
Chapter 221 Brother!

Chapter221 Brother!

This picture is simply too shocking. A pair of huge white palms can't be described as covering the sky and the sun. The power of such a raw tearing space and blooming is not intentional, but unintentional. It is an unparalleled king's breath.

It seems that he is the born king. Even the jade pendant that had a highlight moment in the past gives people the feeling, let alone the jade pendant is not complete and is in the process of trying to recover.


In the demonic spirit, Xue Hao could naturally see the palm of his hand, and his heart suddenly trembled, and his body trembled involuntarily. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth.

The stubborn stone came out with boundless fear. He didn't know who this sudden existence was, but why didn't he know?

Although it is only the palm of the hand, it is not complete, but the familiar and strange feeling can't be wrong. What's more, when the king's divine thoughts came out, the jade pendant and stubborn stone heard that Xue Hao did not know, but he himself understood everything.

"My son..."

Xue Hao muttered to himself, recalling the mysterious world in the past, the snowy world, the lake where the flowers on the other side of the shore, the father-in-law, all kinds of things on that day made him involuntarily contact the owner of the sound.

"Who the hell are you? The realm of kings!? This breath is... a member of the saint!"

Finally, more frightening thoughts came out of this stubborn stone.

"Humph, Tianxuan! I have some friendship with you and me in the past. This time, if I violate my beliefs, I won't care about you. However, it is impossible for you to get the fruit of this stubborn stone.

The white palm gradually stretched out from the crack, becoming more and more horrible, stirring up the void.

"Hey... Xue Wuya, I'm not as good as you after all..."

At this moment, the spirit of the jade pendant suddenly changed into vicissitudes and far away, as if recalling a past. Anyone can hear it, and it is more than weaker in front of that big hand.

And, it's just a pair of hands. If I appear, I don't know what it will be like.

In the demonic spirit, Xue Hao closed his eyes when the stubborn stone did not dare to act rashly. He wanted to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth here to recover as soon as possible, but suddenly he heard this divine idea and felt a pause in his heart.

In the past, he was rescued by Yupei several times and has been unable to figure out the reason. If the owner of the two big hands is really Xue Hao's father, then the two kings with supreme power in the past must have a long-standing grudge. Although now in terms of paper strength, it can be said that The difference between heaven and earth, the holy emperor Xue Wuya is at its peak. As for the jade pendant, although it has recovered a little, it is still not feared.

Otherwise, Yupei would not have said that.

"In the past, you and I have embarked on the journey of practice one after another. Although you are a demon, you are the first person of the demon clan to be amazing. You and I are also enemies and friends, but after several breakthroughs in practice, we fought fiercely with you, but you have always been slightly inferior. Until later, you are the king, and you have unified the demon clan and become king. You In my battle of kings, do you... remember what did you promise me!?"

In the void, although the crystal big hands stand quietly at this moment, in their thoughts, they are no longer as casual and indifferent as before, but questioning.


The jade pendant seemed to tremble slightly, and then a strong and helpless sigh came from inside. The owner of the big hand was the only feared existence since its endless years of practice. This fear has always existed even after being promoted to the realm of the king. As the Holy Emperor said, although they The clans are different, but their cultivation has been growing alternately. However, in the hands of the Holy Emperor, no matter how hard it tries, the endless joy after breaking through and succeedingly runs to the decisive battle with the Holy Emperor without suspense and is extinguished.

"I remember that in that battle, I lost to you without any suspense, and in that battle, you and I made a bet. If anyone lost, we would be a slave for the other party for 500 years. As a result...he..."

Speaking of this, Yupei obviously stopped talking, as if recalling a sad past.

"You don't want to say that I said for you that you lost the first world war, but in the precious friendship of the past, I didn't let you be a slave, but let you promise to protect my young child until he awakened the field of the saint, do you still remember?"

This divine idea spread out. In the whole dark world, it was suddenly surprisingly quiet. The jade pendant did not respond, and there was a faint light blooming all over.


"Xue Wuya! Are you Xue Wuya? Humph, this scum of our clan dares not fight with you, but I am not afraid. I don't know if you remember? Is there a saint in your family who was kicked out by you? Before he died, he was talking and was unwilling to succumb to you. Looking at his appearance, I really felt sorry for him. Therefore, I devoured all the fruits and sent him free!"

"What!? Is he... dead?

As soon as the mind of the stubborn stone appeared, the whole world seemed to burst, and the holy emperor's tone was full of disbelief and astonishment.

"Haha... That saint is really useless. If he hadn't been willing to be swallowed up by him, he wouldn't have grown up to now!"


Suddenly, when the stubborn stone was about to continue to spread its mind, its body was directly hit by a horrible light with extreme speed and exploding.

This scene was particularly real, and the trembling in his heart was unprecedented. Although the stubborn stone only had the ontology, it still had the strength he looked up to now, but it was directly killed, and even the scum could not be left. This was the first time he saw this father's supreme power with his own eyes. Compared with the past, What is felt in the picture of the compass is not a level at all.

However, at the moment when the stubborn stone exploded, Xue Hao's eyes condensed and saw a faint light and shadow, which gradually condensed into shape, but seemed to disappear in an instant.

He was extremely familiar with the light and shadow. He was the ancestor of Xiaoyao Valley. Although Xue Hao did not understand his deeds, he was indeed in awe, and then he did not hesitate and bowed deeply in that direction.

Anyway, his kindness to Xue Hao is huge, and he can stand the worship of Xue Hao.

"Brother... You finally admit my brother?"

"Brother, no matter how great the hatred is between you and me, the blood of you and me is always the same color! We are brothers, that's all