
Chapter 142 The Great Change in the Village

If you kill one person, you will live for ten years. Now you actually make bold words. If Xue Hao doesn't appear, he will kill all the people in the whole town. Not only is Xue Hao furious, but his hatred for Xue Hao is also extreme.

"Is there any way for me to go back to the village quickly?" At this moment, Xue Hao suppressed his anger and began to think about some practical problems. He roughly estimated that Lingyin Village is at least ten thousand miles away from here. Even if he is now in the middle of foundation and can fly in the air, the speed cannot pass through the sun, even so, it will take at least three months to reach Lingyin Village. In that area.

Unless he has the ability to teleportate like the power of Fengchenzi, Zhenyuanzi and Tianyunzi, otherwise, everything will be over when he rushes back to put out the fire!

Even with his calm estimate, there are not many longevity yuan. If you want to kill all the mortals in the whole town, it is absolutely empty talk, because this person does not have so many longevity yuan to break.

For three months, not only the other party can't afford to wait, but also Xue Hao can't wait, because he is eager to go back and release his anger. He wants to take the other party an inch! An inch, an inch of tearing!

The devil has vast magical powers and taboo power. Now Xue Hao hopes on it. If he can return in an instant, nothing will be a problem!

For a moment, the devil sighed and his face showed helplessness, which made Xue Hao's face dark and the haze in his eyes thicker.

"There is nothing I can do. Now I haven't recovered to the peak. I will give it away from the air. Even if it is beyond the dragon chanting realm above the god, it is difficult to do it. I will now be at the peak of the dragon chanting realm, but..." Speaking here, the devil's words seemed to remember something.

"But what?" Xue Hao looked happy and asked eagerly.

"It would have been possible to explore the transmission array within a thousand miles away from here, so that you can cross thousands of miles and send it to the position of the array. At that time, you can continue to transmit through the transmission array, so that the time to return can be infinitely accelerated!" The devil opened his mouth and said such a message.

The transmission array is created by the power above the gods, and it must be at least two powers of the will gods. Not only that, but it also needs to invest a lot of resources and treasures, so it is difficult for ordinary people to do it.

The function of the transmission array is to make the weak monks cross the territory and reach the place they want in a short time, but it needs to consume a lot of spiritual stones, otherwise the transmission will not start.

Only those super large sects have such conditions, and the magic array thousands of miles away is located in Longyuan Pavilion, which was created by the former Zhenyuan Pavilion with the ancestor who had not yet fallen when Yuanzi first became a god.

The transmission array created by the Huashen monk can only transmit thousands of miles, but this is extremely precious for ordinary monks.

"But there is no transmission array in the area where my village is located!" Xue Hao frowned and expressed his worries. Generally speaking, the more monks gather, the more transmission arrays there are. In terms of the outside world that is not sealed, that is, the far east, there are the largest transmission arrays, because there are not only three super large numbers of monks, but also a large number of monks, so the transmission array is naturally More.

However, Lingyin Village is located in the far west. Although it is not as remote as Xue Hao's location at this moment, it is also out of the prosperous area, so there is no possibility of a transmission array.

Moreover, there is a transmission array in Longyuan Pavilion, which he does know, but there are only two in the direction of the village, that is to say, he can reduce the distance of 2,000 miles at most, which is undoubtedly far from the distance of ten thousand miles.

"It doesn't matter. I could have told you that in the world, in addition to the magic array created by those gods, there is also a transmission array!" The devil opened his mouth, and the wind was light.

"What is it?"

"This transmission array has generally been abandoned, but as long as you have enough spiritual stones, it can still be opened, because it was created by those forces that transcend taboos in ancient times, and some can even cross the territory from the eastern region to the southern Xinjiang. It is far away and span thousands of miles, which is not difficult!" The devil said.

This kind of transmission array is unheard of, but he believes that it should exist, because in ancient times, the order of heaven and earth has not changed, and the monks can practice unlimitedly, which leads to the strength of the five clans attacking the sky. Therefore, the transmission array that people needed in the past will never be satisfied with the creation of the Huashen monks, but can only cross Thousands of miles.

However, in the world, because the taboo power in the world has long disappeared, no one can use this transmission array. Over time, it is more difficult to find than people forget or even the exact location.

"Since only monks with taboo power can use it, is it useful for me now?" The problem mentioned by Xue Hao is obvious. His cultivation is there. How can he avoid the same problem?

Hearing this, the devil smiled and waved his hand and said, "Actually, there is another way to use something special to forcibly open the ancient transmission array. For you, it is a little risky, but I would have believed that you would choose without hesitation."

"What is this thing?" Xue Hao's eyes condensed, and the joy in his heart could no longer be concealed. Since he can get rid of the shackles of cultivation, what he needs, as long as it exists within half of the eastern soil, he is bound to get it in the shortest time and in any way.

The biggest premise is that this thing must exist, so there is no problem. Because half of the eastern soil was sealed, the cultivation of all monks was suppressed in the foundation period, and today's Xue Hao is invincible during the foundation period! No one can stop it!

