
Chapter 214 Compared with the Three Emperors

"What is it?" The fairy-like woman is almost instantaneous, and in her beautiful eyes, it is

Full of concerns and worries.

For many years, because of the emperor, a pair of children had to be separated from her. At that time, Xue Hao and his sister were still infuriating, and even in memory, the appearance of their parents must be very vague.

Which parent will abandon his child cruelly? As strong as them, it is still inevitable to be superior, but for the future of the child and the hope of the saint family, he has to do so.

The mother is worried about her son, and who can understand the mood of the Virgin Mary?

She just came here to meet her own son and daughter, that's all.

Now I heard that Xue Hao was counted as a variable by Tianji. Although he knew that he might not be worried, his heart couldn't help but be twisted like a knife.

"The son of the Virgin Mary, this time is not clear, but the Mother's worry is not necessary. Therefore, there is no danger for him. On the contrary, if the demon king succeeds this time, he must not be separated from him. This is a variable!" Tianji calculated something, but it seemed that he wanted to stop talking and only said these words.

Obviously, he is a precious opportunity, and the ability to make him have unspeakable things shows that things are unusual.

Seeing this expression of Tianji, the Virgin Mary could not see it. Just as she was about to ask, Xue Wuya's voice did come from beside her: "But it's okay to say it."

Tianji was silent, and his expression became more and more solemn. Finally, he sighed slowly and said, "Although this Tianji is not as powerful as my ancestors, there has been no omission since I got it. Only three people can't count their future and past. Now, they are adding one person."

As soon as this statement came out, although the voice was extremely calm, even the ancient god and demon man and Zhen Yuanzi stared at Tianji.

Obviously, we can hear that the fourth person said by Tianji no longer needs to be questioned.

It's not that they haven't seen the world. On the contrary, it's really difficult to have anything between heaven and earth that can move them, at least not at the lower level.

However, Tianji is one of the five tribes attacking the sky. Like their identity, how can they calm down in this evaluation?

You should know that when the Tianji clan attacked the sky in the past, there were almost no people and things that could not be counted, whether it was lower or higher, and even the number of the qi of the heavenly world could be calculated. Although the heavenly machine of this generation is far worse than that of the ancestors, there is really nothing that can't be counted in the upper and lower levels.

"What are those three?"

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi, who was possessed by the compass, opened his mouth. He was no longer a real Zhenyuanzi. Whether it was temperament or cultivation, he was very different from the former patriarch of Longyuan Pavilion, the great power of the Huashen period.

In the past, the compass had an intersection with Xue Hao. He knew Xue Hao's identity and had long expected that he was unusual.

"Three Emperors!"

Tianji slowly spit out these two words, and the three people he can't count are the most powerful three beings in history that have ever appeared in the world.

War Emperor, Human Emperor, Spirit Emperor!

These three men dominated the nine heavens and ten earths, and have truly invaded the heavens, and even entered the southern heaven gates. They fought with the supreme existence of the heavens and the five heavenly emperors.

Who can compare with such achievements?

Later, although the three emperors failed, it is rumored that the three ancient emperors did not die and were self-proclaimed in the ancient realm in their later years. This statement is difficult for even for them to be confirmed.

Today, the heavenly machine of this generation can't calculate the future of the three emperors and everything about them, but it is only the three emperors. Except for them, it can almost do everything for the sky.

Even if it is as strong as them, Tianji can be calculated, but he is afraid of affecting the Taoism and the future, so he has never let Tianji calculate it.

Now, there is a fourth person, so that the chance can't be calculated?

How can they not be stunned? How can it not move?

According to the normal theory, this person is likely to be comparable to the three emperors.

At this moment, the god and demon man, Zhen Yuanzi, and the Holy Emperor couple all stared at the sky and waited for the following.

These supreme existences in the nine heavens are surprisingly quiet at this moment. Although they have not emitted any breath against the monks on the earth and in the low sky, they still dare not move at all. They do not know the purpose of these phenomena that have come here like thunder before endless years. Because they are not qualified to know.

They can only maintain such a posture for fear of angering these terrible existences. Nowadays, ancient art, dragon extension water, and innate magic weapons are no longer important, and life-saving has become the only extravagant hope of these people.

