
Chapter 144 Fighting Machine

In other words, Xue Hao needs a lot of spiritual stones to buy spring and autumn trees, and now it is urgent to get spiritual stones.

"So what is the purpose of the Dragon City monk who came back from the cold valley to bring the Dragon King here? Although he avoided those large leagues, you know, Dragon City also has a flying sword league. Won't you hit him?

"Hidn't you hear about it? It is said that this person wants to auction the Dragon King in Dragon City and earn what he needs!" The knowledgeable and clever monk continued to say in silence.

"Is this really the case? Auction of Dragon King? How many spiritual stones do you need?!" Several monks next to him took a deep breath.

"There is no way. Although this person is strong, he is now hunted down by all large and small alliances. There is no strong strength to protect the Dragon King at all. Instead, it is better to exchange for what a confidant needs." The clever monk replied.

"Then doesn't he know to join an alliance and seek protection?" Next to him, there was a monk with a keen mind and asked such a critical question.

"This person is arrogant and unwilling to join any alliance. Even the dragon king is not what he took the initiative to subdue, but by chance. Therefore, for him, the dragon king is dispensable. As long as someone meets his requirements, he will directly send the dragon king out!"

"What are the requirements?"

"In exchange for this dragon king, he will appear in the Dragon City auction house tomorrow. Whoever can take out the innate treasure can get the dragon king, and this person will help the person who gets it to subdue it!" The clever monk said.

"What, the innate spiritual treasure, this is the most precious treasure that only appears in the legend. It contains the great fortune of heaven and earth. It rarely appears in the practice world. It is quite difficult to get it!"

In addition to being shocked, several people on the side shook their heads repeatedly. The requirements of the mysterious strongman are too high. Even if someone has countless spiritual stones and good elixir, it is impossible to exchange for the Dragon King!

The only condition is to need an innate spiritual treasure, this legendary magic weapon!

However, everyone still understands how precious a dragon king is. Only the innate spiritual treasure deserves its value.

In the remote corner, Xue Hao took advantage of the extraordinary mind to hear such a news. His heart moved and a strange smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He remembered some past events. In the past, when Longyuan Pavilion tried and recruited disciples, Xue Hao once used his blood to praise an ordinary sickle to praise an innate spirit. Bao has concealed everyone. For him, it is not difficult for him to create a fake innate spiritual treasure.

Even in his storage bag, the fog flag, Xue Hao suspects that this is very likely to be a real innate spiritual treasure!

Therefore, this condition, which is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, is easy for Xue Hao.

Hearing such news, Xue Hao couldn't help but have a plan in his heart. He could make a congenital spiritual treasure and then sell it on the auction house to get a large number of spiritual stones, so that he could buy the spring and autumn wood he needed!

"Oh... then no one has the chance to get this dragon king." Others sighed that so far, no one has heard of anyone with the legendary innate spiritual treasure, which is like a dream for all monks who want to get the dragon king!

"Actually, this is not the case. Now because of this news, the strong people of major leagues, as well as individual repair, are coming. Maybe they are pregnant with innate spiritual treasures, but it is not necessarily!" The clever monk said.

"Oh? What if it really isn't? What if the Dragon King can't go out for auction? Someone asked.

"That mysterious strong man is eye-catching. If he can't sell it, he will choose to put down his pride and join the Flying Sword Alliance to avoid being plotted by others. After all, such things happen from time to time!" The clever monk said.

"I'm telling you a piece of news that the leader of the Spirit King Alliance, that is, the spiritual king who left the Dragon City at the beginning, has used the ancient transmission array to send back to the Dragon City. He once found the spiritual vein in the Sea of Longyuan and naturally has spring and autumn trees, but other alliances do not, so he can only fly on foot. Now I'm coming to Longcheng!"

"Is the Spirit King here? It seems that there will be some changes in the city!" Some people said that they felt that the undercurrent had surged more in the Dragon City.

"Well, let's not talk about it. We're just joining in the fun. We can't get close to these things. Let's wait and see!" The clever monk sighed and continued to taste the spiritual tea with several practicing monks next to him. No one noticed the remote corner. An inconspicuous monk who had been sitting there had disappeared.

However, the clever monk's eyes flashed imperceptiblely.

In a bustling street in Longcheng, Xue Hao looked as usual and passed through the monks. The direction was extremely clear, his footsteps were brisk, and he was familiar with the road. After a few breaths, he came to a shop with a low-level magic weapon.

