There is no way to seek immortals

Chapter 11 Release

Chapter 11 List

After a full meal of chicken soup, Li Hua touched his round belly and returned to the compartment to sleep with satisfaction. Although the episode that happened when he just watched the play reminded him of some bad memories of the past, in general, Li Hua was still in a good mood today. He not only finished the hospital examination smoothly, but also finally developed this damn jade pendant.

Lying in the western wing**, he put his left hand on his chest, touched the jade pendant, licked the remaining fragrance of chicken soup on his lips, and Li Hua fell asleep.

In my dream, I didn't know that I was a guest, and I was greedy.

In a daze, Li Hua found himself becoming a little hen in his dream. Catch insects and eat grain happily every day. Then, there is a group of chicken babies, and they also give birth to an egg every day. Looking at the master picking up the eggs he laid every day, the joy in his heart...

"Wait!" Suddenly, Li Hua understood a little. Looking at the owner's face, it was actually Li Fugui with a moustache on his mouth.

"Ah!" Li Hua shouted and woke up.

"So I was just dreaming! It scared me to death, scared me to death..." Li Hua woke up from the nightmare, sweating heavily, his face was pale, and he couldn't help patting his chest.

When he recovered, Li Hua found that it had been three days. Looking around, Li Yan and Li Hao had also got up and were no longer in the house. Recalling his dream just now, Li Hua smiled bitterly and said to himself, "It seems that I really shouldn't have drunk that chicken soup yesterday. I'm uneasy. It's ridiculous to dream that I have become a chicken!"

"Little brother... little brother... Hurry up... Let's release the list... Let's release the list!!" Just as Li Hua was still recalling the strange dream, Li Hao rushed in.

"Why did it release the list today? Didn't you say it's usually two days later?" Li Hua dressed well in a hurry. According to his father Li Bai, the college trial is usually released two days later. Why did they start to release the list the next day?

"At first, I was also strange, but later I heard that it was the new general, Wang Zigui. He is impatient. This time, the writing style of Tongsheng in Lefeng Township is good. The examiner who pulled a class of marking papers overnight has finished reading the papers of more than 300 candidates and selected the top 10 of them as the talents of this college examination. Li Hao said it in a way, but in fact, he just went to the street to listen to people.

"It seems that this general supervisor is really different and a little interesting!" When Li Hao said this, Li Hua remembered Wang Zigui, who walked around in armor in the examination room yesterday.

"Oh, little brother, let's go quickly! Li Yan and others have been waiting in front of the Education Department for a long time. I came back to call you specially. I missed the moment of release the list when I was late. Li Hao looked at Li Hua's unhurried appearance in front of him and hurriedly pulled Li Hua to the street.

When I arrived at the door of the Education Department, it was amazing. It was full of children and their families who came to see the list, as well as some people who came to see the scene. Li Hao pulled Li Hua through the crowd and came to the front part in front of the education department. Li Yan and the three of them couldn't wait to release the list there.

"How about it? How many have come out? As soon as he saw Li Yan and others, Li Hao asked anxiously. The college examination list will be announced from the tenth place, and at the same time, the test papers of these ten high school talents will be released to convince the public.

"Six have come out, and none of you country bumpkin! Haha..." Before Li Yan could answer, Li Hua and Li Hao heard a very discordant voice. Turning his head, it turned out that the one who made this sound was a follower who shouted next to Ouyanghui yesterday.

Of course, Ouyang Hui was surrounded by his group of follower stars. It seems that they are also waiting to be released.

"Hmm!" Li Hua did not quarrel with them, but stood quietly waiting for the list to be released. I took a look at the six lists that have come out, one of which is one of Ouyang Hui's follower. Although the article is gorgeous, it is only imaginary. After thinking about it slightly, Li Hua was relieved that since the last six articles were at this level, he would definitely be able to enter the top three.