"Spring and autumn wood, this wood is extremely rare in the lower world, but it is not without it. This wood can eliminate the cultivation restrictions of the ancient transmission array, as long as it has enough spiritual power to open!"

"Spring and Autumn Wood..." Xue Hao muttered to himself, constantly reading memories in his mind. It seemed that he had heard of it before. In the end, his eyes flashed and remembered that when he talked with Xie Biao in the past, the other party mentioned this thing.

"This wood is indeed rare, because in addition to lifting the shackles of the valley transmission array, it is of no use for you human monks. On the contrary, it is of great use for the dragon clan. As for its use, you don't need to know." The devil said.

"Yes, I once heard that in the Dragon City auction house, there were spirit seekers who cut out spring and autumn trees, but they did not sell them. Only the real dragon family owned it."

Xue Hao completely remembered what Xie Biao said in the past and said such a sentence.

In this way, Xue Hao needs to quickly return to the Longyuan Pavilion, go to the Longcheng ranking store, use all kinds of methods to get this thing, use a transmission array in the Longyuan Pavilion, transmit it to a position that can at least span thousands of miles, and then return to the village.

These things must be completed in a short time, compared with Xue Hao flying alone. The shortened time is really immeasurable. If everything goes well, it will not take more than seven days at most!

Today, there are still many monks in Longcheng, and all the shops and auction houses are still in operation, even more popular than before they were sealed.

There is no other reason. Nowadays, in order to compete for the Dragon King, there are fierce wars in all regions, and monks are injured from time to time. In this way, powerful magic weapons, such as elixir, spiritual treasure and some good elixir that quickly recover from injury, seem to be precious, and in half of the eastern soil, there are a large number of elixir and magic weapons. , the place with the most monks is naturally the only super-large, the location of Longyuan Pavilion.

Where there are people, even if the world changes greatly, there is never a lack of war, and naturally there is no shortage of sales and interests. For monks, this is a win-win situation. Both sides can trade in exchange for what they need.

And the place to trade is the Dragon City auction house. It can be imagined that the popularity there is absolutely unimaginable.

There are also many spirit seekers. Even if the top ten dragon palaces have surfaced, they will go to the sea of the dragon abyss more frequently than before to find the dragon spirit stone to take out the things inside for other monks, and earn corresponding benefits.

"Chunqiumu is definitely still in the Longcheng auction house!" Xue Hao's eyes are shining, which is undoubtedly a desirable way, because the devil said bluntly that as long as you get this thing, you can reach it through the transmission array that can transmit thousands of miles, as long as it is at a distance of thousands of miles, no matter which direction, whether there is a transmission array at the end of the transmission or not!

That is to say, as long as you get the spring and autumn trees and cooperate with a large number of spiritual stones, you can reach the village in the shortest time to kill the person he can't wait to kill!

"Let me go!" Xue Hao's eyes were bright and he opened his mouth to the devil. At this moment, his attitude towards the devil has changed a lot. This former general may not be what he imagined, at least now, he still has good intentions.

"I need to remind you that even if you get spring and autumn trees, there is a certain chance of failure. If you fail in the transmission process, it is very likely that you will be trapped in the space tunnel and it is difficult to appear. Can you... think about it?"

The devil also looked a little solemn at this moment, reminding Xue Hao.

Xue Hao was silent and did not respond to the devil, but at this moment, his extremely cold face made the best answer.

"In this case, I will send you to the sea of Longyuan thousands of miles away. Good luck. See you in 30 years!"

Just as the devil was about to send Xue Hao away, the Blood Dragon King and the piglet, who had been imprisoned by him, suddenly roared at Xue Hao. Their eyes were full of determination and strong feelings. The pig had even been transferred to Xue Hao's shoulder and pulled his hair.

"What's wrong? You two, won't you go to the Dragon Palace with Ben? For you, it's the most conducive place for growth. Now it's just a burden and doesn't help!" The devil had no choice but to speak to the two little beasts.



The two little beasts despised it and looked disgusted. Even if the Dragon Palace had all kinds of creations for them, their determination to follow Xue Hao was firm.

The piglet said that the focus was on the Blood Dragon King. It had heard the devil say that its father, the last generation of Dragon Emperor, lived in the Dragon Palace in another way, but at this moment, it did not hesitate to choose to follow Xue Hao.

"You two go with it. When this happens, I'll come back to reunite with you." Xue Hao was very moved by the inseparable abandonment of the two little beasts. Whether it was in the foggy forest before, or for the sake of handing over the dragon sacred tree to the devil, or even the decision made at this moment, although the two little beasts were naive, they silently supported him in a naive way and loved them.

Xue Hao will not take them away, because as the devil said, the two little beasts are still young and difficult to protect themselves, and they are obviously more beneficial for them to stay in the Dragon Palace than following him.


