
Chapter 217 I am a saint!


Hearing this, several supremes, including Zhen Yuanzi, flashed an obvious surprise in their eyes, especially the gods and demon men, who directly spit out such a word. The meaning inside is self-evident.

It's just that when he whispered, something unimaginable had indeed happened in the picture.

In fact, when the Holy Emperor and his wife argued, this period of time was not long or short. However, compared with the danger faced by Xue Hao, if it really had been waiting for the Virgin Mary to take action, it had been a long time.

Tianji is not wrong. At this moment, a long time has passed in the picture. I don't know what happened in the process, but Xue Hao has stood under the black door.

And under his feet and even behind him, there were endless fire beast corpses and magma-like **, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

However, it can be seen that Xue Hao has not been attacked by that kind of devastating attack. Although his breath is extremely depressed, his body is still sound. There are many wounds on the upper body, but it has not penetrated into the bone marrow.

At this moment, his eyes were like a torch, and he was not in a hurry to enter the black door, but sat under the door, trying to repair the injured body as much as possible, and slowly closed his eyes.

When the picture arrived here, it paused.

Because the Holy Emperor and his wife, the god and demon man, and Zhenyuanzi have attracted a lot of attention more or less. Even they can't know what happened in this process.

If it hadn't been for the sudden words of Tianji, they wouldn't have even looked at the picture.

The most surprising person is the god and demon man. From this moment, it can be seen that the supreme king of the ancient clan has not shown such a stunned expression for a long time. It is not how strong Xue Hao's record is, but that what was originally expected has changed.

Similarly, the Holy Emperor and his wife were also stunned. The couple looked at each other and saw a strong appreciation and light from each other's eyes.

"I said, our child is not the kind that needs to be sheltered under the wings. He is a variable. Every moment, impossible things will happen to him."

The Holy Emperor quickly regained his composure. He looked at the Virgin and said slowly. Although the voice of the words was very low, he knew that the demon man could hear it.

Sure enough, the demon man frowned.

This is equivalent to a slap in the face in disguise. Although the matter is not big, and the god and demon man and the Holy Emperor have been friends for ten thousand years, such a thing will not affect the relationship between the two, but the face of the god and demon man will not be too good.

Previously, Xue Hao said that it was definitely impossible to clear the fire, but what he said, although no one has made an opinion on such a result, the sentence he said will not be forgotten.

In fact, as a king of the upper-level ancient clan, no one really dares to embarras him in this way. He has not tried this feeling for many years.


However, it is obvious that some people have more complicated feelings than demon men.

At this moment, the Virgin Mary took a look at Xue Hao, who repaired the injured body in the picture, and then turned her head, and her eyes were full of apology.

But before she finished saying this, she had been embraced by a powerful arm.

All explanations are not needed. A hug is the best response.

"Heavenly machine, you are proficient in a medium spell. Give me an explanation." Naturally, the power of the demon man as the king's realm is not comparable to those ordinary people. Although such a thing is an obvious humiliation for ordinary people, it is not a big deal for a person like him with great power, and he will not pay attention to it at all.

The reason why he asked Tianji was that he was curious. How on earth did Xue Hao finally break through the almost invincible fire beast encirclement for him in the case of the loss of spiritual gold?

This is not a simple escape, but a total kill!

As soon as these words came out, the Holy Emperor and his wife and the Zhenyuanzi also flashed with curiosity in their eyes and looked at the sky that had been sitting.

Nowadays, several great powers look at Tianji's eyes are very different. This is the highest embodiment of the real Tianji magic. Even if Xue Hao will eventually turn to safety, he has not gained trust.

"There have been many offenses before, but the people of my ancient clan only believe in front of us. If you have any opinion on me, it's okay to say it."

The demon man said such a sentence. Although his tone was still cold, it was obvious that the apology was very clear.

As soon as this statement came out, both Tianji and the Holy Emperor couple were stunned for a moment, and then quickly calmed down. Obviously, this sentence was not what the demon man said to Tianji alone.

They were stunned not because of anything else, but because it was really not easy to say this sentence from the demon man.

You should know that whether it is identity or strength, the king of the ancient clan can dominate among several people!