And in a blink of an eye, he looked at Ouyang Hui, who shook his scholar fan, as if he was not anxious about releasing the list at all, and seemed so leisurely and calm. Li Hua knew that he was certainly not bad, and he should be able to enter the top few, but he didn't know who was at the top of his ranking, and who could win the honor of the first place.

Although Li Hua does not care too much about this college examination now, since the reappearance of Yupei, his ambition has shifted from getting merit to seeking immortals. However, Li Hua thought that he should at least fight for his cheap father Li Bai. In front of him, he wanted to frustrate Mr. Ouyang's spirit and vent his anger for Li Hao and others.

"Look, look!"

"The fourth place is out..."

"Don't squeeze..."

While Li Hua was still thinking, the door of the Education Department opened, and an official wearing a top of Jiupin slowly came out of it with a Tongsheng paper in his hand. Standing down, the official picked up the paper and shouted at the top of his voice, "In this college examination, the fourth high school scholar is Li Hao from 'White Deer College' in Lijia Village!"

After the announcement, the officials posted Li Hao's test paper on the board of the announcement, while Li Hao and others below were boiling.

"Great! Brother Yan, Brother Guan, Li Zhao, little brother, I won! I'm a scholar! I'm the fourth... I'm worthy of my parents and Mr. Li! Great... great..." Hearing his fourth scholar in high school, Li Hao cried with joy and danced happily.

"Congratulations, now there is a second scholar in Lijia Village!"

"Brother Hao, you are awesome!"

Although Li Yan and others did not win, they were sincerely happy for Li Hao.

"Isn't it just the fourth place? Do you need to be so happy?" The one who was just making fun of Li Hua and others is now saying sourly with his head down and whispering.

Then, the examiner went in again and announced the third place when he came out. He was a child from Dawang Village.

The most exciting time has come, and the second and first places will be announced. Even Li Hua's heart, which was originally like water, became secretly nervous. He looked at Ouyang Hui beside him. Obviously, he was not as calm as before. The scholar fan he had waved was also folded, held tightly in his hand, and stared at the examiner who came out of the Education Department without squinting.

"In this college examination, the high school scholar, the second place is Ouyang Hui of the 'Ruko School' in Lefeng Township!" After the examiner announced, Ouyang Hui's followers cheered.

However, the expression on Ouyang Hui's face has changed several times. From nervousness at the beginning to happiness, to a sigh of relief, now it has become regret.

"See, Hui Shao won the second place, and I don't know how much better it is than your half-hearted fourth place! And your little child prodigy? Why don't you even get the tenth place?" The follower who just spit out sour words said that after hearing that Ouyang Hui won the second place, there was a feeling of raising his eyebrows and saying to Li Hao.

"Don't be proud. What about the first place in the case? It must be in my little brother's pocket!" Li Hao, who won the fourth place, is full of confidence. Even he can win the fourth place, and the remaining first place must belong to his younger brother Li Hua.

"Don't brag..." When the follower wanted to sarcise a few more words, the examiner who announced the results came out again. This time, the paper in his hand was the first in high school. Everyone's eyes were focused on the examiner this time. Everyone held their breath and wondered who could win the first place.

"The first person who won the first place in this college examination is Li Hua of the 'White Deer School' in Lijia Village."

As soon as the examiner announced, there was still a moment of silence. No one knew who the unknown Li Hua was. Only Li Hua, Li Yan, Li Zhao, Li Hao and Li Guan cheered.

"So...that...that boy... really got the head of the case?" At this time, the man who was just about to continue to laugh at Li Hua's follower was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall down and said with an incredible face.

"Li Hua, right? Interesting, interesting!" Hearing that the first case was led by Li Hua, Ouyang Hui clenched the folding fan in his hand and looked at Li Hua and his group reluctantly. When the examiner pasted Li Hua's test paper in the most eye-catching place, he stared at the song "General's Fu" in Li Hua's test paper, and couldn't help but slowly say its content: "Cang Yan, shoulder armor, angry killing, flying horse... Sad country, thousands of miles of beauty, poor luxury beauty!"