Hao ignored it, but looked at the other party coldly and said, "Dragon Holy Tree, how long are you going to borrow it?"

This is the point. After all, there is no deadline before, and the devil said it was necessary and did not say anything about the return, but just now the devil will return it, so it is natural to ask.

After all, if it is a hundred and a thousand years, no one can afford to wait.

"Don't worry, I will fully recover in 30 years at most. At that time, it will also be the day when the Dragon Palace opens. I will need to break the seal and meet those old opponents for a while." The devil's rare eyes show vicissitudes, as if recalling the past.

"Thirty years..." Xue Hao pondered. Although the two little beasts were still unwilling, their eyes on the devil were not so disgusted. At least for these practicing creatures, 30 years was nothing. The pig fell asleep for ten thousand years.

"Why are you so sure that the Dragon Palace will open in 30 years? Isn't it about ten dragon kings?" Xue Hao's heart was condensed. No one knows the secret of the ten dragon palaces better than this devil. It was the first time he heard about the opening of the Dragon Palace in 30 years.

Because of long-rums, it has been rumored that if you gather ten dragon kings or give birth to a dragon emperor, you can open the boundary to enter the Dragon Palace. At this time, it is impossible to determine, or 50 years, or even 100 years, two conditions may be achieved. Why is it said from the devil, but Did you not mention anything about Yu Longwang?

"It is impossible to come out of the dragon emperor, because the previous generation of dragon emperor did not fall at all, so even if the blood dragon king around you sucks the marks of other nine dragon emperors, he can't become the dragon emperor." The devil doesn't seem to mind saying these things, as usual.

As soon as he said this, Xue Hao was shocked. Even the Blood Dragon King and the pig looked at the devil suspiciously. Obviously, if he could not come up with any convincing evidence, one person and two beasts would not believe anything.

How is it possible? In the past, the real dragon family was destroyed. Didn't the Dragon Emperor self-destruct? How can I live until now?" Xue Hao described the previous picture in the sea, because although he had never experienced it, he had seen it in another way, and the Dragon Emperor absolutely fell.

"Do you know?" The devil was a little surprised, but didn't care. The memory in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he slowly said, "In the past, the Dragon Emperor fell, but in a special way, it existed in the ten dragon palaces, and it was extremely sublimated and took the ultimate step, with signs of Nirvana rebirth."

"Extreme sublimation? Nirvana rebirth? What you mean should be the ultimate power of taboo, right? Xue Hao said what he thought and put aside the matter of the sacred tree of the dragon clan. This devil is indeed an omniscient figure. From it, he will get a lot of useful information, which will benefit Xue Hao a lot.

"Taboo power?" The devil is obviously a little strange to this word, but then he is relieved: "Maybe you are called the power after transcending the gods. In fact, for us, the real taboo power, even we can only look at it. From ancient times to the present, whether in heaven or in the mortal world, there are only some great bodies. The figure of shore power has taken that step. Speaking of this, it is obvious that the devil has also become a little excited.

"Is it the height of the three emperors of the ancient clan in the past?" Xue Hao couldn't help thinking of these three amazing figures, the most powerful three people in the history of the lower world. They are famous in the practice world. Even if they have disappeared for endless years, they are still talked about by people.

Because of rumors, the three emperors have broken through the unimaginable shackles, and their combat power is proud of the world. In a real sense, they are invincible. Even the generals can be killed in seconds, and even comparable to the five heavenly emperors.

"Yes, in heaven, the five heavenly emperors took that step. As for the lower world, in addition to the three emperors, someone has touched the edge of that step, which is your ancestors's ten saints, and then the spirit demon. However, few people know that the dragon emperor of the real dragon family has stepped into that field with half a foot. " The devil said.