"Presumably, when the Holy Emperor put this son down the steps, he must have some hunch in his heart. There is only one sentence to send. If we really step into that territory, whether it is the three emperors, the ten saints, or the dragon emperor who is now testifying the way, lacks a reason, which is the only reason for the success of attacking the sky. Hope, this son is not only a variable for the demon king. For you, for me, and even for the cultivation of ants below, it is a variable. He can't be fixed in his life, and from beginning to end, it is full of variables. This is one of them. The second is that a few years later, he will attack the sky, become and lose to him. As for the most In the end, I can't say much about the cause and effect.

After saying this, Tianji closed his eyes and his body was shrouded in a thick haze, which means that he had entered meditation and did not want to say anything more.

Above nine days, those figures have not been spoken for a long time. Although the sky is extremely vague, there are some key things that can attract people's reverie, but the more they think about it, the more shocking they are.

"Is it that if I come to help the Dragon Emperor attack the sky this time, it is doomed to be a defeat?" The demon man opened his mouth, his expression changed, and his eyebrows frowned faintly.

Because Tianji has been vaguely hinted, that is, the success or failure of attacking heaven has calculated a cause, and there is no doubt that this reason is Xue Hao.

What a high evaluation is. Even from the expression of the Holy Emperor Xue Wuya at this moment, he obviously feels that this matter is ridiculous. How can he not know how weak his son will be now, but he has to believe the words of Tianji.

"Perhaps, since the sky has reached this end, we still have to take action, otherwise even if it is for this reason, or the future success or failure will be affected."

Zhen Yuanzi opened his mouth. At the same time, several other people nodded slightly in favor of this practice. The art of Tianji itself is a thing that goes against the sky. If the original intention is changed because of Tianji's words, it will add a lot of changes.

Nowadays, the top ten dragon palaces are extremely calm, but several of them know that this is the dragon emperor brewing. Soon, it will definitely attract the heaven, and then it will be the time to take action.

At that time, it was also the time for the Dragon Emperor to prove the Tao, and they needed to protect him, which was the purpose of their coming here.

"I want to see my child-..." At this moment, the Virgin Mary is full of pear blossoms and rain, and there are traces of tears in the phoenix's eyes. Only then did she hear Tianji's remarks. She is not proud of her son. On the contrary, if she can, she hopes to take care of her children forever like a mortal mother.

It's just their identity. It's impossible to doomed to such a thing. Just like Xue Hao's fate, as Tianji said, it is really full of variables.

"Good! OK! OK!"

Xue Wuya ignored the Virgin at this moment and even said three good words, each of which was like tears, which shocked the monks below to be extremely flustered.

Xue Wuya's eyes showed unparalleled excitement, and his whole breath could not be suppressed, as if he was going to disperse.

He was excited and gratified, because he sent his children to the next level to sharpen. It was true. As Tianji said, from the birth of the two brothers and sisters, especially Xue Hao, Xue Wuya realized that Xue Hao's future was absolutely extraordinary. Therefore, later, he sent the two brothers and sisters to the atmosphere of practice. It's not as good as the lower level of the Holy Land, and the location is not those super large sects, nor the blessed land, nor the five-ethnic ruins like the sea of the dragon abyss, but in a mortal village.

Mortal people, even in the lower levels, are also ants among ants, but Xue Hao still stepped into the world of practice and got many treasures. More than that, although the two father and sons did not recognize each other in the lake that day, there, Xue Hao shocked the saint's family into the supreme holy emperor's father and shocked him fiercely. Shocked.

Even he has never felt the field of the saint clan, because this is a broken way of practice, but his son has done it alive.

These things are simply coincide with what Tianji said. Xue Hao is the cause and the variable. He never knows what will happen to him. His future is really difficult to calculate.

"My good son! A good son of his father, even if he helps the Dragon Emperor suffer a great disaster this time, as long as you live, everything can be changed. My lifelong long-cherished wish is to uphold the wishes of the ten ancestors. One day, he will trample on the world above his head. He can't do it as a father, but as a father believes you and can Do it!"


Then, as if he couldn't suppress his increasingly excited mood, Xue Wuya laughed happily and responded to half of the eastern soil.

"I want to see him..."

Once, the voice of the Virgin Mary came out, which made his laughter stop.

He turned his head and took a look. The beautiful and suffocating woman in front of her showed a soft light in her eyes, hugged her, gently touched her jade-like forehead, and said in the softest voice, "Haoer's future is unlimited, but now, it's not when you see him, otherwise, it may hurt him."

"But you promised me... I want to see him!"