This is where he bought the compass and the ordinary sickle before. Without any hesitation, Xue Hao threw out a low-grade spiritual stone and bought the same sickle again.

After leaving the shop, Xue Hao's mind unfolded and explored his surroundings. Suddenly, his eyes were condensed, and his surface was motionless, but his heart moved slightly. He felt that he was behind the crowd, kilometers away from his eyes that had never been separated from him.

ignored, Xue Hao sneered at the corners of his mouth. His footsteps were not as fast as before, but slowed down, so that the people behind him could see his direction more. He walked through the crowd as if nothing had happened. His steps became slower and slower, but the eyes behind him were getting closer and closer. Soon, across the crowd, two People are no more than 100 meters away.

Xue Hao's sneering at the corners of his mouth was even stronger, and his body flashed. He directly crossed the bustling street and disappeared into an empty alley.

No one noticed this scene, but the eyes behind were condensed, and then he hesitated for a while and seemed to be more hesitant. In the end, he did not retreat, but followed closely.

After a while, a figure appeared in the uninhabited alley where Xue Hao disappeared. It was the clever monk who talked before. At this moment, after he came here, his originally extremely alert eyes suddenly flashed a trace of surprise, and he shouted in his heart. He had expected that this person would definitely be underestimated by himself and was definitely not ordinary. A monk in the early days of foundation.

Suddenly, he pulled out his legs and was about to retreat, but at this time, in front of him, a light flashed, making him unable to retreat. What's more, he felt that a terrible power dissipated. This power made his surprise quickly turn into horror and infinite deepening, and he secretly regretted that he should not follow him before, because At this moment, he has found that this person, like himself, hides his cultivation!

"Mid-term foundation!"

This clever monk can't help exclaiming that this kind of cultivation fluctuation is not a mid-term foundation-building monk, but what is it? Even if he disperses his cultivation, he has barely reached the beginning of foundation construction and has no power to fight at all!

Even his apprehension was more than that, because he had just released his cultivation in an instant, and there was no resistance. Such a naked suppression, he had a feeling that he was really like a practicing monk in front of him!


The clever monk's face suddenly changed, and his whole body was suddenly scared to move, and his eyes showed disbelief. Then, the figure in the light was clearly seen by him. It was Xue Hao who grabbed and stretched out at this moment and directly clamped his neck!

"say! What are you doing with me!" Xue Hao was expressionless, stared at the other party, and said coldly.

"I don't mean to follow Taoist friends at all... Ah... Taoist friends, slow down, tell the truth, tell the truth..."

The clever monk is already trembling at this moment. If he really continues the lie, he has every reason to believe that as long as the other party moves gently, he will splash blood on the spot!

It's not that he hasn't seen the mid-base monk, but at this moment, Xue Hao is definitely not the kind he has seen, even unheard of. At least he is also in the early stage of foundation-building. How can he be so easily controlled by the other party? Is this still the middle stage of foundation?

Originally, he thought that with some magic weapons in his storage bag, he could attack Xue Hao by surprise and directly take over the local storage bag.

He has done a lot of killing and treasure-grabbing things. Although he said it was easy before, he has experienced several life-and-death disasters in the cold valley, relying on negative means and subtle observation to avoid disasters.

Entering the pavilion from Xue Hao, according to his keen judgment, it was expected that Xue Hao was not an ordinary person, and he had been observing people all year round, which made his intuition about treasures different from ordinary people. He could see that there was absolutely hidden treasures in Xue Hao's storage bag.

Therefore, although the previous series of words are what he has heard, one of the ultimate purposes is to paralyze Xue Hao and then use means to seize his treasure while he is unprepared.

He saw that Xue Hao was in the early stage of foundation building, and also saw that Xue Hao was not simple, but he overestimated himself and underestimated Xue Hao too much!

Unexpectedly, Xue Hao also hid his cultivation, and even felt that the other party did not seem to be in the middle of foundation at all!

"Is that all?"

Xue Hao frowned and stared at the frightened clever monk. His mind unfolded, and his eyes showed a cold light, which made the man's crotch hot and his lower body was soaked.

"Taoist friends, what I said below is true. If you know that Taoist friends are so powerful, even if you lend them to the next 100 courage, you dare not be unfavorable to them!" The clever monk cried with a sad face, as if he was telling a lie.

"Even if what you say is true, do you think I will let you go?" Xue Hao sneered at the corners of his mouth, and his hand holding the other party's neck filled with a golden light.