The little pig made its own unique voice and blamed Xue Hao for abandoning it, while the Blood Dragon King was not so weak. He stared at Xue Hao and kept making a dragon chant, with a faint sadness.

With Xue Hao's understanding of it, this is a sad expression of the Blood Dragon King.

In the end, Xue Hao said goodbye to the two little beasts and disappeared directly in place with the help of the devil. When he appeared, it was already the area where he fled from the Xiaoyao Valley to the sea of Longyuan. At a glance, it was like a giant dragon crawling on the huge dragon city by the sea.

"30 years later, let's meet again." Xue Hao was still stuck in the previous feelings of separation from the two little beasts, and his heart was also very uncomfortable, because one and two beasts had experienced life and death together, just like relatives. The feeling could not be separated for a while.

I still remember that Xue Hao crossed the disaster at that time, and the two little beasts followed without hesitation. You know, at that time, the Blood Dragon King was just born and recognized Xue Hao. As for the pig, the time he met Xue Hao was also very short, but it seemed to be a kind of fate, which was very cherished.

He has never regarded the two little beasts as pets like other monks, that is, like friends, relatives, without any interest relationship, or even using the Blood Dragon King to enter the Dragon Palace. This idea is really negligible.

Because of this, when he broke through the middle of the foundation and extended the agreed time with the two little beasts, he blamed himself. Even when he felt that the two little beasts were in crisis and did not want to be subdued, even if he knew that he was going to fight against countless strong people alone, he did not hesitate to go.

He valued feelings, and the two little beasts were the same, so the feeling of sudden separation made him mixed feelings in a short time.


Xue Hao forcibly suppressed these complex thoughts, hoping that all the two beasts would be fine and see their perfect transformation when they meet again.

No longer thinking about these things, Xue Hao took a look at the Dragon City not far away, and his heart flashed coldly. His body flashed and disappeared in place. When he appeared, he was already in the void 100 meters away.

"Spring and Autumn Wood! No matter what the price is, I, Xue Hao, must get it. Time is pressing! My only goal now is to get the spiritual stone so that I have the capital to buy this thing at the auction house!"

Along the way, Xue Hao was thinking about these things. His palms were raised slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. He saw a rune shining inexplicable light in his palm. Then, he wiped his face. His originally heroic and extraordinary appearance, like water waves flowed, constantly shining, not long , turned into a very ordinary face, which was very different from the previous face, and there was no trace of it.

This is a simple spell he deliberately obtained from the devil before leaving, which can change his appearance in a short time. Although this skill has no substantive effect, it is after all performed by the devil. Even the monk of the god is difficult to recognize, not to mention the monk in the foundation period.

This technique was passed to him by the devil according to Xue Hao's own request, and the effect of appearance change can last for five days. That is to say, Xue Hao intends to stay in the Dragon City for only five days at most.

As for why the appearance should be changed, it is not because of avoiding the enemy, which is obviously not the reason. With Xue Hao's combat strength, it is almost possible to walk horizontally in this sealed land.

His real purpose is that he does not want people to recognize him now, especially the people of Longyuan Pavilion, Xie Biao, Cangyun, Wang Tao and He Fei.

If the news of his return to Longyuan Pavilion spreads, it will cause unnecessary trouble not only for himself, but also the whole Longyuan Pavilion, including the people mentioned above.

It's right that he builds a foundation and is invincible, but this is only fighting alone. Now in the sealed land, how many people will fight alone in order to compete for something?

There have been countless deeds before to prove that no matter how strong Xue Hao is, he can't stand the group fight. If everyone has common interests, they will take a temporary alliance to deal with him unanimously. In this way, it is not what Xue Hao wants to see.

Before, due to the disaster, he was the body of a saint and had recovered the Blood Dragon King. Not to mention other regions, at least in the area of Longyuan Pavilion, it has long been known to everyone. It is inevitable that there will be crowds to attack him. At that time, everyone will pay attention to him and be scheming, which is absolutely inevitable, although Xue Hao can't face several people to build a foundation. Strong man, but there is no problem to escape, but if he appears with his true face, he will definitely be involved in Longyuan Pavilion. In this way, Xue Hao will have worries and the situation will be bad.

It is even very likely that the other party will force Xue Hao to hand over the Blood Dragon King on the grounds of the people of Longyuan Pavilion. Although the Blood Dragon King is not around, people will not believe it.

It was after analyzing these things clearly that Xue Hao decided to change his appearance. In this way, no matter what he did, it became much easier to avoid trouble. Another most important reason is that he could save time.


Xue Hao's power is scattered. Although his appearance has changed, his cultivation has not been concealed. After all, this is not necessary. Now here, the foundation-building period is the strongest, and it can definitely shock many people in the middle of foundation-building.

Dragon City is indeed as he imagined, more prosperous than before, and there is no loneliness and everyone is in danger because of being sealed.

Some of the monks who came and went even stepped by Xue Hao, and many of them were seriously injured. At first glance, they came to buy elixir.