If they turn against each other, absolutely no one will have any objection, but at this moment, they have underestimated the mind of the god and demon man. People in this position will inevitably be more terrible in the future.

In the past, his head was cut off by the general, but he is still miraculously reborn. The god and demon man is worthy of being the strongest of the ancient clan.

"It doesn't matter."

At this time, the sound of Tianji finally came out. Then, in the void where it was, the fog dissipated autonomously. The sitting Tianji suddenly opened his eyes, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes. Then, he raised his hand, and the picture in the void was broken and instantly reorganized.

However, at present, the picture is no longer the scene of Xue Hao sitting at the black gate to recover his injured body, but a strange return to the scene of Xue Hao being bitten by the fire beast on his left arm.

Seeing this picture, the Holy Emperor and his wife, the gods and demons all flashed in their eyes. It was the time when Xue Hao arrived at the Black Gate, which was also the time they ignored.

Now, Tianji has obviously used some powerful means to play this picture back. Of course, the real Xue Hao is still under the black gate and will soon get started.

"Since my practice, I have encountered several life and death crises, but every time, I don't completely rely on myself. Now, I have nothing, and even my spiritual power is exhausted. Some people think that I will inevitably fall, but I, Xue Hao, always firmly believes that there is no hard to see, let alone a mortal situation!"

In the picture, Xue Hao said such words, which made several great powers show their admiration, especially the gods and demon men, because he resonates with this personality. In fact, he himself is like this.

"Damn beast, it's time to deal with you!"

Xue Hao roared, and there was unprecedented madness in his eyes. Then, he stared at the fire beast and suddenly shook his body, and a strong halo burst out with his chest as the center. Then, it permeated his whole body, and the speed was extremely fast, and even the bitten arm was covered.

The first place to emit light in his chest is the imprint of the flower on the other side that symbolizes the field. In today's situation, it is obviously not that Xue Hao has inspired the field. Regardless of whether the field is ineffective against fire beasts, Xue Hao's body has no spiritual power at all, which is the best proof.

"I am invincible! Kill!"

Xue Hao's eyes completely turned red. This red covered the red of the flame and the red of blood. The fire beast began to tremble a little miraculously. The blood basin had a big mouth, and there were signs of loosening. Obviously, this was not such a powerful and unparalleled means that Xue Hao suddenly broke out, but An invisible momentum!

Then, under the eyes of several powerful figures, Xue Hao in the picture suddenly raised his hand, then waved his right hand, and a flash of light directly hit the fire beast.

With a "bang", the fire beast exploded directly at an unimaginable speed. This time, even the magma did not erupt and dissipated directly.

It seems that even its breath does not exist.


Then, the fire beast was killed, as if it had angered the rest of the fire beasts. Even at this moment, it was obvious that they were in a panic, including the seemingly invincible and powerful king-level fire beast.

They no longer stay where they are, waiting for Xue Hao to come, but take the initiative to attack!

"If faith does not die, then my heart does not die, and my life can be changed, because I am a saint!"

In Xue Hao's mouth, such a sentence also sounded in his heart. This was his complete understanding at this moment. He knew what his original intention was. Even after he killed the fire beast, he understood everything. What he understood was not only his own heart, but also the mystery of the sea of fire, and finally How to clear customs!

Although this enlightenment is only 30 years late, for him, without these 30 years of experience, this enlightenment may come later.


"Hao'er, at such an age, in such a state, he has clearly realized his belief. What kind of experience has our child had in the past!"

At this moment, several powers in the outside world can't calm down, because they know that Xue Hao really did not rely on any so-called foreign help at this moment, that is, he really killed the fire beast by himself.

And this sea of fire, in fact, is the sea of faith, can only be broken by faith.

Xue Hao's anti-sky was finally reflected at this moment. Maybe he himself did not know, but it was impossible for several great powers present to know, because they experienced such a thing when they broke through the realm of dragon singing at the peak of the realm of gods.

Maybe the lower monks know that only the will can truly transform God, but they absolutely don't know how to break through the forbidden power beyond the transformation of God, that is, the Dragon Yin Realm.

Only faith can sing.

Will, faith, indispensable!