This kind of person can never stay, because he is scheming and has suffered many losses before, just in case, he can only kill him quickly!

After experiencing the incident of Shangguan Jianmo, Xue Hao became more decisive. If people don't offend me, I won't offend him!

"Hail! Taoist friend, listen to me! I know that Taoist friends came here for the Dragon King, and I have a plan to keep it for the Taoist friends to get the Dragon King!" The clever monk became wise in a hurry and blurted out.

At the end of this sentence, it was obvious that he felt the golden light at his neck slowly dissipated, and he was secretly relieved. Then he looked at Xue Hao, who looked at his face as usual and didn't say a word. He quickly said, "Taoist friend, what I said before is not complete. As far as I know, some people have it. !"

After this sentence was said, the man's heart was shaking, but his face was extremely scared, his eyes were bright, and he had been looking at Xue Hao's reaction.

How did you know that this sentence did not have any ** power for Xue Hao. His eyes were as cold as ever, but the golden light in his hand did not appear. Obviously, he may be interested in his following.

At this moment, the clever monk's heart is more solemn, because at this moment, it seems that Xue Hao should not be this expression. The innate magic weapon is rare in the world. If ordinary people hear such news, they will certainly be shocked. Even if they know how to hide it, they can still see some fluctuations in their eyes. .

But at this moment, the clever monk was puzzled. Xue Hao's eyes were deep and as plain as ever. With his experience in the practice world, this is really a sign of not caring!

It seems that Xue Hao doesn't care about the innate spiritual treasure!

This idea can definitely confirm that it makes the apparition in the hearts of the clever monks even more powerful. This person has underestimated himself from the beginning, and he has underestimated it very much.

However, Fortunately, Xue Hao didn't do anything, so he said that he still had a chance. Thinking of this, he couldn't help stopping the language and trying his best to speak more powerfully. He said, "Taoist friends may not know much about it. A few days ago, I heard some rumors in a secret underground trading bank in Longcheng. Some people are going to sell innate magic weapons, or exchange equivalent items, or even what they said about the Dragon King before, which is actually not accurate. In fact, the mysterious strongman's auction on the Dragon City auction house is actually a false news, in order to confuse those powerful alliances that are constantly chasing and trade underground. In the middle, he decided to trade the Dragon King in exchange for what he needed!"


Xue Hao rarely opens his mouth. On the surface, he is still calm, but his heart is tight. Obviously, this is not a good thing for his plan. If the Dragon King sells it in advance, it is impossible to get a lot of spiritual stones to buy spring and autumn trees.

He never knew that there was such an underground exchange. At this moment, the clever monk can say that it is not empty. Maybe it is true. In this way, he can only change his plan and go directly to this underground trading place to seek trading. He even hopes that there will be spring and autumn trees in the trading field. Sell, so that you can achieve the goal directly, which can't be better.

However, the person in front of him was unusual. Xue Hao did not believe it all, but was thinking about what the person said, which was a little true. If he fell into the trap of the other party, it would be very bad.

"The advantage of the underground trading floor is that in that mysterious place, there will be a strong array that existed before the Dragon City was sealed, which was created by the monks in the Yuanying period. This magic array is not aggressive, but the important thing is that it can hide all the breath of the monks. , including the body, as well as the voice and face, so that the traders don't know each other and avoid things like killing and grabbing treasures!" The clever monk continued to say, frightened and still observing Xue Hao's reaction.

This time, he was slightly relieved. Although Xue Hao's eyes were well concealed, with his insight, he could still see an imperceptible fluctuation flashed by.

Although this fluctuation is very weak, it means that Xue Hao is moved, and the purpose of the clever monk is that as long as Xue Hao is moved, everything is not a problem!

At this moment, the clever monk is already sneering in his heart...

"Which direction is this place exactly!" Xue Hao said concisely and stared at the other party and asked.

The clever monk hurriedly said the location. This location was extremely remote, but what surprised Xue Hao was that he had been to the place mentioned by the clever monk!

It was the one who participated in the trial of Longyuan Pavilion before, suffering from the lack of spiritual stones on his body, and then passed by the dilapidated store that he also took over the beast hunter mission there!

Of course, later he already knew that the old man was the spirit king, which is also in line with the reason why the magic array was created by the monk Biyuanying, because the spirit king was in the Yuanying period before his cultivation was suppressed!

Naturally, the clever monk did not know that Xue Hao had been here, and he was still secretly proud of his calculation.

"How can I get there?" Xue Hao naturally couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking, but with his mind, he could also feel that this person was uneasy and kind.

"But Taoist friend, if I tell you this and help you enter the underground trading floor, can you spare my life? Otherwise, I won't say anything if I swear to death!" The clever monk's face was tragic, as if he had risked it. He wanted Xue Hao to make a promise, otherwise he would rather be broken than complete. Obviously, that's what he meant.

This clever monk's expression is very real. If ordinary people think, they can't find any flaws at all. Even Xue Hao can't see it. However, Xue Hao has seen such an expression once, that is, the expression of the other party is exactly the same!

On the surface, you can't see anything. It's very real. If Xue Hao doesn't agree, even if he dies, he won't tell Xue Hao. However, it's because it's true that he does it too much, but has an unreal feeling!

This is the truth that everything must be reversed. Therefore, this makes Xue Hao decide in his heart that this person must be thinking about something!

Thinking of this, Xue Hao's face was as usual, but he sneered in his heart and said lightly, "As long as you don't play anything, I can spare your life!"

This is also Xue Hao's promise, but how can the other party not play tricks?

And the clever monk heard this and looked happy. This joy was indeed emanating from the inside out. What he was happy was not that Xue Hao could make a promise to spare his life. What he was happy about was Xue Hao, who had fallen into his trap step by step!

In an instant, the clever monk gritted his teeth, patted the storage bag, and immediately sparkled. A thing flew out of it and was wrapped in white light. He could not see it clearly. When the clever monk raised his hand and the white light dissipated, he showed the appearance of the object.

When he saw this thing, even with Xue Hao's mind, he couldn't help but be stunned. How similar such a scene is, because this thing is a simple token!

At the beginning, Di Tian wanted to assassinate him because of a token!

This coincidence, even if he didn't expect to doubt the clever monk before, but now he will definitely be suspicious!

"Taoist friends, this thing is not available to everyone, but the qualification token issued after the owner of the underground trading place is recognized. Ordinary people can't get it at all. I also worked hard to get such a thing. If Taoist friends take this thing, naturally someone will take you into the trading place!" The clever monk obviously did not know what Xue Hao was thinking, but still said to himself, looking extremely serious and told Xue Hao some precautions and the use of jade pendants.

"Taoist friend, now, you can put it down! Although Taoist friends check it, there is absolutely nothing strange about this thing!" The clever monk said.

"Oh? Is that right? Let me see!" Xue Hao pretended not to know and let go of his palms. Then, he secretly ran the victory formula and was about to reach out to the jade pendant. Suddenly, there was a feeling of bad in his heart. His face was as usual, and he was not panicked at all, as if he had already expected.

Suddenly, his hand stopped in the air, and the clever monk's eyes were still. He had been following Xue Hao's palm and suddenly stopped. Then his heart trembled. He thought that Xue Hao found something wrong, and immediately said, "What's wrong with Taoist friend?"

"Oh, it's okay!" Xue Hao smiled. He has given the other party a chance. Since the other party still does not expose the lie, he is looking for his own death!

The palm of his hand kept, and Xue Hao ran the victory formula to the peak, but on the surface, there was no golden light. This is another situation, turning decay into magic.

"Take...take it! After you take it, you will be able to find the deadly poison that can't be untied by the Yuanying monks. In three years, you will be directly poisoned to death. There is no solution to this poison at all. Moreover, only monks above Yuanying can see that it is that I got it after killing a monk by chance. No matter how extraordinary you are, it is difficult to see it. Among them, it's just a normal token!"

At this moment, the clever monk is very excited. As long as Xue Hao's hand touches the token, everything will be over!

"Hmm! Fight with me! Beware of the heart! You are still a little young! I do have a real token, but that was also obtained by killing a person who is qualified to participate in the underground trading field. This person is still in the later stage of foundation building, let alone you!"

The sneer in the heart of the clever monk still did not stop, and he even aimed at Xue Hao's storage bag. There was a cold light in his eyes. He could immediately see what the other party's treasure was!


Suddenly, while he was still immersed in his imagination, a sudden explosion came, and then a red fog permeated his whole body.

The explosion came suddenly, but he also reacted quickly and shouted badly. Suddenly, he found that Xue Hao in front of him disappeared and exploded the token that should have been obtained by Xue Hao!

"How could this happen!" The man's screams came one after another, echoing in this uninhabited alley...